March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Parochial Vicar: In Residence: In Residence: Deacon Deacon Father John Meyers Father Rafael Vargas Father Livinus Ugochukwu Father Rodolfo Vasconcelos Father William Small Stanley M. Zaleski José Hernandez Mass Schedule Sundays: Weekdays: Saturday: Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 Spanish, 12:00 p.m. 6 30 a.m.& 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Brazilian 4 p.m. Vigil, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 12 noon, 7p.m. Spanish & English Confessions: Saturdays 3:00-3:45 p.m. & by Appt. Eucharistic Adoration: Weds 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Parish Offices 5450 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, PA. 19124 Rectory: 215-535-2962 FAX: 215-535-3091 Baptism Contact the priest after Sunday Mass to begin the preparations. Spanish Baptism - 2nd Sunday English Baptism - 4th Sunday Website Webmaster: [email protected] Godparent / Sponsor A person must be registered in the parish for 6 months & be a Catholic in good standing to receive a letter of eligibility. Rectory Office Hours Monday-Wednesday, Friday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM Closed 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Saturday 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Scrip Hours Monday , Wednesday, Friday 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday - Friday Closed 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM Saturday 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Registration We welcome new parishioners to register: After Saturday Vigil or Sunday Masses. Pre-Jordan First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (Spanish) Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (English) Marriage Contact a priest for an appointment immediately upon formal engagement. Wedding dates will only be set after meeting. A minimum 6 months required prior to a wedding. Quinceañeras / Sweet 16 Contact a priest a least 6 months in advance and before committing to a date. Prerequisites: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmations, and attendance at a workshop. Funeral Please have your funeral director contact us directly. Homebound / Hospital To make arrangements for a home or hospital sick visit, contact the rectory. Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday from after the 8:30 Mass until 5:00 PM Confession Every Saturday 3:00—3:45 PM and by appointment Neo-Catechumenal Way Liturgy of the Word Wednesday 7:30 PM Eucharist: Saturday 7:30 PM in the Chapel 162—Saint Martin of Tours Parish Groups Choir Wednesday Evenings 7:30 PM Parish Prayer Groups: English - Monday 8 PM (Lower Sacristy) Spanish - Thursday 7:00 PM (Lower Sacristy) Brazilian - Sunday 7 PM (Upper Church) Sodality Tuesday Mornings following the 8:30 AM Mass in the Chapel. (School Year) Ultreya (Spanish) 7 PM in the chapel on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Senior Citizens Friday 11:00 AM School Hall (School Year) Holy Name Second Sunday of every month 8:00 AM Mass Religious Education Mrs. Becky Español ext. 415 PREP (CCD) - Tuesday Evening 6:45 - 8:00 PM (School Year) St. Martin of Tours Independence Mission School Convent 999 Sanger St. Philadelphia, PA. 19124 215-535-8771 Create a clean heart in me, O God. School Office Mrs. Susan Kedra, 215-535-2962 ext. 420 FAX: 215-533-1579 Principal Sister Ellen Giardino, I.H.M. Tuition & Notary Public Mrs. Sandy Zaleski, ext. 404 Psalm 51 My Dear People, Queridos Feligreses, Our parish Lenten reading, “Made for More” is offered to you to consider a different way of looking at life. To get the most out of this opportunity I encourage you not just to read the chapters, but get together with friends and/or family to talk about it. Someone else may have noticed something you missed, but just breaking the ice by talking together about these things can lead to some life-changing moments for all involved. Nuestra lectura cuaresmal parroquial, "Hechos para Más "se les ha ofrecido para que consideres una forma diferente de ver la vida. Para sacar el máximo provecho de esta oportunidad te animo no sólo leer los capítulos, pero reunirte con amigos y /o familiares para hablar de ello. Alguien más puede haber notado algo que te no te distes cuenta, pero sólo para romper el hielo hablando juntos acerca de estas cosas puede dar lugar a algunos momentos de cambio de vida para todos los involucrados. As with the previous books from the Dynamic Catholic folks that we have offered you, I hope that you will pass it on to others near and far in order that others may also be touched by these timely truths. Of course, the real value in reading and discussing materials like this are the inspirations you get to act differently, applying these new ideas on how you handle your time, attention, and other personal resources as part of life in the Kingdom of God. Fr. John Al igual que en los libros anteriores de las personas católicas dinámicas que le hemos ofrecido, espero que lo pases a otras personas cercanas y lejanas, a fin de que los demás también puedan ser tocados por estas oportunas verdades. Por supuesto, el valor real en la lectura y materiales n discusión de este tipo son las inspiraciones en lo cual se llega a actuar de manera diferente, la aplicación de estas nuevas ideas sobre la forma de manejar su tiempo, atención, y otros recursos personales como parte de la vida en el Reino de Dios. Padre John ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Palm Sunday Saturday, March 28 4:00 PM Mass Gabrielle Brown Arianna Torres Aryelle Charles Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 8:00 AM Mass Anthony Tadeo Vy Le Mikayla Boone Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 10:00 AM Mass Valentin Grieco Liliana Sanchez Ashley Maldonado Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 12 Noon Mass Gabrielle Hoang Tejan Sesay Jordan Borrero Holy Thursday, April 2 7;30 PM Multi-lingual Mass Ines Rivera Maria Nido Nicole Colon Good Friday, April 3 3 PM Service Arianna Torres Gabrielle Hoang 162—St. Martin of Tours SUNDAY, MARCH 22 10:00 Luisa Salce de Torres MONDAY, MARCH 23 6:30 Daniel Hinds (living) 8:30 Brian Euceda for spiritual conversion TUESDAY, MARCH 24 6:30 Peter Gallagher 8:30 Anne Lewis WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 6:30 Brendan McQuillan 8:30 Nancy Cortez for spiritual conversion THURSDAY, MARCH 26 6:30 Special Intentions 8:30 Olga Noelia Nunez for spiritual conversion Good Friday, April 3 6 PM Service Adolfo Orozco Stephanie Euceda FRIDAY, MARCH 27 6:30 Special Intentions 8:30 Matthew Stoebenau 18th anniversary SATURDAY, MARCH 28 8:30 Peter Gallagher 2 .Horas de oficina Rectoría Lunes - Miércoles-Viernes 9:00 AM a 7:00 PM Martes y Jueves 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Cerrado 12:00-12:30p.m. Sábado: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Domingos de 8:30 AM a 1:30 PM Adoración del Santísimo Los miercoles - En la capilla - Después de la misa a las 8:30 A.M. hasta 5:00P.M. Misericordia ! Misericordia! - Bendición a las 5:00 P.M. Inscripción--Para inscribirse como miembro de San Martín de Tours, Deben l hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa a 215-535-2962. Círculo de Oración--Cada jueves a las 7 PM se reúne el grupo de oración en la iglesia. ELIGIBILIDAD Uno que necesita una carta de eligibilidad, tiene que ser inscrito en la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes de pedirla. REGISTRATIÓN Les damos una bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses a nuestra parroquia. Se puede registrarse: después de la misa domencial. BAUTISMO Deben hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa. Deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos en la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautismo de su hijo(a). PADRINO Es necesario ser registrado en la parroquia y ser un católico práctico por lo menos 6 meses antes de que pueda recibir una carta de elegibilidad. HORAS DE TARJETAS DE REGALOS Lunes - Miércoles-Viernes 10:00 A.M.—6:30 P.M. Martes y Jueves10 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Sábado 3:00 P.M.—5:30 P.M. Domingo 9:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M. BODAS Llame a un sacerdote para hacer una cita tan pronto que se hayan comprometido. Es necesario que se reúnan con un sacerdote para obtener una fecha. Se requieren 6 meses para hacer preparativos. FUNERALES Nuestro personal de la rectoría estará dispuesto asistirles para hacer los arreglos para la misa. Favor de pedir que el director de la funeraria nos llame también. QUINCEAÑERAS / SWEET 16 Favor de comunicarse con un padre por lo menos con 6 meses adelantado y antes de que decida una fecha. Pre-requisitos: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación y hay que asistir a un taller. HOSPITALES y ASILOS de ANCIANOS Para hacer cita para hospitales, casas o asilos de ancianos para personas enfermas, favor de comunicarse con la rectoría. ******************************************************************************************** SPECIAL INTENTION PRAYER LIST Eileen Andrews, Mary Ellen Atwell, Baby Kara, Sincera Barba, Kristina Bauer, Kevin Beck, Mary Anna Beck, Howe Benner, Maggie Benner, Donna Brown, Eileen Brown, Patricia Burkart, Anita & Eugene Burns, , Denise Calvy, Baby Patrick Carlettini, , Deborah Caruso, Mary Cashman, Anna Cepparulo, John Cody, Rose Marie Cushman, Carol Delmont, Margaret Derricks, Josephine DiRaddo, Frank Dougherty, John Dubek, Joe and Linda Duffy, Joan Dungan, Arthur Dustman, John Dustman, Adele Ehmann, Marie Evans, James Eveland, Kathleen Famigletti, Jim Foley, Michael Foley, Angelina Gilorma, Nicole Goodwin, Gerardo Gomez, Anthony Gross, Jim Haines, John Haines, Margie Haines, Michael Haines, Audrey Harley, Joyce Harley, James Harley, Kathleen Harrison, Lucille Hassett, Scott Heffert, Denise Helmuth, Aida Hernandez, Thomas Hickey, Anne Hill, William Holden, Shawn Horn, Tom Horn, Ashe Hosein, Evans Hosein, Joshua Hosein, Tara Hosein, Carolyn Humphries, John Humphries, Mary Humphries, Gina Kahn, Linda Kammer, Barbara Knapp, Robert Knobbs, Daniel & Kathy Laverty, Frances Lawton, Nicole Leposki, Peter F. Lyden, Baby William Daniel Maier, William McCracken, Joseph McDermott, Joe Mersheran, Jennifer McNamara, Rosemary Meehan, Rusty Messiner, Fran Mitchell, Anna Morgan, Karen Morrissey, Michael Mills, Doris & Paul W. Olley, Pat &Carmella Pace, Christine Rajkowski, Cathy Ranaldi, Dennis Ranaldi, Diane Ricci, Daniel Rohrbach Jr., Carole Schepis, Julie Ann Seiler, Charles Senick, Bob Scheetz, Joan Shiffler, Benny Shirk, Hugh Simon, Sabrina Simpson, Gerry Sipps, Theresa Smith-Dingas, Tiyuana Smith, Bill Snow, Sharon Snow, Judy Spinelli, Delores Stevenson, Michelle Strain, Joseph Taylor, Nelly, Jose R. & Virginia Tuma, John Udvich, Connie Ulrich, Ulrich twins, Lisa Van Horn, Narciso Varela, Sharon Walker, Georgia Wardlaw, Diane Wellington, Louise Wittman, Baby Madison Woltemate, Albert Zachwieja, Johnny Zachwieja, Brian Zaleski 162—St. Martin of Tours MILITARY LIST We remember all our Military Personal who are serving our country. May God bless you and keep you safe. Major Richard Alsdorf Jr. A.F. Stevielynn Brown, Tex. Sgt. James T. Butterly, SSGT James Carey, Sr. Airman Michelle Carey, A.F.Tech Sergeant Daniel Colon, PFC, PRI. Robert Dooner, LC Luke Flanagan, Airman Richard P. Kirk III , Major Thomas McAvoy, Lewis (Kip) Moore, Corporal Sam Quintana, Marieeliana Russo, Chief Petty Officer Jered Sasen U.S.N., Nicholas Serrato, Staff Sgt. Andrew Sickel, SFC. Jose L. Vera, Jeffrey J. Wallen, SSG Christopher Weber, SFC Matthew Weber GOD BLESS OUR UNITED STATES MILITARY! CAN YOU HELP? We are in need of cooks to prepare food trays for the needy of the parish. If you have a leftover meal (particularly meals other than pork) and want to donate it, pick up trays in church and bring the filled tray to the rectory. If you can help with this outreach please call the rectory and leave your phone number and someone will contact you. DECEASED Please remember the deceased in your prayers. May they rest in the peace of Christ. Victor Monaco Mary D’Ambrosio 3 HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 PM Multi-lingual Mass & Procession GOOD FRIDAY 3 PM (English), 6 PM (Spanish), 8 PM (Brazilian) HOLY SATURDAY 11 AM : Blessing of Easter Food 8 PM : Easter Vigil Mass Portrayal of the Living Stations All are welcome to attend the seventh graders’ presentation of the Living Stations on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:00 pm in the upper Church. Our seventh graders and their teachers have been practicing over the past few weeks to help everyone prepare for the holiest of weeks in the Church year. We hope you will join us! WEEKLY COLLECTIONS: March 15, 2015 * Church Maintenance **Archdiocesan 4:00 pm $1540.69 *$37.00 **$11.00 12:00 pm. $1818.49 *$54.00 **$175.00 8:00 am $1515.10 *$37.00 **$75.00 Neo-Cat $154.00 *$0.00 **$0.00 10:00 am $2062.00 *$48.00 **$24.00 Rectory $1181.34 *$75.00 **$47.00 50/50: $220.00 TOTAL COLLECTIONS : $ 9071.15 During the Season of Lent, in addition to confessions on Saturdays at 3 pm, confessions will be heard before each Sunday Mass up until Palm Sunday. Many parishes also have confessions from 7-8pm on Wednesday evenings. This is an alternative to that plan. FAST AND ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF PENANCE FOR LENT 2015 The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. All the faithful are encouraged, when possible to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. All are encouraged to participate in Operation Rice Bowl which has aided countless hungry persons here in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and our world. Safe Environment Training Saint Martin of Tours is hosting a Safe Environment Training Session for those individuals that are involved with any organization in the parish such as the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, CYO, and the PREP and also SMT school. Please note that no one under the age of 18 can attend. Date: March 23, 2015 Time: 6:00 P.M. to 8: 30 P.M. Place: School Gym Those interested in attending MUST Pre-register online at If you have any questions, please call Art Kahn at 215-535-2962 X403. “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD DECLARED UNTO MARY, AND SHE CONCEIVED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” Let us, each member of this parish, unite our hearts in this prayer each day, beginning on March 25,2015 (The Feast of the Annunciation), to save our pre-born brothers and sisters. “JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. I BEG YOU TO SPARE THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN CHILD THAT I HAVE SPIRITUALLY ADOPTED WHO MAY BE IN DANGER OF ABORTION.” Prayer By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen We are not helpless against the demon of abortion. Through parayer and trust in God, we can do all things. 162—St. Martin of Tours 4 On Thursday, March 19, 2015, our parish welcomed Bishop Senior who conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on Fifty-eight students of our parish school and PREP programs. We congratulate these students, their families, sponsors and teachers! May the blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen them as they continue their faith journey as young adults in our parish! CONFIRMANDAE Gracey Maria Alexandre Arianna Catherine Cabrera Katherine Gregory Camilo Celesse Guadalupe Ceron Aryelle Theresa Charles Dayanalis Veronica Colon Brianna Genesius Delacruz Victoria Cecilia Delgado Veronica Veronica Garzon Delayla Marie Graulau Erika Julia Huacon Camille Rose Ibardolasa Sasha Cecilia Lee Briana Cecilia Marin Lynette Dolores Navarro Shantal Teresa Nuñez Dernaly Valentine Peralta Azlyn William Perry Kimberly Margarita Prosper Mia Elizabeth Rettberg Ines Katherine Rivera Cynthia Altagracia Rodriguez Karina Veronica Salas Glenda Elizabeth Santiago Mariah Therese Sori Bianca Teresa Tigre Jasmine Abigail Vazquez Kimberly Veronica Vazquez Leslie John Vazquez Naja Nicole Vega CONFIRMANDI Darin Servan Bennett-Haggerty Jordan Alphonso Borrero Oliver Anthony Brito Jhon Sebastian Buestan Jeury Anthony Camilo Gael Martha Campos Diogo John Paul Castillo Juniel Jude Chavez Cesar Lorenzo Deramos Michael John Eniola Ryan Matthew Fusco Charles George Hoffman Cameron Christopher James Jason Luke Nilsen William Michael O'Shea Steven Stephen Peralta Christian Valentine Rodriguez Antonio John Romero Gavin Francis Secora Tejan Pio Sesay John Michael Steinmetz Anthony Luke Tadeo Justin Matthew Tejada Jeremy Sebastian Tejeda Tomas Sebastian Vallejo Raul Francis Velez-Ferrer Joel Michael Vinas Mateo Matthew Yunga 3-14-15 = Pi Day 2015! On March 13th the 8th Grade anticipated the celebration of the number Pi (3.14) with several Math activities. Students worked together to construct a number chain that represented Pi to 1,000 digits. Each color represented a different number. They carried the chain to the schoolyard, forming a circle to demonstrate the infinity of the digits…and also formed the symbol for Pi! The students also competed in a Pi recitation contest with the top 3 from each room winning their own “edible” pie! Another memorable day for our soon-to-be graduates to take with them to High School! On March 1, 2015, Saint Martin of Tours Parish Children’s Ministry sponsored a LENTEN GATHERING FOR CHILDREN. The children participated in the Stations of the Cross and made their very own Crown of thorns with clay. 162—St. Martin of Tours 5 JOSEPH A. QUINN, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS S.W. 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