Page 2 St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church AUGUST 3—AUGUST 9, 2015 The Mass intention book is located in the Parish Administration Office. Intentions for person(s) may be entered once per month. Please PRINT CLEARLY! (Letra de imprenta) Intentions may have to be moved if it is necessary to change the Mass Schedule. Monday, August 3: 12noon Arthur Hernandez †Aguedita Rangel †Reynaldo G. Rios Jr. †Lydia G. Garcia Tuesday, August 4: 8AM: Communion Service Wednesday, August 5: 6PM: †Jayne Strickland Thursday, Auugst 6: 8AM: Gussie Barnett Lorraine Wiatrek Ryan Joseph Moy-Birthday †Mike Stieffer Friday, August 7: 8AM: †Joe & Annie Moy †Edwin & Frank Janysek †Anton & Cecilia Gawlik †Regina, Irma, Sally, Mary Ann †Vangie & Amy Gawlik †Ambrose & Roman Gawlik †Victor & Emily Keller †Alois, Irene, James Wiatrek †Edwin & Frank Janysek Special Intention Saturday, August 8: 6PM †Carlos J. Castañeda †Mechler Family †Dorothy & David Mechler †Armando Flores †Cynthia Astudillo †Bea Cortinas †Rafaela Cortinas Sunday, August 9: 8AM,10AM (Spanish), 10AM, 12Noon, 6pm Mass †Tommy Moy †Mike Sr. & Janie Guerra Gonzaba †Adolph & Carmen Cirlos †Tiburcio Castoreno †Harley & Allen †Alphonso Beza †Jesse Dominguez †Agustin Villagomez †Raul & Maria Reyna †Consuelo Zapien †Francisco Zapien †Hector Villagómez †Gerardo Villagómez †Rosalee Martinez Jose Luis Olmos READINGS FOR WEEK OF AUG 3—AUG 9, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21 Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51:3-7, 12-13; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 Friday: Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16, 21; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; Mt 17:14-20 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-9; Eph 4:30 — 5:2; Jn 6:41-51 WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY Margaret Abrego Manuel & Elizabeth Huizar August 2, 2015 COFFEE TODAY FREE OF CHARGE Join us for coffee and fellowship after the 8:00 AM mass in the school cafeteria. The coffee will be hosted by the Men’s Club. REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Unlike mortals, angels do not die. Nor do they need to eat or drink. Without corruptible bodies, they live eternally with God. But the psalm for today describes the manna that the Israelites ate in the desert as “the bread of angels” (78:25). As the first reading tells us, it seemed to them that it came down from heaven every night. Through the manna, God gave them life when death seemed imminent. Through the manna, their faith in God’s eternal care for them was revived. In the case of the Israelites, they received life by eating the bread from heaven. And the life they were given allowed them to believe. In the case of the disciples of Jesus it’s the other way around. We must believe in Jesus as “the true bread from heaven” (John 6:32) in order to receive the eternal life that he provides. —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Collection July 25 & 26, 2015: $ 8,779.50 The second collection this weekend is for St. MM’s Altar Society. ATTENTION ALL MINISTRIES Father Jimmy is asking that all meetings last no more than two hours. This includes ACTS, Men’s Club, Pastoral & Finance Councils, Women at the Well and other ministries. MASS AND ANNOINTING SERVICE FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 2015 @ 12:15 PM IN CHURCH AUGUST INFANT/CHILD BAPTISMS FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE SCHEDULE OF PRIESTS CELEBRATING MASS NEXT WEEKEND. Sat Aug 8: Sat Aug 8: Sun Aug 9: Spanish Mass St. Catherine St. M.M. St .M.M. 5 PM Confessions 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 NOON 6:00 PM Fr. Ivan Rohloff Fr. Ivan Rohloff Fr. Philip Ley Fr. Philip Ley Fr. Jim Chambers Fr. Bill Mc Namara Fr. David Garcia Parents must come for an interview at the church office on Wednesday, August 12, 2015. By appointment only. Please call the church office at 532-6309 for information on the documents needed before the interview. Parents may select for their children to be baptized Sunday, August 23, 2015 at the 10:00 AM Mass (Spanish) or the 12 Noon Mass (English). Auguat 2, 2015 Interested in becoming a Catechist???? Share your love, knowledge and joy with children or adults. For more info Contact Linda Rubio 532-6309 [email protected] Parish News CCD REGISTRATION Registration is now ongoing at the church office and in August after the 8am, 10am, and 12 noon Masses. To register, pick up a packet at the church office or register online at: Please turn in packet with copy of Birth certificate and Baptism certificate. SPANISH BIBLE STUDY Our Bible study in Spanish is Mondays at 7:00 pm at the Activity Center. Everyone welcome. On August 3rd, we will read and analyze chapter eleven in the book of Genesis. What does the Tower of Babel have to do with us? Come and help us find that out. For questions or comments, contact Hugo Sapien at 210 922 1849 or [email protected]. ST. MARGARET MARY CYO SOCCER & VOLLEYBALL REGISTRATION (Soccer Ages 3 -13. Volleyball Ages 6 -13.) August 5, 2015, and August 6, 2015 6:00-7:30 @ SMM activity center MUST LIVE IN SMM PARISH, ATTEND SMM SCHOOL, OR BE A REGISTERED SMM PARISHIONER. REGISTER EARLY AS SOME EXCEPTIONS MAY APPLY. PROOF OF RESIDENCY, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, AND $85 REGISTRATION FEE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL [email protected] CATOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE (August 28-29, 2015) The conference will be held at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio. This 14th annual “Spa for the Soul” includes Mass with Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-SILLER, outstanding speakers, Reconciliation, a Eucharistic Healing Service, and much more! Our society needs the gifts that only women can bring, and women need to know their true dignity and femininity as designed by God. Pick up a brochure, registger at or call Pilgrim Center of Hope (210 521-3377. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SCOUTING IN CUB SCOUT PACK-177 AND BOY SCOUT TROOP 177 OF ST. MARGARET MARY Tiger Scouts —1st –4th Grade Cub Scouts —5th Grade Boy Scouts —11 years to 18 years Contact: Cubs—Mrs. Dorothy Graschel (210) 872-6761 Boy Scouts—Mr. Manuel Gradillas (210) 532-2763 Page 4 Parish News August 2, 2015 CAESAREA / NAZARETH / GALILEE / CANA SEA OF GALILEE / CAPERNAUM MT. BEATITUDES / MOUNT TABOR / JERICO / BETHLEHEM / JERUSALEM BETHANY / MASSADA / DEAD SEA INFORMATION NIGHT THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015—7:00 P.M. AT THE ACTIVITY CENTER. August 2, 2015 Parish News Page 5 Page 6 Parish News MAY WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS Andrew Perusquia Janie Kellner Elisa Garza Leonor Arredondo Cecilia Desoto Gina Cortez Larry Cortez Aurora Delgado Raul Ramirez Noemi Gonzales Robert Linn Minnie Reyna Erick Cavazos Ramon Garza Cristella Barela John Michael Azik Martinez Baby Ellie Keen Philip Ledwig Neena Cortinas Mason Leibham Phoenix Martinez Oscar Martinez Yolanda Marrett George Antuna Joe Ortiz Kathy Bendele Tony Rodriguez Graciela Reyes Maria Garza Brook Sprague Kathy Zigmond Sylvia Martinez Tony Patterson Robert D. Flores Margarita Gonzalez Mary L. Esquivel Jean Phillips Clara Jackson M/M Gabriel Soto Marisela Garza Mary Juarez Jennifer Valdez Balthazar Tejeda Phoenix Martinez Ida Lynn Defily Fred Casanova Clara Lujan Ruben Garza Flo & Elmer Keller Valentina Garcia Carmen Medrano Estafana Garza Deborah Villarreal Richard Lawson Ana Garansuay Ruben Sanchez Elia Cardenas Laylon Klein Oscar & Becky Alvarado Fred Gamez Mary Gamez Phillip Maldonado Jennifer Cavazos Charlie McDowell James Edward Markham Ann Margaret Cervantes Anita Reyna Andrew & Tillie Janowski M/M Tony Martinez Walter Pesina Kimberly Smith Alice Castillo Rafaela Morlandt Deanna Wolff Michael Steven Casanova Eddie Sanchez Sandra Reyes Samantha Stewart Michael & Lorena Gamez Ava Graham Isabel Nuncio Erica April Gutierrez M/M Santana Velasquez James Oliva Tina Ruibe Note: Names remain on the prayer list for two weeks. If you or your loved one need to remain for a longer time, please contact the church office, 532-6309. We extend sympathy to and hold in our prayers the family of our parishioners who died: Pedro Zamora Raymond Casias Archbishop’s Appeal 2015 For those who have not yet contributed to the Archbishop’s Appeal, please reflect upon the importance of your charitable involvement and prayerfully consider making a gift to the Appeal to help our parish and the Archdiocese meet their goal and be able to fund the very important work carried out by the many ministries supported by the Appeal. To learn more about the impact of our support to the appeal, visit Archbishop Appeal goal is $4,500,000. August 2,2015 2015 Upcoming Events Thurs—8/6/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Saturday, 8/29/15 Retiro de un dia de la Mujer Samaritana Thurs—9/3/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Thurs.-Sun., 9/3-6/15 Men’s English Retreat Thurs.-Sun., 10/1-4/15 Women’s Spanish Retreat Thurs—10/1//15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering *Saturday, 10/24/15 School Carnival Thurs—11/5/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm 7:00 pm SPANISH PRAYER GROUP St. Anthony of Padua invites you to pray for your whole family. Is a member of your family sick, have problems? Are you sad? Join us in praise and prayer because only Jesus can help you. Meetings every Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM at St. Catherine Chapel, 2202 Hicks St. For more information, call Cristina at (210) 268-5466. ENTHRONEMENT OF THE SACRED HEART A team of lay ministers and a deacon will visit your home. Prayers are said with the purpose of consecrating your home and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information, contact Robert or Delia Zarate at 648-0567. SHIELD OF ROSES: This ministry prays for the reparation of sins of abortion on Saturdays, from 10-11am in the Adoration Chapel of St. MM Church. FUNERAL MINISTRY “God gave us eternal life. What are we prepared to give Him?” REMINDER When you make a donation to the church, not using tithing envelopes with your account number, please remember to include your name and address on the envelope you are using. If you receive tithing envelopes in the mail please do not forget to use them. The Funeral Ministry needs you. Volunteers prepare the church at least one hour before the funeral. Sample duties include: ¡ unlocking church doors; ¡ turning on church lights, air conditioner or heater; ¡ Lighting altar candles; ¡ Assisting funeral guests, funeral directors, celebrants and deacons. LEGION OF MARY: Looking for new members. If interested call 592-7527 or 419-1922. Meetings are held on Thursdays, 5:30PM at Gevers Hall. If you are 18 years of age, a registered member of St. Margaret Mary, and are interested in this ministry, please call Grace Luna at (210)9701233 or email at [email protected]. August 2, 2015 Parish News Clases de Doctrina en Español Clases Comienzan el Domingo 13 de Septiembre 5 a 18 años 3 maneras de inscribirse Oficina de la Iglesia Lunes a Viernes 8:00 AM—5:00 PM Después de Misas durante el mes de Agosto Costo de Inscribirse: $50 primer niño $20 cada niño adicional Clases comienzan con Misa de 10:00 AM y clase después hasta 12:45 PM Estas interesada en ser Catequista??? Comunicarse con Linda Rubio o Luis Garcia al 532-6309 para más detalles. ATENCIÓN TODOS LOS MINISTERIOS El Padre Jimmy está pediendo que todas las juntas no duren más de dos horas. Estó incluye ACTS, Men’s Club, Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Guadalupanas, Hispanic Ministry, Ministero de la Mujer Samaritana, y otros ministerios. 2015 CAMPAÑA DEL ARZOBISPO Por favor, reflexione sobre la importancia de su participación caritativa y considere en el su oración si puede hacer una donación a la Campaña del Arzobispo. De esta manera, estará ayudando tanto a nuestra parroquia como a la Arquidiócesis a alcanzar su meta y así poder financiar el importante trabajo realizado por los muchos ministerios apoyados por la Campaña. Para más información del impacto de los ministerios visite el sitio en internet de la Campaña a La meta total es $4,500,000 y la meta de nuestra parroquia es de $32,600. Page 7 ESTUDIO DE LA BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL Nuestro estudio de la Biblia en español se lleva a cabo los lunes a las 7:00 pm en el Centro de Actividades (Activity Center). Todos son bienvenidos. Este tres de agosto leeremos y analizaremos el capítulo once del libro de Génesis. ¿Que tiene la Torre de Babel con nosotros? Ven y ayúdanos a investigarlo. Para preguntas o comentarios, ponerse en contacto con Hugo Sapién al 210 922 1849 o [email protected]. Los esperamos. INSCRIPCIONES PARA BAUTISMOS / ENTREVISTAS MIERCOLES 12 DE AGOSTO, 2015 Las inscripciones y entrevistas son el segundo miércoles de cada mes únicamente con cita previa. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita al (210) 532-6309. MISA Y UNICIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS VIERNES, 7 DE AGOSTO 2015 EN LA IGLESIA A LAS 12:15 PM GRUPO DE ORACIÒN EN ESPAÑOL San Antonio de Padua le invita a orar por toda su Familia. Nos reunimos cada martes de 7 a 9 de la noche en la capilla de Santa Catarina en el 2202 De la calle Hicks. Para más información llame a Cristina al 210 268 5466. RETIRO DE UN DIA DE LA MUJER SAMARITANA PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN POR FAVOR LLAME A: DORA REVELES 210 394 8565 MAGDA TORRES 210 7810393
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