ST. JAMES THE LESS CHURCH COLUMBUS, OHIO MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 6—12 MONDAY—ST. BRUNO, PRIEST BLESSED MARIE ROSE DUROCHER, VIRGIN 7:00 Bill Horn Bill & Gerry Richards & Al & Julia Pugliese TUESDAY—OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY 7:00 Maridell Hayes Tim & Judy Dougherty (wed anniv) WEDNESDAY— NO MORNING MASS THURSDAY—ST. DENIS BP. & COMPANIONS ST. JOHN LEONARDI, PRIEST 10:30 Lee & Mayer Families David Yonek FRIDAY— 10:30 Intentions of Fr. Pat, Sr. Pat and Phyllis Durgham SATURDAY—ST. JOHN XXIII, POPE 4:30 Steve DeVol Intentions of Mary J. Trufant 6:00 For the Parish SUNDAY— TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 Joe Rathaus (birth 9:30 Por la salud de mi esposo y todos los enfermos 11:00 Eva Castrodale (birth0 David Yonek 12:30 Holy Souls in Purgatory OFFERTORY COLLECTION (Las Ofrendas): For the week ending September 28, 2014 Weekly Offertory (291) Envelopes……….…… $4,338.00 Offertory (Loose checks & money)……………....$994.82 Total…………………………………………….$5,332.82 MARTHAS (Grupos de Limpieza): October 11—Group G. October 18—Group H. GREETER SCHEDULE—OCTOBER 11/12: 4:30 8:00 11:00 Fersch,B Jackson,E Dougherty,J&T Wright,B Ostapuck,L October's regular 1st Monday Holy Hour will be Oct 6, from 6-7 pm. We will be saying a rosary before our quiet time of prayer. October is the month of the Rosary and Respect Life. Bring a friend to share in these graces of spending time before our Lord . OCTOBER 5, 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 PDHC BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN 8:08 AM Parish School of Religion 10:00 AM ESL Classes MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 6:00 PM Holy Hour 7:00 PM Baptismal Classes 7:00 PM Prayer Group TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 6:30 PM Parish Council Meeting 6:30 PM Confessions in Spanish 7:00 PM Spanish Mass 7:30 PM Folk Group Rehearsal WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Leadership training for Latinos 7:30 PM Men’s Bible Study THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 7:00 PM R.C.I.A. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 7:00 PM Renovacíon SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 3:30 PM Confessions in English SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 8:08 AM Parish School of Religion 10:00 AM ESL Classes 4:00 PM Youth Group Meeting LECTORS FOR OCTOBER 11/12: 4:30 8:00 11:00 Smolak,M Woods,B Nash,J MINISTERS OF COMMUNION - OCTOBER 11/12: 4:30 8:00 11:00 Nance,C Coomes,J Shields,MA Nance,G Coomes,J Curry,P Kessel,T Hayes,M Morin,B Poku,A Metzger,B Ogbuehi,C&C Slaughter,L&T Siebold,C Sipos,T Southall,K ALTAR SERVERS FOR OCTOBER 11/12: 4:30 8:00 11:00 Mendoza,N Taye,S Schmitz,J Obert,S Yawe,M Smolak,A Stiles,C Zehala,M Wallace,M La Hora Santa para Octubre será el lunes, 6 de octubre, de 6 a 7 pm. El siguiente día es la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario así que diremos el rosario antes de nuestro tiempo de silencio. Octubre es el mes del Rosario y Respeto a la Vida. Traiga a un amigo para compartir en la gracia de estar delante de nuestro Señor en el Santísimo. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BAPTISMS IN OUR PARISH: El sábado 20 de septiembre, 2014, los siguientes niños fueron bautizados: Omar Bucio Gomez, hijo de Homero Bucio y Modesta Gomez; Rafael Gutierrez, hijo de Rafael Gutierrez y Angelica Reyes; Gil Isaias Maya Hinojosa, hijo de Gildardo Maya y Clara Hinojosa; y Kenia NonatoVelazquez, hija de Eduardo Nonato y Laura Velazquez. ¡Felicitaciones a todos! Prayer Line—If you or a family member are in need of prayers, call Anita Frickey at (268-3828) with your request for our prayer line. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY The Fall men’s bible study will start on Weds., Oct. 15—7:30 –9 :00 pm. We will be studying the Pslams. Using the Little Rock Scripture Study materials, the study is discussion-based. We have lively discussions. Hope you can join us and learn about the bible. For more information, call Dave Frickey at 268-3828. Friendship Club Luncheon: Don’t forget we are having our luncheons in the newly renovated Ministry Center. Our luncheons are for seniors 55 and older in our parish or neighborhood. We have a lunch followed by Bingo and raffles. Our new lunch time for the 2014-15 season is 11:30 am until 1:45 pm. OUR NEXT LUNCHEON IS TUESDAY, OCT. 14! Your name must be on our sign up list! We will be purchasing lunches for only the number of signed up participants. You must call and put your name on the list. Call Susie Latham at 267-4350. Please SIGN UP BY SUNDAY, Oct. 12! Parking for our lunches will be behind the Ministry Center on the west parking lot. Join us in the fun! We will be celebrating Respect Life Month. Be sure to wear your favorite college or profesional sport shirt to our luncheon! PHDC BABY BOTTLE COLLECTION: Please grab a baby bottle after Masses this weekend in honor of Respect Life month. Pray for women in crisis pregnancies and those affected by abortion as you fill the bottle with your loose change, cash or check. The bottles will be collected the weekend of October 25th and 26th. The money raised goes directly to providing the life-saving services offered at Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC). Por favor cojan una botella de bebe después de las misas en honor del mes del Respeto a la Vida. Oren por las mujeres en embarazos críticos y aquellas afectadas por el aborto cuando están llenando la botella con sus monedas, dólares o cheques. Las botellas se recogerán el fin de semana del 25 y 26 de octubre. El dinero recogido va directamente a proporcionar los servicios para salvar vidas ofrecidos por el Centro de Salud y Decisión de Embarazo (PDHC). Here's a HEADS-UP to mark your October calendar for Sunday Oct 19th, 2-4 pm. This is the time St. James the Less has to participate in the National campaign of 40 Days for Life, to bring continuous prayer to local abortion clinics. The prayer vigil will be held at Founder's Women's Health Care. 1243 E Broad St, parking is on the side street, no charge. The Respect Life Committee here at St James deliberately selects a Sunday afternoon, so most of you, our parishoners, will be free from work schedules so you can join in showing your support for LIFE! This is a prayerful, non-confrontation, peaceful display of SUPPORT for LIFE. You do not have to stay for the entire 2 hours, come for any amount of time you wish to make as a sacrifice. Blessed Mother has repeatedly asked for more prayer, fasting and sacrifices... we will be glad to see you on Oct 19th, 2-4 pm! Esto es un aviso para que marquen su calendario para el día domingo 19 de octubre, 2-4pm. Este es el momento en que nuestra parroquia participa en la campaña Nacional de 40 Días en favor de la Vida, y de ofrecer oración continua para las clínicas locales de aborto. La vigilia empezará en Founder’s Women’s Health Care, 1243 E. Broad St. Y puede estacionarse en la calle del lado, sin pagar. El Comité de Respeto a la Vida aquí en St. James escoge una tarde en domingo porque muchos de ustedes quizás estén libres de sus trabajos y se puedan unir a apoyarnos para la VIDA! Puede venir a orar por el tiempo que quiera delante de la clínica entre esas 2 horas cuando otros feligreses de St.James estén allí. Nuestra querida Santa Madre ha pedido repetidamente mas oración, ayuno y sacrificios. Nos alegrará verlos el 19 de octubre, de 2-4 pm.
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