Cathedral of Saint Peter 409 North 15th Street CATHEDRAL STAFF: Father Harry Schneider, Pastor Father Bill Bruning, Pastoral Help Rev. Mr. Michael Hill, Deacon Michael Rebout, Parish Acolyte Judith Breton, SOR Director Matthew Winterhalter, Choir Director, Organist Mary Kay Traffis, Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris Traffis, Hall Manager Parish Office and Priest Residence 371-0840 Fax Number 371-2345 Parish Center 371-8101, Ext. 225 Web Site Resurrection School 371-8101 Lynda Higgins, Principal Kansas City, Kansas 66102 SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday Sunday 4:00 p.m. 9:00, 11:00 a.m.,12:45 pm (Spanish) & 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon., Wed., Fri. Tues., Thur., Sat. Rosary Mon. through Sat. 6:45 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 7:50 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Check Schedule inside NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. or anytime by appointment. MARRIAGES: Please contact Fr. Schneider at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are arranged through the Pastor. To make arrangements, contact the Parish Office, 371-0840. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri) BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday noon. SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MRS. JUDITH BRETON, SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Director of Religious Education THURSDAY, 11-1PM If you need information about Totus-Tuus or SOR please call 913-433-4786 or e-mail to [email protected] MONDAY, JULY 20 6:45 am TUESDAY, JULY 21 8:15 am Bishop John Baptiste Meige PRAYER LINE Parish Prayer Line number is 913-621-3315 WEDNESAY, JULY 22 6:45 am THURSDAY. JULY 23 8:15 am Louise Mae Schmitz FRIDAY, JULY 24 6:45 am Paul Serrano, Jr SATURDAY,JULY 25 8:15 am Bishop James O’Reillhy 4:00 pm Margaret Czuczeko VACATION– Welcome back Father Schneider Hope your vacation was restful and relaxing. SUNDAY,JULY 26 9:00 am Ed Mayfield 11:00am 12:45 pm 5:00 pm Parishioners PRAY THE ROSARY FOR PEACE! 450 families have been assigned envelopes (Funds available for expenses) 2014-2015 *6,497.15 *6,005.59 JULY 5 12 2013-2014 7,777.20 5,644.21 *405..00 Non-Parishioner * 777.73 Plate *4,822.86 Adults Envelopes Thanks to all who used their envelopes. 123 who used their envelopes last weekend. HEAVENLY DUSTERS Amy Maloy AND Sally Campion CONGRATULATIONS TO BILL AND NANCY BURNS ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY THIS JULY 19. COFFEE AND DONUTS AFTER 9, 11 AND 12:45PM MASSES TODAY HOSETED BY FALL FESITVAL COMMITTEE PICK UP YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS DONATE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN ROYALS TICKETS HAVE A GREAT CUP OF COFFEE ENJOY A DONUT VISIT WITH FRIENDS. JULY 19, 2015 MAKE A NOTE!! The Parish Center will be unavailable from July 19 through and including July 26th. The floors will be refinished for the up-coming school year. Walls and windows will be cleaned. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF ASSIGNMENTS June 28, bulletin had wrong information SERVERS FOR THE WEEKDAYS-8:15 a.m. MASS MEN OF THE PARISH FATHER KAPAUN JEEP MASS Join in celebration of the life and ministry of Father Kapaun. Fr. Emil Kapaun was a Kansas Priest and Korean War hero from Pilsen who led an extraordinary life and is on the road to sainthood. Fr. Kapaun, Servant of God, pray for us. Check this web site for more details about Father Kapaun's life: The Mass will promptly take place on August 1, 2015 outdoors at the beautiful Prairie Star Ranch at 7:15 p.m. Gates open at 6:00. Bring a lawn chair and water. The Mass and proceeding tours are hosted by Camp Tekakwitha and Prairie Star Ranch. Who is Invited: All Catholics in the Archdiocese and those devoted to Fr. Kapaun With special guests: Veteran Priests including Army Celebrant Fr. Peter Jaramillo Members of Fr. Kapaun's Cause for Sainthood from Wichita T-Xtreme Campers, counselors and parents Archdiocesan Seminarians Camp alumni campers and Staff Veterans Groups Catholic Committee on Scouting and all Catholic Scouts Korean Catholic Community Knights of Columbus Music by: Michael James Mette-Air Force Veteran More details WYANDOTTE COUNTY PREGNANCY CLINIC 913-287-8287 OR Post-Abortion Help and Healing: For State of Kansas or their toll free number is: 1-800-395-HELP or 1-800-395-4357 Kansas City Metro Area: Project Rachel– a women’s recovery program and Project Joseph– a men’s recover program Contact Patricia Klausner at: or toll free 1-888-246-1504 National Office: or toll free 1-800-5WE CARE. Or SATURDAY, July 25 4:00 pm Server: Dominic Kraly Lector: Janice Kraly Ministers Michael Kraly, Lorene Rychlec, Wayne Todd Greeters: Ushers Music: Tom Grelinger, David White SUNDAY, July 26 9:00 AM Servers: Seth Lyons, Nick and Katherine Kashka Lector: Katie Hill Ministers: Deacon Hill, Mollie Hill, Susie George Greeters: Sally Campion, Mary Sue Sixta Music: Ginger Hill, David Weir 11:00 am Servers: ,Mackenize, Cowan, Audrey Hentges, Salvador Mendez Lector: David Walter Ministers: Nick & Paula Reveles, Lynne Serrano Greeters: Esther Buso, Virginia Helliker Music: Matthew Winterhalter, Monica Brentano 12:45 pm Servers: Tanya Franco, Luis Martinez, Pedro Galvez Lectors: Marisa Mamahua, Paty Vela Ministers: Carmen & Gerardo Oregel, Josefina Cabanas Greeters: Jose Flores, Jesus Sarmiento, Rosa Sarmeinto , Roberto Galvez, Tomas Espinoza Fernando Martinez 5:00 pm Servers: Beckett Cummings Lector: Dan Norris Ministers: Kimberely & Kevin Kenny, Jan McMillian Music: Patty Ingraham, Brian McKiernan Roberta Von Fange,, Grace Altenhofen Greeters: Ushers IF YOU CAN HELP AT THE 5PM MASS THAT WOULD BE GREAT. SOME WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE THEIR ASSISGMENT. **************************************************** NEW SCHEDULE WAS DONE THIS WEEK July 6. It begins with July 18 and go through August 16. IT WAS EMAILED TO EVERYONE ON JULY 6 ALSO, **************************************************** FALL FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 19 5-9 PM DONUTS AND COFFEE HOSTED BY THE FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE TODAY IN PARISH CENTER 07-19-2015 Pick up your raffle tickets and make a donation to win Royals tickets. Items needed: Silent auction items Monetary Donations to fund Taco Dinner Prizes for games Parishioners to be a part of the committee Parishioners to commit to running a booth and finding volunteers Eggs cleaned and in cartoons for confetti eggs. Toys for all ages Deadline for donations will be Friday, September 18 by Noon. All items must be to the Rectory for the committee to properly prep. Please contact Samantha 913-568-7645 or Chris 913-544-8376 if you would like to help on the committee, head a booth, volunteers in an hour slot or have a donation in mind. ReachKCK Youth Ministry Outreach Summer Schedule 2015: June 1-August 8 Altar Society News President: Linda Ingram, [email protected], 913-432-9481 Vice-President: Diane Hentges, [email protected],913-325-4146 Secretary: Mary Dorr, [email protected],913-909-5770 Treasurer: Lil Balliet, [email protected],816-560-5860 Fell free to contact any officer with ideas, questions, concerns. Dates to Remember August 16...Altar Society Meeting September 19...Fall Festival October 18...Altar Society Meeting October 22...First Annual Ladies Night November 15...Altar Society Meeting December 6...Annual Nativity Display December 13...Altar Society Christmas Celebration The Altar Society is hosting the First Annual Ladies Night on Oct 22, 2015. We are inviting crafters and vendors to display and sell their items. If you are vendor or crafter and would like to particiapte contact Lil Balliet ([email protected] or call 816-5605860). THANK YOU On behalf of Archbishop Naumann and the Marriage & Family Life Office, we want to thank Fr. Harry for hosting the 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for over 115 couples in the Archdiocese on June 14th. In addition, we appreciate all the efforts of Deacon Michael Hill, Michael Rebout, including Master of Ceremonies, Matt Winterhalter, organist and choirmaster, the Cathedral Choir for their beautiful music, and the ladies of the Altar Society for their gracious hospitality and service. It was a wonderful celebration for which we received many compliments and thank you's from celebrants and their families. Our Cathedral parish again helped make it a celebration that will be remembered fondly by these couples. Thanks to all of you. Blessed Sacrament Campus 2215 Parallel Ave. KCK 66104, contact Liz at 913-645-1514 ReachKCK is on FIRE with fun and ministry this summer! All high school aged teens (graduated 8th graders—this year’s graduated seniors) are invited to the following: Summer’s Hot Spot Every Thursday in summer high school aged teens are invited to ReachKCK’s Coffee House to hang out and grab a free drink (like pop, coffee, maybe even sometimes shakes!)! We’ll have a Bible study, and then mix in some time for hands-on specialty sessions too—sometimes it’ll be a cooking demo, an art project, a guitar class, or a handy-tools workshop! Sometimes, “Summer’s Hot Spot” will be followed by a cookout or movie night. Every Thursday, starting June 4th, 4-6pm, 2215 Parallel Ave. Kansas City, KS 66104. See reachkck and our “What’s Happening” page for weekly updates. Please contact Liz Miller for more information: [email protected] or 913.645.1514 or Reachkck on Facebook. Zumba High school aged teens are invited to a FREE zumba class all their own for 5 weeks in June-July. Starting June 22nd through July 28th, each Monday night in the ReachKCK Dance Studio 5:30-7pm (a light dinner will be provided). Note: No class June 13th. Address: 2215 Parallel Ave. Kansas City, KS 66104. Please contact Liz Miller to be sure you have a spot—space is limited: [email protected] or 913.645.1514 or Reachkck on Facebook. Sports N Stuff Sports N Stuff will continue through the summer from 35pm every Wednesday afternoon through ReachKCK. The afternoon is simple, but a blast: we play a sport for an hour (changes each week), then we have a faith-based breakout session for a short bit, then we play some more sports! Join us at 2215 Parallel Ave. Kansas City, KS 66104! Dine & Learn High school aged teens and Parents are invited out for dinner and a dynamic presentation about a relevant topic. Come share YOUR voice and let YOUR side of the story be known! June 30, 6:30-8pm: “So What’s Up With Gambling?” (in conjunction with Northeast Problem Gambling Taskforce) & July 21, 6:30-8pm: Topic TBA. Both events in the ReachKCK Coffee House at 2215 Parallel Ave. Kansas City, KS 66104. Please contact Liz Miller to be sure you have a spot—space is limited: [email protected] or 913.645.1514 or Reachkck on Facebook. ReachKCK 913.645.1514 for more de- tails. NEEDS OF THE PARISH CAN YOU HELP? 1.) More ‘heavenly duster” are needed. “Heavenly Dusters’ are ladies who come on Fridays or Saturday mornings to clean the church. It takes about an hour or so. Training will be provided. They dust, clean the holy water fonts, clean the bathroom, vacuum, etc. Usually 2 or 3 ladies work together, and they do this once a month or so. Please call the office and give your name and phone number, 371-0840. ) 2 PARISH PRAYER LINE Every Sunday, we have our prayers of intercession. The last prayer is always for “the intentions on our parish prayer line.” Have you ever wondered what that is? We have right now about 15 persons who pray for other people and their intentions. Judy Hawken is the director. When she receives a prayer request, she calls several who in turn call others and then they pray for that person’s intention. It is a powerful ministry. If you are willing to be a “pray-er” please call Father Schneider, 371-0840. KEELER WOMEN’S CENTER 2220 Central Ave , Kansas City Kansas 913-906-8990 Affirmations Growth FOR WOMEN Weekly, Mondays, noon –1:00 P.M. How a woman thinks about herself plays a role in how effective and happy she is in her life. This group helps women change the way they think about themselves and their lives. (curriculum from Women for Sobriety) Education and Support for Domestic Violence, Tuesdays, 10:00 -11:00 a.m. The program is offered in partnership with Friends of Yates/Joyce Williams Shelter. Facilitator is Chandra Green. Support group for Caregivers (men and women) Weekly, Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Our facilitator is Jackie Tigges, MSW, LSCSW. Caring for a loved one who is ill or dying is very difficult and it helps to be supported by others. Weekly Scripture Group -Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. · Bible sharing, and reflection, lectio and journaling, led by Heather Neds, pastoral minister Gospel Non-Violence: Living the Way of Jesus - 6 Mondays, July 20-August 24, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Presented by Peg Burns Kerbawy, developer of Our Golden Thread, Gospel Nonviolence Curriculum Materials. In a world where bullets enter homes and violence disrupts our neighborhoods, where the news seems to report more and more killings, come and experience the message of nonviolence that has been preached by Jesus and wise people through the ages. EVENTS THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SUNDAY, JULY 19-Fall Festival Coffee and donuts after 9, 11 & 12:45 Masses MONDAY, JULY 20-Parish Center hall closed TUESDAY, JULY 21-Parish Center hall closed 8::00 am Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 8:45 am Exposition 8:45-9:15 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament WEDNESDAY, JULY 22-Parish Center hall closed 6:30pm Fall Festival Meeting THURSDAY, JULY 23-Parish Center hall closed FRIDAY, JULY 24 Parish Center hall closed 4:00 pm Holy Hour for Wedding 5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY, JULY 25 parish Center hall closed 1pm Wedding -Patrick Helfrich /Amy Blaise SUNDAY, JULY 26-parish center hall closed MONDAY, JULY 27– United States Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops with Cardinal O’Malley and Archbishop Naumann will be here for Mass and reception PRAYER GROUP A group of women of the parish are currently meeting Wednesdays at 3pm for prayer and reflection on the Scriptures of the up-coming Sunday. They are willing to welcome new members. The prayer lasts about an hour. If you would like to participate, or would like more information, please call Joyce Holzhuter, 913-634-0290 EVENING OF FAMILY FUN St. John the Baptist annual festival on strawberry Hill on august 15, 2015 after 4pm Mass to 9pm. Traditional sarma dinner Smoked sausage sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs and desserts. Ring toss, fish pond, bowling fame, face painting, tattoos, baby bottles and jewelry. Apple strudels, poviticas, salamis, beer and surprised packages. AVISOS PARROQUIALES Las Fechas para la Celebración del Sacramento del Bautismo en Español serán: JULIO Domingo 26 después de Misa de 12:45 pm AGOSTO Sábado 1 a las 11:00 am Domingo 9 después de la Misa de 12:45pm Domingo 23 despues de Misa de 12:45pm MISAS DE BODAS Y QUINCEAÑERAS Debido al número de misas que tenemos los sábados, solamente se celebrará un boda o una quinceañera por se mana. No se realizarán dos celebraciones. Esto se debe a que los sábados ya hay una misa a las 8:15 am y otra a las 4pm y confesiones a las 3:00 pm. Cuando estén planeando una boda o una quinceañera, llame primero al Padre para ver si la fecha está disponible. Por favor reserve primero la misa y después el salón. Llame a la Iglesia primero. LA TERCERA CONFERENCIA CARISMATICA HISPANA en la Arquidiócesis de Kansas City Ks se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado,25 de Julio y el domingo, 26 de Julio. La conferencia commenzará a las 8:00 am, los dos días. La conferencia será en the National Guard Armory, ubicado en 100 South 20th St. Kansas City, Ks. El Arzobispo Naumann celebrará la misa el Domingo. BAUTISMOS– Felicidades a Robert Joseph Carr, hijo de Biran Carr y Heather Riley, y a Brisa Malay RicoLeal, hija de Jose Rico-Perez, y Jasmin Leal Valencia. Los dos fueron bautizados el 4 de julio aqui en la Catedral. RETIRO DE QUINCEAÑERA El curso de preparación para las jovencitas que planean celebrar su fiesta de quinceañera será el 29-30 de agosto en el Ministerio Hispano. Para registrar a su hija pida la forma de registración en la Parroquia a la que asiste a misa cada domingo. Confirme primero la fecha para la misa. El Retiro tiene un costo de $30.00 dólares por jovencita. Para mayor información comuníquese con Lety al 913-281-6644. AVISO IMPORTANTE PARA TODA LA COMUNIDAD Hay un diácono de Houston Texas que se llama Diácono Miguel Vázquez, también se le conoce como el Diacono Miguelito. Este diácono tiene suspendidas sus facultades en la Arquidiócesis de Houston. En Houston, hay una investigación de la cual aún no conocemos los detalles. Por lo tanto, nuestro Arzobisop Joseph Naumann ha prohibido a esta persona ejercer cualquier tipo de ministerio en nustra arquidiócesis. Debido a esta razón el Diácono Vázquez no puede realizar ministerio alguno,ni en Kansas, ni en Missouri, ni en ninguna diócesis. También los católicos tienen prohibido participar en los ministerios o actividades organizadas por este Diacono aquií, en Texas o en culaquier parte. Este es un asunto muy importante. TALLERES: Se estarán ofreciendo 2 talleres por parte de la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Ambos talleres serán Gratis y estárán abiertos para todo aquel que tenga interés en ellos. Para mauor informacin llamara al 913-281-644. Sobre el dinero dela Igesia Catolica: Juio 14 a la 7pm Sobre Renovacion Carismatica en la Iglesia Cato - lica: Julio 28 a la 7pm Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Avenue, KCK, offers these programs for Spanish-speaking women: Grupo de mujeres: con lideres Mary Ellen Rodriguez y Ana Maria Sauer, los martes, 28 de Julio, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Grupo de salud emocional para la mujer, ofrecido por MOCSA, contacte a Marie Alcocer, llame 816.285.1357. los martes, 1:00-2:30 p.m. VOLUNTARIOS PARA LIMPIAR LA IGLESIA Se necesitan personas que quieran ayudar a limpiar la Iglesia los sábados por la mañana. Sólo será una vez por mes. Mantener limpia la Casa de Dios es un ministerio necesario. Si quieres formar parte del equipo llama a Judith 433-4786/ o al Padre Harry a la oficina. Muchas Gracias Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Mary Ann Kancel Attorney 913-568-8996 Wills • Trusts • Business • General Practice HEATING & COOLING SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Serving You Since 1948 Member FDIC 5500 Parallel 287-9055 816-363-2036 Call us about your son’s future PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. PUSH TALK ........... For further information, please call the Parish Office. HORNER & DUCKERS CHT Suite 610 Kansas City, KS 281-2375 ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Attorneys at Law Security Bank Bldg. 707 Minnesota 24/7 HELP TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 6AM-8:30PM Mon-Sat Closed Sunday 250 N. 18th 281-2777 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Pat Bellanti Your ad 1318 State Ave. KCKS 371-8862 800.945.6629 could be in this space! WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup (913) 371-1404 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Helen A. Skradski WHY IS IT? SKRADSKI Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! FUNERAL HOME 340 North 6th Street, Kansas City, KS Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 775050 St Peter Cathedral an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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