St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus R.C. Parish July 19, 2015 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: Rev. Kavungal Davy, CMI (Ext. 16) Email: [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jilson George, CMI (Ext. 18) Email: [email protected] Office Manager/Parish Secretary: Miss Christine Bianculli (Ext. 10) Receptionist: Miss Eugenia Calderon (Ext. 11) Music Director: Mr. Edward F. LaPlant, III RECTORY: 718-383-3339 Fax: 718-383-6958 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: 862 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11222 Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION: 718-383-6935 School of Faith Formation Coordinator: Miss Eugenia Calderon Adult Faith Formation (RCIA) please call 718-383-3339 REGIONAL SCHOOL/718-383-1970: St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy 12 Newel Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA 862 Manhattan Avenue Mass Schedule Friday: Spanish Mass: 7:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. (Spanish) and 12:30 p.m. Weekdays: 8:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Holy Days: 8:15 a.m.; 12: 15 p.m.; and 7:30 p.m. (Spanish) Previous evening 7:30 p.m. (English) DEVOTIONS After 8:15 a.m. Mass Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: St. Anthony Eucharistic Adoration - First Friday of the month after the 8:15 a.m. Mass MINISTRY TO THE SICK Priests are available anytime. Ministers of the Eucharist can be invited to bring Communion to the home of the sick. CONFESSIONS Thursdays after 8:15 a.m. Mass; Saturdays, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Confessions heard in the upper church. All other times please call the Rectory. Confessions in Spanish: Friday 7:00 p.m. and after the 7:30 p.m. Spanish Mass SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION Grades 1, 2 - Pre-Communion and Communion: Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated in English on the last Sunday of the month and Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the first Saturday of every month. Arrangements must be made at the rectory in advance. The birth certificate must be presented. Instructions are required for parents and godparents before Baptism. Grades 6, 7 - Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation: Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. MARRIAGES Arrangements should be made six months in advance. Pre-Cana Conferences are part of preparation. The website address is Grades 3, 4, 5 and RCIC (Baptism) classes: Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please register at the Rectory. Any letters for Sponsorship, Baptism/Confirmation, as well as a letter for Immigration, you must be a registered member of the Parish. CHOIR: Meets each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in Church Sunday, July 19: 9:30 + Stanislaw and Frances by Son 11:00 + (Spanish) Maria del Carmen Munoz by Father 12:30 + Esperanza DeSouza by Daughter Monday, July 20: 8:15 + Isabelle Card and John Gallagher by Virginia Sheehan 12:15 + Patricia Riordan Tanbakis (1st Birthday in Heaven) by Mom Tuesday, July 21: 8:15 + Frank Killip (53rd Anniv.) by Son 12:15 + Gustavo Tolentino (Anniv.) by Cu Family Wednesday, July 22: 8:15 + Rosemarie and Larry D’Angelo and Rev. John McNeill by Richard and Pat (D’Angelo) Young 12:15 + Antoni Suzdola by Homeless Friends Thursday, July 23: 8:15 + Veronica and Sergio Crisostomo by Azelia and Michael McCambridge 12:15 + Anna Musz by Granddaughter, Iwona Mianowska Please remember those on our sick list in your prayers: Bob Hock, Keith Sidorowicz, Judith Ballester, Nini Gonzalez Mejia, Steve Belus, Carolyn Lattanzio, Janice L. Whelan, James Cunniff, Joseph Buenos, Millie Wolf, Patty Behan, Donald Buddenhagen, Bridie Martin, Margaret Sweeney, Matthew Colasanti, Roza D’Souza, Ann Kalter, Julia Bis, John O’Grady, Bob Quagan, Elizabeth Kies, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Stanislawa Sobczynska, Laura Borruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Joseph Lauron, Patricia Riordan, Dolores Miller, Sister Mary Gladys Murphy, S.S.N.D., Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Thomas Bruce, Richard Schlopp, Enrique Landines, Robert Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Theresa Kujawa, Kataryna Gierczynska, Caitlyn Geer, James Buddenhagen, Gracielo Mero, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Normandia, Lucy D’Avino, Eleanor Heiberger, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Joseph Micatonick, Mary Sikora, Hank Wisniewski, Vincent Cuomo, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Irene Cahill, Lawrence O’Donnell, Christine Mascia, Dolores Ray, Marie Mascia, Julia Silva, Anthony Kimkowski, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, George Koslab, Evelyn Sondey, Robert Trotta, Juano Cano, Danny Culmone, Michael Anobile, Michael Aiello, Yolanda Aiello, Diane Arzon Rodriguez, Martha Banfield, Gustavo Guerra, Michael Conboy, Jaylin Figueroa and Della Buckner Pray for the Deceased: George G. Karamouzos St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Friday, July 24: 8:15 + Robert McGuire by Virginia Sheehan 12:15 + Margaraet Jankay by Family 7:30 + (Spanish) Jose Luis Restrepo by Jorge Eduardo Restrepo Saturday, July 25: 8:15 + Robert McGuire by Matylda and Zbigi Materka 5:30 + Ann Majewski by Gerri, Jacki and Barbara Sunday, July 26: 9:30 + The Mitchell Family by Ann Mitchell 11:00 + (Spanish) Alejandria Batista by Familia 12:30 PURGATORIAL SOCIETY +Ryszard Pasierb by Margaret Smaranda The following items are needed for our food pantry: coffee, cereal, canned meats and canned fruit. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. BREAD AND WINE The bread and wine at all the masses, from July 19th to July 25th, will be offered for good health and grateful for favors received and also very grateful to the Saints and to God by Gertrudis Vidot Linares. From Fr. Davy’s Desk: In the last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus prepared the disciples for a mission and sent them out. Today’s readings invite us to be good spiritual leaders. An ordinary leader will be annoyed when disturbed while resting. Jesus’ private time had been invaded and his much needed rest was denied. His heart like sheep without a shepherd. was moved with pity for the people, because they were The ministry of the shepherd is a big challenge to keep everyone united risking his or her life, time and plans. In Jesus’ life we see him going away from the presence of people to the presence of God and back again. Sometimes we may spend too much time in the activities and thus gradually lose the vision of God. A good religious leader should be at the middle. He must set his time to be with the people and with God. Then only he or she will be able to go through the right way and show the way. . Every week we have the opportunity to break down the barriers that divide us from God. We keep ourselves busy during the week. We need some time to relax and be with the Lord alone. Everyone needs little time to be alone in a deserted place to evaluate and to pray about what we are doing. If not, there is a possibility for mental disorders and disappointments. Christian life is a continuous passage from the presence of God to the presence of people and back again. People today find it difficult to balance the two aspects of the Christian life. From our reflection on today’s Gospel, let us remind ourselves that we meet with God in the church so that we may serve people more effectively outside. Mensaje del Padre Davy: En el Evangelio del último domingo, Jesús preparó a los discípulos para una misión y los envió. Las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a ser buenos líderes espirituales. Un líder ordinario será molesto cuando se les molesta mientras descansa. Tiempo privado de Jesús había sido invadida y su necesario descanso fue negado. Su corazón fue movido con compasión por el pueblo, porque eran como ovejas sin pastor. El ministerio del pastor es un gran reto para mantener a todos unidos poner en riesgo la vida, el tiempo y los planes. En la vida de Jesús lo vemos ir lejos de la presencia de personas a la presencia de Dios y de regreso. A veces podemos pasar mucho tiempo en las actividades y así poco a poco pierden la visión de Dios. Un buen persona religiosa/o debe encontrar tiempo para estar con la gente y con Dios. Sólo entonces seremos capaces de caminar por el camino correcto y mostrar el camino. Cada semana tenemos la oportunidad de romper las barreras que nos separan de Dios. Nos mantenemos ocupados durante la semana. Necesitamos un poco de tiempo para relajarse y estar con el Señor solo. Todo el mundo necesita poco tiempo para estar a solas en un lugar desierto para evaluar y orar acerca de lo que estamos haciendo. Si no, hay una posibilidad de que los trastornos mentales y decepciones. La vida cristiana es un paso continuo de la presencia de Dios a la presencia de las personas y viceversa. La gente en el mundo moderno tienen dificultades para equilibrar los dos aspectos de la vida cristiana. Desde nuestra reflexión sobre el Evangelio de hoy, recordemos que nos encontramos con Dios en la iglesia para que podamos servir a la gente de manera más eficaz el exterior. WEEKLY OFFERING Weekend of July 11 - 12, 2015 Attendance - 583 Collection - $ 3,275.00 Votive Candles - $ 821.00 Air Conditioning Collection - $ 1,376.00 Last year’s attendance - 638 Last year’s collection - $ 3,554.00 Last year’s Votive Candles - $ 830.00 Air Conditioning Collection - $ 1,409.00 Our Parish is preparing for the arrival of Pope Francis for the world meeting of families. Fathers Davy and Jilson will preach about family life in four weekends. July 25/26, 2015: Family, Replica of the Holy Family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) August 1/2, 2015: Marriage - Covenant August 22/23, 2015: Parents and children August 29/30, 2015: Family Values Parish Summary Report as of July 13, 2015 Donors: 116 Pledged: $ 22,863.00 Paid to Date: $ 18,687.00 Once our parish reaches its goal, the parish will receive 100% of all the funds raised over our goal. This weekend’s altar flowers are donated by Gertrudis Vidot Linares for Jesus Sacramentado Justo Juez. Parish Council Nominations All are welcome to offer flowers for the weekend on the altar in honor of the living or in memory of the deceased. The suggested donation is $100. This weekend there will be sheets in the pews to nominate parishioners to the Parish Council. Please fill out a sheet and drop it into the collection basket. VIRTUS All volunteers are reminded to keep current with their Virtus bulletins which are posted on line every month. Juan Manuel Martinez - July 19, 2015 21st Birthday Welcome to become a Catholic Every year on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil, parishes throughout the world welcome new Catholics into their community. Some people are becoming Catholics for the first time, some were baptized Christians and wish to become Catholics, and others want to complete their initiation by receiving Eucharist and Confirmation. The Church invites you to take part in the process of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Candidates for the RCIA process are as follows: All unbaptized adults seeking full initiation through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Those baptized in Christian denominations, but not Catholic, who seek to come into full communion with the Catholic Church by making a Profession of Faith and receiving Confirmation and Eucharist. Those baptized Catholic who seek to complete their initiation through Confirmation and Eucharist. Our parish begins this process of Christian Initiation on Thursday, September 17, 2015. If you would like to join, kindly sign up. If you know someone who would benefit from this process, kindly encourage them. If you have any questions, please email: Fr. Kavungal Davy: [email protected] Fr. Jilson George: [email protected] or call 718-383-3339 ———————————————————————————————————-Please fill out this form and give it to a priest or drop in the collection basket. Rite of Christian Initiation 2015-2016 Name: __________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________ Sacraments you like to receive: _____Baptism _____Confirmation ____Eucharist #006099 St. Anthony—St. Alphonsus 862 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-383-3339 Contact: Christine Bianculli Software Using: Win XP Pro SP2 Publisher 2007 AA9 Transmission Time: Tuesday afternoon Pages Sent: 6 Bulletin for: July 19, 2015 Special Instructions:
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