Page 2 St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church JULY 20—JULY 26, 2015 The Mass intention book is located in the Parish Administration Office. Intentions for person(s) may be entered once per month. Please PRINT CLEARLY! (Letra de imprenta) Intentions may have to be moved if it is necessary to change the Mass Schedule. Monday, July 20: 12noon †Gilbert Medina Sr. †Daniel Banda Sr. Jackie & Ross Moczygemba 31st Wedding Anniversary Tuesday, July 21: 8AM: Communion Service Wednesday, July 22: 6PM: †Rachel Perez †Gilbert Ramirez Thursday, July 23: 8AM: Noemi & Victor Gonzales Friday, July 24: 8AM: †Alfred & Genie Weber †Mary Lou Gonzaba Saturday, July 25: 6PM †Cruz Castillo Family Sunday, July 26: 8AM,10AM (Spanish), 10AM, 12Noon, 6pm Mass †Jesse Sandoval †Mary Ann Schupp †Carolina Mata †Anna Maria Beza †Ed & Gene Warzecha Raymond Trevino Jr. †Oralia Ayala †Regina Lashley †Jamie Lyn Sanchez Cynthia Ann Rodriguez †James Sheppard READINGS FOR WEEK OF JULY 20—JULY 26, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 RUMMAGE SALE Sat. Aug 1, 2015 9am-4pm 10x10 Space $20 More Info call: Amelia Martinez (210)383-9644 Sponsored by St. Margaret Mary School Proceeds to benefit the building of a new gym/auditorium. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE SCHEDULE OF PRIESTS CELEBRATING MASS NEXT WEEKEND. Sat July 25: Sat July 25: Sun July 26: Spanish Mass St. Catherine St. M.M. St .M.M. 5 PM Confessions 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 NOON 6:00 PM Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Charles Banks Fr. Fernando Velasquez Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan July 19, 2015 COFFEE TODAY FREE OF CHARGE Join us for coffee and fellowship after the 8:00 AM mass in the school cafeteria. The coffee will be hosted by ACTS. REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Often we are unable to identify the truth in our lives. Is our passion love or lust? Is our financial security greed or wise preparation? Is the raising of our children good discipline or carving them into our own image and likeness? Is our religiosity superstition or faithfulness to the tradition? Do our dreams nurture the Kingdom of God or the Tower of Babel? In other words, is it from God or is it from the Other Side? So we look about us, and because our neighbors’ lives seem little different from our own, we put into any self-help harbor that seems able to shelter us from aimless drifting. Most of us, I suspect, wonder if there is anyone who knows the deepest truths, whether they be about life or about our world or even about ourselves. So we find ourselves gathering about Jesus, though even then some may do so half-heartedly—at times trusting that he will have some sort of answer and at other times wondering if he indeed does, yet not knowing where else to go. And so we gather, like sheep around a shepherd, simply because every other voice has been heard and found wanting. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Collection July 11 & 12, 2015: $ 7,532.76 50¢ SALE St. MM’s St. Vincent de Paul will be selling all items for 50¢ on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 from 8:00 to 9:30 AM at Gevers Hall. TEEN ACTS RETREAT All teenagers of our parish are invited to join our awesome ACTS retreat at Cordi Marian. Enjoy this spirit-filled weekend from July 23rd to July 26th with your fellow high-school Christians. The cost is $150 to cover transportation, meals, housing and retreat materials. But don’t let the cost of the retreat prevent you from attending. Contact Vanessa Elizondo at 633-4707 or Robert Lopez 771-2686. July 19, 2015 Parish News Interested in becoming a Catechist???? Share your love, knowledge and joy with children or adults. For more info Contact Linda Rubio 532-6309 [email protected] Page 3 CCD REGISTRATION Registration is now ongoing at the church office and in August after the 8am, 10am, and 12 noon Masses. To register, pick up a packet at the church office or register online at: Please turn in packet with copy of Birth certificate and Baptism certificate. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE (August 28-29, 2015) SPANISH BIBLE STUDY We’d like to invite you to join us in the Spanish Bible study Mondays at 7 pm. This Monday, we will meet at Gevers Hall. In our next session, we will analyze the history of Cain and Abel and we will read Noah’s story. Everybody is welcome. Bring your Bible (if you have one) and something to take notes if you wish to. For comments or questions, contact Hugo Sapien at 210-922-1849 or [email protected]. WE WILL NOT MEET ON JULY 27TH The conference will be held at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio. This 14th annual “Spa for the Soul” includes Mass with Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-SILLER, outstanding speakers, Reconciliation, a Eucharistic Healing Service, and much more! Our society needs the gifts that only women can bring, and women need to know their true dignity and femininity as designed by God. Pick up a brochure, register at or call Pilgrim Center of Hope (210 521-3377. JOIN US AT THE “COME AND SEE” TO LEARN ABOUT THE RCIA PROCESS SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 2015 FROM 1:15 UNTIL 3:00 PM IN THE ACTIVITY CENTER THIS PROCESS IS FOR ADULTS WHO WANT TO BE BAPTIZED, RECEIVE COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION, AND CHILDREN OVER SEVEN YEARS OF AGE WHO NEED BAPTISM AND COMMUNION Is a process to and learn about and Page 4 Parish News July 19, 2015 July 19, 2015 Parish News Page 5 St. Margaret Mary Catholic School 1202 Fair Avenue • San Antonio, TX 78223 210.534.6137 • CATHOLIC CHARITIES ARCHDIOCESE OF SAN ANTONIO, INC. “St. Margaret Mary Catholic School’s mission is to embrace Catholic faith, respect diversity, promote community, provide a quality education for all, and prepare us for a lifetime of service centered on Jesus Christ." For the past 19 years, Project Cool has been providing seniors age 60 and older with free box fans during the summer months to alleviate heat. Project Cool is an ongoing partnership with Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Inc, St. Vincent de Paul, the City of San Antonio, and United Way. For the past year, Catholic Charities has put a special focus on providing fans to seniors in all parishes within the Archdiocese. REGISTRATION FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CONTINUES. PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT 210-534-6137. Teacher/Student Ratio Average 1:15 ¾Title 1 Reading/Math Assistance ¾Teacher Supervised Tutoring/Study Hall ¾Foster Grandparent Mentor/Tutor Program ¾Mac Lab/Smart Board Technology ¾STEM Curriculum School Day/After School Activities Financial Assistance is available Developmentally Appropriate Early Childhood Program Altar Servers Choir Student Council AIAL Sports Pep Squad Dance Drama National Junior Honor Society PTC Ambassadors Program Safety Patrols After School Care Program ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Fr. Jimmy Drennan, Pastor Dr. Christina L. Saavedra, Principal Mrs. Mary Ann Muñoz, Office Administrator With the goal of providing low-cost, low-energy option to alleviate summer heat and preventing heatrelated illness and death, over 5,000 fans were distributed to seniors last summer. The goal this year is to again provide 5,000 seniors with fans. Project Cool will end on September 30th, 2015. ALL THE FANS ARE GIVEN TO SENIORS FREE ! To obtain a fan, please bring: A Valid Photo ID You may obtain a fan at: Catholic Charities Guadalupe Community Center 1801 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd San Antonio, Texas 78207 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM FUNERAL MINISTRY “God gave us eternal life. What are we prepared to give Him?” SAVE THE DATE The Assembly 2015, Saturday, November 7, 2015, 7:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. St. Mary’s University The Funeral Ministry needs you. Volunteers prepare the church at least one hour before the funeral. Sample duties include: ¡ unlocking church doors; ¡ turning on church lights, air conditioner or heater; ¡ Lighting altar candles; ¡ Assisting funeral guests, funeral directors, celebrants and deacons. Clergy, religious and laity from across the archdiocese will assemble with Archbishop Gustavo as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information contact Griselda Gonzales at (210) 734-1653 or email The Assembly If you are 18 years of age, a registered member of St. Margaret Mary, and are interested in this ministry, please call Grace Luna at (210)9701233 or email at [email protected]. Page 6 Parish News MAY WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS Ruben R. Garza Betty Fielden Baby Ellie Keen April Erica Gutierrez Mason Leibham Libby Shelton Tony Rodriguez M/M Santana Velasquez Gaby Hargita Kathy Bendele Ellie Sandoval Bea Zigmond Andrew Perusquia Janie Kellner Elisa Garza Leonor Arredondo Cecilia Desoto Gina Cortez Larry Cortez Aurora Delgado Raul Ramirez Noemi Gonzales Robert Linn Minnie Reyna Erick Cavazos Ramon Garza Cristella Barela Graciela Reyes Valentina Garcia Samantha Stewart Michael Godoy Arnie Francis Beverly Albrecht Flo & Elmer Keller Adiana Velez Brad, Diana Martin & Baby Ken Smith Jesus Aguirre Maria Garza Brook Sprague Kathy Zigmond Ana Garansuay Sylvia Martinez Tony Patterson Robert D. Flores Margarita Gonzalez Mary L. Esquivel Jean Phillips Clara Jackson M/M Gabriel Soto Marisela Garza Mary Juarez Jennifer Valdez Balthazar Tejeda Yolanda Narvaez-Edwards Claudia Borgan Mike Vasquez Michael Steven Casanova Celine Barboza Esperanza Martinez Domingo Peña, Jr Hilda Albrecht O’Leary & Janie Cortez Raymond Cortez Petra Aguirre Elia Cardenas Laylon Klein Oscar & Becky Alvarado Fred Gamez Mary Gamez Phillip Maldonado Jennifer Cavazos Charlie McDowell James Edward Markham Ann Margaret Cervantes Anita Reyna Andrew & Tillie Janowski M/M Tony Martinez Walter Pesina Kimberly Smith Alice Castillo Rafaela Morlandt Michael & Lorena Gamez Note: Names remain on the prayer list for two weeks. If you or your loved one need to remain for a longer time, please contact the church office, 532-6309. We extend sympathy to and hold in our prayers the family of our parishioners who died: GEORGE CASILLAS AND LILY LARA ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to make a donation for an altar flowers arrangement in memory of a loved one or any other occasion, please contact Lupe Gutierrez at 827-0672. Archbishop’s Appeal 2015 For those who have not yet contributed to the Archbishop’s Appeal, the Archbishop will send out a final letter on July 20 asking for your participation. Please reflect upon the importance of your charitable involvement and prayerfully consider making a gift to the Appeal to help our parish and the Archdiocese meet their goal and be able to fund the very important work carried out by the many ministries supported by the Appeal. To learn more about the impact of our support to the appeal, visit Archbishop Appeal goal is $4,500,000. Total parish goal is $ 32,600. July 19,2015 2015 Upcoming Events Tuesday, 7/21/15 SVDP 50¢ Sale (Gevers Hall) 8:00-9:30 am Thurs.-Sun., 7/23-26/15 ACTS Teen’s Retreat Saturday, 8/1/15 Rummage Sale Thurs—8/6/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Saturday, 8/29/15 Retiro de un dia de la Mujer Samaritana Thurs—9/3/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Thurs.-Sun., 9/3-6/15 Men’s English Retreat Thurs.-Sun., 10/1-4/15 Women’s Spanish Retreat Thurs—10/1//15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Thurs—11/5/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm SPANISH PRAYER GROUP St. Anthony of Padua invites you to pray for your whole family. Is a member of your family sick, have problems? Are you sad? Join us in praise and prayer because only Jesus can help you. Meetings every Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM at St. Catherine Chapel, 2202 Hicks St. For more information, call Cristina at (210) 268-5466. ENTHRONEMENT OF THE SACRED HEART A team of lay ministers and a deacon will visit your home. Prayers are said with the purpose of consecrating your home and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information, contact Robert or Delia Zarate at 648-0567. SHIELD OF ROSES: This ministry prays for the reparation of sins of abortion on Saturdays, from 10-11am in the Adoration Chapel of St. MM Church. LEGION OF MARY: Looking for new members. If interested call 592-7527 or 419-1922. Meetings are held on Thursdays, 5:30PM at Gevers Hall. MEMORIAL DONATIONS Memorial donations are a lasting way to pay tribute to loved ones. Donor may specify which fund receives their contribution. All of the important events in our lives, including wedding anniversaries and quinceañeras may be honored with memorial donations. ADULT PULL-UPS & DIAPERS AVAILABLE AT THE CHURCH OFFICE, SIZE MEDIUM ONLY (FREE OF CHARGE). July 19, 2015 Parish News Clases de Doctrina en Español Clases Comienzan el Domingo 13 de Septiembre 5 a 18 años 3 maneras de inscribirse Oficina de la Iglesia Lunes a Viernes 8:00 AM—5:00 PM Después de Misas durante el mes de Agosto Costo de Inscribirse: $50 primer niño $20 cada niño adicional Clases comienzan con Misa de 10:00 AM y clase después hasta 12:45 PM Estas interesada en ser Catequista??? Comunicarse con Linda Rubio o Luis Garcia al 532-6309 para más detalles. Page 7 ESTUDIO DE LA BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL Los invitamos que nos acompañen en el estudio de la Biblia en español los lunes a las 7 pm. Este lunes nos reuniremos en Gevers Hall. En nuestra próxima sesión, analizaremos la historia de Caín y Abel y leeremos el relato de Noé. Todos bienvenidos. Traigan su Biblia (si la tienen) y material para tomar nota si así lo desean. Si tienen algún comentario o alguna duda, ponerse en contacto con Hugo Sapién al 210-922-1849 o por correo electronico a [email protected]. Los esperamos. EL 27 DE JULIO, NO TENDREMOS CLASE GRUPO DE ORACIÒN EN ESPAÑOL San Antonio de Padua le invita a orar por toda su familia. ¿Tienes enfermos? ¿Tienes problemas? ¿Te encuentras triste? Únete a nosotros en alabanza y oración porque solo Jesús te puede ayudar. Nos reunimos cada martes de 7 a 9 de la noche en la capilla de Santa Catarina en el 2202 de la calle Hicks. Para más información llame a Cristina al 210 268 5466. RETIRO DE UN DIA DE LA MUJER SAMARITANA PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN POR FAVOR LLAME A: DORA REVELES 210 394 8565 MAGDA TORRES 210 7810393 2015 CAMPAÑA DEL ARZOBISPO A los que todavía no han contribuido a la Campaña, el Arzobispo enviará una última carta pidiendo su participación, el 20 de julio. Por favor, reflexione sobre la importancia de su participación caritativa y considere en el oración si puede hacer una donación a la Campaña. De esta manera, estará ayudando tanto a nuestra parroquia como a la Arquidiócesis a alcanzar su meta y así poder financiar el importante trabajo realizado por los muchos ministerios apoyados por la Campaña. Para más información del impacto de los ministerios visite el sitio en internet de la Campaña a La meta total es $4,500,000 y la meta de nuestra parroquia es de $32,600.
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