ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PHOENIX, AZ AUGUST 9, 2015 THE WEEK AHEAD Start End Group Monday, August 10, 2015 5:30 PM 6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Adult RCIA Spanish 7:00 PM 8:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Tuesday, August 11, 2015 12:30 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday, 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 1:30 PM Legion of Mary(Tues. 6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer 9:00 PM Spanish Bible Study August 12, 2015 8:00 PM Legion of Mary( Wed. Evening Group) 8:00 PM R.C.I.A. CALENDAR IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Event Location Contemplative Prayer ISC - The Arrupe Room 3 Adult RCIA Spanish ISC - St. Francis Xavier Room 1 SVDP Meeting ISC - Manresa Room 8 Legion of Mary Confessional West Contemplative Prayer ISC - The Arrupe Room 3 Spanish Bible Study ISC - St. Francis Xavier Room 1 Legion of Mary Meeting RCIA Classes ISC - Manresa Room 8 ISC - St. Francis Xavier Room 1,ISC - Thursday, August 13, 2015 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM Contemplative Prayer Choir CGS Contemplative Prayer ISC - The Arrupe Room 3 Choir Practice Church Level 2 Training ISC - Manresa Room 8,ISC - St. Friday, August 14, 2015 Saturday, August 15, 2015 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Baptism Ministry (Spanish) 11:00 12:00 Baptism Ministry(English) AM PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Liturgical and Music Ministry 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Liturgical and Music Ministry Sunday, August 16, 2015 Spanish Baptism ISC - St. Francis Xavier Room 1 English Baptisms - TK Church Confessions - DS Church-Confessions Confessions - EB / TR Church-Confessions NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please Join TEAM 100 We Have Just $4.7 Million Remaining to “Realize the Master’s Plan” Dear Parishioners and Friends, favor, únase al EQUIPO 100 Solo nos restan $4.7 Millón para “Realizar el Plan Maestro” Queridos Feligreses y Amigos, The new Parish Center is well underway, construction will finish by the end of the year. We still have to raise $4.7 million to complete our capital campaign requirements. There has never been a better time to contribute. El nuevo Centro Parroquial está en marcha, la construcción se terminará a finales de año. Todavía tenemos que recaudar $4.7 millones para completar nuestros requisitos de la campaña de capital. Nunca ha habido un mejor tiempo para contribuir. YOU can help us match our generous Anderson Family Foundation’s $5 million grant to complete the final phase of our capital campaign. For every dollar you contribute, it will be matched… dollar for dollar! As you consider my request, I ask that: USTED puede ayudarnos a igualar nuestra generosa de la Fundación de la Familia Anderson para completar la fase final de nuestra Campaña de Capital. Cada dólar que usted contribuye, será igualado… ¡dólar por dólar! Al considerar mi solicitud, le pido que: If you have made a donation to the School Building Fund, please consider making a new pledge to our Realizing the Master’s Plan Campaign; If you have not made a donation to the capital campaign, I hope you will consider making a pledge at this time. The time is NOW to come together and join TEAM 100 to Realize the Master’s Plan at St. Francis Xavier Parish and School and complete this FINAL phase of the capital campaign, which will benefit all parishioners. If you would like to discuss a special way to honor your family or a loved one, we have a number of unique naming options available to you that are available for as little as $8,000. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at (602) 212-4514 or [email protected] to discuss these exciting opportunities. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your generosity and support. Si usted ha hecho un donativo al Fondo de Construcción de la Escuela, por favor considere hacer una nueva promesa a nuestra Campaña de Realizando el Plan Maestro; Si usted no ha hecho un donativo a la campaña de capital, espero considere hacer una promesa en este momento. AHORA es el momento de unirnos y formar parte del EQUIPO 100 para Realizar el Plan Maestro en San Francisco Xavier y escuela para completar esta fase FINAL de la campaña de Capital, la cual beneficiará a todos los feligreses. Si usted desea discutir una manera especial de honrar a su familia o a un ser querido, tenemos una serie de opciones únicas de nombres disponibles para usted disponibles por tan poco como $8,000. Por favor no dude en contactarnos para más información al (602) 212-4514 [email protected] para discutir estas emocionantes oportunidades. Espero con interés escucharlo, y gracias por su generosidad y apoyo. Sinceramente, Gratefully, Fr. Dan Sullivan, S.J. Párroco Fr. Dan Sullivan, S.J. Pastor ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PHOENIX, AZ AUGUST 9, 2015 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, August 15th is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although the church has lifted the obligation to attend this year because the feast falls on Saturday, all are welcome to attend a mass in honor of Our Lady at 8am on Saturday, August 15. Marian hymns will be sung as we honor Mary for her "yes!" Mary, Queen of Heaven....pray for us. Today – August 9, 2015 Cradle Sunday at St. Francis Xavier Church in support of : 1st Way Pregnancy Center 1st Way Urgent needs: Baby Wash, Baby Lotion, Pacifiers, New Bottles, Maternity Clothing & Blankets Always accepted: Diapers & Wipes, Baby Clothes (0-24 months) Please bring donations to the vestibule of the church before & after the morning Masses & after 1:00 pm Spanish Mass. Please do not bring donations to parish office. Thank you! Thanks so much! For more info, visit Want to help? Email [email protected] Musicians & Singers wanted for Various weekend Masses. A servant's heart is sought after. Sight reading abilities a plus, but not necessary. High school age and up. Please contact Craig Colson ([email protected]) or call (602) 212-4522. Children's choir coming soon for children in 1st to 8th grades. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WANTED: Young adults to work with our Jr. High EDGE Program. We are currently seeking out young adults to work with our Jr. High program, The EDGE. This program begins on Tuesday, September 15th and is for Jr. High students in 6th, 7th & 8th grades. This is a weekly program that will be each Tuesday at 6:30pm. We are also seeking a few parents or other adults to help with some weekly "office type" organization/work during the week for this program. If you are interested, please contact David Chetkauskas EDGE Jr. High School Program Coordinator St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community 602-279-9547 Ext. 4524 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration is now available for the 2015-2016 school year. St. Francis uses Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the religious formation for children ages 3 years old through 5th Grade. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is faith formation that promotes a personal and life long relationship with our Lord. Relationships take time to develop and this is one of many reasons we encourage you to enroll your child as young as three years old. Registration forms are available in the front office as well as on line. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have. Mindy Longwell 602-212-4530 (Eng.) Barb Edwards 602-212-4532 (Eng.) Claudia Margarita Schmitt 602-212-4518 (Español) Computer Operators & Sound Engineers wanted for weekend masses. Experience helpful. Please contact Craig Colson ([email protected]) or call (602) 212-4522. Training provided. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Las inscripciones ya están disponibles para el año escolar 2015-2016. San Francisco utiliza la Catequesis del Buen Pastor para formación religiosa para niños 3 años de edad a través de quinto grado. La Catequesis del Buen Pastor es la formación de fe que promueve una larga relación personal y la vida con nuestro Señor. Las relaciones requieren tiempo para desarrollarse y esto es una de las muchas razones por las que animamos a que inscriba a su hijo a los tres años de edad. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina, así como en línea. Por favor, no dude en llamar si tienen preguntas. Mindy Longwell 602-212-4530 (Eng.) Barb Edwards 602-212-4532 (Eng.) Claudia Margarita Schmitt 602 -212-4518 (Español) ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PHOENIX, AZ AUGUST 9, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Jean Bush Mon 6:15AM Fr. Berrelleza † 10-Aug Noon Fr. Sauer † Bobby Michelena, Jr. Int Huan Vunon Tues 6:15AM Fr. Sauer 11-Aug Noon Fr. Togni Pauline Murphy † Thomas & Ruth Bei-ng Wed 6:15AM Fr. Sullivan † Ostap Raryk 12-Aug Noon Fr. Sauer † Katherine Forbes Thurs 6:15AM Fr. Togni † 13-Aug Noon Fr. Berrelleza † Kay Allen 6:15AM Fr. Sauer Janice Larsen Fri † Dr. Robert Flynn 14-Aug Noon Fr. Rivera † 8:00AM Fr. Berrelleza En-re Parish Sat 15-Aug 5:30PM Fr. Sullivan En-re Parish En-re Parish Sun 7:00AM Fr. Sauer En-re Parish 16-Aug 9:00AM Fr. Sullivan 11:00AM Fr. Togni En-re Parish 1:00PM Fr. Rivera En-re Parish 5:00PM Fr. Berrelleza En-re Parish The Marian Shop Catholic Gifts and Books for All Occasions Now Available Laudato Si On the Care of Our Common Home by Pope Francis “Don’t be fooled by the headlines. This encyclical is not about climate change—though the Holy Father accepts the currently dominant opinion on it. It’s about heart change, an 'integral ecology' that recognizes that 'We are not God' and proposes 'redefining our notion of progress' and adopting a 'responsible simplicity of life, in grateful contemplation of God’s world, and in concern for the needs of the poor and the protection of the environment'". — Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. Shop our large selection of extraordinarily meaningful gifts for Those special moments Graduations * Weddings * Baptisms Pope Francis Pictures and Books Crosses, Cruci ixes, Wall Plaques, Coffee, Soaps and Lotions Bibles, Rosaries, Scapulars, Medals Greeting Cards, Gift bags Like Us on Facebook Please continue to pray for the following, they will receive prayers daily by The Prayer Warriors: Ednamarie Haggerty (Int) Asa Jordan (Int) Cecilia Saavedra (Int) Irene Figueroa (Int) Heidi Hall Cave (Int) Emil Madanat (Int) WE PRAY FOR... ORAMOS Marissa Moezzi (Int) Terri Siders (Int) Eduardo Ibarola (Int) All Military Personnel & All First Responders Readings for the week of August 9, 2015 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34; Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6:41-51 Monday Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112; Jn 12:24-26 Tuesday Saint Clare, Virgin Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious Dt 34:1-12; Ps 66; Mt 18:15-20 Thursday Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114; Mt 18:21—19:1 Friday Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136; Mt 19:3-12 Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16, 16:1-2; Ps 132; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Saturday The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sunday Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 Sunday
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