THE PARISH OF THE DIVINE SAVIOUR (LPA 12 - The Local Pastoral Area of Runcorn and Frodsham in the Diocese of Shrewsbury – St Augustine’s Presbytery, Castlefields Avenue North, Castlefields, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2HT Telephone: 01928 566068 E-mail: [email protected] (Registered Charity Number: 234025) SAINT MARTIN’S OUR LADY’S SAINT AUGUSTINE’S Murdishaw Palacefields Castlefields SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 2015 YOUR MASSES THIS WEEK (Sunday Cycle of Readings – Year B; Weekday Cycle – Year 1) Saturday January 31st 4th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 5:00pm. (StA) JOSE, AIDA & JOSE MANUEL DIAS +++ Sunday February 1st 4th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 9:00am. (StM) ALL PARISHIONERS Sunday February 1st 4th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 11:00am. (OL) SHEILA & RON WILLAMONT INTENTIONS Monday February 2nd THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 9.00am (OL) STAN HAMMOND + Tuesday February 3rd REQUIEM MASS 9.30am (StE) Wednesday February 4th St THOMAS AQUINAS 8.30am (StM) VERA MELIA + Thursday February 5th FERIAL 9.00am (OL) RENEE ONSLOW (Sick) Friday February 6th FERIAL 9.00am (StA) CAROLE WHITFORD Saturday February7th 5th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 5:00pm. (StA) CHRISTINA & GERARD POYNTON ++ Sunday February 8th 5th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 9:00am. (StM) KEVIN FARRELL Sunday February 8th 5th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 11:00am. (OL) ALL PARISHIONERS (OL) = Our Lady’s (StA) = St Augustine’s (StM) = St Martin’s (StL) = St Luke’s (HS) = Holy Spirit (StE) = St Edward’s SUNDAY MISSAL Today’s Mass - p206, Readings - p209 BAPTISMS By appointment. MARRIAGES By appointment (6 months notice required) CONFESSIONS On request. BINGO Every second Thursday and every last Thursday of the month. (OL) PARISH COUNCIL The next Council meeting is on Monday 2nd February. If you have any issues you wish to raise please contact your Parish Council Representative. CATHOLIC NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES If anyone would like to continue receiving a particular newspaper an order can be placed direct with Universe Media Group. Please ask Deacon Bill for details. Anyone with access to the internet can read online copies PRAYERS FOR THE SICK This weekend there is a Sick List on the noticeboard in the foyer of each church. Please write the names of those you wish to be kept in our prayers on the list. The newsletter entry has been revised appropriately. COMMUNION TO THE HOUSEBOUND For each person taking Communion to the Sick there is an ‘Information Pack’ in the sacristy. After reading it if you have any queries please contact Deacon Bill. There is also a Communion Housebound Register for each church. ALL visits to non-family members should be properly recorded in the Register for Safeguarding purposes. PARISH HISTORY On the Parish Website we’ve been able to add some more information on the history of St Augustine’s and St Martin’s. Please check it out on the ‘Read More’ link in the ‘Our Churches’ section on the Homepage. If you have anything you can add please see Deacon Bill. CTS BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS On the weekend of 7th/8th February there will be a wide selection of books and publications from the Catholic Truth Society available for sale in the foyer. If the initiative is a success we will hold a display once a month. BIBLE STUDY GROUP Unfortunately, it has not been possible to resume our sessions in January as planned. We will begin again on Thursday 19th February. If you are joining us please read: 2 Sam 5-7, 11:1-12:25; 1 Kings 2:1-12, 3, 6:1-7:19, 10:23-29, 11. DAY OF REFLECTION FOR MINISTERS There will be a Day of Reflection for all those who serve the parish in any sort of ministry at St Edward’s on Saturday 21st February 10.30-3.00. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. OUR PARISH COMMUNITY - AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH You are all asked to consider very seriously becoming more involved in the running and ministries of the parish. Shortly, a list of ministries will be available for you to indicate any interest. LPA WEEKEND PILGRIMAGE - AMPLEFORTH ABBEY - FRIDAY 10TH-SATURDAY 12TH APRIL 2015 Transport has now been arranged for the LPA weekend pilgrimage to Ampleforth Abbey at a cost of £30 per person. This Non-Refundable payment is requested to be made as soon as possible, and by February 28th at the latest. Also please drop a note to Fr. Peter with areas/topics you would wish to cover during the pilgrimage, again by 28th February. CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY FOR HALTON HOSPITAL AND THE BROOKER CENTRE There will be a meeting for all interested on Monday 16th February at 7pm in the hall at St. Edward's. TALES OF WONDER Due to the very difficult time the LPA has been through recently, Tales of Wonder has faded into the background. However, the great news is that we are going ahead with the musical. Full details SOON! _____________________________________________________________________________________ St Martin’s Christmas Raffle raised £233.95. Many thanks to all those who supported the Raffle and a particular thanks to those who organised it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WHO ARE SICK Please pray for those on the Sick List in the Foyer and those in our other two churches. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK’S ANNIVERSARIES William Collins, William Douglas, Catherine Forshaw, Maureen Hall, Stephen Quinn (2002) PARISH WEBSITE: LPA WEBSITE:
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