Welcome to St. Dominic Church 493 North Second Street, Breese, Illinois 62230 Phone: 618-526-7746 Fax: 618-526-7755 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 01, 2015 Pastor: Fr. Patrick N. Peter Deacon: Linus Klostermann Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 8am and 11am Weekday Masses: 8am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Websites: St. Dominic Church Diocese of Belleville Knights of Columbus Mater Dei High School All Saints Academy Holy Day Masses: 8am, 12:10pm, & 7pm Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment Baptism & Marriage: For arrangement please contact the Parish office Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at noon Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9am-3pm Office Staff: Judie Kuper Office manager Carol Niemeyer Office secretary All Saints Academy Dr. Robin Booth - Principal Pat Huene - Secretary 295 N. Clinton St. 526-4323 Mater Dei High School Dennis Litteken - Principal 900 N. Mater Dei Dr. 526-7216 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin info: [email protected] Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org ww.saintdominicbreese.org www.diobelle.org www.breeseknights.org www.materdeiknights.org www.asasaints.com Parish Organizations, Committees and Ministries Parish Council Janice Albers Bill Hummert Cyndi Riley—Vice P Cindy Klein-Sec. Rita Litteken Marty Johnson– Pres. Janice Niemeyer Kathleen Heinzmann Christopher Stark Trustees Dennis Ratermann Dawn Tebbe Community Committee Janice Albers Rita Litteken Adult Servers Mary Ellen Detmer Men’s Sodality Ken Schonhoff Adoration Allison Cowgill Picnic Executives Leo Lammers Mike Klein Mike Klostermann Altar Sodality Helen Essenpreis Eucharistic Ministers Dorothy Voss First Fridays/Homebound Ministry-Fr. Pat Lectors Rod Kloeckner Liturgy Committee Cyndi Riley Building & Maintenance Alfred Ratermann Prayer Ministry Marie Timmermann Lorine Schmidt Choirs, Cantors, Musicians Leah Loddeke Rosary Leaders open Church Decorating Lynn Hollenkamp RCIA Mark Wright Sacristans Ruth Langhauser Gail Linn Josie Timmermann Servers Fr. Pat Spiritual Formation Diane Klostermann Stephen Ministry Marg Beckmann Sue Darr Aggie Dumstorff Helen Essenpreis Marilyn Gnaedinger Peggy Hellige Margaret Jakel Michael & Cindy Klein Deacon Linus Klostermann Marita Loddeke Stewardship Committee Diane Klostermann Ushers Dave Moss Welcoming Committee Dot Bauman Youth Faith Formation Darlene Menietti Youth Ministry Diane Klostermann Mass Intentions Saturday, January 31 5:30pm: Audrey Uhls Rita Taylor Wanda Lager, Jeremy Schrage, and Mark Fields Sunday, February 1 8:00am: Parish Family 11:00am: Roger Huelsmann Milton VonGerichten & Verene Heldorfer Events This Week Sunday, February 1: Youth Ministry meeting 12:00pm at St. Dominic cafeteria Monday, February 2: Adoration in Church 1:00-6:00pm MD School Board Meeting 7:30pm Tuesday, February 3: Stewardship meeting 6:30pm Liturgy meeting 7:00pm Wednesday, February 4: St. Jude Devotion after morning mass Thursday, February 5: Quilting in the Rectory 9:00am ASA Market Day 4:45-6:30 cafeteria Friday, February 6: First Friday Benediction 6:50pm Saturday, February 7: Padre Pio Mass 8:30am Rosary, Mass at 9:00am K of C Mass for Past Grand Knights 5:30pm Monday, February 2 8:00am: Paul Berndsen Walter ―Wally‖ Eilers Adoration in Church 1pm-6pm 22nd Weekly Cash Raffle Winner: Grace Timmermann Tuesday, February 3 8:00am: Vicente Cue Quilting in the Rectory: Quilting has begun and will continue every Thursday at 9:00am in the rectory. Quilters are invited to come and help make quilts for the Parish. If you don’t quilt, please help by providing a dish for the lunches on Thursdays: a main dish, a side dish or a dessert. Call Ann Olliges at 5267349 to volunteer to make a dish. 10:00am: (NH) Alfred Klutho Wednesday, February 4 8:00am: L&D Theodore & Wilhelmine Huelsmann Family Martha Timmermann St. Jude Devotions after Mass Thursday, February 5 NO MASS 9:00am: Quilting in the rectory Friday, February 6 8:00am: Evelyn Ratermann Saturday, February 7 5:30pm: Past Grand Knight of Columbus Members Sunday, February 8 8:00am: Parish Family 11:00am: Jason Kruse and L&D Members of Alois Varel Family Last Weekend’s Stewardship: Sunday envelopes: $7,927.00 Online Giving $1,508.00 Loose: $49.00 Children’s Envelopes: $20.00 Adopted Parish: $20.00 Needy: $75.00 Tuition Assistance: $15.00 Building: $72.00 Miscellaneous Blue: $10.00 The Diocese of Belleville is seeking a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Please see the bulletin board in back of church for more details. Altar Sodality books are on the table in the back of church for you to pick up. Members are also asked to pick up books for anyone they know that is unable to come to church to pick up their book. Messenger Renewal Weekend is February 7-8, 2015 Please stay ―connected‖ through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope or on-line at www.bellevillemessenger.org. Subscription cost: Print - $25.00, Electronic - $25.00, Both - $30.00 CATHOLIC MEN for CHRIST – 8th Annual St. Louis Conference. Saturday - February 7th - Peabody Opera House - speakers include: George Weigel, Tim Staples, Terry Barber and Monsignor James Ramacciotti. (www.catholicmenforchrist.org) or for more information please contact Deacon Linus 526-4374 ―I went last year and it was an uplifting experience, consider joining me. CATHOLIC WOMEN for CHRIST at St. Charles convention center in St. Charles sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The day includes speakers and liturgy. The cost is $45 prior to 2/28/15. Contact Diane Klostermann at 526-4395 for more information. Breese Knights of Columbus are honoring their Past Grand Knights with a Mass next Sat., Feb. 7 at 5:30pm here at St. Dominic. All are invited. Fr. Pat will perform the blessing of throats after all the Masses this weekend, Jan. 31st/Feb.1st in honor of the Feast of St. Blasé. St. Augustine Parish has invited, Sister Thea Bowman School to come and participate in their Liturgy at the 4 pm Mass on January 31st. The students and their music instructor are excited to celebrate the mass with us. All are welcome. Please keep in your prayers Dr. Renato Rivera and his team as they leave for their surgical mission in the Philippines February 12. Over the last eight years, doctors have performed nearly 600 surgeries. The team is preparing for their ninth Surgical & Medical Mission trip to the Philippines in February and they are planning 120 major surgeries next month. Donations are currently being sought for medical supplies for the mission. It was noted that every penny you give goes directly to helping the people over there. If anyone wishes to donate toward helping those in the Philippines, check out the website at operationgivingbackbohol.org, or call (618) 910-3104. You can also check out the Facebook page ―Operation Giving Back: Bohol Mission.‖ Sign up for Lenten Adoration begins this weekend. St. Dominic will again offer Lenten Adoration on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays this Lenten Season. Please prayerfully consider making an hour commitment on one of those days to deepen your faith and to pray for the many needs of the world. Sign-up sheets are in the back of Church St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese is in need of a part-time PASTORAL CARE ASSOCIATE for occasional on-call duty, to guide and console families in crisis when called upon. Prior experience, degree or certification is strongly preferred. Apply online ONLY, at www.hshscareers.jobs Breese Knights of Columbus are again selling their famous chicken wings for your Super Bowl Parties. Hot, BBQ, Plain or Honey Hot. 25 wings for $18, 50 for $35 or 100 for $70 from 12:00noon to 4:30pm on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st. Pre-orders will be taken by calling 526-7898 Highland Knights of Columbus Council 1580 will hold its annual Lenten Fish Frys beginning Friday, February 13, including Ash Wednesday, February 18, and all Fridays in Lent including Good Friday, April 3. $10.00 per person. All you can eat fried and baked cod fish meal. Introducing new potato casserole. Free delivery to area shut-ins. Call 618-6549049 The 23 Annual St. Dominic Marriage Celebration will be held on Saturday, Feb. 21, with 5:30pm Mass and a reception following in the Rectory. All couples who are celebrating 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60+ years of marriage in 2015 are invited to attend. St. Vincent De Paul Annual Mater Dei Band & Chorus All you can Eat Chicken Dinner Here is a partial listing of what St. Vincent on February 8th at the Breese K of C Hall from 11a.m. to 6p.m. Dine in, DePaul could use. carryout, and delivery available (in Breese only) Beds: Desperately needs BEDS!! Any size. Many people are sleeping on the floor or have three or four Euchre Tournament Sunday, February 1st at 1:00pm in the St. Rose children sharing one bed. cafeteria. Sponsored by Council 28 of the CHFS Furniture and appliances in good working condition. Chicken & Turkey Dinner February 1, 2015 at Breese American Sheets, Blankets Legion. Dinner will be from 11:00am to 6:00pm. $9.00 for adults and Coats, Gloves, hats, scarves, socks $4.50 for children 6-12 years of age. Children under 6 is free. Clothing: All Sizes and age group for men & women, boys and girls. St. Mary Church Trenton All You Can Eat Breakfast, February 1, 2015 at St. Mary’s Parish Center in Trenton. 7:30am to 11:30am. Adults Desperate for women clothing, sizes 16-5x. Kitchen towels, Bath towels, $7.00, Children 6-12 $3.00 and Under 6 Free. Carryout's available. Dishes, they do not have to match. St. Mary, Carlyle, St. Ann Sodality Basket Bingo and Bake Sale We have a parishioner who volunteers at St. Vincent February 8th, 1:00pm at Carlyle KC Hall. All baskets valued at $50. DePaul at times and she reported that the shelter is Lighting raffle begins at noon. Sandwiches & desserts served. full and people are living outside in the cold. Please say extra prayers for the people who have no Beckemeyer Son’s of the American Legion is hosting a Euchre home and are living in the streets or in their Tournament on January 31st at Beckemeyer Legion starting at 7:00 cars . pm. Sign up begins at 6:00pm. St. Vincent DePaul really wants to Thank Everyone Mater Dei Band Parent Chicken Dinner will be e served at the who has been donating to their shelter. Thank You! Breese Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, February 8, 2015 from ___________________________________________ 11:00 am until 6:00 pm. Bishop Edward K. Braxton and the Vicars Forane invite you to respond to the questionnaire for St. John's U.C.C. Breese will have an Omelet Breakfast on Sunday, February 15th 7a.m. - Noon. Adults are $8 & Children 4-11 are $4. Eat the upcoming 2015 Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family. The questions sent by the in or Carryout. Holy See to each Diocese in the world are available at St. Augustine Church Breese Quilt/Cash Bingo Sunday, February the Diocese of Belleville web site at diobelle.org. 15, 2015. Bingo starts at 2:00pm, Fried Chicken Luncheon from Please click on the link on the home page for the ques11:00am—1:00pm. tions, then enter your prayerful and thoughtful responses. St. Anthony Beckemeyer Bunko & Dessert Party February 16, Your answers will be submitted to the Bishop's Office. 2015 at 1:00pm. $5 per person includes drinks and dessert The purpose of the questionnaire is not to debate the teachings of our Catholic Faith, but to determine how Save the Date: The 24th annual Mothers and Friends' Dinner Auction is March 21st. “A Knight at the Ball Park”. Watch the bul- those teachings may be 1) more fully shared among letin for more information Catholics and with modern society and 2) more effectively applied in the pastoral settings of our parishes Rummage Sale, at Marydale Church on February 12 thru Saturday and institutions. Also, be aware that your Vicar Forane February 14. See bulletin board in back of Church for times. and your Pastor may be planning group discussions of 7Mile Run, 5K Run/Walk, and Youth Fun Run Saturday, March these questions in your Parish or Vicariate. Please con28, 2015 Washington County State Recreational Area Nashville, Il Regis- sider participating in those sessions. ter at Active.com The last mile of the 7 mile course is a challenging trail running through the beautiful woods near the lake. Retrouvaille marriage retreats provide help for troubled marriages. For confidential information about St. John the Baptist Parish in Smithton Men’s Annual Card Sothe next Retrouvaille weekend on Feb. 8-10th, call 1cial Friday, February 6, 2015 at 7:00pmDonation $10, Pot of Gold tick800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com. ets $5. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Help available: Do you need a little help with leaf removal, snow shoveling or other yard work? Some of our High School students have volunteered to assist the elderly, ill or widowed. Contact Diane at 526-4395. This service is offered free of charge by the Breese Youth Ministry. Basketball 2/1/15 Boys game at 1:45pm and co-ed game at 2:30pm at St. Dominic Parish Center. Any high school youth interested in playing Youth Ministry Basketball should contact Diane 526-4395. Permission slips are required. Basket Basketball 2/8/15 games at Bartelso. Boys game is at 11:30 against Albers; Co-ed games is at 12:15 against Germantown. On 1/31/15 and 2/1/15 Youth Ministry will collect donations for the House of Manna for Super Bowl Sunday Next Youth Ministry meeting is 2/1/15 at noon at St. Dominic’s. All high school youth are encouraged to attend. Any high school youth helping with Luke 18 needs to attend this meeting. Any high school youth interested in attending the Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) should contact Mary 5267797, Cheryl 526-7594 or Diane 526-4395 or attend the 2/1/15 meeting. Conference is 3/27-3/29 in Collinsville. ——————————————————————————————-Lenten One-Day Pilgrimage The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows is hosting a one day pilgrimage to two St. Louis spiritual centers—Shrine of St. Joseph and the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis the King on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Come together as prayerful pilgrims for this journey. Cost is $17. for more information, please call the Shrine Office of Pilgrim Services at 618-394-MARY or visit www.snows.org/ pilgrim. Join us on pilgrimage! St. Dominic offers a Roses for Life program, in which you can call the rectory to put an unborn baby and mother on the prayer list and have a rose placed on Mary’s altar in their honor. Once God’s greatest gift arrives, the rose can be removed and taken home. ———————————————————————— Youth Faith Formation (PSR) is in need of a 6th grade teacher. If you are interested or have questions, please call Darlene Menietti at 526-2480. ————————————————————————————— RESPECT LIFE CORNER Perseverance is the Key – The brutal statistic of around 57 million children being denied the right to life in the over 40 years since abortion was legalized in the U.S. is not only overwhelming, but there is the temptation to despair and wonder whether the struggle is winnable. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: The answer is a resounding “yes” providing we are prepared to make some sacrifice, commit ourselves and persevere. Young adults and high school students are increasingly more pro-life than ever before. Pray for all who do not embrace the rights of the unborn that they come to know and treasure the value of every person Worldwide Marriage Encounter In today’s second reading St Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a negative impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just focus on God and each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is February 6 – 8. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to www.stl-wwme.org. Sunday 11 am Sunday 8 am Saturday 5:30 Ministers of the Mass for February 7/8 USHERS Clarence Voss Steve Guttersohn Jim Masching Rich Eilermann Bob Albers Josh Albers SERVERS Andrew Stevenson Tyler Timmermann Austin Voss Luke Zurliene Nolan Foppe EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Gail Linn, Tim Richter Diane Grapperhaus Tim Moylan Lynette Eilermann Susie Hempen Kori Voss, Bob Albers Ron Kleiboeker Jerry Lampe Dave Moss Norb Ottensmeier Alfred Ratermann Jason Roeckenhaus Gretta Stark Jillian Usselmann Abigail Wright Sally Albers Ellen Antonacci Jack Lampen Steve Usselmann Luke Essenpreis Joe Seger Jacob Eilers Jordan Ratermann Dawson Ratermann Joe & Judy Husmann Joe McNamara, Mike Klein Vernon Mohesky Barb Lammers Helen Essenpreis Josie Timmermann Nick Hummert Kyler Johnson Blake Kloeckner Alden Moss A.J. Mueth Beth Bedard, Suann Fields Deb Koetting Tim Schleper, Esther Koch Jane P. Jansen Mary Ellen Detmer Diane Klostermann LECTOR: Esther Koch ORGANIST/CANTOR Evelyn/Ashlie L. GIFT BEARERS: Knights of Columbus Members LECTOR:Jan Deiters ORGANIST/CANTOR Diane/Steve K. GIFT BEAERS: Parish Family LECTOR: Dave Toennies ORGANIST/CANTOR Diane/Hannah/Anna GIFT BEARERS Kruse Family
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