February 5, 2015 - Shrine of Saint Anne For Mothers

Blessed Sacrament
Shrine of Saint Anne
515 South Main Street
Waterbury, CT 06706
182 Robbins Street
Waterbury, CT 06708
February 1, 2015
Reverend Jeremiah N. Murasso, Ph.D., Ed.D., Psy.D., Pastor,
The Robert C. Leslie Professor of Pastoral Logotherapy
Dean of the Waterbury Deanery, School & Pastoral Psychologist, APCS Certified
Reverend Carmine Raneri, in Residence
Reverend John Gatzak, in Residence
Mass Schedule
Confessions: Sat 3:00-3:30pm and by appointment
Vigil Mass: Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 8am & 11am
Daily Mass: Monday through Friday 8am
Parish Office
Linda Hendrickson: Secretary
Office Hours: Monday through Friday
8:30am to 3:30pm
[email protected]
Fax: 203-596-0740
Mass Schedule
Sunday Mass at 9:30am
Daily Mass: Tuesday and Friday at 12:15pm
Parish Office
Mireille Desmornes: Secretary
Office Hours: Monday, 2-5pm, Tuesday 9-5pm
Wednesday, 2-6pm, Friday 2-5pm
[email protected]
Fax: 203-754-3244
Business Manager: Barbara Mule
Office at Blessed Sacrament
Director of Religious Education: Stephen Kenny
Office at the Shrine of Saint Anne
Baptisms & Weddings Arranged by Appointment
Sponsor certificates for Baptism or Confirmation will be issued to a Confirmed, practicing member of the parish.
Registration and regular use of the envelope system is our only way to verify membership.
Blessed Sacrament School: 386 Robinwood Road, Waterbury, CT 06708 • (203) 756-5313
Email: [email protected] • School web page: http://www.blessedsacramentschoolct.com
Blessed Sacrament School Principal: John Cook
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome...You enter these doors...not as a stranger, but as a
guest of God. God is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with
joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into God’s presence,
offering God your love and service. Be grateful to the strong
and loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built these
churches of worship and to all who have beautified them and
hallowed them with their prayers, praise and financial
sacrifices. Ask God’s blessing on those who love these
places of faith as the inspiration of their labor, rejoicing in the
power of the Holy Spirit. May that blessing rest on you, both on
your going out and coming in.
Many thanks for your weekly contributions. Your weekly
offering is very important for the ongoing operations of Saint
Anne. Please be assured of the importance of your weekly
giving. Please make up for weekends away as we depend on
Masses for the Week
Many, Many Thanks for your response to the Fuel & Electric
Collection and the Monthly Collection.
Sunday, February 1—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
† Jesse Drolet
By Sharon Drolet
Jan. 26, 2014 Jan. 25, 2015
Catholic Schools
Total $2,397.00
This is a great help.
The Second Collection this week is Fuel & Electric
Tuesday, February 3—Saints Blaise & Ansgar
† Parish Intentions
This Week
Sunday, February 1
Friday, February 6— Saint Paul Micki and Companions
† Carrie Jackson
By the Family
Sunday, February 8—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
† Dolande & Roger Kennedy
By Denise Walker
Call the parish office, 203-756-4439, to celebrate a Mass.
Spaces are available in the 2015 Mass Book. Call the parish
office to have the Sanctuary Candle burn for a special
intention, for a friend, a loved one or personal intention.
Ash Wednesday is on February 18, 2015. Mass is scheduled at
Lenten Regulations:
As Jesus fasted 40 days in the desert, the Church traditionally
fasts during Lent. A form of bodily prayer, fasting and
abstinence in union with other Christians reminds us of our
utter dependence on and love for God.
Fasting: Ages 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday,
limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals, with
no snacking between meals. (Health reasons allowing.)
Abstinence: Catholics age 14 and older abstain from meat on
Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent.
Financial Statements for your 2014 Taxes
The 2014 statement of annual contributions made
to the Shrine of Saint Anne are available for
parishioners. Requests can be made by calling the
Bookkeeper, Barbara Mule, at the Blessed
Sacrament parish office, 203-753-3149.
Thank you for your generosity to
The Shrine of Saint Anne for Mothers!
(+) or (-)
Liturgy of the Hours
2nd Collection—Fuel & Electric
Fellowship Sunday
Free Blood Pressure Screening
Tuesday, February 3
The Rosary Prayer Group
Thursday, February 5
Sr. Yvonne’s Workshop
Choir Practice
Friday, February 6
Sunday, February 8
Liturgy of the Hours
2nd Collection—Monthly
Scout Day—Welcome the Scout
Pack 20 & Troop 41 of
Blessed Sacrament School
THANK YOU! On behalf of our Catholic secondary school
students, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Dale R.
Hoyt, would like to express sincere thanks to all those who
supported the 2015 High School Collection. Your generosity is
deeply appreciated by all those whose future you have helped
to shape.
To download the weekly bulletin from our website, visit
The soul cannot live without love.-St. Francis de Sales
New Members Parish Council Committee
Following the Parish Council election which took place on
January 11, 2015, because the votes were so close, Father
Murasso had decided to retain all 6 candidates who kindly have
presented themselves to serve our parish.
The 6 candidates: Mr. John Hudson, Mrs. Diane DeLucia,
Mr. Timothy Boucher, Mrs. Lucille DeLage, Mr. Marcel LaFontaine and Mr. Edward Flynn will serve along with the actual
Parish Council committee.
Congratulations to you all and
Thank you for serving our Church Community!
Fellowship Sunday
Today is Fellowship Sunday. Everyone is welcome to join us
after Mass in the Lower Church. Please note that Fellowship
operates strictly from the generous financial contributions of
those in attendance.
Prayers for the Sick
This week let us pray for:
Georgette M. Giroux
Helen Allen
Dolores Trudeau
William Allen
Marie Bosse
Gustavo Jacome
Daniel Godlewski
Fr. Richard Deshaies
Jannie Bass
Allan & Erica LaCombe
Claire Gelinas
Carmen Caron
Roland Jolly
Aline Beaudoin
Jerry Theroux
Francoise Tanguay
Lorraine Bandeira
Philip LeBlanc
Cynthia Prodoti
William Behr
Muriel Carpentier
Kristen Socia
Joel Rivera
Robert Bertrand
Joan Hutt
Please call the parish
office at 203-756-4439 to add
a name to the prayer list.
Mal3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:2240 [22-32]
Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32;
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14,
17-18a; Mk 6:1-6
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11;
Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1,3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19,
22-23; Mk 1:29-39
From the Religious Education Office of the
Shrine of Saint Anne
Classes for Grades 1 to 8 resume today (Sunday) immediately
following 9:30am Mass.
Anointing of the Sick
Parishioners who are homebound, who would like
to receive the sacraments, please call the parish
office at 203-756-4439.
The Shrine of Saint Anne family welcomes you to
register and worship with us!
If you are already registered, please keep us up to date so
we can better serve you.
______I am registered but I have an update.
Name, phone number, change of address and etc. :
______I am new to the Parish.
Please send a registration form to:
Address with Zip code
Daytime Phone:( ______) __________________________
Cell #: (_____) ___________________________________
Email address:___________________________________
Please complete the form and drop it in the
collection basket or call 203-756-4439 from Monday
through Friday from 9:00am -3pm.
Watch the News on Channel 3 or Channel 8 for any Church related cancellations, delays or closings.
Please note, if there are schools delays, the weekly Mass is automatically canceled.
Cardiovascular Disease
February is often thought of as the month of romantic
love because of the celebration of Valentine's Day, but it is also
American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause
of death for both men and women in the United States, one in
every three deaths is caused from heart disease, stroke, and
high blood pressure (2,220 deaths per day). It is the leading
cause of disability. What is often misunderstood or ignored is
that in most cases it can be prevented. Heart disease can often
be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage
their health conditions with consistent pattern of care and
attention. Cardiovascular disease does not affect all groups of
people in the say way. Having a family history, a close relative
who has heart disease put a person at higher risk for CVD.
Race and ethnicity also affect the risk. For example, it is
estimated that 44% of African American men and 48% of African
American women have some form of CVD (cardiovascular
disease). White males 45 and older, women 55 and older with
a family history are at increased risk of developing heart
Get working on new lifestyle habits which can help
prevent heart disease. Jump on the healthy heart bandwagon
and try to implement eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
each day. Increase physical activity and exercise at least 10
minutes more than usual activity each day, get 8 hours of sleep
every night.
Did you know that sleep deprivation itself increases
blood pressure and risk for heart attack? Lack of sleep also
increases risk for obesity and diabetes--which have a
connection to heart disease. Chances are if the body is not
getting eight hours of rest, the body is more stressed. Get to
bed earlier so that the body is able to get the rest it needs to
function at its best. Increasing physical activity helps to lower
blood pressure, cholesterol, heart and blood vessel strength,
and overall fitness level. Sitting most of the day does increase
the risk of heart disease. Eating fruits and vegetables, at least 5
per day, fuels the body with important vitamins, fiber,
antioxidants, mineral and other plant compounds. These all help
lower blood cholesterol, regulate the heartbeat, protect blood
vessels and lower blood sugar levels. These foods are filling
and displace heavier, fattier starches and meats.
sodium, the diet can lower blood pressure. Eating foods low in
saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol and high in fiber.
Do’s & Don’t:
Don't smoke-cigarette smoking significantly increases the
risk for developing CVD. A healthcare provider can suggest
ways to help to quit smoking. Limit alcohol use, too much
alcohol can increase blood pressure. Men should stick to
no more than 2 drinks per day, women no more than one
drink per day.
Take medicine- If taking medication to treat high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or any other condition,
follow instructions carefully. Do not alter medication on your
own; speak to a health care professional before making any
changes in medications. For example: do not skip taking a
medication, or cut the dose in half because the body feels
well. Often time, high blood pressure and high cholesterol
do not have any obvious symptoms. Never discontinue
taking a medication that the doctor as ordered without
conferring with a health professional.
Maintain a healthy weight-Being overweight or obese can
increase the risk for CVD. Healthcare professionals can
calculate the body mass index (BMI). If you know your
height and weight, you can calculate your BMI at CDC's
Assessing Your Weight Web site.
Exercise regularly-Physical activity does help reduce
weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, stress. The surgeon
General recommends that adults should engage in
moderate-intensity activity for at least 150 minutes per
week, which is equivalent to 30 minutes per day. Rake the
leaves instead of using a leaf blower, get up to turn off the
TV instead of using the remote, use the stairs instead of
the elevator, any kind of physical movement is positive.
Standing up and washing the dishes or taking a break from
the computer is a great way to get the blood moving which
improves circulation. There are plenty of indoor activities
that can be accomplished during the winter days or
evenings which can keep the body moving. Exercise
should not only be associated with going to a gym. All
physical movement is a body in motion; a body in motion is
a body that is and will remain strong.
Floss every day- flossing can reduce the amount of
gum-disease causing bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria is
thought to enter the blood stream and trigger inflammation
in the arteries, a major risk for heart disease. Research has
shown that people with high levels of bacteria in the mouth
are more likely to have thickening in the arteries, another
sign of heart disease. Visit the dentist every 6 months for
cleanings and evaluation. Don't wait until a painful
toothache happens; take care of the teeth and gums in the
Research suggests that people who attend religious
services tend to live longer than people who never attend. A key
immune system protein was increased in the people who
attended religious services more than 1 time per week than the
people who never attended. (the study was done over a 12 year
period of people aged 65 and older).
Chronic anger decreases lung function and other
ailments. Letting go of grudges has positive health benefits.
Forgiveness will reduce anxiety, decrease blood pressure, and
promote better breathing. Manage stress by meditation, yoga,
prayer, or deep breathing, exercising, spending time with a
good friend. Managing and coping with stress effectively can
help prevent heart disease and at times can reverse the effects
of heart disease.
Instead of celebrating this year with a chocolate candy
heart on Valentine's Day, celebrate the human heart (organ) by
creating an action plan. The action plan can be to start
incorporating more healthy fruits into the daily diet. A bowl of
strawberries is better for the body than chocolate. Take
advantage of getting blood pressure checked monthly after
Mass. The body only has one heart, take the best care to make
sure it is pumping and working efficiently! Kim Petrillo, Parish
*informational source Mayo clinic
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Boy Scout Sunday
The Presentation of the Lord;
World Day for Consecrated Life;
Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day
St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats;
St. Agatha
St. Paul Miki and companions; First Friday
Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
A Family Perspective
Today’s gospel reminds us “unclean spirits” still haunt our
families. These “spirits” thrive inside our grudges, punishing
silence, impatience and abruptness. Today Jesus offers you
the “authority” to cast out these spirits from your life and your
For the month of February, the Social Action Committee is
collecting ready to eat canned pasta meals with meat for the
Catholic Charities. Your continued generosity is appreciated. If
you have any questions, please call Francine Nido at 203-8080735.
BINGO Friday Night
Doors open at 5pm and games are played from
7pm to 9:30pm. Come down and enjoy a
fun-filled evening! Good food, free coffee and
tea. Volunteers are always needed to help. For
more information visit:
Tuesday’s Rosary Prayer Group
The Rosary Prayer Group meets every Tuesday in the church at
10:00am for Adoration, Benediction and followed by coffee.
Everyone is welcome!
Dates to Remember
Sunday, February 15, 2015, 10:00am to 12:00noon
Valentine Pancake Breakfast
sponsored by the Holy Name Society in the Church Hall
Ash Wednesday, February 18 at 12:15pm
Mass with Ashes
Sunday, February 22, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Pinewood Derby Pack 20 in the Church Hall
Saturday, March 7, 4:00pm
35th Ordination Anniversary with Mass Celebration for
Deacon Gaspard LeBlanc
All Parishioners, Family and Friends to their
Annual Bus Trip on March 28, 2015 to
Round Trip Bus Fare is $30.00
You’ll receive back: $15.00 Voucher &
$15.00 Free Slot Play
Make Check Payable to:
St. Anne Holy Name Society
Reservation with Pre-Payment is Required
Depart at 8:30am
Hamilton Avenue Commuter Parking Lot in Waterbury;
Commuter Lot next to Truck Stop in Milldale off of Rte 84.
For more information call
Marcel LaFontaine at 203-754-8849 or
Brent LaPrade at 203-753-5230
Seating is Limited
Recruitment Notices
From the Ladies of Saint Anne Society
The Ladies of Saint Anne Society is recruiting new members. If
you are interested, please call Jeanne LaPrade at 203-2320657.
From Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is recruiting new members. For more
information, please call Brent LaPrade at 203-753-5230.
From Sister Yvonne’s Workshop
Sister Yvonne’s Workshop is looking for more volunteers to knit,
make holiday crafts. Please contact Francoise Ouellette at
(203)755-7169 or Jeanne LaPrade at (203)753-5230 for more
Disorder in the society is the result of disorder in the family.
-St. Angela Merici