CHRIST the KING CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 4:30 pm SUNDAY 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm MONDAY 7:00 am TUESDAY 8:15 am School Mass (as scheduled) WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 6:00 pm FIRST FRIDAY, 7:00 am SATURDAY 8:30 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION CONFESSION on SATURDAY 3:30 pm (and by request) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION TUESDAY 5:00—6:00 pm (for vocations) FIRST FRIDAY 7:30 am—3:00 pm BENEDICTION 2:30 pm (as scheduled) CHRIST THE KING SCHOOL SHERRY WOODMAN, 615-292-9465 Call THE PARISH OFFICE for MARRIAGE PREPARATION REV. JOHN HAMMOND, ext. 113 (at least six months in advance) INFANT BAPTISM (by third trimester) ext. 100 INQUIRY ABOUT BECOMING CATHOLIC JOCELINE LEMAIRE, ext. 109 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM for Children (P.R.E.P.) KATHY SKINNER, ext. 108 ADULT EDUCATION JOCELINE LEMAIRE, ext. 109 NURSERY (infants to age three) DURING 8:30 and 11:00 am Masses Education Room of the Parish Center KATHY SKINNER, ext. 108 MUSIC MINISTRY LUCIA HUSKEY, ext. 107 3001 Belmont Boulevard • Nashville, TN 37212 615-292-2884 • FOURTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 This treasure is for everyone We believe that Jesus’ teaching authority, which astonished his hearers, continues through apostolic succession to each new generation of believers. As Catholic writer Alice Camille put it, “I know that there’s little in my life of faith that doesn’t come to me directly or indirectly as a result of 20 centuries of magisterial collaboration between the church’s leadership and faithful membership.” The deposit of faith is our treasure. Let’s not bury it. Prepare the Word: the ORDER of MASS Mass Responses — use cards located in pews February 1st Reading at RS #1081 February 8th Reading at RS #1084 MASS INTENTIONS of the WEEK Sunday’s 11 am Mass is for the intentions of the Parishioners of Christ the King Parish FEBRUARY 1ST THROUGH 7TH Masses this week: Sun. 8:30 am, 11 am, 6 pm; Mon. 7 am; Tues. 8:15 am; Wed. & Thurs. 6 pm; Fri. 7 am; Sat. 8:30 am & 4:30 pm Masses and Prayers for the intentions of: Int. of Nell Ayers by Courtney Biddle Traian Benchea by Jeanne & Gino Marchetti John Hooker by the Hooker Family Igor Kavass by the Kavass Family Nora Rohling by James Rohling Int. of Carolyn Rudin by Pascale Wade Tom Seigenthaler by Alice Valiquette Conrad Smith by Terry & Peggy Burkhalter Laurine Vail by the Dukehart Family Int. of Christian Wade by Shannon & Mick Beisel Sarah Wilson by Suzanne & Bill Goodman FEBRUARY 8TH THROUGH 14TH Masses this week: Sun. 8:30 am, 11 am, 6 pm; Mon. 7 am; Tues. 8:15 am; Wed. & Thurs. 6 pm; Sat. 8:30 am & 4:30 pm Masses and Prayers for the intentions of: Ron Barze by Jeanne & Gino Marchetti Int. of Scott & Kelli Beisel by Shannon & Mick Beisel Int. of M/M Lawrence Cleary by Shannon & Mick Beisel Juioa Isabel de Aguinaga by Maria del Aguinaga John Hooker by the Hooker Family Int. of Frances Naga by Pascale Wade Debbie Oldham by the Dukehart Family Steve Popovich by James Rohling Martha Towne by Suzanne & Bill Goodman Sarah Wilson by the Hooker Family Linda Zralek FLOWER MEMORIALS Contributions to the Altar Flower Fund recognized during the month of FEBRUARY are in memory or in honor of: † Bobbie Bickel by James Bickel † Stephen Burk by Eni Burk † Martin & Kitty Gilmore by Mildred Shuff SCHEDULE of EVENTS LAISSEZ LE BONS TEMPS ROULER! PARISH MARDI GRAS PARTY Join us and kick up your heels on Sat., Feb. 14th, as we celebrate Mardi Gras! At the conclusion of 4:30 pm Mass follow the band from church over to the parish hall and enjoy great music, great food, and great friends. This is a family friendly event...all are welcome! Volunteers also welcome. If you would like to help or just have questions, please contact Tom Holland ([email protected] / 615-376-0007). † Igor Kavass by Carmen Kavass † Faye Irene Watkins by Christina Culpepper A WORD on FAITH Drew pulled over to the side of the road, frustrated by my lack of map reading skills. I handed, or perhaps threw, the map to him as I pointed to the Irish sign post with its eleven, differently aimed arrows. “You figure it out!” It was not my most loving-wife moment. FEBRUARY 1 First Sunday Baptisms Blessing of Throats at all Masses 3 8:15 am School Mass—Blessing of Throats 4 Elizabeth Ministry Meeting, 7 pm, Music Room 6 First Friday Mass, 7 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction 2:30 pm 7 Supper Club (following 4:30 Mass) 8 World Marriage Day, 2 pm Mass at the Cathedral Girl Scout Cookie Sales Begin! 14 Women’s Winter Retreat (beginning with 8:30 Mass) Parish Mardi Gras Party following 4:30 Mass 18 Ash Wednesday 22 Red Cross Blood Drive, 9:30 am—1:30 pm 28 A Crown Affair 2015 An Irishman appeared, walking toward my open car window. “Are ya lost?” REPORT of “Not exactly. We are just having trouble figuring out the map.” COLLECTIONS He smiled a wonderful smile and said, “First thing, never mind the map.” I have pondered that phrase in my heart, as it seems to me good advice on the spiritual journey. I have held many maps on that road—prayer books, the autobiographies of saints, translations of the Bible. All have been helpful—up to a point. At some crossroads in my life, I needed to put aside such aids and listen to Christ. At such times, I was apt to hear, “Never mind the map, follow me.” Carolyn Goddard WEEK 30— JANUARY 25, 2015 Regular Collection: Tuition Assistance Collection: Registered Families: $ 24,666.32 595.00 1285 Please prayerfully consider Christ the King Church and the Diocese of Nashville in your estate planning. Call 615-292-2884 with questions. In 2015 participating member status is based on a minimum of $950 in annual offertory contributions — used to determine eligibility for reduced school tuition rates. NEWS for THE PARISH THE MAGNIFICAT LENTEN COMPANION Copies of the 2015 Lenten Companion are available in the pews and at church entrances. Feel free to take home a copy! PALMS Old palms are burned and used for our Ash Wednesday services every year (Feb. 18th), so we ask parishioners to please bring in your palms by Fri., Feb. 13th. Baskets are available in the vestibule of the church. WHEELCHAIR MISSING If you know where the Knights of Columbus yellow wheelchair is (kept in the church), please call the parish office. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Sun., Feb. 22nd, 9:30 am—1:30 pm, in the West Wing of the Parish Center. All are encouraged to stop by and give the gift of life! SAVE THE DATE for A Crown Affair 2015! Break out those platform shoes for “Boogie Nights! A Disco-Style Raider Revival!” This year’s event will be held on Sat., Feb. 28th. All proceeds go directly to our school and allow us to fund many things that tuition alone cannot cover. Look forward to seeing you in February! LOOKING FOR TOILETRY ITEMS Room in the Inn provides food, clothing, and shelter for 20 homeless guests every Wednesday. We are looking for toiletry items for our guests — like lotions, shampoos, deodorant, etc. If you have small bottles of these items that you may have collected from your travels or other ventures, please think of donating them to our Room in the Inn program. To make a donation please contact John Green (615-500-8528, [email protected]) PARISH MARDI GRAS PARTY Join us and kick up your heels on Sat., Feb. 14th, as we celebrate Mardi Gras! At the conclusion of 4:30 pm Mass follow the band from church over to the parish hall and enjoy great music, great food, and great friends. This is a family friendly event...all are welcome! Volunteers also welcome. If you would like to help or just have questions, please contact Tom Holland ([email protected] / 615-376-0007). WOMEN’S WINTER RETREAT The Women’s Council is hosting a Women’s Winter Retreat on Sat., Feb. 14th. We will meet for 8:30 Mass followed by breakfast in the West Wing of the Parish Hall. Robin Jensen of Vanderbilt University will explore the life of Mary Magdalene, the woman in the Bible and a figure of legend. Attendance is free, but a reservation is appreciated. Please contact Patty Farmer ([email protected] / 615-498-6018) to reserve. You don’t want to miss this! SUPPER CLUB Please join together next Sat., Feb. 7th, after the 4:30 Mass for our next Supper Club hosted by the Holzapfels. Contact Lucia Huskey ([email protected]/615-837-3777) if you can come! ADULT FORMATION SUNDAYS, 9:45-10:45 am, Celebration Rm, Jan. 11-25 In October 2014 Pope Francis beatified Pope Paul VI and cited Pope Paul’s encyclical, On Proclaiming the Gospel, as “the greatest pastoral document written to date.” Leading the church from 1963 to 1978, Pope Paul reconvened the Second Vatican Council, presided over the final three of its four sessions and oversaw the promulgation of all of the council’s documents. He also led the process of implementing the council’s reforms. Pope Paul called for a more missionary church that would be open to the world and one that would dialogue with other Christians and other believers, and with nonbelievers, too. He championed the church’s social justice teachings and sought to embed those concepts as foundation stones of Catholic doctrine. He also sought a more collaborative, horizontal church. On February 1st: Paul VI and the Murder of Aldo Moro: The Relationship of Religion and Politics. Presenter—Paul Dokecki, PhD, CTK parishioner and Professor Emeritus, Vanderbilt University. On February 8th: Paul VI and Vatican II: Bringing the Council to Completion. Presenter—Patout Burns, Ph.D., CTK parishioner, held the first Edward A. Mulloy Chair of Catholic Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School. BISHOP’S STEWARDSHIP APPEAL We are reminded that as followers of Jesus, we are all called to do the work of the Lord here on earth. Please be as generous as possible with your commitment to our diocesan ministries. “Pledge Sunday” is Feb. 8th. The appeal supports Catholic education, evangelization, catechetical formation, pastoral outreach, services to the poor and youth ministry, to name a few. CENTERING PRAYER There will be an Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop at Christ the King on Sat., Feb. 21st, from 10 am—2:30 pm. The cost (which covers materials, morning coffee and pastries, and lunch) is $15. For more information, please contact Carolyn Goddard ([email protected] / 615-438-3216). To register, please send your name to Janis Lovecchio ([email protected] — corrected address). JOURNEY THROUGH SCRIPTURE will not meet on Feb. 11th. We will not have a class on Feb. 18th, Ash Wednesday, but will meet as a group to mark our entry into Lent. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY DINNER MENU Wed. dinners have resumed at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall thru March—when we welcome our Room in the Inn guests. Feb. 4th —, Barbeque, Baked Beans, Corn on the cob, Cornbread, Salad, and Dessert Feb. 11th—Chicken Tenders, Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans, Salad, and Dessert Cost: $7 adults / $4 children under 12 / $21 family PLEASE PHONE IN RESERVATIONS FOR GROUPS OVER TEN (615-292-2884) Father Ryan Microsoft Workshop will be held Feb. 19th, 8 am—4 pm. Ryan is one of the regional sites for this FREE workshop, open to all educators and school administrators in the area. Visit for more info. NEWS from OUR SCHOOL and P R E P . . . . DATES TO REMEMBER Feb. 2nd— Groundhog Day Feb. 7th — OBS Forensics Invitational Tournament Feb. 11th — Pre-Registration Forms for 2015-2016 due Feb. 13th— Diocesan Development — NO SCHOOL STEPHEN F. HUPKA DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP The Stephen F. Hupka Diversity Scholarship, established by Christ the King School in 2014, will provide tuition and other assistance to a Catholic student(s) of racial or ethnic minority who meet selection criteria. Contract the school office (2929465, [email protected]) for additional information. Mr. Hupka, with great generosity toward the school, has offered to match dollar for dollar any contribution to the Hupka scholarship, up to $10,000, if donated by February 15, 2015. Additional donations to the Stephen F. Hupka Diversity Scholarship may be made to Christ the King School. Please note Stephen F. Hupka Fund on your check. RCIA LEADER NEEDED We are in need of a leader for our RCIA for Children sessions on Sunday mornings during the 8:30 liturgy. This is a wonderful group of a variety of ages of children who are seeking baptism and full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. Knowledge of the RCIA process is helpful. Teaching resources are provided. This experience is rewarding! Please contact Kathy ([email protected]) for more details. NEWS in THE COMMUNITY New Divorce-Care Session underway 3-5 pm at St. Matthew Church on Sneed Road, for 13 weeks (began Jan. 11th). For more information contact Chris (615-594-9657/ [email protected]. St. Cecilia Academy Rose Gala takes place on Feb. 21st, with all proceeds benefiting the students. This year’s event has an 80s theme with online, silent, and live auctions. If you have items for the auction or if you provide a service that could be donated to the auction, please let us know. Visit our web page at St. Bernard Academy offers a Summer Childcare program for children ages 4-11 years old, running ten weeks—June 1— Aug. 14th (closed the week of June 29th), 8 am—5:30 pm Mon. through Fri.. Weekly fee is $225 per child. Call or email Suzanne Di Piazza (615-298-1298/[email protected]) Catholic Charities Annual Report for FY2013-2014 is now available at or call 615-760-1028 or email [email protected]. Father Ryan Gala takes place on Sat., Mar. 7th, at the Omni Nashville Hotel—this year honoring our Ninety Year Tradition of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Visit for more information. Camp JPII 2015: It’s time to sign up for summer camps! JPII is offering camps the month of June for ages 5-18. Popular camps include Science Sleuths, History of Warfare, Basketball, Baseball, and Dessert Wars. There are 36 camps to choose from. Find out everything you need to know at Open House at St. Cecilia Motherhouse: To celebrate this Year of Consecrated Life declared by Pope Francis, the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia will join religious communities around the country in hosting an Open House next Sun., Feb. 8th, 2-4 pm at their Motherhouse in Nashville (801 Dominican Drive). All are invited to visit the sisters and share something of the joy of their Dominican religious life. JPII Presents the Wizard of Oz in the Ann and Monroe Carell Auditorium on Mar. 6th at 7 pm, Mar. 7th at 2 pm & 7 pm, and Mar. 8th at 2 pm. Contact Zac Campbell ([email protected]) for tickets. A Lenten Retreat Day at Mercy Convent is scheduled for Feb. 7th. For info, contact Sr. Suzanne (615-885-4041). Jazz Mass for World Peace: Please join Holy Name Church Community for its first presentation of the Jazz Mass for World Peace by award-winning composer Marlene Tachoir on Thurs., Feb. 12th, at 7 pm. Visit and click on Peace Mass for more information. Centering Prayer as an 11th Step Practice. Members of any 12-step program are invited to St. Mary’s Sewanee Retreat Center on Mar. 27th—29th. Fee is $450 for the weekend retreat. Visit (800-728-1658) for more information and to make a reservation. Grief Share, sponsored by St. Philip Church, is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Sessions are under way Mondays, 6:30 pm in Meeting Room 105 next to the St. Philip Parish Office in downtown Franklin. Come anytime during the 13 week program. Contact Dave (615-479-504). Creighton Model Fertility Care System Introductory Session will take place at St. Thomas Midtown on Thurs., Feb. 12th, 6-8 pm. More information available at Register at Full Time Housekeeping Position in Franklin. Competitive pay with holidays, sick pay, and vacation included. Interested applicants please call Kathy (615-397-2163). C O F F E E D O N U T S PASTOR—REV. DEXTER SUTTON BREWER [email protected] • 615-292-2884, Ext. 101 MINISTRIES PAROCHIAL VICAR—REV. JOHN HAMMOND [email protected] • 615-292-2884, Ext. 113 Sundays—8:30-11:00 am Feb. 1st: The Strobel Family Feb. 8th: Mary Anne Collins 4:30: 8:30: 11:00: L E C T O R S E U C H A R I S T I C SCHEDULE of OUR 4:30: 8:30: 11:00: M I N I S T E R S January 31-February 1, 2015 4:30: Lee Ann and Chris Hofstetter, Stacy Garrett, Carmen Kavass, Morgan & Sally Holzapfel, Mary Ragghianti, Vickie Dukehart 8:30: Jean Mezera, Barbara Nanni, Frank Schindler, Erin Simpkins, Sarah Stamps, Chase Stejskal, Ramona Stejskal, Connie Wesnofske 11:00: Patrick Slota*, Mary Farfaglia, Mike & Cathy Kelly, Nick Beehan, Cindy Parten*, Mike Gorney, and Eni Burk February 7-8, 2015 4:30: Phil Pacsi, Morgan & Sally Holzapfel, Eni Burk, Helen St. Germain, Chris Hofstetter, Susan Casey, Pat Lavorini 8:30: Colleen Bonadio, Gregory Cochran, Susan Murphy, Bill & Susie O’Bryan, Tricia Wieck, Andrew & Karen Zenor 11:00: Mary Dunn, Linda Odom, Kiah Pierce, Dave Kuhlman, Henri Wayne CaCal, Brian KeatingRendon, Jan Dunn, Michael Greer 4:30: M A S S January 31-February 1, 2015 Andy Whitelaw, Windy Kimbro Mary Breen, Steve Meyer Edith Bluhm, Erin Polley February 7-8, 2015 Paz Haynes, Terry Casey Kevin Endres, Frank Young Wayne Penney, Linda Holman G R 8:30: E 11:00: E T E 4:30: R 8:30: S 11:00: January 31-February 1, 2015 Rosemarie Barnett, Joanne Katcher, Connie Daugherty, Celeste Norman Karolyn & Stephen Broussard, Hugh & Mary Breen Jennifer Manjivar, Derek Thompson, Sarah McMillen, Janie Clark February 7-8, 2015 TBA TBA TBA DEACONS JOHN KRENSON [email protected] DAVID LYBARGER [email protected] ANDREW McKENZIE [email protected] • 615-383-7019 BRIAN SCHULZ [email protected] • 615-777-8967 BOB TRUE [email protected] • 615-292-2884, Ext. 106, or 615-777-8906 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SHERRY WOODMAN [email protected] • 615-292-9465, Ext. 201 OTHER PARISH STAFF MIKE HOWINGTON, Campus Manager [email protected] • 615-777-8979 LUCIA HUSKEY, Director of Liturgy and Music and Wedding Coordinator [email protected] • 615-777-8907 JOCELINE LEMAIRE, Director of Adult Formation [email protected] • 615-777-8909 NANCY ROHLING, Parish Coordinator [email protected] • 615-292-2884, Ext. 100 KATHY SKINNER, Dir., Children and Youth Formation [email protected] • 615-777-8908 DAWNNE STEPHENS, Business Manager [email protected] • 615-777-8904 PASTOR EMERITUS—REV. JAMES K. MALLETT 728 Bacon Trail #61, Chattanooga, TN 37412 [email protected]; 423-779-2400 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS WOMEN’S COUNCIL - meets third Tuesdays 10 am and 7:00 pm, Council Room PRAYER CHAIN—Call 615-292-2884 or [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Contact Pat Watson [email protected], 615-330-6556 FUN BUNCH - Fridays for cards 1:00 pm, Com. Rm. C L O W A L T A R Feb. 1st: 8:30 Margaret Pyburn, Audrey Darke, Jeanne Meyer 11:00 Lynn Williams, Kayla and Lindsey Maberry Feb. 8th: 8:30 Amy Seigenthaler, A Caylor, A Wesnofske 11:00 Travis Carter, Olivia Coode S E R V E R S January 31-February 1, 2015 4:30: Macie & Sydney Long, Elizabeth Wehby 8:30: Ashlynn Caylor, Mark Pyburn, G. Mahoney 11:00: Grant, Craig, & Trent Skinner, Stella Wright February 7-8, 2015 4:30: Grant & Jill Tinsey, Patrick Warner 8:30: Audrey Elmerick, Jack Trew, Stephanie Meyer 11:00: Mc. Mathew, Claire & Cecilia Yezbak, D J Vigerust CENTERING PRAYER - Fridays 8:00 am, Com. Rm. LECTIO DIVINA—Mondays 8:30 am, Com. Rm. SCOUTING - Boy Scouts call John Green (615-500-8528) or Tom Shumate (615-260-5808); Girl Scouts call 615-383-0490 TAI CHI/CHI KUNG - Wednesdays 5:00 pm, Council Rm. CREDO—YOUNG ADULTS COMMUNITY — ([email protected]) For a complete list of Parish Organizations please call the Parish Office at 615-292-2884. For additional Calendar Events or Parish News
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