ST. BERNARD CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION CHURCH & SCHOOL SACRAMENTS 323 Reform St. North Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Rectory & Parish Office … 467-3351 Website …… Email:[email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon. , Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 10 am—2pm. Trustees Gary Widmer ……………. 467-3082 John (Jack) Lano .……….. 467-3765 Parish Council Chairperson Brian Willems ….………… 467-9654 Communion for Homebound Rita Fahey……………….....467-6478 DRE for 6th—10th Grades Julie Kleindl………….…… 442-5803 DRE for Pre-k-5th Grades Kara Wickenhauser………. 466-4719 Prayer Chain Carol Donnay ……………. 467-2183 Lucy Kostecka …………... 467-2576 E-mail: [email protected] Adoration Coordinator Jan Johnson……………952-412-4900 Music Liturgy Marilee Widmer ………… 467-3082 Social Hall Bookings Parish Office …..…………. 467-3351 Catholic United Financial Dennis Stoks …………952-240-5001 Knights of Columbus-Grand Knight Gerald Milz….……...467-3186 Baptisms: By appointment. Marriage Arrangements The couple should contact the priest as soon as they become engaged. They must meet with the priest twice before setting a marriage date. These two meetings need to be completed 6 months before the proposed date. Sacrament of Reconciliation Ascension—Sat. 4:15—4:45 pm. St. Bernard —Mon. 8:30 am. Sat. 7:15—7:45 pm. Additionally by appointment. Communion for Homebound Call parish office. Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office at any time. MASS SCHEDULE Ascension-Weekend-Sat. 5 pm. Sun. 8 am. Weekday –Tuesday 7:15 am. St. Bernard-Weekend-Sat. 8 pm. Sun. 10am. Weekday–Mon. Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am. Bulletin Co-editors 212 Church St. East Cologne, MN 55322 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Sr. Jancy Nedumkallel, Principal Rectory & Parish Office …… 466-2031 Parish Information E-mail: [email protected] Bookkeeper E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin E-mail: [email protected] School - Pre K—6th Grade … 466-5917 School Information E-mail: [email protected] Website ... Convent …………………….. 466-5620 Patricia Quinn……….…….…....466-3304 E-mail …[email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tues David Dettmann ………….…….467-2268 day & Wednesday 9am-1pm. [email protected] Trustees Joint Bulletin published weekly at: Leonard Hoen …...…………. 466-2088 & Andrew Kleindl.…….……….442-5803 Finance Council Chairperson SCRIPTURE READINGS For the week of Feb. 1, – Feb. 7, 2015 2/1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Dt 158:15-20 * Ps 95:1-2,6-7,7-9 * 1 Cor 7:32-35 * Mk 1:21-28. 2/2: The Presentation of the Lord: Mal 3:1-4 * Ps 24:7,8,9,10 * Heb 2:14-18 * Lk 2:22-40. 2/3 (St. Blaise; St. Ansgar): Heb 12:1-4 * Ps 22:26-27,28,30,31-32 * Mk 5:21-43. 2/4: Heb 12:4-7,11-15 * Ps 103:1-2,1-14,17-18 * Mk 6:1-6. 2/5 St. Agatha: Heb 12:18-19,21-24 * Ps 48:23,3-4,9,10-11 * Mk 6:7-13. 2/6 St. Paul Miki and Companions: Heb 13:1-8 * Ps 27:1,3,5,8-9 * Mk 6:14-29. 2/7 (BVM): Heb 13:15-17,20-21 * Ps 23:1-3,34,5,6 * Mk 6:30-34. Copyright 2014 by Creative Communications for the Parish. Used with permission. Bernie J. Shambour…… 952-466-5928 Parish Council Chairperson Carol Symanitz……….…651-331-8665 School Advisory Council Chairperson Pam Kunkel ..…………….952-467-3222 Faith Formation Coordinator FaithFormation@ Ladies Guild President Monica Kooiman …………... 466-5769 Prayer Chain Patsy Quinn….. ……….……. 466-3304 Lori Kasel [email protected] Adoration Coordinator Helen Nicklaus …………….. 466-2000 Catholic United Financial Helen Hilgers ………………. 466-5567 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 1, 2015 The 3 LEGGED STOOL Family Meals + Family Prayer + Sunday Mass = Stronger Families AND Stronger Marriages LEG #2 Family Prayer—Coming soon. Pope Francis @Pontifex · Oct 23 The family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society. Thank you On behalf of St. Bernard Parish and School thank you Judy Duncan for your service to us in our parish office. Judy is looking forward to new opportunities and her last day with us will be February 4th. PT Temporary Parish Office Assistant St. Bernard Parish is seeking a part time temporary Parish Office Assistant 10-14 hrs. per wk. For information or to send resume contact [email protected] or call bookkeeper @952-466-2031 ext241. Please be Patient As you can see St. Bernard is seeking a Parish Office Assistant. Please be patient with our parish office in this time of transition Ladies, could you use a little pampering this Valentine’s Day? Add a little WINE in your life! Join us for our first ever WINE: Women In the New Evangelization - Catholic Women’s Conference Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Doors open at 7 a.m.) The Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids Registration is $30 per person before Jan. 19 (Early bird) • $40 per person after Jan. 19 The day includes: Coffee & Caramel Rolls, Fabulous Lunch, Entertainment, Inspirational Talks, Mass, Reconciliation, Vendors, Prayer, Laughs and Sisterhood All are welcome to stay, shop & learn more about WINE from 2pm-3pm And to join us for a special version of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm Register online at: Questions: Visit Keyword: WINE or call 651-291-4411 Brought to you by: The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis in partnership with WINE: Women In the New Evangelization CALENDAR FOR ASCENSION AND ST. BERNARDS’ PARISHES Jan.31&Feb. 1—At St. Bernard. “Linger Longer” after Mass this weekend. Refreshments will be served in the narthex. Feb. 2-At Ascension– Youth choir practice 7-8 pm Feb. 4-At St. Bernard-Eucharistic Adoration after the 8am Mass until 8pm. Feb. 5-At Ascension-8:00 am-8:00 pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Feb. 8-At Ascension-Fellowship Sunday Feb. 8-At St. Bernard’s-Youth coir sings at 10 am Feb. 8-At Ascension-KC Bingo 1:00-3:00 pm Feb. 8-At. Guardian Angels Chaska—GA Men’s Club Beef & Sausage dinner. Serving from 11:00am to 1:00pm. $12 Adults, $5 Children under 12. Home made Sausage $5 per lb. Tickets at the door, take outs available. Feb. 15-At. St. Bernard 42nd Annual Winter Carnival 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm. 2015 CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL “Be Imitators of Christ” The 2015 Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is underway. Many of our parishioners have already received a mailing from the newly established Catholic Services Appeal Foundation requesting your support of the Catholic Services Appeal. Please respond generously. The Appeal funds services that no one parish or individual can support alone. These services must go on despite these troubled times in our archdiocese. It is important to know that contributions to the Catholic Services Appeal will be used for the benefit of designated ministries of the Appeal. Please visit the new Catholic Services Appeal Foundation website at for more information . When you give to the Catholic Services Appeal you provide food and shelter, education, spiritual support, and sacraments to individuals who are in need, disabled, imprisoned, hospitalized, or in nursing homes. You help give nearly 2,500 students access to a life-changing Catholic school education their families could not otherwise afford. You support seminarians preparing for the priesthood, make the annual Archdiocesan Youth Day happen, and help fund the evangelization and catechesis initiatives. You help our 65,000 brothers and sisters at the mission parish of Jesucristo Resucitado in Venezuela. You help support Latino ministry for our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters at 23 local parishes. And, when our parish reaches its goal, 25% of all funds received will be returned for use to support ministries in our parish. This year, the theme of the Appeal is: “Be Imitators of Christ”. Your gift to the Catholic Services Appeal will help to share His message of salvation not only in our parish but throughout our local Church and beyond. Commit to helping the CSA supported ministries. Then, please contemplate God’s gifts to you and reflect on your gratitude for these gifts. Your financial support for the work of our parish and vital ministries throughout this local Church is one way to express this gratitude. Thank you. Church of the Ascension Norwood Young America, MN Volunteer Needed A volunteer is needed to oversee Ascension’s boilers, the water/sewer system, and report problems in a timely manner. Must be 18 years or older, and be able to obtain and maintain a valid State of Minnesota Special Engineer license. For information, please contact Jack Lano at 952-237-3265. To Ascension Parish: “We would like to thank you for the generous donation of [Gifts for Baby Jesus] you sent to us. These items will be greatly appreciated by the women who receive them. Each child is a special gift from God. May He bless you for your open hearts and willingness to serve others.” - Birthright, Hutchinson The Stewardship Committee thanks all of you for completing the Time and Talent Response Form! We are in the process of organizing the responses and contacting ministry leaders. If you have not responded, you can still do so. More to come..... Sue Tellers and Jan Pouliot, Co-Leaders PALMS A box is available in the Ascension church entry until Feb. 15th in which to place old palm in preparation for Ash Wednesday. Thank you to the Ladies Guild members who attended the meeting on the 20th and shared their ideas and knowledge. We were able to identify a few challenges and then generate several solutions to better extend our hospitality for funeral lunches and other events. There will be more information to follow in the coming weeks. Thanks again! Please join the St. Pius X (Glencoe) Mothers' Group on Saturday, February 14, for Loving Our Husbands: Taking Care of the Men Who Take Care of Us. Our presenter, Eileen Dummer, earned her Master of Arts degree in Counseling and Psychotherapy from Adler Graduate School in Richfield, MN. Eileen will address love languages, understanding differences in male and female communication patterns, and emotions versus values-oriented functioning. We will being by praying the rosary at 9:00 a.m. in the church. Our meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the basement meeting room. All women of the parish are welcome. Call Sue Mielke at 320-395-2571 for more information. Church of St. Bernard Cologne, MN The 2015 Winter Carnival is two weeks from today , Sunday, February 15 from 11am to 6pm. We are excited to announce a few changes to this year’s Winter Carnival. The activities that were located on the third floor of the school will be relocated in the Narthex and basement of the church. Adult bingo and quilt sales will be located in the Narthex. Silent Auction and Country Store will be located in the basement of the Narthex. Runners will be available to shuttle food over for those who need assistance. This change was made to make the carnival accessible to all. This year’s Big Ticket Raffle has been changed to an all cash raffle with over $2500.00 I prizes. With a top price of $750.00 these raffle tickets will practically sell themselves. Thank you to our many parishioners who donated to our raffle. Raffle tickets are available in the narthex Please pick up your tickets and sell as many books as you are able. Workers list are found in each pew. Please review the list and make sure that you and your family members are signed up for a shift. Make corrections and drop off the corrected workers list with one of the ushers. We need everyone's help to make this a successful event. A kitchen needs list is also in the pews. Contact Pam Kunkel fi you are able to assist in the preparation f the Winter Carnival. If you are able to post a carnival sign in your yard, please see Sister Jancy. Paper Drive—The trailer will be at the school until Feb. 9th. Please bring all of your news papers, magazines, cardboard, junk mail etc. to the paper trailer that is parked north of the school. Lets fill the trailer to make this fundraiser a huge success for our school and our environment. St. Bernard is participating in the Catholic United Financial Raffle which starts on Jan. 23- Mar. 8th 2015. Our Catholic Schools Raffle fundraising goal is: $6000.00. CARNIVAL QUILT RAFFLE - We would appreciate your support by buying chances on a beautiful hand quilted queen size quilt; colors are embroidered purple flowers with purple and blue borders. Chances are in today's bulletin. Please return chances and money to the quilt displays at the carnival; the quilt will be raffled the evening of the carnival, February 15. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, February 4th, after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 8:00p.m. Please sign up for an hour or half hour at the Scrip table. Hopefully we will have better weather on Adoration Wednesday in February than we did in January. My apologies to anyone who didn't get the word that it was cancelled in January. We tried to contact everyone whose name was on the sign-up sheet. "Please join in sending Birthday Wishes to Bernice Feist and Albert Paul by signing their respective Birthday Cards located on the Scrip Table in the Narthex." CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND LITURGY SCHEDULE February 2 through February 8, 2015 LECTORS: Saturday 8:00pm. Sarah Foley Sunday 10:00 am. Anna Rademacher SERVERS: Weekdays: St. Bernard School Student Saturday 8:00pm. Amy Wickenhauser & Corin Schwartz Sunday 10:00am. Amy & Anna Broll EUCHARISTIC MINISTER Saturday 8:00pm Andy Kleindl Sunday 10:00am. Judy Glander USHERS Saturday 8:00 pm Bob Rademacher & Ben Roufs Sunday 10:00 am. Bob Symanitz & Brian Vos GREETERS: Saturday 8:00 pm. Cheryl Rademacher Sunday 10:00 am. Vern Elke GIFT BEARERS: Saturday 8:00 pm. Margaret & Bob Wickenhauser Fam. Sunday 10:00 am. Anna & Charles Rademacher Fam. MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS: Saturday Jan. 31 8:00 pm. People of the Parish Sunday Feb. 1 10:00 am. †Irene Shambour Monday Feb. 2 8:00 am. †Madelyn Guettler Tuesday Feb. 3 No Mass Wednesday Feb. 4 8:00 am. Allen Storms (ill) Thursday Feb. 5 No Mass Friday Feb. 6 8:00 am. NBS Saturday Feb. 7 8:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday Feb. 8 10:00 am. †Donald Beckrich Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday 8:30 a.m.; Saturday: 7:15-7:45 p.m. Stewardship of Treasure Budget for Week 4,039.25 Contributions 1-21-15 through 1-27-15 2,149.12 Total Actual Collection YTD 125,009.58 YTD Collection Over (Under) Budget (11,998.42) As of January 27th, we have $7,498.15 borrowed funds to pay expenses. Forward in Faith Envelope Income 555.00 Electronic Donations 0.00 Forward in Faith Total 555.00 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION STEWARSHIP OF TIME Feb. 2 through Feb. 8 SERVERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Sun. 8:00 am: Joe Simons, Jacob Simons Josh & Zach Gallus LECTORS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am: Brian Willems EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sat. 5:00pm: Carol Donnay Sun. 8:00 am: Lisa Whitaker COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Feb. 8: Michael Harrison, John Worm Feb. 15: Jerry & Colleen Milz USHERS FOR FEBRUARY: Sat. 5:00 pm: Kent Fabel, Tom Lano Sunday 8:00 am: Bill & Eugene Dvorak SACRISTAN: Sat. 5:00 pm: David Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am: Kathy Kloempken GREETERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Sun. 8:00 am: Sheila Hart Betty O’Neil MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS Monday Feb. 2 No Mass Tuesday Feb. 3 7:15 am Pope Francis Wednesday Feb. 4 No Mass Thursday Feb. 5 No Mass Friday Feb. 6 No Mass Saturday Feb. 7 5:00 pm All Parishioners Sunday Feb. 8 8:00 am Dick Lano † Weekly Collection January , 2015 Weekly Operating Budget: Contributions: Weekly Budget YTD: Actual Collection YTD: YTD collected Over (Under) Budget: Capital Improvement: Capital Improvement Fund Total: Catholic Schools: $2,963.00 $2,444.75 $88,890.00 $87,687.86 ($1,202.14) $225.00 $16,517.34 $396.00 DORIS MIELKE Parishioner - St. Bernard Realtor, ePro. CBR FAHEY and Associates, Inc. 952-467-2181 NYA 141 East First Street Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2121 Email: [email protected] 612-910-2365 Waconia Deputy Registrar Marlene Robinson Ascension Parishioner 300 North Faxon Road•NYA (952) 467-3692 Hours: Mon & Fri 8 AM-5PM Tue-Wed-Thu 8:30 AM-5 PM Sat. 8 AM-11:30 AM 952-442-4038 222 W. Main St. Waconia WILLEMS CABINETS & WOODWORKING, INC. Specializing in Quality, Late Model, Sport and Collectable Cars & Trucks Equipment Repairs & Mfg. 952-466-3343 Roger Kleman P.O. Box 76, Cologne 513 W. Lake St. FAMILY HOME TEAM MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INC. RE/MAX Alliance Realty Cabinets, Furniture & Formica Work 203 Playhouse St. East Norwood Young America 952.467.3281 • Cologne 952-466-2522 Norwood Young America 952-467-3800 DOWNTOWN WACONIA 442-4242 201 Ash Ave. So., Mayer, MN WWW.YETZERS.COM 952-657-2291 Brian & Ann Klingelhutz Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 710 Faxon Rd., NYA 952-467-1999 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. (612) 508-9707 Kristin Klingelhutz (612) 508-1008 Let Our Family Help Yours Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Jeffrey R. Hebeisen, CIC Agent/Owner Norwood-Young America 952-467-2535 FAHEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SCHMIDT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Realtors, Auctioneers & Appraisers 512 Faxon Rd., NYA, MN 55368 “Experience the Difference” • Natural Healthcare for All Ages • Massage Therapy & Ear Candling Realtors: Tim Fahey, Doris Mielke & Brenda Schmitz Appraiser: Lynne Brueggemeier Let Experience Work For You 952-467-2505 320 Hill St., NYA 952-467-3598 Dr. Julie Schmidt 952-467-3000 WE WANT TO BE YOUR BANK! FAHEY GREEN ISLE EQUIP. CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS 6 Times Per Year Plus Other Scheduled Equipment Auctions. To Sell Your Equipment Call: Tim Fahey 612-282-5832 108550 St Bernard Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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