ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Feb. 1, 2015 Served by the Blessed Sacrament Congregation Pastor: Rev. Samuel Loterte, SSS Parochial Vicar: 43 Kapiolani Street Hilo, HI 96720 (808) 935-1465 Emergency numbers: 769-7792 or 989-0967 MASS SCHEDULE St. Joseph Church Weekdays: Mon.-Fri. 6:00 am & 12:15 pm Saturday: 7:00 am Legal Holidays: 7:00 am Vigil Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday: St. Joseph Church 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:45 am & 6:00pm St. Joseph School (808) 935-4936 Website: Deacons: Dcn. Bob Cyr Dcn. Julio Akapito Principal: Dr. Llewellyn Young Cardinal Ball Celebrates Leadership and Service February 14, 2015 promises to be a very special Valentine’s Day for five individuals, their families and friends as Saint Joseph School recognizes them for their accomplishments as leaders in our community and their outstanding service to the school. The annual Cardinal Ball, to be held on Saturday, February 14 th at the Imiloa Astronomy Center Moanahoku Hall in Hilo will honor John Costales Jr. and Joshua Pacheco with Outstanding Leadership Awards and Cecilia Shinoda, Colette Tyrin and Sherry Jordan with Distinguished Service Awards. Saint Joseph School’s Cardinal Ball is its way of recognizing and sharing with the community its many outstanding graduates who have accepted leadership roles and made a difference locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Its distinguished service awards honor those who have helped the school accomplish its mission through their exceptional contributions of time, talent and treasury. All are invited to attend the Cardinal Ball and share in this recognition. It begins at 5:00 p.m. and includes a buffet dinner, silent and live auctions, an awards ceremony and dancing. Dress is Aloha Attire. Tickets are available at Hank Correa Realty through Kristi Correa at 808-960-2627 and can be picked up at the high school Business Office at 1000 Ululani Street in Hilo. SECOND COLLECTION Feb. 1 & 15 @ 11:45 am On February 7th * 8th the Augustine Educational Foundation (AEF) will have its annual Second Collection. We kindly ask for you to Show your Support in this drive to make Catholic education more affordable for families in Hawaii. Every dollar raised in St. Joseph Church, Hilo will go directly to the families that are within our parish community. A priority is given to those with the highest level of need. CONFESSION In September 2014, the AEF was able to reach 396 students with tuition scholarships totaling $641,000. We had 1,127 applications and there were still many who need assistance. We need your help! Youth Mass Saturday: 10:00 am-11:00 am St. Joseph Church or by appointment *Please note: confession schedule does not apply during some liturgical seasons. PRAYER TIMES Adoration: M-F 4-5:00 pm Sat 3-3:30 pm Sun 4-4:30 pm For more information on our programs, visit our website: www.augustine Thank you for your continued support ~ you make a difference! Palm Sunday is quickly approaching and we are asking for your palms from last year. Please drop off palms when attending Mass or during rectory office hours, Mon-Fri from 8:00 am—4:00 pm. Mission Statement : Centered on the Word of God and the Eucharist we gather as a community of disciples of Jesus Christ as we seek fullness of life. Blessed with many cultures and gifted with the Hawaiian spirit of Aloha we pledge to share our heritage and our faith, and commit ourselves to the full development of our people. With Saint Joseph as our patron we offer our gift of self for the greater glory of God. ***Please remember St. Joseph Parish in your will*** Pastor’s Corner Scripture Readings Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear brothers and sisters Peace! We have a good advice from St. Paul in this Sunday’s second reading. He says, “I should like you to be free of anxieties.” Is this possible at all with all the problems and challenges we face each day? This Christian community of Corinth carried their baptismal grace in their hearts but they failed to “adhere to the Lord without distraction.” They thought being a Christian was like belonging to another social club. Yes, they were baptized, but they did not act like it. They heard the word of God, but they failed to practice it. In other words, God was far from their minds and hearts. Their being baptized did not really matter much in their day to day life. The challenge is to put skin to our baptismal life, that is, to live a more active life of faith. In this way we truly acknowledge Jesus as the “Holy One of God.” He will make a difference in our lives. We can depend on him. He is worth our trust. God bless you. In Jesus, our fullness of Life, Fr. Samuel E. Loterte, SSS Sunday, Feb. 01 Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28 Monday, Feb. 02 Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday, Feb. 03 Heb 12:1-4 Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, Feb. 04 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 1718a Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, Feb. 05 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Ps 48:2-4, 9-11 Mk 6:7-13 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE REPORT January 12, 2015 Year to Date Totals Year to Date Budget Offertory Collections $7,930.47 $ 278,557.80 $ 289,691.67 Other Collections $3,518.87 $ 138,175.34 $ 140,187.60 Total Deposit $11,611.84 $ $ 429,879.27 Parish Hall Fund $162.50 416,733.14 Parish Hall Collection to date $ 812,933.56 Thank you for your generous donations to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your support helps ensure the availability of adequate catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and religious and seminarian formation. Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your faith. To learn more about how your donations are making a difference, please visit (search “Collection for the Church in Latin America”) Friday, Feb. 06 Heb 13:1-8 Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9c Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, Feb. 07 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Ps 23:1-6 Mk 6:30-34 Sunday, Feb. 08 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Mk 1:29-39 WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY, Feb. 02 “The Presentation of the Lord” 5:15 pm •Bible Study w/Dale Waltjen/Conf. Room 5:30 pm •Youth & Young Adults Choir Rehearsal/Church 6:00 pm •Adult Faith Formation (aka RCIA)/Library TUESDAY, Feb. 03 5:00 pm •Life Teen Core Team Meeting/Conf. Room 6:00 pm •PPAC Meeting/Mtg. Room 6:30 pm •Small Christian Community/Library 7:00 pm •Mother of Perpetual Help Novena (Rosary 6:30 pm)/Church WEDNESDAY, Feb. 04 “St. Peter Julian Eymard” 6:30 pm •Alabare Choir Rehearsal/Church THURSDAY, Feb. 05 6:30 pm •St. Joseph Choir Rehearsal/Church FRIDAY, Feb. 06 10:00 am •Memorial Mass (+Josefina Matias)/Church 9:30 am •School Mass (4-6)/School Chapel 6:00 pm •Young Adult Ministry/Meeting Room SATURDAY, Feb. 07 7:00 am •Engaged Encounter Weekend/Library 8:15 am •Church Cleaners (#1-F. Veriato)/Church 10:00 am •Bible Sharing (Marianne Leite)/Conf. Room 5:00 pm •High School Youth Ministry/Meeting Room 7:45 pm •San Lorenzo Choir Rehearsal/Church SUNDAY, Feb. 08 “World Marriage Day” 7:00 am •Engaged Encounter Weekend/Library 10:15 am •R E Classes/SJHS Marriage and Family Corner: —Hosted by St. Joseph Church Religious Education Family Ministries In preparation for World Marriage Day on February 8, 2015 we suggest at least two (2) of the things below to help get you and your spouse ready. World Marriage Day, held each year on the second Sunday in February honors the lifelong commitment of husband and wife. Make time to give witness to this sacrament, this outward sign of charity and commitment. Mark Your Calendars! Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18 Masses at: 6 am, 12:15 pm & 7 pm Stations of the Cross (Fridays) Feb. 20 through March 27 at 3 pm & 7 pm Vicariate Lenten Retreat: Saturday Feb. 21 at 7:00 pm or Sunday Feb. 22 at 1:30 pm Feast of St. Joseph: March 19th Masses at: 9:00 am School Mass (church) 7:00 pm Mass followed by potluck fellowship Parish Reconciliation: March 23rd 7 pm 8. Plan time to take your spouse out on date. 9. Tell each other how much your marriage means to you. 10. Your marriage relationship is the most intimate relationship possible on earth. Reflect & be proud of it and the joys and sacrifices that have made it strong. 11. Reach out - not long distance - and hold hands with your spouse. 12. Share your love story with your children tonight. 1. Have you hugged your spouse today? 2. Call your spouse right now and say "I Love You". 3. Take out your wedding pictures tonight and share a memory with family and friends. 4. Show the family movies tonight to celebrate a marriage well done. We are searching for any married couple willing to share a photo of their wedding with the parish family in a featured insert of our parish bulletin for World Marriage Day on February 8, 2015 5. Bring a gift tonight to your spouse. All submissions should be emailed or brought into Chrislyn Villena ([email protected]) at the front rectory office no later than February 3, 2015 6. Fix his or her favorite meal tonight. Include Husband & Wife Names and Wedding Date 7. Share your love for each other with your children tonight.
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