Sunday Bulletin 4th Sunday of ordinary time February 1, 2015 Welcome to the tri –parish cluster of Catholic parishes: Saint Wendelin – Luxemburg Holy Cross – Pearl Lake (Marty) Mary of the Immaculate Conception –Rockville Pastoral Team: Fr. Ronald Weyrens, 320-248-1670 Fr. Roger Thoennes, 320-248-0777 LeMay Bechtold, faith formation director Tri-parish/diocesan website: Liturgy this week From Safari Monday of this week is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day. It was once Mon., Feb. 2, Presentation of the Lord called the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but the 8:30 am HC+ Fr. Richard Walz (RT) current missal sees it more as a feast of Jesus than of Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Mary, though her role is still important. This feast was Tues., Feb. 3, Blaise, Bishop andMartyr also once the final day of the Christmas season, coming 7:45 am LUX+ Victor Kunkel (RT) 40 days after Christmas itself. The timing of the feast is 6:30 pm MIC-Sac. of Penance (RW) based on the event related in the Gospel, which Jewish 7:00 pm MIC-For successful surgery (RW) law required on the 40th day after birth. It offers explicit reference to Christ’s incarnation and birth in the second Wed., Feb. 4, Weekday reading and the Gospel. Hebrews says, “Since the children share in blood and 7:45 am LUX-Special Intention (RW) flesh, Jesus likewise shared in them,” and the Gospel shows us the infant being School Mass presented in the temple and then growing up in Nazareth. Like Epiphany, this 8:00 am MIC + Luverne Stang (RT) feast celebrates Christ’s manifestation and his mission. Thurs., Feb. 5, Agatha, Virgin, Martyr This link to Christmas and Epiphany is reflected in the theme of light that suf7:45 am LUX ++ Louis and Elaine fuses the Presentation. Simeon calls the child “a light for revelation to the GenBorman (RT) tiles, and glory for your people Israel.” This led to the custom of blessing and Adoration following Mass until 8:00 pm using candles on this feast, which gave rise to its nickname. ( February 2015, CeleFourth week of ordinary time 8:00 am MIC +Cyril Massmann (RW) Adoration following Mass until 7:00 pm Fri., Feb. 6, Weekday 8:30 am HC+ Parents-Dave and Elaine Leither (RT) School Mass Sat., Feb. 7, Vigil, 5th Sun., Ord. Time 3:00 pm MIC-Sacrament of Penance ( RT) 4:00 pm HC + +Walter and Evelyn Schneider (RT) 4:30 pm MIC-Living and deceased of the John Molitor family (RW) 5:30 pm LUX+ Adeline Koshiol (RT) bration, p.21, The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company, Kansas City, MO. Monday, is also Groundhog Day, where the great weather prognosticator, Punxsutawney Phil predicts when spring will arrive. This time-honored tradition goes back to the eighteenth century. The day may have some origins in European lore where a badger or sacred bear is the prognosticator. Let me be the first to say spring is just around the corner, February 18th to be exact. February 18th is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Lent means spring time. Begin praying about how you will celebrate the ninety days of Lent and Easter. (Forty three days of Lent, three days of the Triduum, fifty days of Easter.) Monday, for me is the call to jury duty for U.S. District Court in Fergus Falls. It appears to be a one day invite. Tuesday is the feast of St. Blaise. The blessing of throats began at a time when the Anointing of The Sick, then known as Extreme Unction (last rites) was only given on one’s death bed. Thus the blessing of throats became a way to experience the healing grace of God. With today’s understanding of the Anointing of the Sick, the blessing of throats has become less prominent and why many parishes only offer the blessing of throats on the feast of St. Blaise. Sun. Feb. 8, 5th Sun. of Ordinary Time 8:00 am HC+ Marie Pope (RW) 9:00 am LUX+ Fr. Richard Walz (RT) Have a peace filled week! 10:00 am MIC–People of the Parishes(RW) —Fr. Ron Faith Formation and Other Notes Blessed Candles for Home Use...are available this weekend in each of our cluster parishes. Blessing of Throats...will be offered Tues., Feb. 3, the feast of St. Blaise, at the Masses that day at LUX and MIC and after all Masses next weekend, February 7 and 8. Family Faith Formation Session… Wednesday, Feb. 4th at St. Wendelin, 7:00 pm in Mary Hall. Parents, students and all who want to share/learn about our faith are invited and encouraged to come as we explore the topic of Scripture. Men’s Prayer Group Meets...Saturday, Feb. 7, 7:30 am at Granite Edge Café in Rockville. Discussion will center on Matthew Kelly’s book, “Rediscovering Catholicism”; books are available in the church entrances. All men from the cluster are welcome to this group which meets the 1st Saturday of each month. Feeding the Hungry...Next Sunday, Feb. 8th, our cluster serves the evening meal at the Salvation Army. If you’d like to help, call John/ Cindy Voigt (HC) 253-6228; Lynn/Kevin Dockendorf (MIC) 685-3423 or Laurie/Steve Opatz (LUX) 252-6926. Tri-Parish Cluster of Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Saint Wendelin—Luxemburg 22714 State Highway 15 * St. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: [email protected] * Fax: 320-654-9030 Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944 > Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm Faith Formation/DRE: LeMay Bechtold, 252-8486 Prayer Line: 320-251-5376 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: Contact the parish office: 251-6944 Anointing of the Sick : Contact Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months in advance. Financial Blessings for the Week of Jan. 25, 2015 Adult (72) Youth (9) Loose Building Fund (5) New Year’ (1) Visitor (3) Votive Stands Keep the Heat On $ 2,512.20 9.00 123.30 51.00 5.00 51.00 45.40 435.05 Total $3,231.95 Last Week’s Regular Weekly Budget 2014/15 Shortfall Last Week Shortfall Year to Date $2,644.50 3,925.00 -1,280.50 -$4,402.76 Note: Payment of $6,584.92 was recently sent to the Chancery for quarterly diocesan assessments. Thank you for Your Generous Sacrificial Support!! ALTAR SERVERS Wed., Feb. 4 @ 7:45 am Will be notified Saturday, Feb. 7 at 5:30pm Sarah K. Sunday, Feb. 8 at 9:00 am Katelyn M & Stephanie M. CHURCH CLEANING - Group 3, Sat., Feb. 7 at 8:30 am: Ruth Roufs, Marie Kotzer, Jolene Brang, Laurie Opatz, Bernice Kunkel, Brenda Koshiol, Mary Broda*** _______________________________ CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE TICKETS... $5.00 each; 10 to a book are available from any school family or the school office, 251 -9175. All proceeds stay right here in our school. Each ticket purchase gives you a chance to win $25,000 in cash or a 2015 Ford Escape, a $5,000 dream vacation or many other great prizes!!! Drawing will be March 19. St. Wendelin Catholic School Preschool to Grade 6 Principal: Lynn Rasmussen Telephone: 320-251-9175 Email: [email protected] Fax: 320-654-9030 Web: Parish News Baptized in Christ...Congratulations to Patrick and Stacey Watrin on the Baptism today of their daughter, Kaitlin Marie. Blessings to Kaitlin and her family as we welcome this new Child of God into our faith community. “Come In Out of the Cold” Omelet Breakfast ”… is today, Sunday, February 1st, 8:30 am to noon in Mary Hall. Group 1 invites you to come with family and friends to enjoy their tasty and well known ham and cheese omelets along with sausage, potatoes, applesauce, toast, Cold Spring Bakers rolls and beverages all for just $7.00 for adults. Morning also includes a bake sale and raffle . Free blood pressure checks will be available. See you in Mary Hall Sunday morning! 3rd ANNUAL KEEP THE HEAT ON COLLECTION...continues this weekend. Please use the special envelopes for this purpose or use own marked “Keep the Heat On” and drop in the 2nd collection. Thank you to those who contributed last week; we collected $435.05 on our way to our goal of $2500.00. Your help in keeping our buildings warm these winter days is appreciated. Blessed Candles for Home Use...are available from the church front. Suggested offering is $3.00. “6th Annual Winter Wonderland” Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction School Fundraiser … is Saturday, Feb. 21, 4:30-7:00 pm in Mary Hall. Have you got your tickets yet? They’re available for just $10.00 (Adult); $6.00 (K-6th grade) from any school family or the school office, 251-9175. More workers would be welcome. If you can lend a hand, call Lynn in the office. Evening includes: Spaghetti Dinner with choice of meat or meatless sauce, salad, garlic bread and dessert, beverages. Gluten free is available; to order call 251-9175. Silent Auction with a variety of great items on which to bid. Donations are still welcome. Call Susan Becker, 282-0963 or email to [email protected]. Wine and beer for purchase Ring of Beer Raffle. (Chances $10.00). Win a fire ring filled with a variety of beer (on display at DeLux Liquor). Hope you’re planning to join us for this annual event which not only raises funds for our school but is also a great mid winter opportunity for fun and fellowship. Thank Mrs. Lund, the musicians and St. Wendelin students for their great job with last Sunday’s Mass for the start of Catholic Schools Week. Their enthusiastic participation was a wonderful way to start this special week making for a uplifting liturgy for all in attendance. St. Anne’s Christian Women...will be making up a couple gift baskets for the Feb. 21st Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction school fundraiser. If you have an item or two you’d like to donate for these baskets, please call Jean Schabel, 320-236-7907 by February 15th at the latest. Group 5...will meet Wed., Feb. 11, 7:00 pm in Mary Hall to plan your next event. School News We Had An Exciting, Fun-filled Week...celebrating Catholic Schools . It was rewarding to see the enthusiastic response to all the special activities on the part of students, staff and parents alike We have some creative people who came up with some awesome outfits! Now, on to February with “I Love to Read” month, Valentine’s Day, the start of Lent and more. Stay tuned! Liturgy Lessons...At our birthday Mass on Wednesday celebrating November, December and January birthdays, Father Roger asked us all to consider two questions…”Are we loved?” and “Do we love ourselves.?” He also reminded us that our prayers should start and end with the Sign of the Cross. During the Eucharistic Prayer, he invited all the students to join him around the altar. Tri-Parish Cluster of Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty) 10651 County Road 8 ~ Kimball, MN 55353 ~ 320-398-3900 ~ [email protected] Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus, 320-398-3900 Office Hours: Mon Thru Thurs 8:30—noon Prayer Line, 320-398-6101 Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101 (retired) Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: 320-398-3900 Anointing of the Sick: Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger Marriage: Call parish office at least 6 months in advance. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Preschool to Grade 6 Lead Teacher—Melissa Johnson Office Manager—Jeana Meyer Telephone: 320-398-7885 Email: [email protected] Fax: 320-398-7873 Web: Parish News Financial Blessings For the week of Jan 25. 2015 Adult (29) 1080.00 Loose 412.00 Total $1492.00 Welcome to our newly baptized this weekend: Sadie Evelyn Schneider, infant daughter of David & Katie. May God bless you and your family with many blessings in your lifetime. Year to Date Budget Weekly Budget Under Budget Under this week Blessing of throats: Tues. Feb 3 at St Wendelin after Mass & after weekend Masses Feb 7 & 8. Candles will also be available. Suggested donation is $3.00. $49,160.76 $51,218.20 $1705.60 (2057.44) 213.60 Thank you for your offerings! LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Sat Feb 7, 4:00 pm Servers: Sam Andrusick Ushers: Dave Lommel, Dave Leither Lector: Caleb Anderson Euc Min: Elaine Leither Caleb Anderson Len Voigt Sun Feb 8, 8:00 am Servers: Olivia Schneider Ushers: Ryan Steichen Rich Schlangen Lector: Bridgette Anderson Euc Min: Rich Schlangen Debbie Lochen Cheryl Garding Parish Council Members Donna Gregory 398-7312 Al Haus 259-4287 Leanne Donnay 398-5362 Helen Krippner 398-8893 Ann Donnay 398-2545 Rich Schlangen 398-2530 Greg Mueller 398-7786 Len Voigt 398-2922 Cindy Voigt 493-4982 Donation Statements: are in the church entry. Please pick yours up if possible in order to save the parish postage. Thank you for your help. Jose Cole Circus Tickets: March 28, 3 & 7, March 29, 5 pm, at Benton County Fairgrounds. Tickets are free and can be picked up at the Holy Cross School Office. First come, first served. School News Dear Holy Cross Parishioners, This week has been an exciting and fun week! We have done crazy hair day, meal for volunteers, tubing, comfy clothes, movie, and even dressed our best. We had a fabulous time tubing! This week has been a special week because it is Catholic Schools Week. During Catholic Schools Week we celebrate catholic schools and catholic education! Currently the students are also selling CUF Raffle tickets. These tickets cost $5.00 a piece. When you purchase a ticket the money goes straight to Holy Cross School! There are also various prizes that you can win. Please contact the office if you would like to purchase some tickets!!! If you know anyone who is interested attending Holy Cross School, I would love to visit with them! We also have some Circus tickets for March 28th and March 29th at the office if you would like to take the kids. Have a wonderful week! Thanks. —Mrs. Johnson Thought for the day... Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning…… Satan shudders and says….”Oh, no…...he/she’s awake!!” Community Events Koinonia Retreat: Jan 23-25; download apps from website or call Radens at 320-293-2080 or e-mail [email protected]. St Wendelin, Luxemburg: Sun Feb 1, omelet, sausage breakfast, 8:30 to noon. Raffle & bake sale also & free blood pressure checks Holy Cross, Pearl Lake: Sun Feb 1, breakfast, sponsored by Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Brooklynn who has Leukemia: Sat., Feb 7, 4 to 8 pm, St. Boniface Church, Cold Spring. Also auction/raffle/family fun area. St John the Baptist, Collegeville: Fri Feb 13, Lenten Fish Fry, serving 4:30 to 7:30 pm NFP: Feb 12 & March 16, 6:30 pm at Office of Marriage & Family, more info or to register, call 320-252-4721 Bulletin Deadline: 11:00 am Wednesday, February 4, 2015 View Bulletin On-line at: Tri Parish Cluster of Rockville, Luxemburg and Pearl Lake 4th Sun. of Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Mary of the Immaculate Conception—Rockville PO Box 7 ~ Rockville, MN 56369-0007 ~ 320-251-7801 ~ [email protected] Parish Office/Secretary-Sandy Pfannenstein, 320-251-7801 Office Hours: Mon 8AM-Noon, Wed 8:30-10:30AM, Fri 8-11AM Parish Center Kitchen & Church Basement: 320-252-8486 Prayer Line, 320-685-3213 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: Contact Parish Office 251-7801 Anointing of the Sick: 320-251-7801 Weddings: Contact the parish office at least six months preceding the wedding date. Marriage Course required. Financial Blessings For Week of 1-25-2015 Regular Income: Adult–68 Youth-13 Plate Total Reg. Misc. Income: Elevator Visitor Cemetery P.C. Rent 1,649.28 10.50 223.00 $ 1,882.78 155.00 20.00 10.00 375.00 Faith Formation/DRE LeMay Bechtold 252-8486 or 685-3213 Parish Center Events/Maintenance Jean Walz 255-9394 Liturgical Environment Steve Pfannenstein 251-8358 Trustees Gary Gillitzer 685-8947 Cindy Kremers 253-1901 Parish News 2014 Contribution Statements: Statements are ready for you to pick up in the entry way of the church. If you have any questions or updates, please contact the parish office. After 2 weeks all statements not picked up will be mailed. Blessed Palms: are being collected at each of the parishes in the cluster through Sunday February 15th. The palms will be burned and used for our Ash Wednesday liturgies. Blessed Candles: Blessed candles to use in your homes will be available in front of church. They are $3.00 per box. Christian Women: Feb 10th—7:30pm. We invite all people from the cluster to join us as we introduce Melissa Schneider, a NETA Certified Personal Trainer in Health & Fitness from The Club. She will inspire us and provide helpful information regarding our “well being”. All are welcome. Cemetery Caretakers Needed: We are in need of someone to take over the grass cutting and maintenance of the cemetery. The cemetery has good equipment to use and care of the equipment is important. An hourly wage will be paid for this position. If interested please contact the parish office - 251-7801. Regular Budgeted YTD over/short $ 1,882.78 Window Project Update: A few years ago we stated to replace the windows in the Rectory as they are 2,335.00 falling apart and are in need of replacement. There are 46 windows. So far 14 have been replaced. In the 1,752.58 last couple of months we have gotten $1,850.00 towards windows and hope to get more replaced this spring. In order to finish the project, we need roughly $16,000.00 yet. If any one would like to donate toward this project, please put your donation into the collection baskets on the weekends and mark it Elevator Balance as of MIC Window Project. Your generosity is very much appreciated. 12/31/14 = $139,012.44 Upcoming Events: Choir Practice: 02/02—7:00pm Church Cleaning: 2/03— 7:30pm Legion of Mary– 02/04 8:30am. Adoration: 02/05 from 8:30am7:00pm Men’s Group: 2/07, 7:30am at the Granite Edge Café. Parish Council Members Sue Knauss 253-7299 Linda Kneip 597-3228 Nancy Anderson 241-0297 Wally Mohs 845-2387 Ann Neu 266-1649 –Secretary Tim Massmann 251-1208 Ray Simon 252-6941- V. Chair Ralph Walz 255-9394-Chairperson Youth: Monica Benda-345-2184 Annual Diocesan Appeal : Commitment Weekend is Feb. 7/8. Parishioners across the Diocese of Saint Cloud can expect a letter from Bishop Kettler regarding this appeal. He has recorded a personal message as well, describing the importance of the ministries supported by the appeal, and asking for our prayers and financial assistance. May God bless and keep you as you discern a gift in support of the ministries of the Diocese of Saint Cloud. St. Cloud Visitor: February is the month we renew our subscription to the Visitor. Please put your donation envelope in the collection basket. Renewal rate is $17.00. Makes checks out to the parish. Misc. News Catholic Men’s Conference: Men of Life. Sat Sat, Feb. 21st 8:00am—5:00pm at Saint John’s University. For more information call 320-252-4721 or visit: This is an excellent opportunity for men of faith to gather together to learn, experience fellowship, and grow and strengthen their relationships with their families, their Church, and their communities. MIC Catholic United will pay for 1/2 of the Men’s conference if you are a member of the C.U.F. council. Call Jean @ 255-9394 to register. List Your Prayers– Keep a list of those for whom you should pray, and at the end of the day, actually use the list. A Post-It note stuck inside of your planner works good as a prayer reminder. Bulletin Deadline: 10:00 am Wednesday, February 4, 2015
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