Calendar, Announcements, Worship Leaders, & Prayer Concerns 5th Sunday after Epiphany February 1, 2015 COMING THIS WEEK February 1-8 Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday 8:30 9:30 2:00 6:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. 10:30 1:00 5:30 8:00 9:00 5:45 6:30 6:00 8:30 9:30 10:30 a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Worship with Communion Laurie Care Center worship Chorale Rehearsal Evangelism WELCA—Crafts Altar Guild WELCA Business Meeting Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts Ministerial Alliance (at Kent) Women’s Bible Study Handbells Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Lake Jazz Band Rehearsal Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Worship with Communion Annual Meeting Part 2; potluck brunch ANNOUNCEMENTS FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given by Curt & Diane Reams in honor of their grandchildren & Diane’s birthday (2/6). CARE CORE COORDINATOR for February is Sheryl Boos, 573-346-9778. LAURIE CARE CENTER WORSHIP is led by Pastor Dave & Kent this afternoon, 2:00 p.m., at the Center. Join the residents and their families, help sing some hymns and share the love of God. MEN OF KENT Please join Pastor Dave and Gerry Williams today during fellowship time for a discussion on the future direction of the Men’s group. Bring your ideas and suggestions. ANNUAL MEETING PART II will be held next Sunday, February 8, following our 9:30 a.m. worship. We will share a potluck brunch/lunch before the meeting begins. Copies of the 2014 Annual Report are available in the Gathering Place this morning. BLOOD DRIVE at Kent Memorial on Friday, February 13, 1:30-5:30 p.m. No appointment necessary. Please help spread the word and save a life. If you can help with the drive, contact Joyce McHenry, 372-2141. BLUE BOX UPDATE The final week of January found us adding to our over goal total. An additional 45 items were put in the blue box which brought our total to 265. A great month for the blue box. WORSHIP LEADERS Pastor ................................................................................. David R. Beese Organist ......................................................................... Margo Strothmann Handbell Director ................................................................... Toni Wagner Altar Guild ....................................................................................Deb Kelly Liturgist .................................................................................. Katie Heaford Lector ....................................................................................... Jim Mellody Greeter ..................................................................... Dave & Cindy Curchy Ushers ............................................................................. Jim & Diane Ziehl Coffee Fellowship.......................................................... Vanessa Hebramk Sound Technician ...................................................................Ken Gerardy + PRAYER CONCERNS + OUR MEMBERS: Jeri Hunter—hospitalized Richard Durkin—health concerns Judy Swigart—regaining strength at home Frank LaRock—serious health concerns Don Peterson—health concerns OUR FAMILY & FRIENDS: Ron Baltzer—lung cancer (Gary & Teresa Jones’ brother-in-law) Marshall Sherlock IV—cancer (Sharon & Bob Ballard’s great-nephew) Nancy O’Hara—lung cancer (friend of Allen & Linda Kimberling) Jill New—serious health concerns (Dick & Glenice Gibson’s niece) Jack Hollingsworth—recurring cancer (friend of Bill & Karen Pragman) Pam Hunt—cancer (co-worker of Maria Reth) Marcey Rauert—breast cancer (daughter of Floyd & Carol Wait) Sherry Ray—cancer (friend of Joe & Pat Poretta) Maureen McCleary Rice—gallbladder cancer (friend of Linda Kimberling) Regina Robinette —leukemia (Gary & Florence Bachman’s daughter-in-law) Barbara Schweiger—lymphoma (friend of Kimberlings) Debbie Glickley—serious health concerns (friend of Helmut & Jan Lacas) John Yancey—prostate cancer (friend of Warren & Bea Pray) Pat Shank—health concerns (friend of Wendy & Bill Blomberg) Larry Waggoner—cancer (friend of Dan Garrett & Vanessa Hebrank) Diana Trimble—serious health concerns (friend of Jan Lacas) Janette Lynch —severe pulmonary problems (friend of Jim & Evelyn Clements) Madison Mitchell—newly diagnosed with severe scoliosis (granddaughter of Karen & Bill Pragman) Kathy Norris—breast cancer (former member of Kent) Scottie Friedleins—cancer (friend of Earl Cowher) Steve Mues—cancer (friend of Earl Cowher) MaryLee Rogers—cancer (friend of Lorraine Boyd) Laura Reynolds—cancer (friend of Lorraine Boyd) Bernice Bequette— health issues (sister of Lorraine Boyd) REMEMBER THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY Eric Blomberg Ben Brammeier Aaron Davis Tanner Glodt Jason Ites Adam Kralina Brandon Labath Glenn Maddock Adam Peterson
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