SUNDAY Nursery: Birth-Age 2 Room 104 Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M.) Group: 5:00-7:30 pm, 2223 Ranch House Ct., Auburn. Questions? Contact Matt Hendricks at 530-613-5683. Preschool-Kindergarten Room 102 1st-2nd Grade Room 203 3rd-4th Grade Room 202 5th-6th Grade Room 201 Twice a Month Men’s Bible Study-A Study in I Peter: 9:00-10:15 am, Fellowship Hall. ThisWeekatAGCC Sewers & Rippers: 9:00 am-1:00 pm, Worship Center. All ladies welcome. For questions, call Rhoda Staurseth, 530-870-4699. WEDNESDAY Women’s Bible Study-Children of the Light by Beth Moore: 9:3011:30 am, Worship Center. Wednesday Night Live: 5:30-6:30 pm-Dinner; 6:30-6:45 pm-Worship; 6:45-8:00 pm-Adult Studies. 6:30 pm-Sr. High Youth Group, Room 205; Jr. High Youth Group meet at Miyagi’s Gym; Children’s Program and Nursery provided; 8:00 pm Dessert. Who Goes Where? Super Bowl Party Tray Order Pick-Up: After each service, Courtyard. TUESDAY 7th-8th Grade (Meets at 8:45) Room 205 9th-12th Grade (Meets at 8:45) Room 205 Pastor Greg’s Sunday School Class Room 200 10:45 am Service Nursery: Birth-Age 2 Room 104 Preschool-Kindergarten Room 102 1st-2nd Grade Room 203 Women’s Grief Share: 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Office Conference Room. 3rd-4th Grade Room 202 Life Skills Men’s Class Begins: 6:00 pm, Room 202. 5th-6th Grade Room 201 Ambassadors Sunday School Room 100 THURSDAY FRIDAY AGCC Spring Cleaning: 9:00 am-1:00 pm. SATURDAY Takin’ it to the Streets: Meet in church parking lot at 9:30 am to go door-to-door inviting people to church and sharing the gospel. GRAND OPENING Worship Service: 4:30 pm. NEXT SUNDAY GRAND OPENING Worship Services: 8:45 & 10:45 am. Takin’ it to the Streets: Meet at Sierra Ridge Memory Care, 3265 Blue Oaks Drive, at 10:30 am to share music and words of encouragement with the residents. Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M.) Group: 5:00-7:30 pm, 2223 Ranch House Ct., Auburn. Questions? Contact Matt Hendricks at 530-613-5683. Other Upcoming Events 8:45 am Service Hosting Gathering Inn: February 12-13 Marriage Event-Teaching/Dinner/Entertainment: February 14 Student Ministries Leadership Retreat: February 20-22 Women’s Ministries ‘My Best Friend’s Closet’: February 21 Seminar 301: February 22 Student Ministries-Curbside Cuisine Fundraiser: February 28 Jr. High Sledding Day: March 14 (NOTE: Date Change!) Seminar 401: March 22 Costa Rica Missions Trip: March 25-April 4 Maundy Thursday: April 2 Easter Services: April 4 (4:30 pm) & April 5 (8:45 & 10:45 am) Hosting Gathering Inn: April 9-10 Jr. High Scavenger Hunt: April 10 Sr. High Box City Event: April 17 Men’s Retreat: April 17-19 Seminar 201-New Family Luncheon: April 19 Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor ~ Phil Sparling Associate Pastor ~ Lorin Miller Administrative Pastor ~ Dave Wickstrom Body Life Pastor ~ Greg Hummel Student Ministries Pastor ~ Steve West Children’s Director ~ Sue Smead Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9 am–4 pm E-mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6446, Auburn, 95604 Auburn Grace Community Church 3126 Olympic Way • Auburn, CA 95603 • 530.823.8330 “Building a family of believers who know Christ and make Him known.” Pastor Lorin Welcome / Offering / Announcements Message Acts-The Sequel ‘The Leadership Split’ Acts 15:36-41 Pastor Phil Closing Song Pastor Lorin Closing Prayer *Children’s Sunday School (3 years old-6th grade) begins with worship in the Worship Center, after which they will be dismissed to their classroom for their lesson. Room assignments on back. Please join us for refreshments following the service in the Courtyard. For internet service while on the church premises, choose ‘AGCCguest’ and use ‘agcc8330’ as the password to obtain a connection. Visiting for the First Time? Make sure you pick-up a Welcome Packet in the Lobby! If you have a question about becoming a Christian, baptism, baby dedications, a prayer request, or would like to receive our e-mail notices, please fill out the Response Form located in your bulletin and place it in the offering or a Response Box located in the Lobby and someone will respond to your request. Should you have a prayer request need during the week, please call or e-mail the Church Office. There is a private ‘Family Room’ upstairs in Room 208. This room is equipped with a screen and speakers so that you may continue to listen and view the service. Please feel free to use this room should you need to take care of your child outside the main service. Hearing assistance devices available for checkout at the Welcome Center. If you would like a CD of today’s message (or prior messages), please stop by the RESOURCE CENTER, Room 101, and place your order TODAY. Cost per CD is $1.00. When you get right down to it, the Bible is the world’s greatest love story. Every page is rooted in the story of God’s love for the people he created. But God not only longs for us to experience His love but for us to experience deep and genuine love in our marriages. In fact, the intimacy and committed love in a marriage should be a reflection of God’s love in our lives. One entire book of the Bible is devoted to romantic love between a man and woman. This is the Song of Solomon. God cares deeply about the love in your life. Whatever people believe or don’t believe about the Bible, God has a plan for relationships. We invite you to come and spend the day with Auburn Grace Family Ministries as we explore what the Bible has to say about this subject. Not what we assume it says, not what we want it to say, but what it actually says. We will begin our time together with a fantastic movie from City on A Hill entitled “The Song”. This compelling feature film will be unpacked in a fantastic DVD study by Pastor Kyle Idleman. Couples will be challenged to examine specific areas of their relationship. There will be a wonderful catered meal and photos taken by a professional photographer will round out our time together. Register to attend on the Response Form (include check payable to ‘AGCC’) or on-line at Cost: $50.00 per couple. WOMEN’S MINISTRY "My Best Friend's Closet" - Saturday, February 21 Join us for a free ladies clothing boutique for our AGCC ladies and our community! Bring a neighbor or friend and shop anytime between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Enjoy fellowship, a cup of tea, and pick out an outfit or two with no cost to you! Set aside your gently-used clothing and accessories to donate for the boutique. Specific days and times that donated clothing will be accepted the week of the event will be listed soon! Any items remaining after the event will be gifted to Acres of Hope and Mercy Ministries. For more information contact Peggy McCray at [email protected] or 530-906-1751. SEMINAR 301—EXPLORING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTING Sunday, February 22 - 2:00-4:00 pm (Room 100) This two-hour seminar focuses on discovering your spiritual gifts and what ministry possibilities are available to you and your family. Childcare is available. Please sign-up on the Response Form if interested in attending. SAVE THE DATE! AUBURN GRACE ANNUAL FAMILY CAMP Mark your calendars and plan on a great weekend at Cisco Grove Thursday, June 25—Sunday, June 28. More details coming soon! GrandOpening StudentMinistries Worship through Music AWAKEN LOVE—THE SONG OF SOLOMON A Valentine’s Day Marriage Event Saturday, February 14 - 2:00 pm—8:00 pm Children’sMinistries February 1, 2015 LIFE SKILLS CLASSES—DON’T MISS OUT! If you have difficulty with relationships, communicating, get "triggered" all too easily and too often, or simply want to personally develop, then this educational class is for you. Men's Class—Every Thursday and every other Sunday night. This class was postponed and now begins THIS THURSDAY, February 5—last day to join is February 15. Life Skills Review—New opportunity…for women to review materials and apply the tools they learned in Phase 1. Connect with other women who want to follow up on what they learned in class. The last Tuesday of each month starting February 24, 6:00-8:00 pm. Contact Sheron Ohai for details or to sign up,, 530-320-7065. Congrats 10:45 am Service Nursery: Birth to Age 2 Children’s Program* Adult Sunday School UpcomingEventsUpcomingEventsUpcomingEvents WelcometoAuburnGraceWelcometoAuburnGrace 8:45 am Service Nursery: Birth to Age 2 Children’s Program* Jr. High Youth Group Sr. High Youth Group Adult Sunday School AGCC GRAND OPENING WEEKEND SERVICES NEXT Saturday, February 7 - 4:30 pm NEXT Sunday, February 8 - 8:45 & 10:45 am Come CELEBRATE with us as we give thanks for our newly renovated facility and move forward to making Jesus more famous here in our community. We will be having a ‘spring cleaning’ day (BEFORE spring!) THIS Friday, February 6 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in preparation for our GRAND OPENING. If you can lend a hand, please let us know on the Response Form. STUDENT MINISTRIES Super Bowl Party Trays Don't forget to pick up your pre-ordered tray TODAY in the Courtyard after service! Jr. High Sledding Day - Rescheduled to March 14 due to lack of snow Hume Lake Summer Camp (June 14-20) - SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! $100 deposit due NOW to reserve your spot. The total cost of camp is $525. Several fundraisers are planned to help students earn money. Deposit payments can be given to Meredith, Student Ministries Admin. For questions, contact [email protected]. For more details on Student Ministries, go to: FOR PARENTS of Nursery thru 6th Graders KidCheck and New Children’s Worship! We will be rolling out KidCheck TODAY and all children at AGCC need to be registered online. There will be computers in the Courtyard for parent convenience. Registered children need to be checked in at the Gracetown kiosk by parents BEFORE they go to class and then picked up at their class at the end of service (classroom assignments on back of bulletin). NEXT WEEKEND, February 7 and 8, we will begin children's worship in our new Gracetown for our Grand Opening celebration! Children will go straight to Gracetown instead of the church service after checking in at the kiosk. To register online, go to: Select ‘Sign-Up’ Then ‘Parent/Guardian’ Go to bottom of far right column under ‘Have you used KidCheck before?’ Click on ‘I have never used KidCheck before’ Complete the information requested in right column, click ‘Register’ It only takes a few minutes. Creating your account online will help us have a smooth transition. RECYCLE FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY! The recycle cart is available for your convenience at the end of the sidewalk in the Courtyard. Please only CRV plastic transparent bottles and aluminum cans. Funds received for recyclables will be used for Children’s program equipment. WELCOME to BABY GIRL! Congratulations to Matt and Brooke Bye on the birth of Bella Grace on January 22. Bella weighed in at 9 lbs. and was 20.5 inches long. Proud grandparents are Jim and Jennifer Steward, with lots of aunts, uncles and cousins to love on her as well. Welcome, Bella! WELCOME TO AUBURN GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Please take a moment to fill out this form and drop it in the offering bag or Response Box in the Lobby. We look forward to meeting and serving with you! Date:___________________ Please Print Clearly Name:______________________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Apt. #_______ City:________________________________ Zip:____________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________ Please add me to the church e-mail list. Children(s) Name(s): Age: Grade: ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ ___________________________ ____ ______ Please choose all that apply: First time visitor Second visit I / We will be attending regularly. Please add me/us to the Church Directory. I am / We are interested in volunteering for: Ushering / Greeting Children’s Ministry Other _______________________ Name(s) of interested party: ________________________________________ Prayer Requests / Answers to Prayer for Pastoral Staff Please let us know your concerns and praises: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU WOULD ALSO LIKE YOUR REQUEST FORWARDED TO THE AGCC PRAYER CHAIN. RESPONSE FORM Please check the events you are interested in, place in the offering, a Response Box, or contact us at 530-823-8330 or [email protected]. Name ____________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________ Church Cleaning Day, Friday, 2/6 - 9:00-1:00 Awaken Love—Marriage Event, 2/14 ($50/couple) If there are couples you would like to sit with (Tables of 8), please list names below: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Seminar 301-’Exploring Your Spiritual Gifting’, 2/22 # for Childcare ______ Ages _________ February 1, 2015 The Sequel – A Study in Acts Week 47: The First Leadership Split Acts 15:36-41 1) The two DECISIONS vs. 36-37 Paul decides to REVISIT churches Barnabas decides to take JOHN MARK 2) The big DISSENSION vs. 38-39 Paul refuses to take along an APOSTATE John Mark perhaps disagreed with Paul THEOLOGICALLY The result was a BITTER separation Barnabas takes Mark to CYPRUS 3) The second DEPARTURE vs. 40-41 Paul selects SILAS as his new partner The CONGREGATION blesses the project Paul and Silas 'PROP UP' the congregations Auburn Grace Community Church – February 1, 2015
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