January 1 - Saint Peter Church

— A Roman Catholic Parish Community—Founded 1837
155 William Street
Served By
Fr. Ivan Sciberras
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Wojciech B. Jaskowiak
In Residence:
Fr. Hector Larrea
Mr. Michele Pedroni
Mr. Julio Roig
Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares
Elementary School Principal:
Mrs. Phyllis A. Sisco
Parish Cateche cal Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa A. Melillo
Parish Secretary:
Ms. Denise Caamaño
Director of Music:
Mr. John Chris an Colaneri
Business Manager:
Mrs. Lisa Melillo
Parish Trustees:
Mrs. Nancy Adessa
Mr. Thaddeus Rajnes
Pastoral Council President:
Mr. Gary Hinton
New Jersey 07109
Christian Marriage
The couple should contact a parish priest or deacon one
year before the desired date for the marriage to ensure
proper prepara on for the Sacrament. Couples are not to
make FIRM plans for the recep on PRIOR to speaking
with a parish priest or deacon.
We invite You to Celebrate the Eucharist
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30 a.m. and
1:00pm(in Spanish)
Sacraments for the Sick/Homebound
Holy Anointing: Anytime upon request in the home of the
Communion: A Priest, Deacon or Eucharis c Minister of
the parish will bring Holy Communion to those
parishioners confined to home. Please no fy the Rectory
when someone is ill or admi ed to the hospital.
Weekday Schedule
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
St. Peter’s Cemetery
For informa on about acquiring a plot, or to make a
dona on to our Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, please
contact Mrs. Lisa Melillo at the Rectory.
Infant Baptism
Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m.
English - Fourth Saturday of each month at 11:30 a.m.
Parents must register by calling the Rectory at least one
month in advance. Bap sm Instruc on held the week
before the Bap sm. Proposed godparent/s need to be
living in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic
Church and confirmed, and are asked to a end the
Bap sm Instruc on along with the child’s parents.
Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays
a er 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Masses.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or any me at the
Rectory upon an appointment with a priest.
St. Peter’s School
Fax: 973-751-6201
(offices open at 9 a.m.)
Religious Educa on
Teaching the Good News
St. Peter Elementary School - Pre K through 8
h p://www.stpeter-school.org
Religious Education
Kindergarten through Eighth grades
Contact: Lisa Melillo - 973-751-4290
Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en Español
(Confirmación de Adultos)
Elena Ayala: 973-207-3623
Social Service Hotline
973-751-2002 (Catholic Community Services)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God † January 1, 2017
A Word from the Pastor ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year! These words, with which we greet one another these days, underscore a sense of
hope that we all feel inside that somehow, things will be better in the coming year. But Christian hope
goes beyond an empty optimism: it is based on the fact that God is the one who leads history, and the
more we learn to abandon our lives into His hands, the better off we are. St. Ignatius of Loyola had this
to say about those who make themselves completely available to God’s Plan:
There are very few people who realize what God would make for them if they abandoned themselves entirely into His hands, and let themselves to be formed by His grace. A thick and shapeless tree trunk would never believe that it could become a statue, admired as a miracle of sculpture – and would never consent to submit itself to the chisel of the sculptor who, as St. Augustine says, sees by his genius what he can make of it. Many people who, we see, now scarcely
live as Christians, so not understand that they could become saints, if they would let themselves
be formed by the Grace of God, it they did not ruin His plans by resisting the work which He
wants to do.
These words, written by the founder of the Jesuits in 1543, apply to us today as much as they did back
then. I recently read a book written by New York Times bestselling author Matthew Kelly, aptly called
Resisting Happiness.
This book goes to show that we are all made to be happy, yet there is an internal resistance that impedes
us from the joy that we all yearn for. Kelly writes, “The hardest war to win is one you don’t even realize
you are fighting, and the hardest enemy to defeat is the one you don’t even know exists. Every day you
are at war with resistance.”
He goes on to say that such resistance leads to “laziness, procrastination, fear, doubt, instant gratification, self-loathing, indecision, escapism, pride, self-deception, friction, tension and self-sabotage.” In
giving in to this resistance, we are ultimately resisting God. And why do we resist God? Pope Benedict
XVI provided this powerful insight on the 40th Anniversary of the closure of Vatican II:
The human being does not trust God. Tempted by the serpent, he harbors the suspicion that in
the end, God takes something away from his life, that God is a rival who curtails our freedom
and that we will be fully human only when we have cast him aside; in brief, that only in this
way can we fully achieve our freedom. The human being lives in the suspicion that God's love
creates a dependence and that he must rid himself of this dependency if he is to be fully himself. Man does not want to receive his existence and the fullness of his life from God.
This New Yea provides us with a wonderful challenge to examine ourselves and see how we can truly
begin to trust God, listen to His voice, and enter into the Plan of love He has plotted out for each one of
Now that would be some New Year’s resolution!
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Ivan Sciberras
[email protected]
Page Three
The December 25th Christmas Collec on
$6,100 are needed weekly to meet our opera ng budget.
(Any capital expense that arises not included). Please
consider increasing your weekly offering, and to contribute
regularly. Thank You for your generosity.
In the encyclical Marialis Cultus (1974) Pope Paul VI
states: "This celebra on, assigned to January 1 in conformity with the ancient liturgy of the city of Rome, is
meant to commemorate the part played by Mary in this
mystery of salva on. It is meant also to exalt the singular
dignity which this mystery brings to the 'holy Mother . . .
through whom we were found worthy . . . to receive the
Author of life.' It is likewise a fi ng occasion for renewed
adora on of the newborn Prince of Peace, for listening
once more to the glad dings of the angels, and for imploring from God, through the Queen of Peace, the supreme gi of peace. “
First Communion Students will be celebra ng their
First Penance on Saturday, January 14th and the
following Saturday January 21st (Please Note: If you
are not sure when your child is scheduled to receive
his/her sacrament, please call the Religious Educaon Office at 973-751-4290.)
Both celebraƟons will be held at 11:00 AM in the
Church. We will have English and Spanish speaking
confessors available. Family members are invited to
approach the Sacrament, a er the children have confessed.
Pro-Life Answers to False Pro-Choice Arguments
(Part I)
The "fetus"-----human life or not?
As pro-lifers, we need to educate ourselves and have
answers to pro-choice arguments and rhetoric. Over the
next few weeks, we will highlight the typical pro-choice
claims and we will arm you with good and accurate informa on to refute their misleading and false arguments.
For many years, their most significant and basic argument has been that the so-called fetus is not a human
life; it's just a simple mass of ssue or part of the pregnant woman's body. They also claim that the ques on of
when human life begins is uncertain and a religious issue.
However, medical textbooks and scien fic reference
works consistently agree that life begins at concep on,
when a gene cally dis nct individual is brought into existence. Some of the world's most prominent scien sts
and physicians tes fied to a U.S. Senate commi ee that
human life begins at concep on. At these same hearings, pro-abor onists, though invited to do so, failed to
produce even a single expert witness who would tes fy
that life begins at any point other than concep on.
From the moment of concep on, the unborn fetus is not
simple, but very complex. The newly fer lized egg contains a staggering amount of gene c informa on, sufficient to control the individual's growth and development for an en re life me. The key word is development. Like a toddler or adolescent, the term fetus does
not refer to "non-humans", but to humans at a par cular stage of development. It is scien fically inaccurate
and untrue to say a fetus is not a human being simply
because he or she is at an earlier stage of development
than an infant.
Being inside something is not the same as being part of
something. The mother and the unborn child are two
separate individuals and half the me, they are not even
the same sex! The child has its own DNA, fingerprints
and blood type, dis nct from the mother's. The unborn
child even takes an ac ve role in his or
her own development, even controlling
the course of the pregnancy and the
me of birth.
Page Four
“Mary kept all these
things, reflec ng on
them in her heart.”
— Luke 2:19
Monday, January 2nd
6:00pm-9:00pm Basketball Prac ce, Auditorium
7:30pm Spanish Bap sm Class, Rectory
8:00pm Clases de Formación en La Fe Católica,
Casa de Retiros
Tuesday, January 3rd
6:00pm-9:00pm Basketball Prac ce, Auditorium
7:00pm-8:15pm NO Confirma on Class, School
7:30pm Neo Catechumenal Way 2nd Community Word
Celebra on, School Annex
Wednesday, January 4th
6:00pm-9:00pm Basketball Prac ce, Auditorium
Al-Anon Family Support Group,
Church Basement
7:30pm Neo Catechumenal Way, 1st Community Word
Celebra on, School Annex
7:30pm-8:30pm English Gospel Sharing, Retreat House
Vietnamese Prayer Group, Chapel
Thursday, January 5th
6:00pm-9:00pm Basketball Prac ce, Auditorium
6:30pm-8:30pm Post Confirma on Group, Cafeteria
Spanish Legion of Mary , RMR 2
Youth Group, Jovenes Creyentes,
Church Basement
Friday, January 6th
First Friday Mass, Church
6:00pm –9:00pm Basketball Prac ce, Auditorium
Spanish Holy Hour, Chapel
Saturday, January 7th
Neo Catechumenal Way, School Annex
Sunday, January 8th
8:30am-10:45am CCD Family Mass followed by
instruc on un l 10:45am, Church & School
Spanish Bap sm, Church
We kindly request your prayers for the
repose of Joanna De Lorenzo & Helen A.
Ukson. May the souls of all the faithfully
departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Saturday, December 31st
8:00am: Thanksgiving
Rq. Bui Family
5:30pm: Val Nucci, Sr.
Rq. Family, Judy, V.J. & Vince
Sunday, January 1st
7:00am: Annunziata & Giuseppe Pasquarelli
Rq. The Pasquarelli Family
8:30am: for the inten ons of Anna & Carmine Cerami (70th Ann.)
Rq. Sauchelli Family
10:00am: Thomas Nguyen
Rq. Nguyen Family
11:30am: Maria Solimina
Rq. Lori & Dan Cos gan
1:00pm: Evelyn Espinar
Rq. Len Espinar
Monday, January 2nd
9:00am: Anna Go (Birthday)
Rq. Evangeline Go
7:00pm: Anna Ky
Rq. Vinh Go
9:00am: All Souls
Tuesday, January 3rd
Rq. Phan Nguyen
Wednesday, January 4th
9:00am: Thomas Nguyen
Rq. Uyen Nguyen
7:00pm: Mary Sullivan
Rq. Peg & Dan Sullivan
Thursday, January 5th
9:00am: Joseph Gilchrist
Rq. Freitag Family
9:00am: Adelino Rocha
7:00pm: Irene Lenahan
Friday, January 6th
Rq. Son, Manuel
Rq. Ann Morris
Saturday, January 7th
8:00am: Lolin & Geronima Diaz Rq. Deacon Julio & Maximina Roig
5:30pm: Most Rev. James T. McHugh Rq. The Cowley Family
Sunday, January 8th
7:00am: Rrok Nikoll Drejaj
Rq. Nol Drejaj
8:30am: Arthur & Dorothy Husvar
Rq. Sauchelli Family
10:00am: Irene Lenahan
Rq. Susan Whelan
11:30am: Dawson Bloom
Rq. Bloom Family
1:00pm: Chris ne Ayala ( 1 year Ann.) Rq. Parents
Please pray for the sick: Rudy Acuña, Lorraine Ahrens, Maria Jose
Alfonso, Mario Ancilleri, Eileen Annicchiarico, Anthony Barbara, Thomas
Barros, John Bordonaro, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Phyliss Bocchino, Jamie Canal, Rita Carey, Imelda Carin, Ana Challenger, Ronald Cozzarelli, Janet Cubellis, Kathleen & Joe Currie, Awilda Diaz, Evelyn Di
Chiara, Noah & Jacob Ferreira, Kim Gardner, Gordon Gladden, Jeane e
Gu errez, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Riley HayesLopez, Gilma Madera, Andreyann Masula, Alice McCants, Marie
McConnon, Colin McNiff, Barbara Mende, Mary Ellen Mendel, Victoria
Otero, Casey Paradine, Carmella Parilla, Augus ne Park, Orlando Perry,
Carmen Ravancho, Bryan Reedy, Oscar Reyes, Robert & Rosemarie
Richlan, Jean Rolli, Geza Roman, Antonio Rosa, John Sabbak, Rosemarie
Sperduto, Ana Salazar, Sal Sorice, Margaret Steinhauser, Ethel Thomas,
Jennie Welenossky and all people wishing to remain nameless.
The Circumcision of Our Lord
Page Five
Note: Since we had to go early to the printers and did not have any speech by the Holy Father to publish, we are reproducing this commentary about today’s feast day (originally called the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord) by Dom Prosper Gueranger, OSB
Our new-born King and Savior is eight days old today; the Star, that guides the Magi, is advancing towards Bethlehem, and,
five days hence, will be standing over the Stable where our Jesus is being nursed by his Mother. Today, the Son of Man is to be
circumcised; this first sacrifice of his innocent Flesh must honor the eighth day of his mortal life. Today, also, a Name is to be
given him--the Name will be Jesus, and it means Savior. So that, Mysteries abound on this day: let us not pass one of them
over, but honor them with all possible devotion and love.
But this Day is not exclusively devoted to the Circumcision of Jesus. The mystery of this Circumcision forms part of that other
great mystery, the Incarnation and Infancy of our Savior - a mystery on which the Church fixes her heart, not only during this
Octave, but during the whole forty days of Christmas-Tide. Then, as regards our Lord's receiving the Name of Jesus, a special
Feast, which we shall soon be keeping, is set apart in honor of it. There is another object, that shares the love and devotion of
the Faithful, on this great Solemnity. This object is Mary, the Mother of God. The Church celebrates, today, the august prerogative of this divine Maternity, which was conferred on a mere creature, and which made her the co-operatrix with Jesus in the
great work of man's salvation.
Let us not be surprised, therefore, at the enthusiasm and profound respect, wherewith the Church extols the Blessed Virgin, and
her prerogatives. Let us, on the contrary, be convinced, that all the praise the Church can give her, and all the devotion she can
ever bear towards her, are far below what is due to her as Mother of the Incarnate God. No mortal will ever be able to describe,
or even comprehend, how great a glory accrues to her from this sublime dignity. For, as the glory of Mary comes from her being the Mother of God, one would have first to comprehend God Himself, in order to measure the greatness of her dignity. It is
to God, that Mary gave our human nature; it is God, whom she had as her Child; it is God, who gloried in rendering Himself,
inasmuch as He is Man, subject to her: hence, the true value of such a dignity, possessed by a mere creature, can only be appreciated, in proportion to our knowledge of the sovereign perfections of the great God, who thus deigns to make Himself dependent upon that favored creature. Let us, therefore, bow down in deepest adoration before the Majesty of our God; let us, therefore, acknowledge that we cannot respect, as it deserves, the extraordinary dignity of Her, whom He chose for His Mother.
The same sublime Mystery overpowers the mind from another point of view--what were the feelings of such a Mother towards
such a Son? The Child she holds in her arms, and presses to her heart, is the Fruit of her virginal womb, and she loves Him as
her own; she loves Him because she is His Mother, and a Mother loves her child as herself, nay, more than herself:--but, when
she thinks upon the infinite majesty of Him, who has thus given Himself to her to be the object of her love and her fond caresses--she trembles in her humility, and her soul has to turn, in order to bear up against the overwhelming truth, to the other
thought of the nine months she held this Babe in her womb, and of the filial smile he gave her when her eyes first met His.
These two deep-rooted feelings--of a creature that adores, and of a Mother that loves--are in Mary's heart. The being Mother of
God implies all this:--and may we not well say, that no pure creature could be exalted more than she? and that in order to comprehend her dignity, we should first have to comprehend God Himself? and that only God's infinite wisdom could plan such a
work, and only His infinite power accomplish it?
A Mother of God! It is the mystery, whose fulfilment the world, without knowing it, was awaiting for four thousand years. It is
the work, which, in God's eyes, was incomparably greater than that of the creation of a million new worlds, for such a creation
would cost Him nothing; he has but to speak, and all whatsoever he wills is made. But, that a creature should become Mother of
God, He has had, not only to suspend the laws of nature by making a Virgin Mother, but also to put Himself in a state of dependence upon the happy creature He chose for His Mother. He had to give her rights over himself, and contract the obligation
of certain duties towards her. He had to make Her His Mother, and Himself her Son.
It follows from all this, that the blessings of the Incarnation, for which we are indebted to the love wherewith the Divine Word
loved us, may and ought to be referred, though in an inferior degree, to Mary herself. If she be the Mother of God, it is because
she consented to it, for God vouchsafed, not only to ask her consent, but, moreover, to make the coming of His Son into this
world depend upon her giving it. As this His Son, the Eternal Word, spoke His Fiat over chaos, and the answer to His word was
creation; so did Mary use the same word Fiat: let it be done unto me (Luke 1; 38), she said. God heard her word, and, immediately, the Son of God descended into her virginal womb. After God, then, it is to Mary, His ever Blessed Mother, that we are
indebted for our Emmanuel.
Page Six
From the Principal’s Desk
St. Peter School
First Trimester Honor Roll
Marla Rosa Garcia, Andrea Toledo, Zyrus Hernandez,
David Betancur & Brianna Garcia
Brian Garcia, Ariana Ortega, Pablo Hernandez, Seun Kolawolw, Jonluka Munoz, Abigail Vasquez,
Jouvana Bruno, Joseph Nguyen, Kris an Olaverri, Jericho Perez, Michelle Pichardo, Joseph Bico, Jarvin Mendoza, Gabriel Abad, Christopher Cajuste,
Andrew Cuenca, Christopher Melendez, Marcela Toledo
& Leah Piserchia
Tobi Kolawole, Kenny Sanchez, Jonathan Brijlall, Xavier
Cajuste, Emilio Calle, Alejandro Gomez, Leo Pazmino,
Katherin Narvaez, Gianna Sanchez, Yonaidy Sarmiento,
Adrian Vasquez, Cyan Villar, Mawutor Stephen Fiavey &
Arianna Toro
Belleville Knights of Columbus Council 835, in conjunc on with the Na onal Federa on of the Blind of
New Jersey is seeking your assistance. On Saturday,
Jan 7, 2017 from noon to 4 pm at the K of C Hall, 94
Bridge Street in Belleville, we will be collec ng slightly
used clothing, shoes, household items, kitchenware,
toys & games, small appliances, electronics, spor ng
goods, books, CD'S, baby items and videos. The donaon truck will pick up the items at 4 p.m. Please mark
all bags and boxes with “NFB.” All items donated are
cleaned and resold in Second Avenue Thri Stores.
New items are also welcome. All donors will receive
informa on regarding a federal tax deduc on. Kindly
consider any dona on to this project which funds programs to change what it means to be blind. If you are
unable to drop-off your dona on at the Knights Hall,
and would like a home pickup, please call Green Drop
at 888-610-4632 or visit www.n pickup.org. Kindly
mark all bags or boxes with NFB in order for the organiza on to receive credit.
World Day of
Migrants and Refugees
January 15, 2017 is designated World
Day of Migrants and Refugees. The Archdiocese of Newark's Jus ce for Immigrants Task Force will
celebrate a Mass and Cultural Night for the awareness of
immigrant values to be held at Saint Lucy Church, 118 Seventh Ave., Newark, NJ on Saturday January 14. Mass will
take place at 6PM followed by cultural presenta ons from
various ethnic groups from 7:30PM to 9PM in the Church
Hall. Brazilian food will also be served. For more informa on
please contact Fr. Karl Esker at 973-344-8322.
155 William Street Belleville, NJ 07109
Served By: Pastor: Fr. Ivan Sciberras Parochial Vicar: Fr. Wojciech B. Jaskowiak In Residence: Fr. Hector Larrea & Fr. Giovanni Rizzo
Deacons: Mr. Michele Pedroni , Mr. Julio Roig and Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares
Rectory: 973-751-2002/ School: 973-759-3143/ Religious Educa on Office: 973-751-4290
SATURDAY: 8:30am and SATURDAY VIGIL at 5:30pm/
SUNDAY: 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am and 1:00pm Mass (in Spanish)
Daily Masses: Monday thru Friday – 8:30am / Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 7:00pm (Retreat House Chapel)
Every Saturday: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION : Kindergarten through Eighth grades Contact: Lisa Melillo - 973-751-4290
Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en Español (Confirmación de Adultos) Contacto: Elena Ayala: 973-207-3623
Website: www.spbnj.org
E-mail: [email protected]
Invita a jóvenes de 14 a 17 años, hombres y mujeres, que
sean parte de esta nueva forma de vivir, la valentía de ser
un buen hijo de Dios, de ser un joven diferente, te ofrece:
palabra de dios creciendo en fe, paseos, recreación, deportes, misiones y servicio a Dios, retiros espirituales, los
esperamos, todos los Jueves de 7:30 a 9 pm. Para mas
información puede contactar a Nancy Portillo al 201-898
Invitamos a toda la comunidad hispana, y muy especialmente a la comunidad Dominicana a unirse al Triduo y
Misa que celebraremos en
honor a la Protectora de la Republica Dominicana,
La Virgen de la Altagracia. Iniciaremos con el Triduo del Santo Rosario desde el Jueves 12 de Enero
hasta el Sábado 14 de Enero a las 7:00 pm en la
Capilla de la Casa de ReƟros (AnƟguo Convento).
También les invitamos a parƟcipar en la Santa Misa en su honor la cual será celebrada el Domingo
15 de Enero, 2017 a la 1:00 pm. Luego de la misa,
ese día tendremos un compar r en la cafetería de la
escuela St. Peter con comida pica dominicana. Si
desean donar algún plato o colaborar de alguna manera, favor contactar a Martha Rodríguez (862-201-6349) o
Ana Mirca Ferrera (201-719-0136). Favor correr la voz
para que todos honremos a nuestra Virgen de la Altagracia. Les esperamos a todos.
Adoración Eucarís ca
Viernes 6 de Enero
Primer Viernes del Mes
a las 7:30pm en La Capilla
"La Eucarisơa produce una transformación progresiva en el crisƟano. Es el Sol de las familias y
de las Comunidades". Santo Tomás de Aquino
Marcha Por La Vida en Washington D.C.
Enero 27, 2017
Respuestas Pro-Vida a falsos argumentos Pro-Elección. (parte I)
El Feto, ¿vida humana o no?
Como impulsores del movimiento pro-vida, necesitamos educarnos y tener respuestas a argumentos y situaciones retóricas
pro-Elección. Sobre el curso de las próximas semanas; revisaremos los reclamos picos pro-elección a fin de prepararle a
usted con información buena y precisa para refutar argumentos
falsos o engañosos.
Durante muchos años, el argumento mas básico y significa vo,
ha sido que el llamado feto no es considerado una vida humana;
es un simple pedazo de tejido, o parte del cuerpo de la mujer
embarazada. Tambien reclaman que la consideración de cuando
inicia la vida humana es incierta y de carácter religioso.
Sin embargo, referencias médicas y cien ficas coinciden de
manera consistente en que la vida inicia al momento de la concepción, cuando un individuo gene camente dis nto empieza a
exis r. Algunos de los más prominentes médicos y cien ficos
alrededor del mundo tes ficaron ante un comité del senado de
Estados Unidos que la vida humana inicia en la concepción.
En estas mismas audiencias, se invitó a los promotores del aborto a presentar expertos que tes ficaran que la vida inicia en
cualquier otro punto que no sea la concepción; sin embargo, no
presentaron ni un solo experto que pudiera validar esta
posición. Desde el momento de la concepción, el feto aún no
nacido, no es simple, sino muy complejo.
El huevo apenas fer lizado con ene una asombrosa can dad de
información gené ca, suficiente para controlar el crecimiento y
desarrollo del individuo durante toda su vida. La palabra clave
es: desarrollo.
Asi como nos referimos a los niños pequeños o adolescentes; el
término feto, no se refiere a “no-humanos” si no a los humanos
en una etapa par cular de desarrollo. Es falso, y cien ficamente
incorrecto el decir que un feto no es humano simplemente
porque se encuentra en una etapa mas temprana de desarrollo
que un infante.
Estar dentro de algo, no es lo mismo que ser parte de algo. La
madre y el niño aún no nacido son dos individuos separados y la
mitad de los casos, de diferente sexo. El niño (a) ene su propio
ADN, huellas dac lares y po de sangre, dis ntos al de la madre.
El niño (a) aún no nacido incluso toma un rol ac vo en su propio
desarrollo, incluso controlando el curso del embarazo y la hora
del nacimiento.