Volume 50, No. 32 August 7, 2016 The Essence of Summer Blue Sky, Turquois Water, and a Beach Blanket Page 4 and 5 for shared vacation pictures Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 353 Peachtree Street, NE; Atlanta, Georgia 30308 • 404.522.6800, Fax: 404.524.5440 • www.sacredheartatlanta.org Office Hours: Monday–Friday: 9:00am–4:45pm.; closed from 1:00–2:00pm Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm; Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm, en Espanol, 6:00pm Confession Times: Monday, F riday: 11:30am; Saturday: 4:30–5:00pm ; Domingo en español: 1:00–1:30pm Gift Shop Hours: Sundays 9:00am-noon For St. Vincent de Paul Society Charitable Assistance: 678-892-6163 Sਔਁਆਆ Msgr. Edward J. Thein Rector (404) 522-6800 [email protected] Deacon Mike Balfour Pastoral Administrator (404) 974-2232 [email protected] Deacon Marino Gonzalez Director of Parish Outreach and Volunteers (404) 974-2235 [email protected] Fr. Adam Ozimek In Residence Delta Izaguirre Faith Formation Assistant (404) 974-2231 [email protected] William E. Krape Organist/ Choirmaster (404) 522-6800 Alan McGill, Ph.D. Director of Faith Formation and Liturgy (404) 974-2234 [email protected] Patty Nichols Receptionist (404) 974-2230 [email protected] Muffet Puckett Administrative Assistant (404) 974-2244 [email protected] Parish Council John Newcomb, [email protected] Wedding Guild Pam McMahon 404-435-5370 Danielle Herrmann 770-778-0095 Stewardship Committee Janet Kinard, [email protected] Oਕਔਅਁਃਈ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ Lਉਔਕਇਙ ਁ Fਁਉਔਈ Lਉਆਅ Mਉਉਓਔਉਅਓ AIDS Ministry Monica Rudolph [email protected] Altar Servers Mike Jones [email protected] Mark Stouffer [email protected] Cookies for a Cause Erin Schneider, [email protected] Aਖਉਓਏਙ Cਏਉਔਔਅਅਓ Gift Shop Susan Foster, [email protected] Knights of Columbus Rob Jobson, 404-886-5636 [email protected] Bereavement Support Group Linda Kelley, [email protected] New Parishioner Welcome Committee Gary Cox, [email protected] Gift of Grace House Ministry Jim and Myra Kucera, 404-355-4313 [email protected] Priest Appreciation Committee Cindy Jones 404-217-2629 Habitat for Humanity Gail Ronan 404-288-9883 Recycling Committee Jerry Pace 404-872-6960 Haiti Ministry/Sister Parish [email protected] ServeHaiti Basilica Principal Choir Billy Krape 404-377-3969 Basilica Children’s Choirs Mallen Zabinski 404-636-1655, [email protected] or Gertrude Tinker Sachs 404-691-6084 [email protected] Wayne Book [email protected] Communion Visitation Open contact Midtown Assistance Center Jenny Jobson, 404-681-0470 [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Bill Schnitzer, [email protected] Night Shelter Alonzo Church, 404-577-5617 [email protected] Faith Formation Volunteers Alan McGill [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Teresa Westwood, [email protected] Sue Jenson, [email protected] Flower Guild Lee Doyle, 404-881-1717 [email protected] Social Committee Fran Carroll , 404-597-7565 [email protected] Young Adult Group Ben Wathen, 615-415-0583 [email protected] Mਉਉਓਔਅਉਏਓ Hਉਓਐਁਏਓ Acólitos Ana Vargas, 678-516-4868, [email protected] Circulo Bíblico Deacon Marino Gonzalez, 404-974-2235 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Prison Ministry (men) Milt Shlapak 404-349-0909 Coro de la Misa de 1:30 pm [email protected] Lester Mendiola (women) J anet Wells 404-303-8050 [email protected] [email protected] Lectores Respect Life Benny Gonzalez, 678-507-8359 Cathy Weaver, 770-361-8346 Ministerio Extraordinario de la [email protected] Comunión St. Vincent de Paul Society Roman Zepeda 404-604-4464 For membership info: Jack Stenger [email protected] Pedido de Bautismos Delta Izaguirre, 404-974-2231 Thursday Food Distribution [email protected] Deacon Marino Gonzalez, Ujieres 404-974-2235 Jose Ángel Verdugo, 770-771-9298 mgonzalez@sacredheartatlanta. Greeters Georgiann Caruso, [email protected] Joanne Smalley, [email protected] Humberto Quintas Maintenance Supervisor Hearts on Fire (404) 974-2240 John Prevost [email protected] [email protected] Michelle Rivers Ladies’ Altar and Rosary Society Accountant (404) 974-2246 Mia Pond, 404-786-6104 [email protected] [email protected] Catherine Tarbox SPIRES editor [email protected] English as a Second Language Jerry Pace, 404-872-6960 [email protected] Liturgical Readers Alice Heffernan-Sneed, 404-402-5840 [email protected] Terry McKitrick [email protected] Pਁਉਓਈ Lਉਆਅ Oਇਁਉਚਁਔਉਏਓ Sacristans Finance Committee Jim Goodwyne Jerry Robinson, [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy Committee Ushers Alan McGill Mike Wazlavek, [email protected] [email protected] Daughters of Isabella Terry McKitrick [email protected] 2 AUGUST 7, 2016 19TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 8-13, 2016 S M R T The Letter to the Hebrews today sings a hymn of praise to Abraham and to his faith, upon which are founded the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham is called “father” in faith by more people on earth than anybody else, numerous as the sands of the seashore or the stars of the heavens. Hebrews tells us it was this foundational faith that led Abraham to obey God’s call when he heard it, though he was called to journey to a land he did not know and told he would father a mighty race through a marriage he thought was barren. But Abraham’s faith, the author of Hebrews tells us, was his realization of what he hoped for, and the evidence of what he could not see. How often are we, in simple daily events of our own Christian vocation, called to an unfamiliar place or told we are to do something we do not believe we can? How fortunate we are to have Father Abraham as our guide and example! C O P Air, Herbert Howells (1892-1983) Howells was born in England. He was educated at the Royal School of Church Music. Later, he held the position of Professor of Composition at the Royal College of Music. In 1936, he became Director of Music at St. Paul’s Girls’ School, London. His music is filled with complex harmonies and rhythms. A ir is a transcription for organ of a earlier work for violin and piano. O P Festive Finale, Malcolm Archer (b. 1952) Archer was formerly Organist and Master of the Choristers at Wells Cathedral. He is a recitalist, composer, and conductor. He is now Head of Chapel Music at Winchester College, Bristol. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. W ’ S Restoration Fund of Sacred Heart Wisdom 18:6-9 Psalm 33 Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 Luke 12:32-48 T W R R ... T Monday: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Pablo Capeda James Curran Louise Daniell Lucille Hill Joanne Lyons Tuesday: Ez 2:8-3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 T H Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21-19:1 I M S Friday: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 I The recollection of an injury is . . . a rusty arrow and poison for the soul. —St. Francis of Paola 3 C W D Ron McKitrick Mary Moleski Marta Rivas Jerry Robinson Pat Smith Olin Sneed Joe Stumpf Gift of Grace House residents Jerry Ann Fain, mother of Denise Rosser; Joseph McCardell, uncle of Terry McKitrick; James Whitwood; Victims of gun violence Christofer Arguedas, Rafael Duralde Intentions of: Khai Davidson, Scott Freeman, Joanne Lyons, Bobbie Overton, Marie Vicario Repose of the Soul: Lucy Hansan Dong, Alfred Short, Carrie Short Petition to St. Joseph the Worker PARISH NEWS C S T L F P Open to all: The Young Adult Group is sponsoring a presentation and discussion on Catholic Social Teaching on the subject of Labor. Sunday, 8/14, 7pm. Speaker: Sr. Mary Priniski, who works with the Catholic Labor Network. Y A B G S R • • • • • • F F A July 3 $11,206 July 10 $22,267 July 17 $16,539 July 24 $17,455 Total Month-to-date $67,467 Monthly Budgeted Collections $88,000 Fiscal Year-to-date Comparisons Actual Year-to-date $67,467 Budget thru July 31, 2016 $88,000 Actual vs Budget O ($20,533) 2nd Collection July 31 — Not available at press time Registration for faith formation classes for children and youth will be on Sundays 8/7, 14, and 21. Volunteers to serve in the religious education program for children and youth, contact Alan McGill in the parish office. Orientation Session for Catechists: Sunday, 8/28, 11:15am B 2016 Monthly Electronic Giving N Special Liturgy for Peace: Sunday, August 28, 6pm Celebration of the Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Sunday, September 4, 6pm Blessing for Pregnant Women: This week, 8/7 at 10am and 1:30pm Masses F R J July 31 — Not available at press time Weekly bible study to resume this week (8/7) at 5pm.. L H F F Y S ,B P D ’ Y our parish won’t shut down during the summer, so we really need your financial giving even if you are enjoying your time at the beach. Enjoy that beverage with the little umbrella in it, but please remember our Basilica parish while you are away. M W Stephanie Colasante and Benjamin Parchem are to be married at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Saturday, August 13, 2016. Courtney Cleary and Kris Casida are to be married at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Saturday, August 27, 2016. O C T hanks to the Rosbottom family for sharing some of their vacation pictures (see next page) we have this wonderful beach scene to lead us back into the school year. The colors were so beautiful I just couldn’t bear to convert them to black and white to put them in the interior of SPIRES, so we have a completely non-liturgical cover. Enjoy! 4 W ID M S V H : P - F T T he Rosbottoms — Billy, Natalie, Reid, and Tait — visited friends living on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. This trip was a post-graduation family send-off trip for Reid who will be entering Geogia Tech as a freshman this fall. It looks like a beautiful trip; thanks for sharing. Share your vacation memories with your parish family. Send a few snaps to [email protected]. Clockwise from top left: Reid and Tait at the USS Arizona Memorial; on Kailua Beach; Billy and Natalie; Reid surfing on Waikiki Beach S S S S .M D A M S C 20-21 C R D A I S acred Heart’s St Margaret March Circle of the Daughters of Isabella are sponsoring a school supply drive to benefit our neighbor, Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School on August 20-21 after all Masses. Cristo Rey is a Catholic learning community that educates young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose, and service. Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience, students graduate ready to succeed in college and in life. For more information about Cristo Rey, please visit the website: www.cristoreyatlanta.org. Any item to be used in the school will be gratefully accepted, but these are the most needed items: No 2 Pencils Colored Pencils Binder Dividers Hand Sanitizer Pencil Pouches Loose leaf Paper Index Cards Elmer's White Glue Glue Sticks 1 or 2 inch binders White Copy Paper Colored Markers Spiral Notebooks Pencil Sharpeners Construction Paper Poster Board (any Scotch Tape Highlighters Paper Towels color) Black or Blue Pens Rulers Kleenex USB Drives Black or Multi-Color Expo Markers Individual Dry Erase/ White Boards The Order of the Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women founded on the principle of its motto: Unity, Friendship and Charity. They come together as a sisterhood to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, bringing spiritual benefits to our members and contributing to the common good of humanity. By our faith they are called to serve, inspired and challenged to do God's work. They are committed to foster individual participation by way of mutual understanding, charitable activities and social interaction as they strive for the development of all that is best and truest in womanhood, we emerge in our communities as a positive influence to uphold the high ideals of life and morals. For more information about the Daughters of Isabella, please contact Terry McKitrick, [email protected]. 5 Artículos en Español 7 de agosto de 2016 Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA LECTURAS DE HOY Lunes: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Primera lectura — Tus antepasados esperaron con fe y valor el cumplimiento de las promesas de Dios (Sabiduría 18:6-9). Salmo — Dichoso el pueblo escogido por Dios (Salmo 33 [32]). Segunda lectura — A causa de la fidelidad al llamado de Dios, los descendientes de Abraham son tan numerosos como las estrellas (Hebreos 11:1-2, 8-19 [12, 8-12]). Evangelio — Estén alerta y preparados porque no saben ni el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del hombre aparecerá (Lucas 12:32-48 [35-40]). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Martes Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Miércoles: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26 Jueves: Ez 12:1-12; Sal 78 (77):56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Viernes: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 o 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12 Sábado Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 NUESTRO PADRE EN LA FE La Carta a los Hebreos hoy canta un himno de alabanza a Abraham y a su fe, sobre la cual se fundan la religión judía, la cristiana y la mahometana. Abraham es llamado “padre” de la fe por más personas en el mundo que cualquier otro; numerosas como la arena de la playa o las estrellas del cielo. La Carta a los Hebreos nos dice que esta fe firme lo impulsó a obedecer el llamado de Dios cuando lo envió a buscar una tierra desconocida y le dijo que sería padre de una raza poderosa, aunque consideraba su matrimonio infecundo. Pero la fe de Abraham, nos dice el autor de la Carta a los Hebreos, le permitía poseer lo que esperaba y conocer lo que no podía ver. ¿Cuántas veces nos vemos en simples sucesos cotidianos de nuestra vocación cristiana llamados a un sitio desconocido o enviados a hacer algo que no creemos poder hacer? ¡Qué afortunados somos por tener a nuestro padre Abraham como nuestro guía y ejemplo! Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace casi 2000 años, Jesús declaró que “los zorros tienen guaridas, y las aves del cielo sus nidos; pero el Hijo del hombre no tiene donde reclinar la cabeza”. Lamentablemente en las calles y callejones del mundo este dicho se realiza diariamente en tantos abandonados por la sociedad que viven sin techo ni hogar. Por los años de 1940 el santo jesuita, Alberto Hurtado de Chile quiso darle al Hijo del hombre un lugar donde reclinar su cabeza recogiendo a los niños y a los adultos indigentes. Su ejemplo llamó la atención de otros cristianos que se unieron a sus esfuerzos y así en 1944 fundaron la asociación benéfica “Hogar de Cristo”. Este hogar se dedica aun todavía a acoger, educar y rehabilitar a los necesitados dándoles las herramientas necesarias para poder depender de si mismos. También vela por sus almas dándoles una formación total de cuerpo, alma y espíritu. En fin, el Hogar de Cristo se dedica a difundir la realidad de los pobres por medio de nuestro llamado bautismal a la responsabilidad que tenemos en darle al Hijo de hombre un lugar para reclinar su cabeza. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR Que no los perturbe el clamor de este mundo, que pasa como una sombra. No dejen que los falsos los deleiten de un mundo mentiroso que lo engañe. —Santa Clara 6 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE Mass Intentions Sun, 8/7 Mon, 8/8 Tues, 8/9 Wed, 8/10 Thur, 8/11 Fri, 8/12 Sat, 8/13 Sun, 8/14 Mon, 8/15 Tues, 8/16 Wed, 8/17 Thur, 8/18 Fri, 8/19 Sat, 8/20 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00am Pro Populo 10:00am Bill Kirksey (D) 12:00pm Frrances Wallis (D) 1:30pm James Curran (I) 6:00pm Joyce Burghardt (D) 19h Week of Ordinary Time 7:00am Lucy Hansan Dong (D) 12:10pm Yolanda Tapia Ruhe (D) 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm Ernest Príncipe (D) Lillian Duryea (D) Allen Schaffer (D) Lillian Duryea (D) 7:00am Robert Foster (D) 12:10pm Patricia Reich (D) 7:00am Michael Schaffer (I) 12:10pm Ellen Schaffer Stemp (I) 9:00am Joanne Lyons (I) 5:30pm Rose Helen Anderson (D) 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 6:00pm 20h Week of Ordinary Time 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm 7:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 5:30pm Meetings and Events Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal St. Vincet de Paul Mtg Men’s Prison Ministry Visit Outreach Sandwich Prep 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR 7:30pm, CR Depart from OR 8:00am, K, PH Food Distribution 12:30pm, PH Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S Basilica Choir Warm-up Hispanic Choir Rehearsal 9:30am, OR 11:45am, OR St. Vincet de Paul Mtg Men’s Prison Ministry Visit Outreach Sandwich Prep 7:30pm, CR Depart from OR 8:00am, K, PH Food Distribution 12:30pm, PH Altar & Rosary Cleaning Flower Arranging 8:00am, C, S 9:00am, C, S Legend: D=deceased, I=intention; C= Church, PH=both sides Parish Hall, PHE=Parish Hall East side, PHW=Parish Hall West side, K=downstairs kitchen, A=Atrium, CR=Conference Room, OR=Outreach Room, PR=Piano Room, S=Sacristy
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