6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic community February 12, 2017 Page 2 February 12, 2017 FR. GÉRARD’S CORNER PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Sirach exhorts, God “has set before you fire and water . . . life and death, good and evil, whichever [you] choose shall be given [you]” (15:16–17). Paul proclaims “wisdom to those who are mature, not a wisdom of this age” (1 Corinthians 2:6). Finally, Jesus declares, “You have heard that it was said . . . but I say to you,” no ordinary rabbi interpreting the Torah, but God’s beloved Son with whom God is well pleased, challenging us to reach beyond the law’s letter, beyond our culture’s accepted mores, to radically selfsacrificing love. Please pray for the following priests this week: Thus, not only is murder prohibited for Jesus’ disciples, but even angry thoughts, insulting murmurs, abusive words. Adultery is not only the sinful action itself, but even the preliminary lustful thought that reduces a person made in God’s image to a thing that exists for our pleasure. Marriage is not merely legal contract, but lifelong covenant. No need for oaths; transparent honesty makes our every word literally the “God’s honest truth.” Feb 16 Rev. David Whorton, St. Mel Catholic Church, Woodland Hills Most importantly, whatever the issue, however misunderstood I feel, the disciple always makes the first move, takes the first step toward reconciliation. Jesus goes further. No solemn prayer can replace such radical, interpersonal peace-making; even liturgy’s sanctifying power is nullified without reconciliation. Interrupt the liturgy, leave sacred gifts unoffered at the altar whenever you recall that anyone has anything against you. Note carefully the extraordinary challenge: not if we remember something we’ve actually done, but, remarkably, if you “recall that your [brother/sister] has anything against you” (Matthew 5:23); that is, even if the alleged offense exists only in the other person’s mind. Fr. Gerard J.S. Paluch Feb 12 Rev. Norman Skupancheck, St. Didacus Catholic Church Sylmar Feb 13 Rev. Tomy Tomiekeh, St. Paul Assyrian Chaldean Catholic Church, North Hollywood Feb 14 Rev. Arturo Velasco, Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church, Canoga Park Feb 15 Rev. Thomas White, St. Mary Catholic Church, Palmdale Feb 17 Rev. Peter Zhou, O.S.B., St. Andrew’s Abbey & Retreat House, Valyermo Feb 18 Rev. Anthony Patalano, O.P., St. Dominic Priory Los Angeles BAPTISMS English: 3rd Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. By appointment: Please call or visit the Parish Office. Baptism Seminar Classes are held the 3rd Sunday of every month In Room A/B of Grill Hall from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. (No need to pre-register) Any Questions? Email: [email protected] For those baptizing at another parish and taking the class here, the fee is $25 per person. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Is there a situation in my life calling for a reconciliation that will not happen unless I make the first move? How soon will I do so? PASTOR’S OFFICE Rev. Gérard Lecomte, CJM, Pastor Marty Bowden, Pastor Secretary For appointments with pastor: Phone: 818-341-3680, Ext. 106 E-Mail: [email protected] PARISH CLERGY Rev. Gérard Lecomte, CJM, Pastor Rev. Carlos Valencia, CJM, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Lawrence Goodwin, CJM, Assoc. Pastor Deacon Son Hoang, Pastoral Administrator Page 3 February 12, 2017 LEADERSHIP Rev. Gérard Lecomte, CJM Pastor [email protected] Rev. Carlos Valencia, CJM [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. Lawrence Goodwin, CJM Associate Pastor [email protected] (818) 341-3680 ext. 116 Deacon Son Hoang Baptism (818)341-3680, ext. 103 Gina Ibarra, Business Manager, ext. 102 Edgar Contreras Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] (818) 341-3680 ext. 121 Maryann Prager, Compassion Commission [email protected] Br. David K. Betz, S.M. RCIA [email protected] Tish Byrne, Children’s Ministry [email protected] Jose Schnaider, Spanish Ministry [email protected] Barbara Danowitz, School Principal Dana Howell, Music Director [email protected] Sargon Younan, Project Director [email protected] Carlos Perez-Carrillo Pastoral Council Chairman [email protected] Angelle Roussel Finance Council Chairman [email protected] John Steiner School Board Chairperson [email protected] SUPPORT STAFF Irene Ruiz, Parish Secretary Celia Estrada, Bookkeeper Virginia Daniels, Receptionist Michelle Bevilacqua, Bulletin 818.341.3680 ext. 120 [email protected] Helio Martinez, Maintenance Marina Martinez Lourdes Torres, Cook PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Cub Scouts - Bryan Suttles 818.438.8315 [email protected]. Tammy Robinson 818.400.6494 ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION 818.341.3680 RCIA – 818.341.3680 Br. David K. Betz, S.M. Marriage Prep CoordinatorRicca Francis 818.585.7791 [email protected] LITURGY COMMISSION Liturgy Director Fr. Lawrence 818.341.3680 x116 [email protected] Spanish Liturgy Coordinator: Ramón Flores 805.907.9909 Media Ministry Fr. Gérard LeComte Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Chris Hwang 818.486.0516 [email protected] Lectors – Patti Dupree pattidupree@sbcglobal,net Altar Servers - (Training) Phil Moore [email protected] (Schedule) Shy Suttles 818.624.4749 [email protected] [email protected] COMPASSION COMMISSION Mary Ann Prager, 818.341.3680 x 115 [email protected] Terry Hernandez 818.718.0752. Sandwich Sunday – Bereavement – Dan & Agnes Young 818.368.5208 Bereavement Spanish Celia Estrada 818.341.3680 x 152 Bereavement Support John Chady 818.341.0761 Oasis - 213.251.3572 Respect Life - 818.341.3680 Blood Drive Mary Melton 818.346.0927 Saint Vincent de Paul Patti Dupree 818.993.1668 SVDP Home Pick-up 800.974.3571 Divorced & Widow/er Support Kathy Tickner 818.349.9335 Alcoholics Anonymous Maria Czech 818.631.2029 Al-Anon - 818.760.7122 FILIPINO COORDINATING COUNCIL Mia Macalino 818.517.4300 Sacristans - Sargon Younan 818.687.2041 Ushers - Bob Smiley 818.701.5585 FACILITIES COMMITTEE - Music Ministry – Dana Howell 818.341.3680 x153 Matthew Park - Contemporary Choir Carlos Perez-Carrillo - Spanish Choir SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Men’s Council Joe Ramirez - 818.694.1234 Gift Shop Mary Ellen Pike 949.375.1239 Liturgical Environment – Karen Fredrickson [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry Edgar Contreras (818) 341-3680 x 121 EDGE Korie Barbato - [email protected] CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 818.882.9323 Tish Byrne, Children’s Ministry Spanish Religious Education Sister Guadalupe - 818.885-6265 Children’s Liturgy Children’s Drama Irene Castaneda [email protected] Girl Scouts - Laura Mayoral 818.437.1249 [email protected] Gabi Breard 818.832.0407 [email protected] SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS Senior Funsters Rhonda Gullette 818.569.9086 SPIRITUAL MINISTRIES Fr. Carlos 818.341.3680 x 321 [email protected] Forever Grateful Prayer Group Imelda Yap 818.620.5880 Junior Legion of Mary Legion of Mary William Vellone 818.341.1558 Maria Greer Teddy Haftl 818.449.9851 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Josie Gomes 818.341.8473 Tercian Lay Carmelite Community Michael - 818.885.8726; [email protected] Maria- 818.280.3944; [email protected] Rosary for Life Terri Tanis 818.886.1318 Page 4 February 12, 2017 Let’s choose love on February 18 when we show that as a parish community we care deeply about our neighbors who need some help. We will hold our monthly service day at MEND Poverty (Meet Each Need with Dignity) from 10 -12 p.m, where we will sort food that will be distributed to the homeless and others in need. MEND is located at 10641 N. San Fernando Road and we will meet in the lobby. Please RSVP to Mary Ann Cummins Prager at 818-294-8806 or [email protected]. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence ALTAR SERVER SPRING TRAINING Join the ancient tradition of altar serving! Carry the cross, the book of prayers and the light of Christ, swing the thing that makes smoke (the thurible) & be close to the altar! TRAININGS 3:00 to 5:00 PM IN CHURCH FRIDAYS, except 1st Fridays: Feb , 17, 24 \; Mar 10, 17, 24, 31 Apr 21, 28 (No class Good Friday) May 12, 19, 26 As needed: June 16, 23 (No class June 9th) To train you must be: 4th grade or older Be BapƟzed Received First Communion For QuesƟons Please contact Shy SuƩles: shysuƩ[email protected] 818 624-4749 SCHOOL CORNER First Reconciliation is on Saturday, February 18 at 10:00am. YOUTH MINSITRY Second Year Confirmation March 19, 4:00 to 7:30 pm First Year Confirmation February 19th 4:00 to 7:30 pm Grill Hall The next class will be February 21, 6:30 p.m. in Amelia Workshop behind the rectory office. For further information, please call 818-882-9323. Or email [email protected] PRO-LIFE MASS W/ BISHOP BRENNAN Friday, February 17 Pro-Life Mass Bishop Joseph Brennan St. John Baptist de la Salle Church 16555 Chatsworth, CA Bishop Brennan will celebrate a Pro-Life Mass to kick-off the Lent 201, “40 Days for Life” campaign. NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20 in observance of President's Day and on Friday, February 24 due to Faculty In-Service. With many other local priests con-celebrating, this promises to be a very special evening, and all are invited to attend. The schedule is as follows: Mass to celebrate the Feast of St. Paula Montal is on Wednesday, February 22. All are welcome. 6pm— Pro-Life Rosary 7pm - Pro-Life Mass 8pm - Bishop Brennan in Concert in Seton Hall, Meet and Greet, Questions & Answers and Light Refreshments. SAVE THE DATE: Denim & Diamonds- SJE School Spring Gala is on March 25, 2017 in Grill Hall, 6:30-11:30pm. The collection during the Mass will be a fundraiser for the Pregnancy Counseling Center in Mission Hills and Angel’s Way Maternity Home. Page 5 February 12, 2017 SOUP & STATIONS OF THE CROSS Soup & As has been our tradition for many years, we will gather each Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. during Lent in Grill Hall to share a meal of soup together as a community, and then participate in the Stations of the Cross in the Church. For Soup and Stations the schedule is as follows: March 3 – Compassion Commission March 10 – Parish School March 17 - Spanish ministry March 24 - Children's ministry March 31 – Filipino ministry April 7 – Music and RCIA SJE 5TH ANNUAL WINE TASTING The 5th Annual SJE Wine Tasting Spectacular is coming to Grill Hall on Saturday, February 18, 2017 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Tickets are on sale preevent for $25.00 per person. Or you can get together with ten of your best friends and reserve your own table for $250. Tickets are sold after each Sunday morning mass beginning January 15 and continuing through February 12. Also, tickets can be purchased during the week at the church rectory. And if you want to wait until the last minute, tickets will be sold at the door for $30.00 per person. Attendance is limited to those over 21 years of age. The Wine Tasting Spectacular is sponsored by the SJE Men’s Council and is always lots of fun. For the price of admission, you’ll be able to sample the best wines from California and around the world. And if you’re hungry, appetizers are served during the evening. Most importantly, all proceeds benefit the Men’s Council charities and our Church community. For further information, to purchase tickets, or volunteer to help, please contact Paul La Bella at 818-683-3011 or Dennis Gaj 818-886-9995. March 1st 6:30am 8:15am 12:15pm 5:30pm 7:30pm, Bilingual FOREVER GRATEFUL COMMUNITY CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP ST. JOHN EUDES Join us on: February 15, 2017 (Wednesday) 7:15 PM SJE Church Topic: “How to be wise when making big decisions.” [Video Presentation by Bo Sanchez] A reflection on the Parable of the Dishonest Steward in Luke 16:1-8 For further information, please call: Imelda (818) 882-8962; Jazzy (818) 625-3386 WOMEN’S RETREAT SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE, ALHAMBRA A spiritual and fulfilling way to start the year for ladies. St John Eudes Annual Ladies' Weekend Retreat is scheduled for March 10, 11 and 12. Please call Mary Melton 818-346-0927 for reservations or information SJE CARNIVAL NEEDS HELP! Our Parish Carnival happens again this year over the Memorial Day weekend. Join the Carnival Team! The Carnival Committee is looking for a few good committee chairs to help us run the Carnival. This would be an excellent opportunity for our Parish Ministries to get involved. If you have these talents, we want to hear from you! Please stop by the Carnival Committee meetings on either Tuesday, January 31, or Tuesday, February 7 in the Parish Conference Room, between 6pm and 7pm or contact Mike Hartfield: 818/433-5359 or Fred Perez: [email protected]. Thank You! Page 6 February 12, 2017 WHO MAY ATTEND? The 3-day Religious Education Congress is open to all who wish to learn more about the Catholic faith or seek personal growth. DATES Dates for RECongress 2017 are February 23, 2017 (Youth Day) & February 24-26, 2017 (Congress) COST The registration fee covers admission to all three days of workshops (tickets are required), exhibits, concerts and liturgies. The fee for Congress 2017 is $80. REGISTRATION If you would like information about RECongress, please contact us. By email: [email protected] By phone: (213) 637-7348 or (213) 627-7301 By mail: Religious Education Congress Office of Religious Education 3424 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 SANDWICH SUNDAY St. John Eudes Parish Sandwich Sunday Sunday, February 19th The third Sunday of every month We’ll prepare sandwich lunches after 12:45 p.m. Mass. Please bring FRESH, SEALED, AND PACKAGED items of the following: Last Initial: A thru F: G thru L: M thru R: S thru Z: FRESH APPLES,/ORANGES OR SANDWICH BAGS WHEAT BREAD OR PAPER BAGS COOKIES LOOSELY PACKED OR INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED TURKEY BOLOGNA OR FRUIT JUICE BOXED God Bless!! Any questions, call Nellie Newman 818-968-0241 SJE OFFICE JOB OPPORTUNITIES Are you looking for an opportunity to work in the Parish Office? We have an immediate opening for a bilingual Parish Secretary. We also have an opening for Children’s Ministry Coordinator. To inquire about the job descriptions, necessary background and work schedules please contact our Business Manager, Gina Ibarra at (818) 341-3680 ext. 102. Page 7 February 12, 2017 POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Comfort for the Afflicted: That all those who are afflicted, e specially the poor, refugees, and marginalized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities. 818-341-3680 ext. 157 Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.• Closed Monday Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bibles, Books, Candles, Rosaries, Statues, Jewelry, Crucifixes, GreeƟng cards, Religious art, BapƟsm, Wedding Unity candles, Arrars, Lassos Feb 12 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Marriage Day 5:30am Maria & Nick Cavalluzzi† For our Government Leaders - SI 7:30am Patricia Fischer† 9:00am Harry Nicol†, Duaine Crick† Dorothy Carlin† 11:00am People of the Parish 12:45pm Ruth Douglass† Nellie P. Barroga† Fe B. Valeros† 2:15pm Eric Moya† 5:30 pm Isabel Villalon Vergara† Give us this Day books The Shop is located at the Mason parking lot Church entrance Sun: Mon: DID YOU KNOW? For more information on how to report abuse, request a copy of the VIRTUS© article “When the Right Choice is Difficult” by emailing: [email protected] or calling (213) 637-7227. Gn 4:1-15, 25 Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 Mk 8:11-13 Tues. 2/14 Valentine’s Day St. Cyril & St. Methodius 6:30am Irene Ruiz - SI 8:15am Marcelina Reynes† Antonietta Pajares Trinidad† Wed. 2/15 6:30am Tish Byrne - SI 8:15am Elbert Everest Hensley† Thurs. 2/16 6:30am Maria Pham Soi 8:15am Maria Sung-Ok Lee† Mila & Erwin Barbieto - Birthday Tues: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10 Mk 8:14-21 Wed: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22 Ps 116:12-15, 18-19 Mk 8:22-26 Fri. 2/17 - Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 6:30am Marty Bowden - Birthday 8:15am For the Holy Souls in Purgatory Thurs: Gn 9:1-13 Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23 Mk 8:27-33 Sat. 2/18 - Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15am Paul Joseph†, Gloria Cantu† Paul Hwang - Healing Fri: Gn 11:1-9 Ps 33:10-15 Mk 9:2-13 Sat: Heb 11:1-7 Ps 145:2-5, 10-11 Mk 9:2-13 Reporting abuse is the right thing to do . . . Child abuse can happen anywhere, even in the home, and for families placed in this horrible situation, reporting abuse can be very difficult, but it is critical to do so in order to protect children. Adults must first act to stop the abuse by being alert to warning signs. If discovered, report abuse to the proper authorities. Sir 15:15-20 Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 1 Cor 2:6-10 Mt 5:17-37 or 20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37 Mon. 2/13 6:30am Al Coziol†, Melvin Spratley† Salvador C. Mata† 8:15am Alejandro Lacson† Lucille & Joseph Hwang - SI For Prayers Answered - Thanksgiving Page 8 February 12, 2017 Page 9 12 de febrero 2017 TÚ DECIDES AVISO “Si tú lo quieres, puedes guardar los mandamientos”, nos dice Eclesiástico (Sirácide). Dios “ha puesto delante de ti fuego y agua; extiende la mano a lo que quieras” (Eclo 15:15, 16). Este es un gran misterio: Dios no nos controla tan completamente que no podemos elegir nuestro propio camino. Es cierto que tenemos límites, pero nadie sino nosotros mismos podemos elegir el camino dentro de esos límites. En adelante, todos los avisos, sin excepción, deberán pasar por la oficina parroquial. Cuando el aviso es realmente de importancia y se quiere que aparezca en el boletín, deberá ser llevado a la Sra. Michelle Bevilacqua antes del martes a medio día. Los demás pueden entregarse en recepción, para que luego el P. Carlos los reciba y los redacte. Los avisos serán leídos directamente por el presidente de la celebración o una persona que él delegue. Se leerán estrictamente como están escritos, sin agregar ni quitar nada. Se leerán desde el ambón que hay junto al coro, no desde el ambón de la Palabra. Si los lee el sacerdote, lo hará desde la sede, para respetar siempre el ambón y dejarlo exclusivamente para las Lecturas de la Palabra de Dios, la homilía y la Oración universal. Con estas disposiciones se pretende educar a la comunidad para utilizar el boletín, para hacer las cosas con tiempo y para evitar avisos largos o segundas homilías cuando se anuncia algo. En la lectura de hoy del Evangelio según san Mateo, Jesús nos recuerda que somos libres y responsables de nuestra vida. Nos llama a ir más allá de las palabras de los mandamientos para considerar su significado. Si vas más allá del adulterio verás el egoísmo que envenena nuestro amor. Si vas más allá del asesinato verás la ira que corroe nuestra compasión. Si vas más allá del falso testimonio (perjurio) verás las mentiras y engaños que producen este comportamiento. Nuestra vocación es elegir la vida para nosotros mismos, y tomar un camino a través de nuestro mundo que haga la vida posible y más abundante para otros también. CLASES ESL DE INGLES Clases ESL de ingles ya comenzaron de nuevo todos los sábados de 9am a 12pm en Grill Hall - Salones A/B. Los esperamos con mucho entusiasmo… Vengan con el mismo entusiasmo… MINISTERIOS Y GRUPOS Coordinador: Padre Carlos Valencia [email protected] Asistente: Ramón Flores (805) 907-9909 Mesa Coordinadora: Jose Schnaider (818) 469-9040 Lectores: Claudia Corbera Ministros de la Comunión: Nelson & Leticia Jiménez (818) 718-8762 Ujieres: Juan Godoy (818) 749-4541 Carlos Ciprés (818) 212-6512 Ana Zacarías (818) 489-2466 Monaguillos: Belén Rangel (818) 993-3509 Coord. de Coros: Carlos Pérez (818) 233-4814 Catecismo: Madre Guadalupe (818) 885-6265 Grupo de Oración: Jose Soto (818) 724-1335 Semilla del Reino: Vilma Hernández (818) 231-3844 Encuentro Matrimonial: Israel Pedroza (818) 935-0448 Coord. de Liturgia: Ramón Flores (805) 907-9909 Coord. de Bautismos: Gustavo & Gaby Camberos (818) 235-3292 Comunidad San Pablo: Mario España (818) 402-4711 Retrouvaille: Martin & Rosa Baeza (818) 996-0821 Visita a enfermos: Luisa Parada (818) 633-9368 12th - Sun. World Marriage Day Confirmation Year 2, 4:30pm Lincoln’s Birthday 13th - Mon. Alpha, 6:30pm 17th - Fri. Altar Serving Training, 3pm 18th - Sat Alpha, 7am First Reconciliation, School & Children’s Ministry, 10am Baptism, 12 noon Wine Tasting, 6:30pm 19th - Sun. Baptism Seminar, 1pm Sandwich Sunday, 1:30pm Confirmation Year 1, 4:30pm 20th - Mon. Alpha, 6:30pm 22nd - Wed. Paula Montal Mass, 8:15am 23rd. - Thurs Youth Day at Religious Education Congress 24th - Fri. Altar Serving Training, 3pm Religious Education Congress, February 24-26 25th - Sat. Alpha, 7pm Club Italia Dinner Dance, 6:30pm 27th - Mon. Alpha, 6:30pm 1st - Wed Ash Wednesday - 1st Day of Lent , Holy Day of Obligation and Fasting (see inside bulletin for list of Masses) 3rd - Fri. First Friday Soup and Stations: Soup at 6pm, Stations at 7pm 4th - Sat. Alpha, 7am 5th - Sun. Confirmation Year 1, 4:30pm 6th - Mon Alpha, 6:30pm 10th - Fri. Soup and Stations: Soup at 6pm, Stations at 7pm 11th - Sat. Alpha, 7am 13th - Mon. Alpha, 6:30pm 17th - Fri. Soup and Stations: Soup at 6pm, Stations at 7pm 19th - Mar. Confirmation Year 2, 4:30pm
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