CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA Mass Schedule: Monday through Friday 7AM; 8:15AM; 7PM Saturday—8:15AM Saturday – Vigil Mass—5PM Sunday—8:15 in italiano; 9:15 en español 10:30AM; 12 NOON; 5PM in English ADMINISTERED BY THE IDENTE MISSIONARIES 2352 ST. RAYMOND’S AVENUE BRONX, NY 10462 (718 828 2380) (PARKING AT ZEREGA AND GLEBE) 6TH OF NOVEMBER 2016 A.D. Marriage Counseling: Challenges and difficulties in marriages always exists, however when they become overwhelming it helps to address them together in a safe environment with a third person. Father Alexis is a trained marriage counselor. Please make an appointment with speak and address any difficulties in your marital relationship. Free and confidential. Parish Council Meeting: Our next meeting is this Tuesday, November 8th immediately after the 7:00 pm Mass. Please send agenda items to Mrs. Elsie Vera. All members are asked to attend. Anniversary Dinner Dance Saturday – November 19th, 2016 12 Maestro’s Saturdays from 10.00am to 11:30am at Santa Maria Church Veterans Day: This Friday, November 11th is Veterans Day...the Rectory will close immediately after the only Mass of that day at 8:15am. Please thank a veteran for their service! Catering Hall (1703 Bronxdale Ave, Bronx, NY 10462) You can NOW purchase tickets for children also: ALTAR SERVER MEETINGS FOR NEW & “RETURNING” ALTAR SERVERS Noon to 5:00pm Newborns up to and including 4 years old – are FREE Children 5 years to 11 years old are DISCOUNTED price ($35 dollars—for a special menu—not the same as the adults) Children 12 years and older are FULL price ($90 dollars) Adults—regular price—$90 dollars Free coat check and valet parking Music by Rinaldi Entertainment ¿rezas por vocaciones sacerdotales? Are you praying for vocations? Thanksgiving Food Basket - please cut and return to the Rectory/Sacristy I would like to nominate the following family for the Thanksgiving Food Basket: First and Last Name: ______________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________ Number of Family Members (_________) Address: _______________________________________________ APT #______________ This family are parishioners. Nominated by: __________________________________ Masses for the Week Saturday, Nov.5th 5:00pm All Souls novena Sunday, Nov. 6th 8:15am All Souls novena 9:15am All Souls novena 10:30am All Souls novena 12 Noon Antonio Cippolone 5:00pm Health and Holiness of Joshua Daniel Esguerra Jimenez on his birthday Monday, Nov. 7th 7:00am Maria, Carlo, Claudio Vincenzi and Regina Bartolin & Frank Soccodato 8:15am Andrew and Rose Marie Tedeschi, Antonio Bucci and the Deceased Members of the Tedeschi and Bucci Families 7:00pm Ernestine Luongo Tuesday, Nov. 8th 7:00am For the health and holiness of Euvilda Molina and For a Special Intention—LSLE 8:15am Salvatore deVito 7:00pm Connie and Cosmo Ciminello Wednesday, Nov.9th 7:00am Susie and Frank Carigliano 8:15am For the Health, Holiness and Intentions of Linda Ukaj 7:00pm Felicia Buzzone and Domenica Romeo Thursday, Nov. 10th 7:00am For the Health and Holiness of Giselle Macri 8:15am Brenda Van de Weghe 7:00pm Luigi D’Aloia Friday, Nov. 11th—Veteran’s Day 7:00am No Mass 8:15am For the Health and Holiness of Giselle Macri 7:00pm No Mass Saturday, Nov. 12th 8:15am For the Health and Holiness of Giselle Macri 5:00pm Sara Echevarria Misa y las Mañanitas en Honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe: Este año celebraremos la Santa Misa en Honor de nuestra Madre de Guadalupe el domingo, 11 de diciembre a las 5:00PM y las Mañanitas el lunes, 12 de diciembre a las 4:30AM...ven...exprésale tu amor a tu madre...los niños podrán traerle rosas y usted también podrá contribuir con comida típica si así lo desea. Renew and Rebuild Campaign: Just a small reminder that this year you will not be receiving a letter from the Cardinal asking support for the Cardinal’s Appeal...since this has been incorporated into the Renew and Rebuild Campaign. Please, please...respond to the Renew and Rebuild Campaign with a pledge this will help guarantee that Santa Maria Parish remains viable for the next 90 years! Without your support Santa Maria ceases to exist! At the present time we have two pledges totaling $10,500 dollars. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLEDGES! Is the devil real? Does the devil exist? Yes it does exist. We are engaged in a spiritual warfare— see Ephesians 6. The greatest tool of the devil to slowly erode our sense of sin, our sense of what is most holy. The devil works in our our desire for our desire to do less. Be alert! Confessions: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated everyday—Monday to Friday—at 6:45pm...before the 7PM Mass… and on Saturdays from 4PM to 4:45PM. If you have been away from the sacrament you are encouraged to make an appointment with one of the priests to give you ample time to celebrate God’s Mercy and Forgiveness. Si su hijo o hija… ha hecho su Primera Comunión… puede servir como monaguillo (a). Venga a las reuniones los sábados, a las 10AM en la Iglesia. Hable con el Padre Alexis para más información. El amor es una victoria sobre el tiempo. Fernando Rielo Questions to keep in mind: Do I strive for the minimum or do I look for what is most holy? How do I see my destiny? Do I come to church to feel good or to give my freedom to God? Do I truly want to be a saint? Prayer to the Holy Spirit: Come Holy Spirit come… with the power of your love come to each and every cell of my body heal it with your mighty love. Come, come Holy Spirit come with the transforming touch of your love come into my memories into my thoughts into my desires heal my soul. Come, come, come Holy Spirit come with your Divine Love inflame my spirit.. set it on fire... set it free from all sin from all hopelessness come...dwell within me for I surrender totally into the Hands of the FATHER and I confess that JESUS is LORD in union with Mother MARY and Holy JOSEPH in YOU HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
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