The Church of St. William 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, PA. 19111 1920 “Ninety Five Years of Serving The Community” 2015 “A WELCOMING COMMUNITY” “CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS” Rev.JosephG.Watson,M.A.,M.Div.,Pastor Rev.Msgr.JamesE.Mortimer,M.Ed.,PastorEmeritus PadreAugustoConcha,M.Div.,ParochialVicar Rev.AlfredLauricien,O.M.I.,Resident DeaconBillMoser,PermanentDeacon DeaconFelipeCruz,PermanentDeacon MASS SCHEDULE PARISH DIRECTORY RECTORY *Of iceHours:Mon.thruFri.9:00AM-12:00PM 12:30PM-4:30PM Saturdays: 8:00AMand5:00PM Sundays: 7:30;9:00;12:00;8:00PM-LowerChurch 10:30AM-SpanishMass-LowerChurch 4:00PM-PakistaniMass-LowerChurch 5:30PM-HaitianMass-UpperChurch SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM BaptismsarecelebratedinEnglishandSpanish.Thenormaltimefor BaptismisSundayafternoonat1:00PMintheLowerChurch.Please contact the rectory of ice to begin the process of scheduling your child’sBaptism. CONVENT PRE – BAPTISMAL CLASSES Sisters,ServantsoftheImmaculateHeartofMary Arrangementswillbemadetoregisterforclassafterconsultingwith DeaconBillMoser(215)745-1389. Sr.MaryAnneNyzio,IHM,ConventSuperior 6226RisingSunAve. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr.MarieBernadetteTaraschi,IHM 6:30AMand12:00Noon 215-745-1389 Fax:215-342-4783 6200RisingSunAve. Weekdays: 215-745-0921 PASTORAL MINISTRY TO HISPANICS Sr.RosePatriceKuhn,IHM PARISH MINISTRY OF CHARITY IdaJimenez 215-313-7753 215-745-1389 PARISH MUSIC MINISTRY KenHouser 215-745-1389 BUSINESS MANAGER MattSmith PARISH SECRETARY MinervaBaez 215-745-1389 215-745-1389 June 28, 2015 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 4:00-4:45PM EveofHolyDays: 4:00-4:45PM EveofFirstFridays: After12:00(NoonMassOnly) SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Weddings may be scheduled for Saturdays at 11:00AM, 1:00PM or 3:00PM in the Upper Church; and at 2:00PM in the Lower Church. CouplesintendingmarriageareaskedtocontactourParishPriestat leastsixmonthspriortotheintendeddateofmarriage.Participating inaMarriagePreparationProgramisarequisiteforthereceptionof thisholysacrament. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK In case of serious illness, please contact one of our parish priests. AnyoneunabletoattendMass duetoillness maycalltheRectoryto makearrangementstoreceiveCommunionintheirhomes. Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Financial Information Sunday Collection: $7,966.00 God’s Plan for Giving Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of income to God. We ask half of this, or 5% for your Parish Church. From the desk of Fr. Joe… Missionary Appeal Next Weekend As crazy as this seems, Missionaries are coming next weekend to do an appeal for their Diocese. I know it is a holiday weekend and I tried to explain that to the missionary but this was the only time they had available. I ask you to welcome the two Missionaries to Saint William Parish next Saturday and Sunday. I understand that these priests will be making their appeal on behalf of their Diocese of Lucena in the Philippines. If any of our Filipino families would like to especially welcome these priests to our parish, please let me know. I am not sure what time they will be arriving but there will be a lot of activity in the neighborhood with the 4th of July festivities. On Saturday, July 4th, we will have our regular morning Mass at 8:00AM and then I will leave the church open for those who want to stay cool until the Parade comes down the Avenue. Confessions and Mass will be as usual at 4:00 and 5:00PM on Saturday afternoon. Sunday, June 28, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00PM (Vigil) Ellen Zalisky and Ellen VanHorn 7:30 Parishioners of Saint William 9:00 William Harmer 10:30L.C. Zoila Cabrera Rodriguez 12:00 Noon Teresa Courtney 8:00PM Graciela Garcia Monday, June 29, Saints Peter and Paul 6:30 Perpetual Help 12:00 Noon Mary Frances and William Patrick Gillard Wednesday, July 1, Blessed Junipero Serra 6:30 Paul Turn Bull 12:00 Noon Paul and Nancy Norkas 6:30 12:00 Noon Thursday, July 2, W eekday Saint Anthony Anthony Nguyen Fam. (Living Special Intention) First Friday, July 3, Saint Thomas 6:30 Daniel F. and Daniel V. Gallagher 12:00 Noon Anthony Bojazi Tuesday, June 30, First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church First Saturday, July 4, W eekday 6:30 Betty Green 8:00 Thomas Le Family (Living) 12:00 Noon William J. Visconto 5:00PM (Vigil) Dillon Family WeRememberthosewhohaveDied Cheryl Grous A Will can be a final expression of one’s love and concern for family, friends, and the Parish Community. Michael Adams Josephine Agozzino Olga Andrijischjn Luis Ariza Beatrice Barnes Gertrude Boyes Joseph Bradley John Byrne Florence Caputo Regina Carberry Jared David Carrasco Teresa (Cathy) Carey Delia Cassidy Karla Castro Adele Censky Catherine Clark Marguerite Clauss Emilio Colan Joanne Coleman Shannon Coley Anna Creniti Caroline Darpino Margaret Donahue Alaya Diggs Tim Edwards Joseph Fenuto John Flannery Gilda Ford Vicki Francis Brandon Fuscia Rita and Steve Garry Ann Geiges Nellie Grady Anne Guinan James Hamilton Joseph Hearn, Jr. Elizabeth Heasley Marte Heil Frankie & Bob Herbert John Herbert Christopher Higgins Jeffrey Hill Peggy Hoffner Denise Horgan Sheranne Shea-Jubelirer Luke Kehoe Ellen Kelly Anne Krause Loretta LaBarge Marcial Leon Mark Lewis Teresa Mac Bride Jeanne Mace Jerry and Gale Mahoney Lisa Mathews Lindsey McManus Emma Miller Anne Nyce Keith Parks Verna Quigley Chalie Rehr Linda Richardson Martha Schmid Carmen Sotomayor F. Joseph Sullivan Ethel Thomas Betty Thompson Kathleen Thompson Phyllis Thompson James Trainor Rita Marie Unrath Guillermo Velasquez Angela Walsh Betty Wilson Elizabeth Wismer I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me Psalm 30 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time THE LORD OF LIFE At this bountiful time of year, our Sunday readings teem with life and abundance. Both the first reading, from the book of Wisdom, and the Gospel passage from Mark assure us that God did not make death or even will us to be ill. Illness and death entered the world through the presence of evil, the Wisdom author tells us. Mark’s stories of Jesus healing a hemorrhaging woman and resuscitating a dead little girl make it clear that Jesus is from God. As the Son of God he does not will that anyone suffer illness or death. In the face of such power, the second reading, from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, provides a stark contrast. Jesus, who could raise the dead to new life, “though he was rich, for your sake he became poor” (2 Corinthians 8:9). Our gift of new life from Christ demands our response in charity. CONFIRMATION DOMINGO DECIMO TERCERO Any High School Student who needs to be Confirmed please Dos historias de fe: la resurrección de la hijas de contact Sr. Bernadette at 215.745.0921. Jairo y la curación de la mujer de flujos de sangre. Cristo se Classes begin Sunday, August 23, 2015. ANNOUNCEMENT Interested in becoming Catholic? Meetings will be held Thursdays, June 25th, July 9th & 23rd and August 6th 7:00PM in the Convent basement. SENIOR CITIZENS NEWS Tomacello Winery Tour Sign-up for the October 5th Tomacello Winery Tour. Cost: $53 Includes full course sit-down lunch, wine tasting and Casino trip (Resorts) with $25 slot bonus. Please call Ruth Magee for additional information 215.725.5697. REGISTRATION FOR PREP CLASSES 1st grade through 7th grade acerca a ellas y les da la salud y la vida. Jesús le dijo: "no temas; basta que tengas Fe! Jesús nos dice a nosotros: ten Fe, levántate, vive, ama y espera! Gracias, Señor, por El don de la vida, la salud, la enfermedad. Que sea is testigos de Tú amor para con los demás. CONFESIONES: Domingo, 10:00-10:20AM. BAUTISMO: Coor dina con Diácono Felipe o Hna. Rosa 2° Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM: Charla 3° Domingo del mes a la 1:00 PM: Bautismo GRUPO CARISMÁTICO : Vier nes, 7:00PM Sótano de la Rectoría. Están todos invitados. YOUTH GROUP: PASTORAL JUVENIL Miércoles, 1 de junio 7:00-9:00 PM: Memorial Hall First Time Registration: (Please bring the child’s Baptismal Certificate). PREP: EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA (para todos) Tuition: Re-registración para las clases de PREP del año escolar 2015-2016 se ha comenzado. Favor de llenar el formulario recibieron por e-mail y mandarlo por correo o dejarlo en la rectoría o en el convento. $40.00 – 1 child $55.00 – 2 or more children (Checks are made payable to St. William’s Parish.) Class Times: All classes will begin on Tuesday, September 15th from 6:15PM – 7:45PM. High School Sacraments: Will begin on Sunday, August 23rd, 9:00AM in the Rectory Basement. Thank you for your children and for registering them for classes! Sister’s of the Holy Redeemer 1600 Huntingdon Pike, Meadowbrook, PA 19046 Too busy for a Retreat? An extended Retreat experience of prayer and community for single Catholic women seeking God in the midst of our busy world. Wednesday, August 5th - 9th at 6:00PM Information: contact Sr. Katharina Pies, at 215.914.4110 [email protected] Registraciones para los niños que no han asistido todavía en PREP. Comunicarse con Sister Bernadette o Sister Rose. High School Jóvenes, regístrense con Sister Rose o Sister Bernadette para los sacramentos. Clases se comenzarán el domingo, el 23 de agosto a las 9:00 AM en la rectoría. Adultos regístrense con Sister Rose o Diácono Felipe para los sacramentos. Clases se comenzarán el 17 de septiembre a las 7:00 PM en el sótano de la rectoría. RESERVE LAS FECHAS MISA PUERTORRIQUENA Jueves 27 de agosto: Catedral de los SS. Pedro y Pablo Procesión: 6:30PM ; Misa: 7:00PM Celebrante y homilista: Obispo Nelson J. Pérez MISA DE LA HERERCIA HISPANA Domingo 30 de agosto: Catedral de los SS. Pedro y Pablo Celebración de las Familias Hispanas: 9:30 AM Presentador invitado: Rev. Domingo Rodríguez, S.T. Misa de la Herencia Hispana Procesión: 2:00 PM Misa: 2:30 PM COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS #002005: St. William Church 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. 19111 PHONE 215-745-1389 CONTACT PERSON Minerva Baez SOFTWARE Microsoft Office 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Sharp MX-5110N NUMBERS OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 5 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION June 28, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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