Salem Catholic Collaborative IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH | SAINT JAMES PARISH | SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH You are welcome here! Contact us: 978-744-1278 Pastoral Center/Administrative Offices: 28 St. Peter Street, Salem [email protected] See our Mass schedule: page 3 Sacraments: page 5 Our community extends a welcome to visitors who join us in prayer and worship, and we invite you to make our parish your spiritual home. Whatever your age or walk of life, we want this parish to be a place where you grow ever closer to Jesus. We are a community centered on excellent liturgy, helping people of all ages grow in faith, and welcoming all- especially those who feel disconnected from the Church or faith. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | JULY 3, 2016 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR, FATHER DAN WELCOME TO FR. MARIUSZ LIS! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! May America advance along the way of the ideals in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, the pursuit of [true] happiness [offered by Jesus], and that all humans are created equal. PROUD OF MY NIECE CAITLIN who two years out of St. Michaels College, has been hired for a full time teaching job in the Mansfield Public Schools. She is an awesome person! AM I WELCOMED HERE IF I HAVE BEEN AWAY FROM CHURCH? Yes, yes, yes! We are thrilled you are here. You make our day! REGULAR CHURCH GOERS, YOUR HOSPITALITY to our beloved brothers and sisters who are new here makes a huge difference in welcoming new folks. Thank you so much! JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, CAME TO EARTH to show us what God is like – especially how much he loves us. LIKE THE FATHER: We pray that we may become more like the Father of the Prodigal Son – filled with compassion for our missing brothers and sisters – and run to embrace them upon their return. (My Pastor’s Vision.) GREAT BOOK: THANKS! HOW THE NEW SCIENCE OF GRATITUDE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPIER, by Robert Emmons, Ph.D. From: Fr. Dan – This book has improved my life. It is interesting, very practical, fairly short, and very compatible with the Catholic practice of Thanking the Lord. RECOMMENDED WEBSITE: FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS ON TWITTER (@Pontifex) MY JUNE 26 HOMILY THOUGHT: Let us make a total commitment to living like Jesus, by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, especially by not gossiping. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: The Republican Convention is July 18-21 and the Democratic Convention July 25-28. “Holy Spirit, send your wisdom and love upon all engaged in the selection of our next President.” SPORTS UPDATE – As I write this, the Sox are down 3-0 and have lost the last 4 out of 6. Don’t they know they have to stay in the race at least until Pat’s training camp opens! Celtics and Bruins drafted young talent rather than trading their draft picks. The Olympics you!-- Fr Dan are August 5-21 in Rio. Free Tom Brady! God bless you! POPE FRANCIS on GOOD MANNERS “At times, it seems that we are becoming a civilization of poor manners and unpleasant words. … Politeness and the capacity to thank are seen as a sign of weakness, and at times even arouse distrust. This tendency should be opposed. We must become intransigent in the education of gratitude. JOIN US FOR VBS AUGUST 1-5! We can’t wait for Vacation Bible School! Register your child (Pre-K to grade 5) today at our website, and invite your neighbors too: Want to help? Students from middle school and up, and adults are needed. Contact Steven at [email protected] 2 WORSHIP WITH US PRIESTS FOR JULY 3 MASSES (As of 6/28/2016. Subject to Change.) Sat. 4:00PM: Immaculate: Fr. Dan Sat. 4:00PM: St. James: Fr. Sullivan Sat. 4:00PM: St. John the Baptist: Fr. Dan Sun. 7:30AM: St. James: Fr. Sullivan Sun. 9:00AM: Immaculate: Fr. Dan Sun. 10:00AM: in Polish, St. John the Baptist: Fr. Mariusz Sun. 10:30AM: St. James: Fr. Dan Sun. 11:45AM: St. John the Baptist: Fr. Larry Sun. 1:00PM: Spanish, Immaculate: Padre Paul Sun. 6:30PM: Immaculate: Fr. Dan COMING RIGHT UP! at the SALEM CATHOLIC COLLABORATIVE OFFICE HOURS with the pastoral staff and special guests are being held at The Landing at Salem Ferry every Thursday afternoon in July from 3:30-5:00PM. Join us as we greet the tourists and commuters! WELCOME FR. MARIUSZ LIS at/after the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday, July 10 at St. John the Baptist. We’ll gather in the school cafeteria for refreshments after Mass. Come and say Witamy! MAKE YOUR FACEBOOK A FAITHBOOK! “Like” us today at w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / SalemCatholicCommunity 2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL in the parking lot at Immaculate Conception Parish on Saturday, July 30 (Sabado, 30 de Julia) from 12:00-6:00PM. More information on page 4 of this bulletin. EVERYONE HAS A VOCATION! WHAT IS YOURS? There is no doubt God is calling you, that God has a plan for your life? What are your gifts? What does Jesus need more of in our world? What would you be good at? Can you sense where Jesus is calling you? PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN training offered Saturday, July 9 from 10:00AM-12:00 in the St. James Conference Room. This training is required for ALL volunteers in our Collaborative parishes. To register, call the Pastoral Center at 978-744-1278. MASS MINISTERS NEEDED AT ALL OUR PARISHES We are looking to grow our liturgical ministries including lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, greeters and musicians for all the weekend Masses at all our parishes. Our goal is to create peaceful and welcoming spaces for everyone no matter where they are on their faith journey! For more information, please contact Margo Morin. SCC BY THE NUMBERS: BECOME A MEMBER OR UPDATE YOUR REGISTRATION INFO FOR YOUR PARISH: ConnectNow’s “My Own Church” is an easy way to join any of our parishes or to update your contact information in the census. Register today or update your info by creating a login today. It’s really that easy! 21: The number of Alpha team members who gathered this past week to celebrate the work we’ve done together this year to bring people to Jesus through the Alpha program. Our volunteers have welcomed guests to delicious (seriously: DELICIOUS) dinners, warm relationships, open and safe space for questions, and lots of laughter and love. We are so thankful for our team and energized by their love of the people God has brought to us at the SCC! Please remember our team in your prayers of thanksgiving! WHAT ARE YOUR GIFTS? Our pastoral staff can help you discern your gifts- email us today to find out more: [email protected] 3 LIFE IN THE SALEM CATHOLIC COLLABORATIVE 2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL Join us Saturday, July 30 (Sabado, 30 de Julia) from 12:00-6:00PM in the parking lot at Immaculate Conception Parish. This fun festival features food from different countries (Comida Deliciosa de Diferentes Paises), live music performances (Grupos Musicales En Vivo), and more! Acompañananos! For more information, call Altagracia Gomez: 978-979-5185 Advertise in our program booklet: $200.00 for a full page, $100.00 for a half page, $60.00 for a quarter page. Additional charges apply for color ads. Be on our booster page for a $20.00 donation! NO IC SERVICE AT LIFEBRIDGE THIS MONTH The Christian Service Team at Immaculate Conception will not be serving at Lifebridge during the month of July. LEARN MUSIC AT SUMMER SESSIONS WITH KURT Interested in joining choir? Enjoy singing, but have no idea how to read music? Thought about it, but never have taken that first step? Well here is your chance! Join Kurt and the choir to take part in Summer Sessions. We will dig into music literacy and eartraining to help us enhance our Sunday worship and to grow together as musicians. Jump in on Monday, July 11 at 7:00PM in the IC chapel. There is no sign up or attendance sheet. Just come in and enjoy working out those ears! EL RESPETO POR LA VIDA ES EL CAMINO A LA PAZ El camino para la realización del bien común y de la paz pasa ante todo por el respeto de la vida humana, considerada en sus múltiples aspectos, desde su concepción, en su desarrollo y hasta su fin natural. Auténticos trabajadores por la paz son, entonces, los que aman, defienden y promueven la vida humana en todas sus dimensiones: personal, comunitaria y transcendente. La vida en plenitud es el culmen de la paz. Quien quiere la paz no puede tolerar atentados y delitos contra la vida. Quienes no aprecian suficientemente el valor de la vida humana y, en consecuencia, sostienen por ejemplo la liberación del aborto, tal vez no se dan cuenta que, de este modo, proponen la búsqueda de una paz ilusoria. La huida de las responsabilidades, que envilece a la persona humana, y mucho más la muerte de un ser inerme e inocente, nunca podrán traer felicidad o paz. En efecto, ¿cómo es posible pretender conseguir la paz, el desarrollo integral de los pueblos o la misma salvaguardia del ambiente, sin que sea tutelado el derecho a la vida de los más débiles, empezando por los que aún no han nacido? Cada agresión a la vida, especialmente en su origen, provoca inevitablemente daños irreparables al desarrollo, a la paz, al ambiente. Tampoco es justo codificar de manera subrepticia falsos derechos o libertades, que, basados en una visión reductiva y relativista del ser humano, y mediante el uso hábil de expresiones ambiguas encaminadas a favorecer un pretendido derecho al aborto y a la eutanasia, amenazan MEMORIAL PRAYER GARDEN A prayer garden is being planted at St. James Church (in the fenced-in former playground). If you’d like to donate perennials plants or garden soil or make a financial donation, please contact Margo: [email protected] DAILY MASS SCHEDULE CHANGE Please note that the 12:05PM daily Mass at St. James Chapel is not held during the hot summer months of July and August. CATHOLIC APPEAL RESULTS AS OF 06/22/16 Immaculate Conception $20,221.00 which is 80% of our $25,228 goal. St. James is at is at $18,469.00, which is 75% of our $24,665 goal St. John the Baptist HAS EXCEEDED THE GOAL! We are at $10,272.00, which is 124% of our $8,290 goal. Thank you for your generous support! 4 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION 06/25-26/16 Immaculate Conception Offertory: Peter’s Pence: $3,894.00 $853.00 St. James Offertory: Peter’s Pence: $4,573.00 $998.00 St. John the Baptist Offertory: Peter’s Pence: $1020.00 $413.00 MANAGE YOUR GIVING ONLINE Just visit our website and click where you see this image to set up one-time or regular gifts. WELCOME TO THE SACRAMENTS! Contact information: 978-744-1278 or [email protected] BAPTISM: Congratulations! Please contact us to make arrangements. FIRST CONFESSION AND/OR HOLY COMMUNION: Please contact us. MARRIAGE: Congratulations! Please contact us to make arrangements- the sooner the better! HOLY COMMUNION TO THOSE UNABLE TO GET OUT: Please contact us. PRIESTHOOD OR DIACONATE: Please visit and click “contact us” to make an appointment. If you are curious about becoming a deacon, please contact Deacon Jesús Peña: [email protected] EMERGENCY ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Call 978-744-1278- if there is no answer, please listen for the emergency option in the phone menu. CONFESSION: Saturdays at all 3 churches at 3:15PM. Wednesday evenings at Immaculate from 5:30-7:00PM. See page 6 for other times offered in Spanish and Polish. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please contact us! MASS INTENTIONS July 2-3, 2016 4:00PM Saturday, July 2 at IC: Al Eastman and Joseph Kosinski (from Ceil Eastman) 4:00PM Saturday, July 2 at SJ: Lydia Thibodeau (from Susan and Bob Quinn) 4:00PM Saturday, July 2 at SJTB: Edward and Jesse Wolkiewicz (from Genevieve Sobocinski) 7:30AM Sunday, July 3 at SJ: 9:00AM Sunday, July 3 at IC: Michael Roney (from Nancy Roney) 10:00AM Sunday, July 3 at SJTB: Feliksa Mieszczanski (from Waldek Prochorski and Family) 10:30AM Sunday, July 3 at SJ: Thanksgiving and protection for Ivan Batamack 11:45AM Sunday, July 3 at SJTB: God's Blessings upon Emmanuel Bela (to be baptized after this Mass) 1:00PM Sunday, July 3 at IC: 6:30PM Sunday, July 3 at IC: MASS INTENTIONS July 9-10, 2016 4:00PM Saturday, July 9 at IC: 4:00PM Saturday, July 9 at SJ: Lena J. D'Amico (from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bentham) 4:00PM Saturday, July 9 at SJTB: Joseph Senkowski (1st Anniversary, from sister Frances Orlando and Family) 7:30AM Sunday, July 10 at SJ: 9:00AM Sunday, July 10 at IC: 10:00AM Sunday, July 10 at SJTB: Philip Swiniuch (from Kevin and Jennifer Harten) 10:30AM Sunday, July 10 at SJ: Rita Labrecque (from Diane Santos) 11:45AM Sunday, July 10 at SJTB: Edward Wolkiewicz (from Marilyn Costa) 1:00PM Sunday, July 10 at IC: 6:30PM Sunday, July 10 at IC: You can have a Mass prayed in honor or memory of a loved one, at any of our parishes. Please call the Pastoral Center at 978-744-1278 to request a date. READ OUR PASTORAL PLAN Visit our website and download the PDF of our pastoral plan for 2015-2018. 5 COLLABORATIVE and PARISH INFORMATION OUR CLERGY Pastoral Center Offices: 28 St. Peter Street, Salem Phone: 978-744-1278 ST. JAMES PARISH 156 Federal Street The Meeting Center: 160 Federal St. Daily Mass 12:05PM M-F in St. James Chapel Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jesús Peña [email protected] Lectors: Diane Santos [email protected] Altar Servers: Honora Griebel– 781-593-3069 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 28 St. Peter Street Daily Mass 8:00AM Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat Spowiedź w jezyku polskim: Pierwsze Piątki Miesiąca: od godziny 18:15 do 18:55 w soboty: o godzinie 7:30 Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers: contact Marilyn Costa or Teresa Prochorski IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH15 Hawthorne Blvd. Daily Mass 9:00AM Tuesday-Saturday Adoration Thurs. 9:30-7:00 Eucharistic Ministers: Marie Fouhey [email protected] Lectors: Kim Tran [email protected] Thrift Shop in lower church Thursdays 9-12 Weekly PARROQUIA DE LA CONCEPTIÓN INMACULADA COMUNIDAD HISPANA 15 Hawthorne Blvd. 978-744-1278 La Santa Misa: Los domingos a las 1:00PM. Los jueves a las 7:00PM Confesiones:Los domingos después de la Misa. Los jueves de las 6:00PM hasta las 7:00PM Si alguien está seriamente enfermo en la casa o si entra en el hospital, hable con el Padre Paúl o el Diácono Pablo para que la persona tenga la oportunidad de recibir los sacramentos de los enfermos. Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento: Los jueves de las 6:00PM hasta las 7:00PM Doctrina Religiosa: Los domingos a las 11:30AM (Primera Comunión/ grados 1-6) Para la confirmación (grados 9-10), llame a ministros del campus: 978-7441278 (en inglés). Grupo de Oración: Los Jueves después de la Missa a las 7:00PM Bautismos: El tercer Domingo de cada mes después de la Misa de la 1 pm. Clase de preparación para los padres y padrinos el día antes (Sábado) a las 7 pm en la Caplla.atrimonios, Quinceañeras, Visitas Pastorales y otros servicios, favor de habar con el Padre Paúl o el Diácono Pablo. 6 Pastor: Fr. Dan Riley [email protected] Parochial Vicars: Fr. Frank Sullivan [email protected] Fr. Gregory Vozzo [email protected] Fr. Lawrence Rondeau - Senior Priest Deacons: Norm LaPointe 978-578-4832 [email protected] Jesús Peña [email protected] Ministros Hispanos: Padre Paúl G. M. McManus [email protected] 978-744-1278 Ext. 106 Diácono Pablo Morel [email protected] Polish Ministry: Fr. Mariusz Lis, S.Ch. Parochial Vicar PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral Ministries Manager: Margo Morin [email protected] Campus Ministry: Steven Antonio [email protected] Catherine Ziobro [email protected] Polish Religious Education: Teresa Prochorski [email protected] Director of Music: Kurt Foundos [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Senior Administrative Assistant: Rosemarie Asci [email protected] Administrative Assistants: Betty Richard [email protected] Diane Santos [email protected] Marilyn Costa [email protected] FINANCE AND OPERATIONS Manager: Elaine McCormack [email protected] THE MEETING CENTER– MINISTRY OFFICES 160 Federal Street 978-744-1278 Get the Catholic perspective and be fully informed. Each week The Pilot brings you news and analysis that you will not find anywhere else. G Words of wisdom from Pope Francis G Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese G National and international Church-related news G Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events G Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors G Stories about the Faith & Good Works of the archdiocese A one year subscription is only $39 for 49 issues. Mail along with payment to: The Pilot • Subscriptions PO Box 907 • Bellmawr, NJ 08099 Advertising 617.779.3788 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Name Address City State Zip News Desk 617.779.3782 Pilot Bulletins BUAD JUL16 Subscriptions 617.779.3792 erica’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper 841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 (978) 851-9103 Advertise: 617-779-3788 The North Shore’s most popular address • Family Law for maintenance-free • Bankruptcy bscriberetirement to living. • Estate Planning he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Space Available Subscribe to Subscribe: 617-779-3792 978-777-1245 4x2_Ad_V3.pdf 1 3/25/2016 11:52:42 AM ■ Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Space Available Desde 1890 Honestidad - Experiencia - Consejería Gratuita M MY O Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ur ministry includes assisting families before a National and International Church-related news death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events kit including: our by free booklet, moneyacclaimed saving authors certificate, ■ Faith related articles locally and nationally ■ Stories about the and Good Works the archdiocese information on Faith payment plans andof specific information on ■ O’ROURKE BROS. MEMORIALS C CM ■ 617-779-3792 30 Valley Valley Road Road (Rt. (Rt. 35) 35) 30 Danvers, Massachusetts Massachusetts 01923 01923 Danvers, Y The Catholic Cemetery Association Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Connors Farm our Malden, Salem and Lynn area Catholic617-779-3792 Cemeteries. Subscribe: bscribe to Fun Down Down on on the the Farm Farm Fun “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. of wisdom from Pope Francis 978-744-8818 cal coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese 26 Lynde St, Salem, MA 01970 nal and International Church-related news North Shore is relating the teachings of the Church to current events 1-800-630-0956 7638010 by locally and nationally elated articles acclaimed authors about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Kid’s Birthday Parties Subscribe: Rosaries from Flowers Consejo profesional, así usted puede tomar la mejor decisión Planeación pre - arreglo y sin intereses de pago Monumentos, marcadores, inscripciones, limpieza y reparación Evangelization Focus “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.” ~Pope Francis Se habla español CY CMY Estefania L’Heureux [email protected] 73 North St. Salem, MA - 978-744-0871 K Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs! If you bring your printing to a chain store or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs. We can help save you money. MAC T N E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 th t o J u n e 1 st Ju n e 2 8 th t o J u ly 1 A E F r a n c is c o M o n to y a A c a d e m y D ir e c t o r st What’s Inside N e w E n g l a n d J r. C la y C J u ly 1 0 t h t o J u ly 1 3 th o u r t C h a m p io n s h ip s N e w E n g l a n d Jr. H a rd C o u rt C A u g u st 1 4 h a m p io n s th to A u g u h ip s s t 1 7 th C e le s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r A le x H o w a rd H e a d C o a c h D a v e C o lb y J u n io r P r o g ra m Saturday, June 26 th, 2 –4 pm West Concord, MA 01742 CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN THUR ARTHUR D a n ie l Q u ic e n o T e n n is P r o fe s s io n a l F r a n c is c o M o n to y a | fm o n to y 9 7 8 -5 2 6 -8 a @ m a c te 9 0 0 e x t. 2 n n is .c o m 3 2 C e le s t e F r e y | c fre y @ m a c te n 9 7 8 -5 2 6 -8 n is .c o m 9 0 0 e x t. 3 68 Commonw 5 1 ealth Avenue | 978.369.4728 MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 D ir e c t o r Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music C h Trio “String Swing.” r is C la y t o n Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden T e n n i s our beautiful commun P r o fe s s io n ity. a l Kindly RSVP by June 23 SUMMER Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me •Ju n e 1 4 th to A u g u st 2 7 th •M o n d a y s - F r id a y s •1 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 p m •8 y e a r s a n d u p • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at Msg. & data rates may apply Classic Christmas Markets Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 [email protected] For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Immaculate Conception, Salem, MA 1142
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