SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón ST. ANDREW’S MISSION Misión Católica de San Andrés 3119 North Street East ‡ Vidalia, Georgia ‡ 30474 Office: (912)-537-7709, Fax: (912)-537-4691, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, January 29, 2017 Pastor Fr. Benjamin Dallas [email protected] Permanent Deacon Joseph Claroni [email protected] Pastoral Assistant Julie Hopkins [email protected] Directors of Religious Educa on Corina Florez corinafl[email protected] Star Cruz [email protected] Youth Ministry Pat & Jennifer Mitchell [email protected] Bookkeeper Hilda Self [email protected] Communica ons Director Deirdre Collins [email protected] Office Hours /Horas de Oficina Mon.-Tue.: 9:00AM-4:00PM Wed.-Thur. 9:00AM-12:00PM English Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 11:15AM Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM First Friday Healing: 7:00PM Horario de Misas en Espan͂ ol Domingo: 9:00AM, Reidsville Domingo: 6:00PM, Vidalia Confessions/ Confesiones Saturday: 4:00PM Wednesday: 5:00PM Eucharis c Adora on/ Adoración Eucaris ca Wednesday: 6:00PM Stay informed and connected with us at Heart Catholic Church Vidalia, Georgia Mass Ministers/Ministerios de Misa Church Finances/Financial De la Iglesia Altar Servers : M. Bourgeois Ushers : Ray Burns, Andy Kimbell Lectors : Cheryl Williams EM of HC : Linda Bourgeois Offertory/Ofrendas Sunday 11:15am Altar Servers : M. & Z. Lopez Ushers : Dorre Burns, Michael Shook Lectors : Lucy Claroni, Jeanne Elder EM of HC : YaVonne Quigley, Diane Kersey Rosary Leader: Maria Senn Altar Servers : G. Rodriguez, C. Morales Ushers : Maria Saucedo, Fernando Lima Lectors : Alma Avila, Victorio Saucedo EM of HC : Jesus & Hilda Rosales Rosary Leader: Hilda Rosales Collec on Counters: Mon. Jan. 30th: M. Wonn, D. Betsill, M. Alvarez, F. Rimando 1/15 Weekly Offertory MINIMUM Amount required to meet budget 1/22 $4,302.00 $3,247.00 $885.00 $1,010.00 $3,493.00 $3,493.00 Online Giving (included in total above) ST. ANDREW’S / REIDSVILLE Rosary Leader : Linda Bourgeois Domingo 6:00pm Saturday 5:00pm February 4 & 5 Weekly Offertory 1/15 1/22 $302.00 $100.00 Weekly Tithe/Diezmo Semanal This Week: The Refuge Next Week: Carmelite Monastery Bap sms/Bau zos Baptism Classes in English are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. Classes in Spanish are held the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Baptisms will take place on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the 11:15am Mass and the 6:00pm Mass in Spanish. Contact the parish office to register for classes. Clases de Bau zo en Ingles se llevan acabo el primer Jueves del mes a las 7:00 pm. clases en Español son cada tercer Domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Los Bau zos son el tercer Domingo del Mes en la misa de las 11:15 y en la misa de las 6:00 pm en Español. Contacte la oficina de la Parroquia para registrarse para clases. Weekly Prayers/Oraciónes Semanal Mass Inten ons / Intenciónes de Misa 1/28: 5:00pm †Robert Gardner 1/29: 9:00am †Paul & Norma Jackson 1/30: 12:00pm For Parishioners’ Prayer Intentions 1/31: 12:00pm †Beatrice Martin 2/1: 12:00pm †Julia Buhaly 2/2: 12:00pm †Stacy Sikes Bedford Mass Readings/ Lecturas Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-15; Ps 103:1-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; We pray for / Oramos por : HOMEBOUND/ Ancianos en casa: Flo Trautz, Teodora Marin, Bernice Stein FOR HEALING/ Por Sanacion: Dorre Burns, Tommy Coyne, Stella Chang, Lucy Claroni, Diana Lopez, Ms. Eudene, Felix Cruz, Melissa Cutler, Jimmy Mamonluk, Bobby Windham, Fr. Juan Lopez, Rex Johnson, Charlo e Mathis, Michael Oaks, Laddy Mitchel, Lucy Reese, Gabe Palma, Ann McWilliams, Aurelio Orozco, Israel Tinoco, Mariela Villa, George Homan, Jr., Bobby Dixon, Dan Mitchell, Bill Jurison, Lynne Poschke, Daniel Grognale Sr. & Jr., Sharon Vane en, Rogelio Villanueva, Windy Story, Ed Box, Robert Hicks, Bobby Browning, Johnita Weeks, Paul Carroll, Rachel Frederick, Melissa Cuarte, Pam Edwards, Michael Misinco, Shirley Blonde, Belinda Derriso, Luis Maramara, Be e Blocker MILITARY PERSONNEL /Personal de Militar: Steven Johnson, Nelson Alba, Faus no Cabrera, Thomas Gardner, Eva Alamo, Raymond Alamo, Sergio Torres, Antonio Ramirez. Please prayerfully consider your gi to the 2016 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Pledge cards and envelopes are in the narthex. Por la oración, su regalo a la Campaña Anual de 2016 del Obispo. Tarjetas y sobres se encuentran en el atrio . Parish Goal: $22,210 To date: $17,116 This Week’s Pulpit Announcements Monday, 1/30 7p, Knights of Columbus Mee ng Tuesday, 1/31 6p, Women’s Prayer Group Wednesday, 2/1 5p: Confessions, 5:30p: Rosary 6p: Holy Hour, 6:15p: Youth Group, 7p: RCIA Friday 2/3 6p: Confessions, 7p: First Friday Healing Mass Women’s Prayer Group All women of the parish are invited to par cipate in a 12 week prayer series en tled, “Lord Teach Me To Pray: Praying the Chris an Virtues.” The group meets on Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the parish hall. For more informa on, please contact Julie at 912-293-5181. St. Andrews Dedica on Mass All are invited to celebrate the rededica on of our mission parish, St. Andrews Catholic Church in Reidsville. The Dedica on Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Hartmeyer on MONDAY, February 6 at 7:00pm. Please join us in celebra ng the work God has done in the beau fully renovated sanctuary. Home Visits with Father Ben Father Ben will be visi ng parish neighborhoods and homes over the coming months. If you would like to have your home blessed or even just a visit with Father Ben, please sign up in the Narthex. The Parish Office will be following up to schedule visits. Father Ben will be available to make home visits on Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings . If these days and mes do not fit your schedule, please note on the sign up list the best day/ me for a visit. Lenten Neighborhood Rosary Groups It’s that me again! The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017. We are looking for host families for our Lenten Neighborhood Rosary groups. Please consider hos ng a weekly rosary group in your home during the 6 weeks of Lent. You pick the day and me that fits your schedule. The Parish Office will supply hosts with rosaries, prayers, and “How to Pray the Rosary” brochures. Please sign up in the narthex or call the parish office if you are interested. Thank you! Religious Educa on/Youth Ministry CCD NEWS Saturday, February 4: Parent Mee ng for Bap sm Candidates A mee ng will be held for parents of children ages 25 months and older who will be Bap zed at our parish Bap sm on Sunday, February 11, 2017 at 10:00am. The parent mee ng will be held on Saturday, February 4th at 10:00am at Sacred Heart. Parents must a end. Please contact Corina Florez at 912-537-7709 for more informa on. Upcoming Events & Retreats February Hospitality Sunday Our next Hospitality Sunday Potluck meals will be held on Sunday, February 12, 2017 following the 11:15am and 6:00pm Masses. Please bring your favorite finger food to share. Contact Deirdre Collins at 912-585-8146 if you have any ques ons. Finger Food Potluck Natural Family Planning Course The Couple to Couple League will be offering a 3-class series in Natural Family Planning beginning Saturday, February 11 in Statesboro, GA at the St. Ma hew's conference room. The method taught is the sympto-thermal method which is a safe and highly effec ve means of prac cing responsible parenthood without the use of contracep ves while always following Christ's example of total self-giving love. The course is open to both engaged and married couples. Couples may register for the course at For ques ons, contact Patrick and Jacque Kelly at 912-321-2212. Retrouvaille (“Re-tro-vi”) Marriage Retreat Is your marriage struggling? Has your rela onship grown cold and distant? Do you experience disappointment, pain, conflict, or despair? Do you feel lost or alone? Don’t down in an unloving and uncaring marriage. Get help! Reach for the Retrouvaille lifeline. Our next Retrouvaille Weekend will be February 17-19, 2017 in Augusta, GA. Please call 706-869-8434 or visit h p:// Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: February 24-26, 2017 A Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat is a beau ful opportunity for any woman, man, or family member who is struggling with the emo onal, spiritual or psychological pain of abor on to find healing. Come and experience the mercy and compassion of God through this healing ministry. For addi onal informa on contact Stephanie May at 912-306-0406/ [email protected], or visit the website at All calls and inquires are strictly confiden al. Come and be restored. JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2017 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDA FRIDAY SATURDAY 29 30 31 February 1 9:30am CCD Classes No Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily 6pm 4pm Mass Confessions Confessions 7pm Knights of Columbus Meeting 6pm Women’s Prayer Group 10am Choir Practice 11:15pm English Mass 6:00pm Spanish Mass 5:00pm Confessions 5:30pm Rosary 2 3 4 6:30pm Cub Scout Meeting 7pm 1st Friday Healing Mass 5pm English Mass 9 10 11 6pm Holy Hour 6:15pm Youth 7pm RCIA 5 6 7 8 9:30am CCD Classes 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 7pm: St. Andrews Catholic Church Dedication Mass, Reidsville 6pm Women’s Prayer Group 10am Choir Practice 11:15pm English Mass 6:00pm Spanish Mass 5:00pm Confessions 5:30pm Rosary 10am Parish Baptism for Children over 2 years old 6:30pm Cub Scout Meeting 6pm Holy Hour 4pm Confessions 6:15pm Youth 5pm English Mass 7pm RCIA 12 HOSPITALITY 13 SUNDAY 12pm Daily 9:30am CCD Mass Classes 10am Choir Practice 11:15pm English Mass 6:00pm Spanish Mass 6pm First Penance for First Communion Candidates 14 15 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Mass 12pm Daily Feb. 17-19 Mass Diocesan 5:00pm Youth Confessions 6:30pm Conference, Cub Scout Augusta, GA 5:30pm Rosary Meeting Food For The Poor Collection 6pm Holy Hour 5pm English Mass 6pm Women’s Prayer Group 7pm Women’s Guild 6:15pm Youth 7pm RCIA 16 17 7pm Baptism Classes in English 18 4pm Confessions Online Giving/DonaciÒnes En Linea Online giving has never been easier. Call or stop by the parish office for assistance with registering for our Easy Tithe online thing program. We will be happy to answer any ques ons you have. You can also visit our website, and click on the blue bu on marked Easy Tithe Online Giving. Dar en línea nunca ha sido más fácil. Llame o visite la oficina de la parroquia para obtener ayuda con el registro de nuestro programa de diezmos en línea de Fácil diezmo. Estaremos encantados de responder cualquier pregunta que tenga. También puede visitar nuestro si o web, y haga clic en el botón azul marcado fácil donación en línea de donación. 856120 Sacred Heart Church 3119 East North Street Vidalia, GA 30475 912.537.7709 Contact: Corina Florez ([email protected]) So ware: Win 7 Pub 2010 AAXI Transmission me: Mondays, 5pm Pages Sent: 1-5 Special Instruc ons: PLEASE REDUCE THE NUMBERS OF COPIES TO 350. Thank you.
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