Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church 796 West 48th Street - San Bernardino - California - 92407 - 909-882-2931 - Fax 909-883-4851 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.olasanbernardino.org Mission Statement We, the faith community of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, humbly proclaim with our beloved Virgin Mary, that we are the servants of the Lord. Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we value and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and strive to be of loving support to one another. We are committed to the sacramental life and Traditions of the Church through worship, prayer, study, and service. We seek to become true evangelists by continuing to nourish and strengthen our Roman Catholic Faith. January 15, 2017 Declaración de la Misión Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, proclamamos humildemente con nuestra amada Virgen Maria, que somos siervos del Señor. Enraizados en el Evangelio de Jesucristo, valoramos y celebramos la diversidad de nuestras culturas y nos esforzamos amorosamente a darnos apoyo el uno al otro. Por medio del culto, la oración, el estudió y el servicio, estamos comprometidos de la Iglesia. Buscamos ser verdaderos evangelizadores nutriendo y fortaleciendo nuestra fe Católica Romana. Mass Schedule Horario de las Misas Saturday 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am 12:00 pm en español 4:30 pm Youth Mass Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesday 8:15 am Thursday 8:15 am Friday 8:15 am First Friday 8:15 am Marriages / Bodas Arrangements require a six month period of preparation. Please call the Ministry Center Office. / Reservaciones se requieren seis meses de anticipación para los preparativos. ——–————–——— Quinceañeras The scheduling for Quinceañeras should be made at least one year in advance. / La reservación de la fecha para una Quinceañera debe ser hecha por lo menos un año de anticipación. ——–————–——— Funerals / Funerales Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office. / Favor de llamar a la Oficina Ministerial. —–————–———— Wills/Bequests - Testamento/Legado Please call the Diocese. / Por Favor llame a la Diócesis: 909-475-5300. Sacred Heart & Santo Niño Devotions Sacrament of Reconciliation, Benediction and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday 9:00 am-10:30 am Sacramento de Reconciliación, Veneración y Exposición , del Santísimo Sacramento Sábado 9:00 am-10:30 am Visiting of the Sick/Home Blessings If you’d like our priest to visit and anoint a sick family member, or to bless your home, please contact the Parish Office. He will call to arrange a date and time. Visitas a los Enfermos y Bendición de Hogares Si le gustaría que nuestro sacerdote vaya a dar la unción a un familiar enfermo, o a bendecir su hogar, por favor hablar a la oficina parroquial. El sacerdote se comunicara con usted para acordar la fecha y la hora. Administrator Rev. Henry Sseriiso 882-2931 x29 [email protected] Deacons Dan O’Camb 882-2931 [email protected] Mark Weber 882-2931 [email protected] R.C.I.A. & Adult Confirmation Clare Colella 882-2931 x34 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry Confirmation and Music Kathleen Estrella 882-2931 x16 [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Maria Rivera-Mena 882-2931 x22 [email protected] Bookkeeper Susan Doyle 882-2931 x28 [email protected] Parish Secretary Ana Gurule 882-2931 x32 [email protected] Parish Office Reception Lucia Godoy 882-2931 x10 Sisters of Mercy 882-2931 x18 Pastoral Council Ministry Center Office Hours Horario de la Oficina Ministerial Sunday / Domingo: 10am to 12pm Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm Saturday / Sábado : closed / cerrado Baptisms and Baptism Preparation Bautizos y Preparación 909-882-2931 OLA SCHOOL Principal Sue Long 881-2416 [email protected] School Secretary Rina McNamara 881-2416 President Delila Vasquez 234-6960 [email protected] After School Day Care 881-2417 OLA School Email & Website [email protected] Perpetual Light of Christ Lee Chesney-Rest in Peace January 15-28, 2017 Requested by: Chesney - Bauer Family Date Sunday Monday Tuesday Time AŌer the Morning 01/15/17 Masses 9:00AM-6:00PM 1:30-2:30PM 2:00-4:00PM 01/16/17 6:00-9:00AM 7:00-9:00PM 7:00-9:00PM 7:30-9:00PM 01/17/17 9:30AM-12:30PM 6:30-9:00PM Wednesday 01/18/17 Thursday 01/19/17 Friday 01/20/17 Saturday 01/21/17 6:00-9:00AM LocaƟon Parish Hall Stage Side Mercy Ministry Center OLA School Classrooms Parish Hall OLA School Library Mercy Ministry Center Parish Hall Stage Side Parish Hall Stage Side Parish Hall Kitchen Side 5:15-6:15PM 5:15-6:30PM 5:15-6:30PM 5:30-6:30PM 7:00-8:00PM 8:00-9:00PM 7:00-9:00PM 7:00-9:00PM 6:00-8:00PM 6:30-9:00PM 7:00-8:30PM 6:00-9:00PM Cleaning of Parish Hall Religious EducaƟon for - Children with Special Needs (K-4 Grades) Religious EducaƟon (K-8 Grades) Family Faith FormaƟon for Rel. Ed. Parents 8:00 AM - Choir PracƟce ESL-Beginning Course ESL-Advance Course Rite of ChrisƟan IniƟaƟon of Adults Rito de Iniciación CrisƟana de Adultos AYM for Christ Youth Night PracƟca de Coro de Adultos Catholics Returning Home PracƟca de Coro de Niños OLA School Classrooms OLA School Classrooms OLA School Classrooms Church OLA School Classrooms#6 OLA School Classrooms#6 Parish Hall Kitchen Side OLA School Classrooms#8 Parish Hall Mercy Ministry Center OLA School Classroom #7 Mercy Ministry Center 7:30-9:00PM Grupo de Oración "Amor y Fe" Church 6:00-9:00AM Cleaning of Parish Hall Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon/ ExposiƟon of the Blessed Sacrament Santo Niño CelebraƟon Parish Hall Church Parish Hall Blood Pressure Screening High School Religious EducaƟon/ConfirmaƟon Parish Hall OLA School Classrooms 9:00-10:30AM 5:30PM-9:00PM Sunday Event Food & Fellowship: Boy Scouts 1st & 2nd Yr. ConfirmaƟon Parent Retreat Grupo Coordinador Hispano High School Religious EducaƟon/ConfirmaƟon Cleaning of Parish Hall Al-Anon SSA Crecimiento para la Comunidad Fraternidad Catolica CrisƟana de Mujeres AYM 4 Christ Core Team Mtg. 01/22/17 AŌer the Morning 2:00-4:00PM January 1-7-2017-Saturday 4:30pm: $1,972.03 1-8-2017 Sunday 8am: $1,765.30 Sunday 10am: $1,855.17 15 Boy Scouts 22 RCIA/RICA 29 Religious Education Sunday 12pm: $1,012.38 Sunday 4:30pm: $1,010.22 February Mail In: $530.00 Total: $8,145.10 Parish Hall 5 Boy Scouts S P E C I A L M A SS A Mass of Remembrance For Those Who Have Died In Recent Years Fellow Parishioners: On Tuesday, January 24th, at 6:30pm, Our Lady of the Assump on Parish will hold a bilingual Mass of Remembrance for our loved ones who have passed away in recent years. On that evening, please bring a small picture of your loved one[s] to share on an Altar of Remembrance. OLA will supply candles for a procession into the church immediately prior to the Mass. At the conclusion of the mass we will have a small recep on in the parish hall. We hope to see you there for this very special Mass & recep on. Blessings on you and your families. Young at Heart Our Senior Adult Ministry is hos ng a Movie & Pot Luck Thursday, January 26th-FROM 10:00AM TO 12:00PM Everyone is welcome to a end! Bring your favorite dish to share! Sister Joan: Will be having a retreat at St Lucy's Priory in Glendora on Sunday, January 22 from 10-2 pm. Lunch will be served. Dona on is $25 including lunch. Sea ng is limited to 25. “Please join us in learning to communicate with one another." ESL Class meets every Wednesday from 7:00-9:00p.m. un l June. This is an opportunity for you to go to St Lucy's Priory, Sister Joanie's other home. It is a beau ful place, and the nuns are very welcoming. Address is: 19045 E Sierra Madre Ave., Glendora CA 91741 PLEASE CALL SISTER JOAN TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE. (909) 783-4121 CHOOSE LOVE : 01.21.17 You are invited to join Bishop Barnes and tens of thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the third annual OneLife LA, an event celebra ng the beauty and dignity of every human life from concep on to natural death. On Saturday, January 21,2017 beginning at 12:00 noon at La Placita/Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a familyfriendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organiza ons serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. For more informa on, contact Mary Huber at [email protected] or visit OneLifela.org. A Time for Mercy/Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Retreat To be held-March 17th – March 19th 2017 Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreats are a safe place to renew, rebuild & redeem hearts broken by abor on. Rachel’s Vineyard weekends are confiden al & nonjudgmental and are offered in the Catholic tradi on open to women and men who have been wounded by abor on. All calls are Strictly Confiden al, to register please call: Dolores at 951-325-7702 Email: [email protected]<[email protected]> for more informa on Please visit our web site: <h p://www.a meformercy.org> www.a meformercy.org<h p://www.a meformercy.org> Early registra on is recommended as our retreats are limited and tend to fill up fairly quickly. TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD Adult Faith Holy Spirit’s guidance for our country’s leaders in all branches of government. Corner Particularly on Sundays when we gather as a community of faith we celebrate Eucharist, but personal prayer and witness is a daily way to live as a light of faith to others. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: BE A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS © Clare Colella Even in this Sunday of Ordinary Time we hear a blessed proclamation from the prophet Isaiah. During Advent and the Christmas Season, we read often from this prophet. But today, there is a different focus. Over the past few Sundays we have heard the blessings that the Lord promises to his Chosen people. Remember from January 1: “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!...“ And from last Sunday: “Your light has come and the glory of the Lord shines upon you.” Today, “It is too little, the Lord says, for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob,… I will make you a light to the nations that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” In Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, he speaks of that small community being called and blessed. It is in the Gospel that we find the direct reference to Jesus – when John the Baptist testifies that it is this man, Jesus, who was chosen and affirmed by the Holy Spirit to be the Son of God. For us, we are more than just the servants of God. We too are called to be a light to the nations: we are called to be disciples and apostles – to know, live and teach the Good News of Jesus Christ. In this service, in this faith-filled dedication, we live out the blessings we receive; we acknowledge God as the Center of our lives, and Jesus as our Teacher and Savior. This week is a very special one for all Christian faiths and in our country: the Church begins a special prayer novena for Christian Unity – from January 18 – 25th. We are called to pray for compassion, understanding and appreciation of all Christian faiths. There are special prayers and events that are given at www.usccb.org . This is also the week of the inauguration of our country’s 45th President – and we continue to pray for healing within our nation, and for the WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: 7:00 – 9:00 Parish Hall January 18: Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist January 25: Sacraments of Initiation Confirmation February 1: The Sacraments of Healing ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE In the 1940s, Antoine de Saint Exupéry wrote a famous children’s story, The LiƩle Prince. The Li le Prince inhabits a small asteroid, where he spends his me devotedly caring for one beau ful rose. The Li le Prince visits Earth, where he meets the Fox, who asks the Li le Prince to tame him. The Fox says taming means being responsible, like the Prince is for his rose. Our parish is our spiritual home and a source of life through worship, friendships, and shared labor. We obviously need our parish, or we wouldn’t be here. The me that we give to God and to each other makes the connec ons among us stronger. God has “tamed” us and is responsible for us in the here and now and on into the future. It seems only right that all of us, in turn, are responsible for God’s church, God’s people, and God’s world. Are you doing your part? Copyright © 2010, World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. SIEMPRE RESPONSABLE En la década de 1940, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry escribió El Principito, una famosa historia de niños. El Principito vive en un pequeño asteroide donde pasa su empo dedicado al cuidado de una hermosa rosa. El Principito visita la Tierra donde se encuentra con el Zorro, que le pide al Principito que lo domes que. El Zorro le dice que domescar quiere decir hacerse responsable, tal como hace con su rosa. Nuestra parroquia es nuestro hogar espiritual y fuente de vida mediante el culto divino, las amistades y las ac vidades compar das. Obviamente necesitamos de nuestra parroquia o no estuviésemos aquí. El empo que le damos a Dios y dedicamos a los demás hacen más estrecho el vínculo entre nosotros. Dios nos ha “domes cado” y se ha hecho responsable de nosotros ahora y para siempre. Lo justo sería que todos nosotros nos hiciéramos responsables de la Iglesia de Dios, el pueblo de Dios y el mundo de Dios. ¿Estás cumpliendo tu parte?
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