SAINT AMBROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH Fourth Sunday of Advent SAINT AMBROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH BERKELEY TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Many of our most treasured traditions link the liturgy of the church with the hearth of the home. The food on the table at certain feasts and fasts helps to extend the mystery into everyday life. Tonight, for example, many families of Italian heritage, especially those with links to the south of Italy, will settle down to the “Feast of the Seven Fishes,” or La Vigilia. It is a command performance for the whole family, as the saying goes: Natale con I tuui, Pasqua conchi vuoi, or “Christmas with your family, Easter with whomever you wish.” Seven different fish, some say one for each day of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, others say one for each sacrament, or one for each day of creation, are served. Eel and shrimp, lobster and crab, calamari, pasta with clam sauce, flounder and hake all abound, but most especially baccala, dried salted cod. Why? Many say that it is a way to pay homage to the beasts of the stable who witnessed the holy birth and relinquished their manger to make way for God. Tonight, if someone asks you to “pass the shrimp,” you’ll be able to shed a little light on a menu that is a delicious treasure in our tradition! Esta semana recordamos a los niños judíos que fueron asesinados por orden del Rey Herodes en Belén. Esa tragedia que ocurrió cuando el viejo y celoso rey se enteró del nacimiento de un nuevo rey de los judíos. Él mandó a matar a todo niño que tuviera menos de dos años. El llanto de las familias que perdieron sus pobres inocentes se ha convertido en risas en varios países latinoamericanos. El 28 de diciembre en muchas partes es conmemorado como el día de los inocentes que viene siendo el April Fools Day de Latinoamérica. En ese día se hacen bromas para burlarse de los amigos. Si la broma funciona al pobre que fue engañado se le llama “inocente”. La inocencia normalmente se atribuye a los niños o a los ingenuos, pero en si la inocencia es una virtud cristiana, de los que hemos sido perdonados por Cristo. Esta inocencia no es ingenuidad mas bien es la candidez, simplicidad y generosidad de una persona que conoce bien lo duro que es la vida y aún así mantiene la esperanza. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Part time work available Place: Don Bosco Hall, 1831 Arch Street, Berkeley Days: Sat & Sun Time: 4pm – 8pm Type of Work: Kitchen Assistant Not Cooking, but Preparation & Cleanup Contact Debbie: (510) 734-8359 Job starts after 20 December 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19th & 20th, 2015 December 19th - December 26th, 2015 Intention Requested By Sat 4:30 Pope Francis Sun 8:30 Bishop Michael Barber 10:30 Antoine Cook† Pat Cook 12:15 Hugo Leon Correa† Gloria Leon Mon 8:30 Jessica Snook† Ortiz Family Ortiz Family Tue 8:30 Jessica Snook† Wed 8:30 Vincent McAvoy† Kershon Family Thu 8:30 Aristotle† & Josephine† Pericole Irene Larrabee Fri 8:30 Ruth† & Vincent† McAvoy Kerson Family† Sat 8:30 Marcello† & Ida† Reggi Irene Larrabee PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND AND THOSE IN CONVALESCENT HOMES (and their caregivers) Connie Casiano, Trinidad Mamaril, Arline Thompson, Rose Arcol, Nancy Corso, Bee Sena, Virginia Foo, Rita Franco, Helen Hadley, Bernice Gray, Theresa Ellerbush, Romanda Scott, William Lanctot Last Week Plate Collection: $1,950.45 Religious Retirement: $992.18 Immaculate Conception: $17.00 Our Lady of Guadalupe: $681.08 Upcoming Second Collection Dec 27th: St. Vincent de Paul THE OCTAVE DAY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD: SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD: The feast of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God on Friday, January 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m in English and at 12:15 p.m. in Spanish. DÍA DE LA OCTAVA NATIVIDAD DEL SEÑOR: SOLEMNIDAD DE MARÍA, LA SANTA MADRE DE DIOS: La fiesta de la solemnidad de María, la Santa Madre de Dios, el viernes , 1 de Enero, es día de obligación. las Misas de 8:30 a.m. y 10:30 a.m. en inglés y 12:15 p.m. en español. St. Ambrose Catholic Church • 1145 Gilman Street • Berkeley, California 94706 E-Mail: [email protected] • Web: • (510) 525-2620 Office • (510) 525-5399 FAX Pastor: Fr. Jack Gibson, SDB 510 525-2620 Ext 203 Permanent Deacon: Ralph Nagel 510 525-2620 Ext 201 Music Director: Rob Grant 415 819-9749 [email protected] Religious Education: Sean Roche, RCIA: Alan Westcott Pastoral Council Debra Montgomery Finance Council Franz Lozano Bookkeeper: Judy Nagel Sunday Masses: 8:30am (English) • 10:30am (English) • 12:15pm (Spanish) Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm (English) Monday-Saturday Mass: 8:30am (English, in Chapel) Holy Day Masses: 8:30am, 7:00pm (English) Eucharistic Adoration: Friday 9:00am - 9:30am (in Chapel) Rosary Mon - Sat: 8am (in Chapel) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: All classes on Sundays (In Church Hall) First Communion Grades 2-8 (English) 9:20am - 10:20am (Spanish) 11:00am - 12:15pm Confirmation 9:45am - 10:45am RCIA 9:30am - 10:30am Baptism Class (English & Spanish) To be determined OFFICE HOURS-RECTORY Mon - Wed 9am - 2pm Closed Thursdays & Fridays BAPTISM: Arrangements to be made at least one month in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call for home or hospital visit. RECONCILIATION (ENGLISH/SPANISH): Saturday, 9:00 am-10:00 am or by appointment WEDDING: Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Church dates should be confirmed before making other arrangements FUNERAL Should be arranged by family with the Parish office & mortuary Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services: Holy Angels / St. Joseph Cemetery, San Pablo — 510 223-1265 • St. Mary’s Cemetery, Oakland — 510 654-0936
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