ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Abel E. Barajas Rev. Phillip H. Tran PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY MASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY (VIGIL) 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish 8:30 am to 8:00 pm 9:00 am to 1:30 pm SCAN THIS CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO VIEW OUR MOBILE WEBSITE! CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 am to 10:00 am A ll Saints Day comes on the 1st day of November as we journey toward the final weeks of the liturgical year. The Catholic Church has been celebrating this occasion in the universal liturgical calendar since the time of Pope Saint Gregory in 1085. While so many individually named saints have their own particular feast day, All Saints Day is an occasion to acknowledge the many unnamed saints, confessors of the faith, virgins, bishops, and holy men and women from throughout the centuries, including our own, who have found their way to heaven as a result of their witness to Christ. What a great summary of Christian hope! It is an annual reminder of the universal call to holiness, and the ultimate objective end of our life of faith: to be saints, to be in heaven with Christ, to receive the reward of a life well lived in response to the Gospel, and to be counted among those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. It is Christ’s desire that all come to the knowledge of the truth and find the point of their existence, their God-given purpose for fulfillment and personal completion in the love of God. Today’s feast, therefore, commemorates the many who are robed in white and seated at the celestial banquet with Christ the Lord, who reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords. It is an occasion to praise God for what He has done in the lives of His people from every age. The very next day, November 2nd, we will join with the Church around the world in commemorating All Souls Day. It is a special commemoration of all the faithful departed, those who have gone before us in faith. This solemn occasion has been commemorated since the 7th century at the monastery of Cluny. From there the observance spread to Rome and then to the calendar of the universal Church. Given that all those in heaven comprise the Church Triumphant, and all of us still on earth make up the Church Militant, i.e., yet on the way, it is also appropriate to consider the Church suffering, i.e., all those, who, upon their deaths, were not ready for immediate celestial bliss and reward. The lingering effects and scars of sin and darkness may yet need to be wiped clean. And so, our prayerful and loving support of all those who have preceded us in death, who yet await the full redemption of their bodies, is an essential component of All Souls Day, and of Catholic prayerful practice. Wouldn’t we want others to pray for us when we are no longer around? Once we pass on to eternity, we can no longer pray for ourselves. The “Church suffering” (in purgatory) relies on others to pray for them. Multiple Masses are celebrated on this day for this expressed purpose: to pray for the faithful departed. After death, it is not only the bonds of affection and memory that continue to unite us with our deceased loved ones and fellow members of the baptized. Through Holy Communion, we are especially brought into union with Christ, with everyone else who receives Communion, and with those separated from us by distance or by death. On All Souls Day our minds and hearts are uniquely lifted in prayerful concern for the spiritual welfare of all our departed loved ones, parishioners, and friends one and all. Our Catholic tradition helps us to be in spiritual solidarity with them as we lend prayerful support: to honor them with Mass intentions, special prayerful remembrances, gestures of penance done in their name, enrolling them in novenas, visiting their places of burial, lighting candles in their honor, and registering them in the Book of Remembrance. Primary among the gestures of spiritual support is our own reception of Holy Communion on All Souls Day. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. E l dia de todos los Santos nos llega mientras transitamos hacia las ultimas semanas del año litúrgico. La iglesia católica ha estado celebrando esta ocasión en el calendario litúrgico universal desde la época del Papa San Gregorio en 1085. Mientras que muchos santos tienen su propio día de fiesta, el Día de todos los Santos, es una ocasión para reconocer a los muchos santos sin nombre, confesores de la fe, vírgenes, obispos, hombres y mujeres santos a lo largo de los siglos, incluyendo a los nuestros, que han encontrado su camino al cielo como resultado de su testimonio de Cristo; Que gran Resumen de la esperanza cristiana! Es un recordatorio anual del llamado universal a la santidad y un último objetivo de nuestra vida de fe: ser santos, estar en el cielo con Cristo, para recibir la recompensa de una vida bien vivida en respuesta al Evangelio y ser contado entre aquellos redimidos por la sangre del cordero. Es deseo de Cristo que todos lleguen al conocimiento de la verdad y encuentren la razón de su existencia, el propósito que Dios les ha dado a cada uno para el cumplimiento y realización personal en el amor de Dios. La Fiesta de hoy, conmemora por lo tanto, aquellos de vestimenta blanca, sentados en el banquete celestial con Cristo el Señor, que reina como rey de Reyes y Señor de señores. Es una ocasión para alabar a Dios por lo que ha hecho en la vida de su pueblo a lo largo de los tiempos. Al día siguiente, el 2 de noviembre, nos uniremos con la iglesia en todo el mundo para conmemorar el día de los difuntos. Es una conmemoración especial de todos los fieles difuntos, quienes nos han precedido en la fe. Esta ocasión solemne ha sido conmemorada desde el siglo VII en el monasterio de Cluny. De allí la observación se derramó a Roma y luego al calendario de la Iglesia universal. Dado que todos aquellos en el cielo forman parte de la iglesia triunfante y todos nosotros todavía en la tierra formamos la Iglesia militante, sin embargo, es apropiado considerar el sufrimiento de la iglesia, es decir, todos aquellos que, tras su muerte, no estaban preparados para inmediata felicidad celestial y recompensa. Los efectos prolongados y las cicatrices del pecado y la oscuridad todavía necesitan limpiarse. Y por lo tanto, nuestra oración y el amoroso apoyo de quienes nos han precedido en la muerte, aún esperan la redención completa de sus cuerpos, es un componente esencial de todos los fieles difuntos y de la práctica de oración católica. ¿No queremos que otros oren por nosotros cuando ya no estemos? Una vez pasados a la eternidad, ya no podemos orar por nosotros mismos. "El sufrimiento de la iglesia" ( el Purgatorio) depende de nosotros para orar por ellos. Varias misas se celebran en este día para este propósito: orar por los fieles difuntos. Después de la muerte, no es sólo los lazos de afecto y la memoria que nos unen con nuestros seres queridos fallecidos y miembros de los bautizados. A través de la comunión, es donde nos unimos especialmente a Cristo, con todo el mundo que recibe la comunión y con los separados de nosotros por distancia o por muerte. En el día de los difuntos, nuestras mentes y corazones se elevan únicamente en oración de preocupación por el bienestar espiritual de todos nuestros queridos difuntos, feligreses y amigos. Nuestra tradición católica nos ayuda a estar en solidaridad espiritual con ellos y prestarles apoyo orante: honrarlos con intenciones de misas, recuerdos especiales de oración, gestos de penitencia en su nombre, inscribiéndolos en novenas, visitando sus lugares de entierro, encendiendo velas en su honor y registrándolos en el libro de la memoria. Entre los gestos de apoyo espirituales está primeramente el que nosotros mismos recibamos la comunión en el día de los difuntos. Descanso eterno concédeles oh Señor. Y derrama la luz perpetua sobre ellos. Que puedan descansar en paz. Que sus almas y todas las almas de los fieles difuntos descansen en la misericordia de Dios. Amén. 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 Mrs. Irma Aguilar Ext. 300 Receptionist Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Ext. 306 Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Mr. Luis Cuza Associate Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Juan Del Sol Ext. 311 Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Ext. 305 Congratulations to our Newly Baptized: Natalia Sophia Arana, Emma Lucia Sevilla, Olivia Sophia Sevilla, Margot Diana Vidal Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those Joined in Holy Matrimony: Francisco Suarez & Camile Rivero Andres Muñoz & Fabiola Schilling Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have Entered Eternity: Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Mark Landia Ext. 308 Resource Officer for Communications & Protocol Ms. Cecilia Miyar Ext. 310 Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Jorge Perez Ext. 318 Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mrs. Maria Pernas Ext. 314 Bookkeeper Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Ext. 307 Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Mr. Milton Somarriba Ext. 309 Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués Ext. 302 Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday (English and Spanish) 8:30 am to 10:00 am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH 8:00 am Fr. Barajas 5:00 pm Fr. Tran SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 7:30 am Fr. Circe 9:00 am Fr. Barajas 10:30 am Fr. Tran 12:30 pm Fr. Vanegas 5:30 pm Fr. Tran 7:00 pm Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS TWEETS “Parents, can you “waste time” with your children? It is one of the most important things that you can do each day.” Follow Pope Francis on Twitter at @Pontifex o en español a @Pontifex_es See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 “L ord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” This antiphon for today’s responsorial psalm offers the focus for today’s readings. As we on earth celebrate the triumph of all the saints—the ones officially canonized by the Church, and the countless others who have also reached heaven—we add nothing to their glory. But we give ourselves reason to hope. We too long to see the face of God and believe that we can one day be counted among those whose robes, as John tells us in the book of Revelation, are washed “white in the blood of the Lamb.” The passage from John’s First Letter offers further assurance: we are God’s children who will one day see God. But today’s Gospel pulls us past longing and reassurance into action. Jesus clearly tells us what we must do to be counted among the saints. We must be poor in spirit, hungry for holiness, merciful, singlehearted, and peacemakers! Then we too will see the face of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SIGNS OF OUR STEWARDSHIP October 2, 2015 Attendance ……………………………………………….….…………. 2,659 In-church Adult Collection ….………...…………...………. $11,037 On-line Giving …………….………..……..………….….…..…... $5,064 Children’s Collection ……….………................................... $579 Devotional Lights ………………..………………..……….…...…… $475 Total …………………………………………………………………….. $18,777 Have you made your will? If not, the State of Florida will make one for you which may not distribute your estate according to your wishes. For your protection and the security of your heirs, consult an attorney about drafting your will. Contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for more information. Miren cuánto amor nos ha tenido el Padre, pues no sólo nos llamamos hijos de Dios, sino que lo somos. — 1 Juan 3:1 “E sta es la raza de los que buscan tu rostro Señor”. Esta antífona para el salmo responsorial de hoy brinda el tono de la lecturas de hoy. Cuando en la tierra celebramos la victoria de todos los santos, de los que están canonizados oficialmente por la Iglesia y de los sinnúmero que también han llegado al cielo, no sumamos nada a su gloria. Sino que recibimos un motivo más para tener esperanzas. Nosotros, también, anhelamos ver el rostro de Dios y creemos que un día podremos estar entre aquellos cuyas túnicas, como nos dice Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis, han sido lavadas y blanqueadas “con la sangre del Cordero”. El pasaje de la primera carta del apóstol San Juan nos garantiza que somos hijos de Dios y un día veremos a Dios tal cual es. Pero el Evangelio de hoy nos hace pasar del anhelo y la certeza a la acción. Jesús nos dice claramente qué debemos hacer para estar entre los santos. Debemos ser pobres de espíritu, misericordiosos, limpios de corazón, tener hambre y sed de justicia y trabajar por la paz. Entonces, nosotros también veremos el rostro de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (2):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Martes: Rom 12:5-16b; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:15-24 Miércoles: Rom 13:8-10; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lc 14:25-33 Jueves: Rom 14:7-12; Sal 27 (26):1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lc 15:1-10 Viernes: Rom 15:14-21; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 16:1-8 Sábado: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Sal 145 (144):2-5, 10-11; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: 1 Re 17:10-16; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mc 12:38-44 [41-44] Continuing our annual custom, we will have a candlelight prayer service in church tomorrow, Monday, November 2nd, the feast of All Souls, at 7:30pm. The 45-minute ceremony will include prayers, reflective music, and the opportunity to register in the Book of Remembrance the names of our deceased loved ones who we will include in a novena of Masses. The traditional envelopes, as well as the Book of Remembrance, will be placed on the altar during the entire month of November. Please mark your calendars and join us. As Thanksgiving approaches, the annual parish Ministries Appreciation Evening is scheduled for Monday, November 23rd at 7:30pm in Comber Hall. All parishioners who are involved in any of our 49 parish ministries are especially invited to attend. Several parishioners will be honored that evening with the coveted “Spirit of the Parish” award. Nice desserts, coffee, and refreshments will be available, as well as “free” raffle prizes. Mark your calendars for this delightful annual event. On Thursday, November 26th, Thanksgiving Day, there will only be two Masses at COTLF. There will be a simple early-bird Mass at 7:00am, especially designed for those who are the cooks of their family meals, and need to get things underway in the kitchen earlier in the day. We will also have a con-celebrated Mass at 10:30am with music. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks to God for our country and for every good thing given us by the beneficence of the Almighty. Father Tran will preside at our next quarterly Healing Mass, which is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 1st, at 7:00pm in church. Multiple priests will be on hand to bestow the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to all in our community who are seriously ill, awaiting or recovering from surgery, burdened by weight of years, and in need of the healing touch of the Lord. Join us one and all, as we pray for one another and for healing. Each week through the end of the year, our parish staff members will fill this area of the bulletin with a brief greeting as a way of informing the parish "who we are" and "what we do" here at the office, and how so much of parish life happens behind the scenes. It is our joy to serve you. Please let us know how we can help! I’m delighted to be your receptionist and Data processor. I will assist you through your registration process and answer all your questions regarding your envelope account. I can also help you with your end of the year contribution statement. I’m here to facilitate all your needs pertaining to Church of the Little Flower by arranging Mass intentions, coordinating priests’ appointments, scheduling the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and assisting with wedding, funeral and baptism inquiries. I’m also in charge of aiding all those with financial needs or going through hard times. I can guide you to the proper department or personnel that you might seek. Do not hesitate to contact me for any of your parish related questions, I’m here to help you. Many Blessings, Irma G. Aguilar In celebration of our 90th anniversary, Father Tran will be leading a pilgrimage to France next summer, August 5-13, 2016. Color brochures are now available from Mark Landia at the parish Communications Office. The trip, organized by the acclaimed Catholic Travel Centre, is scheduled to visit Lisieux, Paris, Lourdes, Saint Bernadette and the miraculous waters, Normandy, Sacre Coeur, Mont Ste. Michel, and birth place of St. Vincent. Dinner on the Eiffel Tower too! Join the anniversary pilgrimage for the trip of a lifetime. Sign up now! We are happy to announce the annual unveiling and blessing ceremony of our life-size Nativity scene which will again be placed on the front yard of Comber Hall. The candle-light event is scheduled to take place on Monday, November 30th at 7:30pm. The ceremony will include songs done by our parish choir, prayers, incensation, the unveiling of the Christ-child statue, and a community social to follow. This year will feature the acquisition of a new camel, which will compliment the impressive images that we have traditionally had in past years. The three kings now each have a corresponding camel. All are welcome! We’re happy to announce that following another incredibly successful Youth Group gathering last week, at which over 60 youths were in attendance, the next Youth Group gathering will take place on Sunday, November 8th following the 5:30pm Mass. All 6th-12th graders are invited to join the middle and high school youth groups for a fun and faith-filled night. JOIN US! NOCHE DE CARNAVAL Saturday, November 7, 2015 7pm -- Comber Hall Please join us for a parish wide celebration with an evening of food, fun and dancing. Buffet dinner, open bar and entertainment. Masks are optional. Tickets are $95 per couple and $50 per individual and are available at the Parish Office. Contact Mauricio Neret at 305-776-2790 or Joe Rebak at 305-903-8587. Proceeds to benefit the Parish Emmaus Groups. Do you desire to see the Church fully alive with joyful young people on fire for God? Do you want to make a change in the future leaders of this world and of our Church? FOCUS is a national outreach that invites college students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship, and friendships in which they lead others to do the same. This organization is made up of on-campus missionaries walking side by side with students towards Christ on 113 campuses across the U.S. Jeannette Hanon, a UM December grad, will begin serving as an on-campus missionary this coming January and would like to invite you to be part of this mission to raise up disciples of Christ on the college campus. If you would like to share in this mission with her through financial support and prayers, please contact her at [email protected] or 347-652-9889. If you would like to learn more about FOCUS, go to Jeannette Hanon will be at a table after Masses this weekend welcoming questions, greeting, prayers, and support for her important work. Please help her, if you can. Sunday, November 1 - All Saints Day 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Echenique Puente Fernandez-Urtiaga Family Baez Montero Family Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family Saturday, November 7 8:00 am 5:00 pm All Souls’ Novena (†) Ignacio Guerrero Sunday, November 8 - 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm (†) Osvaldo y Olga Gomez (†) Siobhan Devlin (†) Thelma Chavarriaga 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Monday, November 2 - All Souls Day 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm All Souls’ Novena (†) Leonard James Poole 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm (†) Raul Puente & Luis Fernandez-Urtiaga All Souls’ Novena Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family (†) Legionarios Difuntos de la Legion de Maria (†) Bertha Afre Ruiz (†) Tara Bella Reardon Smith Misa Comunitaria Tuesday, November 3 - St. Martin de Porres 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm All Souls’ Novena (†) Rene Silva Misa Comunitaria Wednesday, November 4 - Sts. Charles Borromeo 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm All Souls’ Novena (†) Blanca Lopez Misa Comunitaria Thursday, November 5 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm All Souls’ Novena (†) Graziella Bacardi 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm All Souls’ Novena Nelly Dibos Misa Comunitaria Friday, November 6 - Cynthia Absher Jeremy Aguilera Pedro Julio Alzola Sofia Isabella Anderson Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito Blanca Carrillo María Centeno Enrique Chavarri Francisco Corripio Greg Davis Dolores “Loli” de Arias Carolina Nodarse Diaz Grace Euribe Martha Garcia Caridad Garcia Ernest Posey, Jr Jose F. Ramirez Dr. Mercedes Ricon Severo & Dulce Rivases Jersan Romero Eddy Sanchez Luis Santana Yolanda Santos de Folgar Carlos Javier Sequeira Samantha Shaheen Lucerno Sierra Lydia Sola Shawn Stockhausen Angel Daniel Suarez Lydia Usategui Matthew Young Misa Comunitaria Sunday, November 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends - Set Clocks Back 1 Hour 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Linda Genova Lucas Giovane Christian Godsey Zoey Gomez Luis Gutierrez Luis Heredia Ashley Hierrezuelo Elsa Ibarra Sebastian Javier Maria Luisa Lizcano Carolina Llerena Roberto Naranjo Daniel Joseph Nisonger Jorge L. Ortega Janelle Sofia Perez Pedro Perez Hector E. Ponce Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Monday, November 2 Bible Study Group - RPC Prayer & Life Workshop - RPC All Souls’ Candlelight Prayer Service - C Men’s Spanish Emmaus - RPC 7:oo pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Tuesday, November 3 Legion of Mary - LH RCIA - RPC Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Wednesday, November 4 Religious Ed Classes Religious Ed Classes Emaus de Mujeres - RPC Legion de Maria - LH 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, November 5 Men’s Emmaus - RPC Cursillo - RPC 5:30 pm 6:45 pm Friday, November 6 ESL Classes - RPC Wedding - C Silvio Alonso Canto & Christina Marie Kearney 7:30 pm Grupo de Oración Carismático - RPC 8:00 am 9 - 10 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm Saturday, November 7 Baptism Prep Classes - RPC Confessions - C Religious Ed Classes Baptisms - C Wedding - C 3:00 pm Wedding - C Darach Chapman & Monica Emiliani Joe Donnan & Christine Cano Sunday, November 8 Respect Life Brunch Tickets on Sale 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH Baptisms - C Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School MARBLE & GRANITE, INC. 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(305) 592-0521 ATTORNEY AT LAW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 11411 N.W. 25th Street PROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP, AND CREDITOR'S RIGHTS Miami • FL 33172 4000 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 470, Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 305.781.6391 * E-MAIL: [email protected] COTLF PARISHIONER CARLOS TINOCO Cell 305-345-0294 Office 305-255-4000 • • • • • Tree Service Plants Sod Mix Soil Sprinklers: New Installation & Repairs • Palms • Designs • Fertilizer Licensed & Insured Georgette Rodríguez-Vázquez, MD Diplomate American Board of Dermatology [email protected] T: 305.667.5480 6351 Sw 72nd Street, Suite 200 F: 305.667.5482 Miami, FL 33143 Steward of St. Louis Parish Mario A. Sabatés, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology Specialist in Corneal and Refractive Surgery 1385 Coral Way, 3rd Floor. Miami, Florida 33145 Tel: 305.854.3307 514210 Little Flower Church (B) Fax: 305.854.3130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 UNIVERSITY DENTAL GROUP FAMILY DENTISTRY RICHARD D. MORALES, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. Georgetown University School of Medicine (1991) Ph: 1430 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 312 Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 661-8240 Little Flower Parishioner Since ‘96 Bakery 2645 SW 37th Ave., Suite 601 (305) 442-0633 - Catering The Specialty Shop HUMANA, UNITED, PREFERRED, MEDICARE, AND OTHERS. Wholesale 3026 N.W. 7 St., Miami, FL 33125 Phones: 305 643-4281/82/84 Mon Bien Aime, Inc. Recordatorios • Remembrance Cards Nativity Sets • First Communions • Baptisms Weddings • Anniversaries • Invitations • Collectibles 10780 W. Flagler (Enter 108 Av) 305-553-6680 NO DEALER FEES For the Lowest Prices Every Time Give us a Try Before YOU Buy!! Family Owned & Operated Se Habla Español Call Today Since 1966 305-592-3673 7245 N. 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REAL ESTATE BROKER • REAL ESTATE SERVICES Iliana Abella REALTOR® 514210 Little Flower Church (A) 60 ARAGON AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 OFF: 305.444.9979 [email protected] FAX: 305.441.6440 CELL: 305.505.0488 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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