Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Rev. Robert B. Borges, Pastor Rev. Craig Plunkett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adrian Kim, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI, Hispanic Ministries 929 Harvard, Clovis, CA 93612 Phone (559) 299-4270 • Fax (559) 299-7126 www.olphclovis.org • e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm; Friday: 9:00am - 12:00 noon REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 5:30pm Friday: 8:45am Saturday: 7:30am, 5:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am (Español), 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 4:00pm (Korean), 5:30pm CONFESSIONS (Chapel) Every Saturday of the month 4:00pm - 5:00pm First Saturday of the month 11:00am - 12:00 noon AND 4:00pm - 5:00pm HE IS RISEN OUR MISSIONS Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 OUR MISSIONS Divine Mercy Infant Jesus of Prague Clovis East High School Multi-purpose Room 2940 N. Leonard, Clovis, CA • (559) 374-2242 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am 32054 Whispering Springs Rd. Tollhouse, CA 93667 • (559) 855-4659 CONFESSIONS 7:45am - 8:15am on Sunday MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil) CONFESSIONS Before Mass ftvÜtÅxÇàáB`táá \ÇàxÇà|ÉÇáBcÜtçxÜá EXPERIENCE THE DIVINE LITURGY With Rev. Dr. Greg Zubacz Sundays at 2:30pm—OLPH Chapel Condolences We pray for the repose of the souls of Ella Smith, Pat Mastro, and all the faithful departed. Prayer for Souls in Purgatory Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses celebrated throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is the Eucharistic service which is used in most of the 22 Eastern Catholic Churches. We in the Roman Rite call our celebration Mass, while the Eastern Rite calls it Divine Liturgy. (The word “liturgy” means a work of the people.) Those who attend the Divine Liturgy in the Eastern rite satisfy their Sunday obligation in accordance with the canon law of the Church. Fr. Greg will celebrate the liturgy at OLPH each Sunday at 2:30pm, essentially establishing a mission to serve the Eastern Catholics of the Fresno area, while welcoming all those who find this style of worship spirituality attractive. All are invited to join Fr. Greg in celebrating this Divine Liturgy. Come celebrate with our newest community, as we welcome one another with open arms. Congratulations from all of us at OLPH to Larry and Gloria Norcia as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary! Saturday, April 25 7:30am (Daily) 5:30pm (Vigil) 6:00pm (IJOP) Sunday, April 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm Monday, April 27 7:30am 5:30pm Tuesday, April 28 7:30am 5:30pm Daily: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20 Vigil: Acts 4:8-12; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Ramona Lima Katie Carpenter Tom Mozzetti Acts 4:8-12; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 OLPH Parishioners Adama Traore ł Father Craig Plunkett Nathaniel Schultz Pete & Rose Radish ł Fabian Orozco Octavio & Maria Ruelas ł Bella Montes Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10 Sandi Thompson ł John Montes ł Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30 Norbert Ploharz ł Charles Jue ł Mass Intentions are a beautiful way to pray for our loved ones—both those who have died and those who are still here with us. The suggested offering is $10, and requests may be made at the parish office. Page 2 Wednesday, April 29 7:30am 5:30pm Thursday, April 30 7:30am 5:30pm Friday, May 1 8:45am Saturday, May 2 7:30am (Daily) 5:30pm (Vigil) 6:00pm (IJOP) Sunday, May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm Acts 12:24—13:5a; Jn 12:44-50 Asterio D. Quintoriano ł Anita Quinto ł Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20 Elsie Matus ł Santiago Dolino ł Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6 Barbara Kozera ł Daily: Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14 Vigil: Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Mariamma Joseph Living & Deceased Members of Cope & Lebbad Family Tom Mozzetti Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Souls in Purgatory Maria Guaddalupe Toscano ł Thanksgiving Prayers Sinnapan Stephen ł David Leue ł Enrique Ollivier OLPH Parishioners Marcia O’Keeffe ł Intenciones de las Misas son una hermosa manera de rezar por nuestros seres amados-tanto los que han muerto y los que todavía están aquí con nosotros. La ofrenda sugerida es de $10.00, y las solicitudes se puede hacer en la oficina parroquial. April 26, 2015 ctÜ|á{ \ÇyÉÜÅtà|ÉÇ OLPH Stewardship Report 4/19/15 Divine Mercy Stewardship Report 4/12/15 Plate: $11,299.00 Diocesan Collection (Home Missions): $3,372.00 Plate: $4,437.05 Building Fund Collection: $4,115.75 Our weekly goal is $13,700.00 Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for your generosity! The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception are offering a Vocation Orientation Day of Prayer on Saturday, May 9, 1:30pm - 5:00pm at Saint Joachim Convent in Madera. Young women, high school age and above, are welcome. For more information or to confirm your attendance, call the Sisters in Clovis (559) 2998407 or in Madera (559) 674-4085, by Thursday, May 7. Baptisms Baptismal Coordinator: Jacqui Ramirez, 299-4270, ext. 104 Parents should contact the Parish Office for the required documentation for scheduling a baptism. Those interested in attending Baptismal Preparation Class must register in the Parish Office. Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb Sunday, May 10, 2015 at all Masses except 6:30am. CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER We would like to welcome the newest members of our Catholic family who were baptized at the Easter Vigil. Congratulations to Walter Branan, Dylan Castillo, Mandy Chacon, Sabrina Davis, Mark Fawcett, Fred Ford, Andres Palencia, Gabriel Palencia, Cheryle Roberts, Deven Rodriguez, Abigail Sevilla, Edgar Sevilla, Alex Smith, Emerson Smith, Isaac Torres, and Natalie Valenzuela. We also congratulate Patrick Hanson, Jonna Lott, David Saldate, Jennifer Yelton and Scott Yelton, who entered into full communion with the Catholic church on Easter Thursday. Rito de la Bendición de un niño en el vientre The Church welcomes with joy and compassion the mothers who, recognizing that all life is a gift from God, come to the Church seeking a blessing for their unborn child. Such a blessing sustains the parents by imparting grace and comfort in time of concern and need, unites the parish in prayer for the unborn child, and fosters respect for human life within society. Domingo, 10 de mayo 2015 en todas las misas, excepto las 6:30 am. La Iglesia acoge con alegría y compasión a las madres que, reconociendo que toda la vida es un don de Dios, ven a la Iglesia buscando una bendición para su hijo por nacer. Tal bendición sostiene los padres al impartir gracia y consuelo en momentos de preocupación y necesidad, que une la parroquia en oración para que el niño no nacido, y fomenta el respeto por la vida humana dentro de la sociedad. “God, author of all life, bless we pray, this unborn child; give constant protection and a healthy birth that is the sign of your rebirth one day into the eternal rejoicing of heaven”...excerpt from the Prayer of Blessing. “Dios, autor de toda vida, bendiga, te rogamos, este niño no nacido, de una protección constante y un parto saludable que es el signo de su renacimiento un día en la eterna alegría del cielo”…. excerpto de la Oración de Bendición. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Those who have suffered a loss of a loved one are invited to join our support group on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm in Harvard House. Maureen Barile * 291-7970 Irene Aparicio * 291-4966 April 26, 2015 ST. MARTHA’S PANTRY Located behind Notre Dame Hall. Hours: Mondays & Saturdays: 9:00am - 12:00 noon Thursdays: 4:00pm - 7:00pm Case Maas, Operations Manager • 260-1056 Mary Shute, Student Coordinator • 299-5369 Pat Peck, Produce Coordinator • 360-9763 Pantry Phone • 298-8808 RAPHAEL HEALTH MINISTRY Located in Harvard House, this ministry provides health education, home visitation, and blood pressure checks. Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00am - 12:00 noon Roxanna Stevens, RN/Faith Community Nurse www.olphclovis.org/raphael Phone • 298-5443 Page 3 j{tà jxËÜx hÑ gÉ Knights of Columbus 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Dragonfly Golf Course Monday, May 11, 2015 Registration Begins: 6:30 am Shotgun Start: 8:00 am Format: 4 Person Scramble $80 per person includes: Green Fee, Golf Cart, Range Balls, Lunch and Soda after Play Get a Hole in One! The prize: a New 2015 Infiniti Q40 2-yr lease (value $15,000) Sponsored by Fresno Infiniti For more information call: Bob Hernandez (559) 930-1155 Tim Dodd (559) 860-9198 TEACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE St. Anthony of Padua School, Fresno Openings for teaching positions at St. Anthony's School are now available for qualified candidates. If you are interested in applying for a position, or if you know of someone who would be interested, please contact the principal, Susannah Nelson, at [email protected]. Echoes of Faith Plus - Catechist Formation Classes Are you interested in sharing the Good News of Jesus with children, teens and/or adults through our parish religious education program? This formation program will prepare you! Classes will be held on Thursday evenings, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., in the small room of Notre Dame Hall. (northwest corner of 8th and Dewitt Streets) All are welcome! April 30 “The Scriptures” Pt. 1 May 7 “The Scriptures” Pt. 2 May 21 “Morality” Pt. 1 June 18 “Roles of the Catechist” May 28 “Morality” Pt. 2 June 25 “Person of the Catechist” June 4 “Adult Faith Formation” July 2 “Methodology” Questions? Contact Karen Mentlewski at [email protected] Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Clovis, CA 559-313-2032 Thank you to all teachers: educating is an important mission, which draws young people to what is good, beautiful and true. Pope Francis @Pontifex April 26, 2015 Page 4 `ÉÜx ZÉÉw fàâyy Infant Jesus of Prague Annual Barbeque Sunday, May 3, 2015 1:00pm We will enjoy TRI-TIP with all the “fixins” and homemade desserts. For more excitement, we will have games, raffles, and doorprizes. This year’s door prizes are $500 (adult) and $25 (child). All are welcome and you need not be present to win! Adults: $10 Children: 6-12: $5 5 and under are free! Infant Jesus of Prague 32054 Whispering Springs Road Tollhouse, CA Directions: Drive east on Tollhouse Road. The church is located between the base of the Highway 168 four lane and Sierra High School. If you have any questions or need further directions please call 855-HOLY. St. Brigid Church Parish Mission Sunday through Thursday May 10—May 14 7:00-8:00pm Nationally known EWTN speaker Fr. Wade Menezes, a Father of Mercy, will teach "Work Out Your Salvation: The Fundamental Truths of the Catholic Faith" at St. Brigid Church Parish Mission. The mission will be held each evening in the church located at 1001 N. Douty St., Hanford. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available nightly, 5:30 - 6:30 pm. For more information, feel free to contact St. Brigid Church at 559-582-2533. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. Wounded By Abortion? If anyone desires the return to Jesus’ love and merciful forgiveness, which seems lost as the result of an abortion, there is help through Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries. An English-speaking retreat is scheduled for the weekend of July 10-12, 2015 in Fresno. To register or for more information, call (877) 629-6626 or e-mail [email protected] or visit Rachel’s Vineyard website at www.rachelsvineyard.org. Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Right to Life of Central California. Page 5 Catholic Legislative Network (California Catholics in Action) Make a difference! Join thousands of Catholics throughout California in bringing the richness of Catholic social teaching to our elected representatives in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Help raise the level of ethics, morality and civility in today’s public policy debates. The Catholic Legislative Network is a joint program of the 12 dioceses in California. Its purpose is to broaden the understanding of Catholic social teaching and encourage people of faith to action. The Network covers the seven major themes of Catholic social teaching—from life and dignity of the human person to care of God’s environment—with brief emails and occasional action alerts. Join with thousands of other fellow Catholics around the state in making a difference in our communities and advancing the common good. Visit www.cacatholic.org to join. Subscription cards will be made available at all Masses the weekend of May 2/3. Herido por el Aborto? Si alguien desea el retorno a la misericordia, amor y perdón de Jesús que parece ser perdido como consecuencia de un aborto, el Viñedo de Raquel le puede ayudar. El proximo retiro en español es Junio 26-28, 2015. Para mayor información, llame gratis al 1-888-686-8537. Viñedo de Raquel es un ministerio de Derecho a la Vida del centro de California. April 26, 2015 W|w lÉâ ^ÇÉãR GOOD DEED SUNDAY Today is popularly known as “Good Shepherd” Sunday. The scriptural image of Jesus the Good Shepherd looms so large in Christian piety that it often obliterates the other images we might encounter in scripture. Peter’s speeches last week and today follow the healing of the man outside the temple. This good deed, done in the name of the good shepherd, caused Peter and John to be imprisoned, and later called upon to defend themselves. What we heard last week and what we hear today is Peter’s defense of the good deed that he and John performed. This might also be called “good name” Sunday, for Peter emphasizes that it is in the name of Jesus that the man was healed, in his name that the man stood before them, and in his name that all will be saved. GOOD CHILDREN SUNDAY Likewise, we might call this “good children” Sunday, based on the beautiful passage from the first letter of John. The apostle John was writing to early Christians who were being ostracized or persecuted by their communities. This is why he refers to the world “not knowing” the children of God, for they do not truly know God. On this day, when we are reminded that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock, we should call to mind that if we are living as good children of the loving Father, we will be taking the good news of Christ to places where it is not known and may not be welcome. If we are not encountering some who “do not know us” (who do not comprehend why our faith is so important to us), there is a good chance that we are not witnessing to our faith with the steadfastness and perseverance we ought. All we need do is follow the example of Peter and John in the Acts of the Apostles. They gave neither silver nor gold but acted as good children of a loving God, and in the name of God’s son healed a man, even though it caused them to endure more suffering. This, however, is our calling as members of the flock of the suffering, risen Good Shepherd. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company CUARTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA Hoy es el domingo que popularmente se conoce como el domingo del “Buen Pastor”. La imagen bíblica de Jesús, el Buen Pastor, tiene tanto poder en la piedad cristiana, que frecuentemente elimina otras imágenes bíblicas. Los discursos de Pedro la semana pasada, y hoy, ocurrieron después de la curación del hombre en la cercanía del Templo. Esta buena obra, hecha en nombre del Buen Pastor, hace que Pedro y Juan sean encarcelados, y luego llamados a defenderse. Lo que escuchamos la semana pasada, y lo que escuchamos hoy, es la defensa que Pedro hace de la buena obra que él y Juan habían realizado. Este domingo también se conoce con el nombre del domingo del “Buen Nombre” ya que Pedro insiste que es en el nombre de Jesús que el hombre fue curado, en su nombre que el hombre está de pie ante ellos, y en su nombre que todos seremos salvados. DOMINGO DE LOS BUENOS HIJOS De igual manera, también podrían llamar este domingo, el domingo de los “Buenos Hijos”, basándonos en el hermoso pasaje de la primera carta de Juan. El apóstol Juan escribía a los primeros cristianos que eran discriminados o perseguidos en sus comunidades, que hace que se refiera al mundo que “no conoce” a los hijos de Dios, por que el mundo realmente no conoce a Dios. Este día, cuando nos acordamos de que el Buen Pastor da su vida por sus ovejas, debemos recordar que si vivimos como buenos hijos de un Padre amoroso, tomaremos la Buena Nueva de Cristo a lugares donde no se conoce y tal vez no sea bienvenida. Si no nos estamos encontrando con algunos “que no nos conocen” (que no entienden por qué nuestra fe es tan importante para nosotros), es muy probable que sea porque no somos testigos de nuestra fe con la dedicación y perseverancia que debemos. Por ejemplo, todo lo que necesitamos es ver a Pedro y a Juan en los Hechos de los Apóstoles, quienes no tenían ni oro ni plata, sino que actuaron como buenos hijos de un Dios amoroso, y en nombre del Hijo de Dios, curaron al hombre, aunque eso les costó aguantar más sufrimiento. Ese es, sin embargo, nuestro llamado, como miembros del rebaño del Buen Pastor sufrido y resucitado. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company fàtyy tÇw bÜztÇ|étà|ÉÇá Sisters of the Immaculate ConcepƟon Sr. Isabel Lopez de Dicas llo, R.C.M. Sr. Monica Mar nez, R.C.M. Sr. Olvido Galiana, R.C.M. PARISH STAFF 299-4270 Director of Religious Educa on [email protected] Director of Liturgy and Music [email protected] Director of Business Opera ons [email protected] Coordinator of Parish Opera ons [email protected] Administra ve Asst., Religious Educa on [email protected] Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries [email protected] Karen Mentlewski Elaine Bauer Pa Young Jacqui Ramirez Lidia Rivera 313-2032 307-4216 ext. 103 ext. 104 326-7198 930-8295 MINISTRIES Liturgical Altar Servers Eucharis c Ministry Lectors Music Ushers/Greeters Mark and Dee Schultz Greg Lucas Deacon Gary Stevens Elaine Bauer Parish Office 559-291-4546 559-351-9230 559-299-4270 559-307-4216 559-299-4270 Maureen Barile Irene Aparicio Miguel/Martha Herrera Veronica Fortunato Linda Garcia Roxanna Stevens Marty and Denise Ouelle e Dave & Sylvia Langton Lupe & Maria Arredondo Case Maas 559-291-7970 559-291-4966 559-341-8733 559-917-7106 559-392-2119 559-298-5443 559-323-8215 559-324-7149 559-935-1424 559-260-1056 [email protected] Parish Ministries Bereavement Ministry Encuentro Matrimonial Natural Family Planning Raphael Health Ministry Retrouvaille Retrouvaille en Español St. Martha’s Pantry www.HelpOurMarriage.com [email protected] [email protected] PARISH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS Boy Scouts (Boys Ages 11-18) Brownies/Girl Scouts Catholic Daughters Cub Scouts (Boys Grades 1-5) Cursillos Grupo de Oración Italian Catholic Federa on Journey Youth Group Knights of Columbus Korean Community Liaison Men’s Fellowship Mom’s Group Open Door Prayer Group Our Lady’s Guild Perpetual Helpers Silver Foxes Sociedad Guadalupana The Legion of Mary The Workshop Robert Hillis Jennifer Summers Kim Cochran 559-392-0149 559-285-6336 559-288-9635 Pablo Garcia Petra Garcia Maria Torres Tina Torres Jessie Budd Erin Wink Mike Tillinghast, Grand Knight Bob Yoon Bart Devlin Nhuha Dizon Mary Pat Larralde Virginia Corpus Fred Borjas Dorothy S ers Veronica Roebuck Angelo and LeAnne Lavagnino Consuelo Gallegos Barbara Gray Madeline Conatser 831-682-0394 559-341-6719 559-314-5146 559-240-6724 559-930-8043 559-977-6616 559-243-6404 [email protected] [email protected] www.olph-pack4.org [email protected] 559-323-7387 or 559-696-8031 559-325-9281 [email protected] 559-325-1998 559-392-0899 559-994-8828 a [email protected] 559-292-9533 dorothys ers@a .net 559-229-3345 559-298-3625 angelolavagnino@a .net 559-593-0378 [email protected] 559-349-9434 Barbara@tylerconstruc on.net 559-297-0149
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