25 September 2016 Bulletin - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church

Twenty-sixth Sunday
In Ordinary Time
For the Feast of our
Lady of Guadalupe
Annual Fundraising
Food Sale Dates:
September 25
& October 9
Following 10:30am &
12:15pm Mass
Ventas Para
Recaudacion de
Fondos Para la
Celebracion de la
Virgen de
Fechas de este año
25 de Septiembre
& 9 de Octubre
Despues de las misas de
10:30am &
December 11, 2016
12:15pm Mass
In honor of
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mañanitas Monday
December 12, 2016
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 17 - September 24, 2016
People of St. Ambrose
People of St. Ambrose
Fr. Jack
People of St. Ambrose
People of St. Ambrose
People of St. Ambrose
Sadly, in our country an innocent human life can
be snuffed out while still in the womb. I invite
you to get involved in the effort to help mothers
and fathers struggling with a difficult pregnancy
to know they have support and an alternative to
abortion. Join in a peaceful, prayerful vigil during 40 Days of Life in Walnut Creek and in Hayward beginning September 28, 2016. For further
information please visit 40Daysforlife.com/
walnut-creek or email [email protected]. For registration information for
the Hayward campaign got to 40DaysforLife.com/local-campaigns/Hayward (Hayward).
Bishop Michael Barber, SJ
Diocese of Oakland
Plate Collection September 17& 18: $2402.13
Requested By
Sat 4:30 Claire Gomez
Bill Olivito
Sun 8:30 People of St. Ambrose
10:30 John Mullarkey †
Ewell Rideau
12:15 Martiano Duenas † Raquel & Arturo Rosas
Mon 8:30
Tue 8:30
Wed 8:30
Thu 8:30
Fri 8:30
Sat 8:30
September 24 & 25, 2016
(and their caregivers)
Connie Casiano, Arline Thompson, Patricia Coffman, Rose
Arcol, Nancy Corso, Virginia Foo, Rita Franco, Theresa
Ellerbush, Romanda Scott, Fr. Ricardo Chavez,
Rosa Maria Sanchez
First Reading — Woe to the complacent. Their wanton revelry shall be done away with
(Amos 6:1a, 4-7).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul!
(Psalm 146).
Second Reading — Compete well for the faith. Keep the
commandment until the appearance of the Lord Jesus (1 Timothy 6:11-16).
Gospel — The parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Primera lectura — Ay de los complacidos. Sus juergas disolutas
desaparecerán (Amós 6:1a, 4-7).
Salmo — Alabemos al Señor, que viene a salvarnos (Salmo 146
Segunda lectura — Compite bien por la fe. Guarda los mandamientos hasta que aparezca el Señor Jesús
(1 Timoteo 6:11-16).
Evangelio — Recuerda que recibiste las cosas buenas durante tu
vida; Lázaro recibió lo que era malo. Ahora Lázaro es consolado
mientras que tú eres atormentado (Lucas 16:19-31).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia
del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
St. Ambrose Catholic Church • 1145 Gilman Street • Berkeley, California 94706
E-Mail: [email protected] • Web: saintambroseberkeley.org • (510) 525-2620 Office • (510) 525-5399 FAX
Pastor: Fr. Jack Gibson, SDB 510 525-2620 Ext 203
Permanent Deacon: Ralph Nagel 510 525-2620 Ext 201
Music Director: Rob Grant 415 819-9749 [email protected] Religious Education: Sean Roche, RCIA (ENG): Alan Westcott
Pastoral Council Debra Montgomery
Finance Council Franz Lozano
Bookkeeper: Judy Nagel
Sunday Masses: 8:30am (English) • 10:30am (English) • 12:15pm (Spanish)
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm (English)
Monday-Saturday Mass: 8:30am (English, in Chapel)
Holy Day Masses: 8:30am, 7:00pm (English)
Eucharistic Adoration: Friday 9:00am - 9:30am (in Chapel)
Rosary Mon - Sat: 8am (in Chapel)
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: All classes on Sundays (In Church Hall)
First Communion Grades 2-8 (English) 9:20am - 10:20am
(Spanish) 10:45am - 12pm
Confirmation 9:45am - 10:45am
RCIA 9:30am - 10:30am
Baptism Class (English & Spanish) To be determined
Office Manager: Aimee Gonzalez 510 525-2620 Volunteer Assistant to Office Manager: Ana Gonzalez 510 525-2620
OFFICE HOURS-RECTORY Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9:30am - 11:30am (Closed Wednesdays)
BAPTISM: Arrangements to be made at least one month in advance.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call for home or hospital visit.
RECONCILIATION (ENGLISH): Saturday, 9:00 am-10:00 am or by appointment
WEDDING: Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Church dates should be confirmed before making other arrangements
FUNERAL Should be arranged by family with the Parish office & mortuary Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services:
Holy Angels / St. Joseph Cemetery, San Pablo — 510 223-1265 • St. Mary’s Cemetery, Oakland — 510 654-0936