Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo OUR CLERGY Parochial Administrator: Fr. Glenn Charest [email protected] Deacon John Avery: 863-678-6908 Deacon Sam Knight: 863-638-1231 [email protected] CHURCH OFFICE Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12, 1-3pm OFFICE PERSONNEL Parish Office Manager: Nick Arcano, Jr. [email protected] Parish Receptionist: Jessica Cordova [email protected] Leader of Faith Development and Discipleship: Terri Seitz [email protected] Coordinator of RCIA Faith Formation Bob Decker [email protected] Director of Music: Bob Luft [email protected] Maintenance: Robert Melnitzke and Nicholas Lindaman [email protected] 644 South 9th Street Lake Wales, Florida 33853 Co-leaders of Outreach Ministry Sharon Olson Sandi Sullins Church Office Phone:(863) 676-1556 Fax: (863) 676-2962 Mass Schedule 4:00 pm English, 6:30 pm Spanish Sunday 8:00 am & 11:00 am English 1st Saturday Mass 8:30a.m English Daily Mass 8:30 am Tue, Thurs, Fri, Wednesday 5:15 pm Confessions Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm (Or by appointment) Saturday Vigil Page 2 Sat November 29, 2015 Nov 28 4:00 pm 6:30pm Sun Nov 29 8:00 am +Adrianne Belanger by Mr. & Mrs. James Margeson +Isacc Torrez by Legion of Mary +Maureen McCormick by Nancy & Vince DiBernardino 11:00am +Joanne Napholz by Legion of Mary +Homer Johnson by Judith Pilon Mon Nov 30 OUR STEWARDSHIP: Holy Spirit Total Collection Nov 21 & 22 $12,291.00 Lest it go unsaid your monetary offerings are always appreciated. Readings for the Week / Lecturas de la Semana NO SERVICES Fri Dec 4 Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/ Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 8:30 am For world peace Monday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 4:18-22 7:00 pm Tuesday: Is 11:1-10/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17/Lk 10:21-24 (Adoration) Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6/Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27/Mt 7:21, 24 5:15 pm For the needy Friday: Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Mt 9:27-31 9:30 am +Giuse Nguyen V Khoi by Tiem Nguyen Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-6/Mt 9:35--10:1 Next Sunday: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1 8:30 am For the sick of our parish Sat Dec 5 4:00 pm Tue Dec 1 Wed Dec 2 Thur Dec 3 Sun Dec 6 +Timothy J. Keen by Sam & Amelia and Updike Family 6:30 pm (Special intentions) Afredo Valora Ortiz by family 8:00 am +Jack Hammett by Dennis & Ruth Lynch +Maddie Boucher by Bob & Dale David 11:00am (11 year anniversary) +William Jones by Family AN INVITATION TO GIFT BEARERS If you are a person who has requested a Mass for someone at one of the weekend Masses, or if you are simply someone who would like to be a gift bearer please ask an usher. The Church is always in need of gift bearers. It is an honor and a privilege to carry up the gifts! Bingo! Bingo every Wednesday at 12:30 Noon. See you there! Domingo: Jr 33, 14-16/Sal 25, 4-5. 8-10. 14/1 Tes 3, 12--4, 2/Lc 21, 25-28. 34-36 Lunes: Rom 10, 9-18/Sal 19, 8-11/Mt 4, 18-22 Martes: Is 11, 1-10/Sal 72, 1-2. 7-8. 12-13. 17/Lc 10, 21-24 Miércoles: Is 25, 6-10/Sal 23, 1-6/Mt 15, 29-37 Jueves: Is 26, 1-6/Sal 118, 1. 8-9. 19-21. 25-27/Mt 7, 21. 24 Viernes: Is 29, 17-24/Sal 27, 1. 4. 13-14/Mt 9, 27-31 Sábado: Is 30, 19-21. 23-26/Sal 147, 1-6/Mt 9, 35--10, 1. 5. Domingo siguiente: Bar 5, 1-9/Sal 126, 1-6/Flp 1, 4-6. 8-11/ Lc 3, 1-6 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday at 7:00pm, we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (not Benediction) for an hour. All are invited to come and spend some time with our Lord in quiet praise and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Page 3 November 29, 2015 MESSAGES FROM FATHER GLENN IF YOU ARE ADMITTED TO LAKE WALES MEDICAL CENTER (HOSPITAL)….. During my entire 2 ½+ years here at Holy Spirit, I have spoken with 3 different people in charge of “chaplain services”, at the Medical Center, requesting that the Center provide a list of patients who have indicated (upon completing the admittance forms) they would appreciate a visit from the Pastor. For 2 ½ years I have been told that to do that would be a “violation of HIPPA”. I have argued that since Florida Hospital in Winter Park daily prints a list of all patients according to their religious affiliation and offers that list to any “hospital authorized” pastor, how could it be a violation of HIPPA for Lake Wales Medical Center and not for a huge hospital system such as is Florida Hospital. That argument has changed not a thing. SO... if you are admitted to the Lake Wales Medical Center and even if, during the admitting process, you indicate in writing that you would appreciate a visit from your Pastor….do not expect a visit unless you, your spouse or friend calls our parish office and notifies us that you are in the hospital. I will have no other way of knowing you are in the Lake Wales Medical Center MORE IMPORTANT THINGS: PLEASE, IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD OR A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER WHO IS CATHOLIC AND ILL, CALL THE OFFICE TO INFORM FR. GLENN CHAREST SO THAT HE CAN GO TO THEM AND OFFER THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING (THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK). THIS SACRAMENT IS INTENDED TO BE CELEBRATED WITH FOLKS WHEN THEY ARE ALERT AND CONSICIOUS SO THEY CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE HEALING PRESENCE OF CHRIST. IT IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AT “DEATH’S DOOR” WHEN THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF HEARING OR SPEAKING OR OF BEING AWARE OF THE LOVING PRESENCE OF THOSE WHO HAVE GATHERED AROUND THEM IN THEIR ILLNESS. -Fr. Glenn Charest Thank You… Our 2nd Annual Italian Bob David and Ken Dinner night is Millbauer for your expertise in flipping coming up on burgers and hot dogs for January 22nd. the Care Center Campers. We have secured the same band Thanks also to Kale Dallas, Susan Keen, Al & Dolores Tolento and all (Pitch Perfect) as last year. those that donated food. We fed about Be prepared to dance your heart out and enjoy the music 180 people with your help. Thank you for and food. We need help with setting up, decorating, helping us make this a beautiful picnic. kitchen prep, serving, clean up, etc. Our first planning Thanks also for Deacon Sam and Sally meeting is this Tuesday, November 24th at 10:30am in Knight for Coordinating the effort. the office living room. Please honor us with your talents. Thank you all!! Any questions, contact Barbara at (863)676-1513 HOLY SPIRIT ALTAR GUILD CATHOLIC SINGLES GROUP All Catholic men and women age 50 and over, who This is an organization at Holy Spirit Parish are single, widowed or divorced, are invited to join with eight members present time. We iron the us in attending the 4:00 pm Mass on Saturday December 5th at St. Matthew Church in Winter altar linens for the church. That takes about thirty minutes of time our time once or twice a Haven, and dinner afterwards at Hog Heaven Restaurant. month. We could certainly use some additional New members are welcome! Call Joyce at 206-8990 (Winter Haven) or Tom at 606-5855 members. If you iron and would like to help. (Lakeland) for more information Please call Joyce Pettus at (863)679-8981 Page 4 November 29, 2015 Dear Parents, Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year of Mercy starting December 8th of this year until November 20th of 2016. During this year, we are all called to focus on mercy – God’s mercy toward us, and how we can live more merciful Just a reminder Sunday classes for our elementary program and our high school program will resume on Sunday, Dec. 6th. We will also have a special children’s Mass on lives as Christians. One easy thing you can do during Sunday, Dec. 6th and our 5th grade this year is actually also fun – install a new app called students will be singing in the choir. The Knights of Columbus will “365 Days to Mercy” on your mobile device. It’s a be hosting a very special Christmas free app, and it includes daily reflections on mercy, party for the children following the Scripture reflections, Pope Francis’ tweets, the Divine 11:00am Mass. Mercy Chaplet, and a lot of other things you’ll find helpful. It’s not complicated or time consuming – in just a minute or two a day you can read a little about mercy. I have it on my phone, too! Our parish nursery is now open and available during the 11:00 am Sunday morning mass Middle School EDGE resumes on Weds. Dec. 2nd. The Giving Tree! Our Holy Spirit Christmas Giving Tree and the Lake Wales Care Center Giving Tree will be up after Thanksgiving. If you choose to select a gift tag from either tree, The Nursery offers the chance for young children kindly return the unwrapped gift (1-3years old) to be held safe in a wonderful, with the tag no later than Sunday, nurturing environment while their older siblings Dec. 13th. All donated gifts should and parents attend Mass. The nursery is attended be unwrapped and include the tag. by Brianna Larsen and Amanda Tepec. Your generosity is so very much Their wonderful way with children is a gift to the parish families. The nursery is located in the school appreciated! You may bldg. You must enter through the back door. also drop off the gifts to the parish office anything you Confirmation Class will have donate will mean so a special ADVENT evening of much to families in reflection along with their parents and sponsors on Sunday, need on this time of year. Dec. 6 at 4:00pm. Don’t forget Thank you! to bring a candle. Page 5 November 29, 2015 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES! Knights News LOOKING FORWARD TO PRAYER, REFLECTION TIME AND FUN TIMES HERE AT HOLY SPIRIT... Our meeting's; first and third Monday of the month at 7 pm. Social night: 2nd Monday of the month at 7,Knight's and their guests. Check out our website at HOLY SPIRIT DINERS’ kofclakewales.com and our Facebook page at Knights of CLUB Columbus Lake Wales. Any questions contact. Grand Meeting at 11:30 a.m, on Friday, December 4th we shall meet at Knight Gary Kennedy at 863-232-9562, or Jeff Prunty at [email protected]. Dimaggio’s We would like to thank all of the Pizzeria, on Cypress parishioners for supporting the Knight's Of Gardens Blvd,. Columbus breakfast this past Sunday. All proceeds Winter Haven for will go to the education fund of the children of Woody our monthly Dutch Dupuis who recently passed away. Thanks to everyone Treat Lunch. Call who pitched in to make this breakfast Bob at the office before Wednesday to reserve your fundraiser a success. This is a great place. Everyone invited to attend! example of Christian charity at work. See you there!!! Special thanks to Father Glenn. Thanks again Jeff Prunty Becoming Catholic (RCIA) ANCHORS OF FAITH We now have eight seekers who wish to Anchors of Faith: The Respect Life receive sacraments and full membership Committee of Holy Spirit Parish in the Catholic Church. Anchored in the teaching of the Catholic Starting November 24th at 10:00am Church; advocating for the respect of human we will be offering a “day time” inquiry for anyone who is unable to life from the womb to the tomb make the Thursday evening sessions. Buy an Anchors of Faith T-shirt! A black If you know of anyone who is interested in learning more about who shirt with our white logo on the back is only $15.00. We are gathering baby supplies to we are as Roman Catholics, please invite them to either Tuesday 10:00am or Thursday 6:30pm stuff gift bags for the Children’s Christmas sessions. 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22, the remainder of 2015 all Party. Please consider placing a donation in the way through to Easter. the tote in the narthex WELCOME! On Sunday, November 22 we welcomed eight candidates for full communion in the Catholic Church. This is a Everyone is welcome to join our Action Committee. very meaningful ceremony which stresses the support we all give to one another. It is the job of the whole community to give Beginning December 1st, we witness to these candidates and to help them with your prayers will be meeting on the and example, toward the reception of their remaining 1st Tuesday of each month, sacraments. Our newly welcomed candidates are: Adriana Flofor more info contact: res, Darylena S. Keene, Ruth E. Miller, and Rita L. Showfety. Our Catechumens are Gilberto Buentello, Mario Buentello, Geo- Marge Prunty 863-605-1115; Jeff Prunty vani Santiago, Jennifer Santiago, Sabrina Strait, and Andres [email protected]; Martinez. Please take an opportunity to welcome them to our family of faith, show them example and by all means, pray for Tracy Stanciu [email protected] them on their journey. Page 6 November 29, 2015 Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women The next CCW meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Mass will be at 8:30am. 9:30 Meeting in parish center followed by a lunch at 12:00noon. We will be making Christmas Ornaments. Please remember to bring items for the purses and breakfast foods for Spook Hill. All women of the parish are invited to attend. It is never too late to join CCW! CCW Christmas Angels to place on the trees on the church only will be available for a $1.00 donation after all Masses on December 5-6, 12-13 and 19-20. The Lake Wales Chorale will be performing a “Christmas Around The World” concert here at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Friday December 11th at 7:00p.m Tickets are $15.00 available at the Lake Wales Polk State Arts Center, you may also contact Amelia Updike, Bob Luft or Bob Decker for information and tickets. See you there! Its fall and our Rummage/Bake Sale is near. CCW will be collecting donations of gently used items from November 23rd – January 14th in our new storage shed located behind the church office. Please DO NOT LEAVE items outside call Judith at (407)484-2234 or Shirley (863)676-6644 to meet you at the storage shed. Our Rummage/ Bake sale will be on January 15th & 16th! Health Ministry-Body, Mind & Spirit! This is now our official name! Our mission is bringing health, healing and wellness to members of the Holy Spirit Community, with a focus on the whole person: mind, body and spirit. Our purpose is to “promote the relationship between faith, health attitudes, beliefs and lifestyle choices. Listening to each other and to community members so as to identify health problems and concerns and access resources in a more meaningful way, combining a unique blending of health and spiritual care giving.” We came together for our first meeting with 13 in attendance. There are at least 4-5 more who could not make the meeting. An impressive start, as we talked and decided on our efforts to come through ideas generated and decisions made. Our next meeting is scheduled for 1:00 pm in the office living room on Monday, December 7th. Be there!! Dorothy's Corner Food Pantry: Open for parishioner's every Tuesday evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. If you have an emergency and are in need, please contact the Parish office and we will be happy to assist you. Items to consider donating: Dry Cereal, Dry Milk, Peanut Butter and Jelly Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, Canned meat Soup, Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce Spaghetti Sauce, Pasta (any variety) Personal care items: Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, dish detergent, clothes detergent, White Rice Pinto Beans (canned or dry), Flour, Sugar Baby Diaper's all sizes Please as a courtesy to the people we serve, check ALL expiration dates!! Thank you for all of your Support! Pagina 7 Noviembre 29, 2015 NUESTRA COLECTA Noviembre 21 & 22 $12,291.00 Gracias por sus donaciones que Dios los bendiga siempre Tejiendo por Cristo! Estamos buscando cualquier persona no importa la edad, quien sepa tejer! Tenemos un grupo que se reune el Segundo y cuarto miercoles del mes de 10-11am.Este grupo le dara la oportunindad de servir a su comunidad de fe, tejiendo. Todos bienvenidos! BAUTISMOS SOLO UN RECORDATORIO QUE ES IMPORTANTE Y MANDATORIO QUE CUALQUIER FAMILIA QUE TENGA PLANEADO BAUTIZAR TIENE QUE ESTAR EN MISA TO DOS LOS FINES DE SEMANA. Todos los niños majors de 6 años deben de estar en clases religiosas por dos años. Siguiente clase de bautismo es el 12 de Diciembre a las 5:00pm. No Habra bautismos durante Adviento. Grupo de Oracion Les invita a las reuniones de oracion todos los viernes de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. (Nuevo dia estara en efecto el 20 de Noviembre) Vengan a mirar que maravilloso es nuestro Dios! Los Esperamos! Caballeros de Colon 5643 Si usted ya es miembro de los Caballeros de Colon sepa que usted es bienvenidos a participar a nuestras reuniones.Nos reunimos el primer y tercer lunes del mes a las 7:00p.m. Dorothy’s Corner Todo aquel quien este en necesidad de comida, ropa, o alguna otra necesidad, estan invitados a visitarnos. Llame a la oficina: los martes estaran aqui Sharon o Sandi de 6:30-7:30pm. Por ahorita estaremos cerrados los Domingos. No se require ningun papeleo o identificacion solo debe ser miembros de nuestra parroquia. Si usted quiere donar por favor traiga sus donaciones a la oficina. Necesitamos de todo! Vegetales enlatados, frijoles y arroz, leche en polvo, jugos, comida para bebe, etc. gracias por sus donaciones y por su generosidad. EL ARBOL GENEROSO Nuestro arbol de Navidad y el arbol de navidad para el Care Center en cuales ponemos etiquetas con ideas para regalos estaran en la iglesia pronto. Por favor si le nace de el Corazon donar algun juguete, o cualquier regalo de navidad para nos niños necesitados por favor traiga su regalo sin envolver y con la etiqueta de regreso a la iglesia antes de el 13 de Diciembre. Tambien puede traer los regalos a la oficina, cualquier regalo significa mucho para nuestras familias en necesidad. Gracias! Primer Domingo de Adviento Hemos llegado al tiempo de Adviento y éste nos prepara para practicar el ejercicio de abrir los sentidos a la realidad que nos rodea. Es un tiempo para preguntarnos: ¿Qué realidad estamos viviendo? ¿Dónde debemos de encarnar al Hijo de Dios en esta Navidad que se acerca? Tomar nota de lo que se vive a nivel mundial, local y familiar es esencial para nuestra preparación. Observar, juzgar y actuar para descubrir qué cosas positivas del Reino hay que implementar en nuestra vida. Esto, por supuesto, choca con las realidades comerciales de la Navidad, sus preparativos muchas veces no son los que Dios tiene en su plan de salvación. "Pongan atención y levanten la cabeza". Es prepararse en sentido positivo, no gastar tanta energía en el consumismo sino estar prevenidos en las cosas que nos acercan a Dios. Comenzamos un nuevo año litúrgico, las próximas cuatro semanas están llenas de expectación. ¿Pero qué es lo que se espera? ¿A quién se espera? Para muchas personas quizá son las fiestas, las vacaciones, ver a la familia o esperar un regalo muy especial. Todas esas cosas son buenas no nos confundamos. Pero debemos de prepararnos para algo muy especial y se inicia en este Primer Domingo de Adviento. El nacimiento del Salvador del mundo. Detente, observa, calla, medita y centra tu vida en Jesús. San Pablo nos ayuda a entender este tiempo tan especial con la siguiente frase. "Que el Señor los llene y los haga rebosar de un amor mutuo y hacia todos los demás" (1 Tes 3, 12). ¿Sería mucho pedir crecer en el amor en
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