sunday bulletin newsletter - Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl
Reverend Jerome T. Karcher
Pastor—[email protected]
Mary Kay Lamarre-Liturgy/Family Life
[email protected]
Patty Ledezma-Parish Life
[email protected]
Reverend Sergio Ramos
Parochial Vicar—[email protected]
Magaly Bernal—Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Deacon Gerard Wallace
[email protected]
Emmy Sanchez—Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Deacon Angelo Giambrone
[email protected]
Karen Srajer—Parish Manager
[email protected]
Brian Henritze—Youth and
Young Adult Ministries
[email protected]
Rose Clarke—Finance Manager
[email protected]
Elsa Lusk—Christian Initiation
Adult Confirmation
[email protected]
Maria Zamora—Secretary/Office Manager
[email protected]
Grant Sevdayan—Choir Director
[email protected]
Rose Antognoli—Faith Formation
[email protected]
8345 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach
California 92646
Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM-8:30 PM
Closed for Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone: (714) 842-3000
Fax: (714) 842-6780
Our Parish Mission
Following Jesus and centered in the Eucharist, we worship God and serve others.
Siguiendo a Jesús y enfocados en la Eucaristía, adoramos a Dios y servimos al prójimo.
Sunday Masses in English
Misas Dominicales en Español
Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM
Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM
Daily Masses
Misas Diarias en Inglés
7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday
Holy Day Masses
6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays 3:30 PM
Sacrament of Baptism
Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents
Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding.
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition
Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM
7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves
8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado
Misas de Obligación en Español
6:30 PM Bilingüe
Sacramento de Penitencia
Sábados a las 3:30 PM
Sacramento de Bautismo
Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos
Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información.
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos
seis meses antes de la boda.
Quinceañeras en Grupo
Una vez por mes. Llame a la Oficina tres meses antes.
Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo
Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM
Page Two
December 27, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
As we cross the threshold into the New Year
2016 we are graced to belong to a vibrant
Catholic community of faith in which we desire
to grow in discipleship. This “discipleship” is
not reserved to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary
and Joseph, but is the call for every Christian.
This is why we offered the Alpha Course that
500 parish members participate in during the 10
week sessions. It brought fellowship, deeper
love for Jesus and a desire for holiness. Alpha
will be presented again in April!
Discipleship is discovered and lived out in the
daily routine of everyday life. For the Holy
Family it meant times of great peace and joy as
well as time of great challenge and concern.
Like them, in each situation we look to God, a
Loving Father, who is always with us, always
near to us.
Let us grow as disciples of Jesus by being
attentive to God each day this New Year!
Again, this year our diocese is providing
opportunities to share in the joy of giving through
the PSA “Proud to be Catholic, Know .Love . Serve”
campaign. This annual campaign supports diocesan
ministries in many ways. Please look for a letter
from Father Jerome in early January with
information on the 2016 PSA campaign. Together
we are united in the Catholic faith knowing that
through your generosity many people will be served.
Thank you for your participation in the life of the
parish and diocese.
Blessings for the New Year 2016!
What is RCIA and who is it for?
Father Jerome T. Karcher
Prayer Vigil for Peace
New Year's Eve from 8 p.m.
through the night until 4 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016.
Come with praise, love & gratitude; Come with your
longing for peace. Come, bring your needs and hopes,
with all your desires for peace to fill our hearts,
homes, church & world.
"Come to me all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest."
Vocal prayers offered each hour.
No hospitality room this year.
Keep coffee, etc. in your cars, please.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a
process whereby new members join the Catholic Church,
designed specifically for the following:
1. For adults who have never been baptized and who want
to inquire about the Catholic faith.
2. For adults who have been baptized into another Christian
tradition (Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc.) who want to
inquiry about the Catholic faith.
3. For baptized Catholic adults who have not completed the
Sacraments of First Holy Communion and
Confirmation and need more faith formation.
The RCIA process of becoming Catholic meets on
Wednesday nights from 7 PM to 8 PM in Meeting
Room 8. You can enter at any time during the year. All
those interested in becoming Catholic must experience a full
liturgical year in the church; therefore, it is good to enter the
journey as soon as possible. Please contact Elsa Lusk at the
parish office: 714-842-3000 x12 or [email protected].
Page Three
December 27, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Altar Server Training
Coming January 2016!
Thank you to all the Altar Servers, Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion, Hospitality Ministers,
Lectors, Musicians, Parking Directors, and Sound
Technicians who served at the various Christmas
Masses giving of their time and talents generously for
the benefit of the Parish Community. And a special
thanks to all the volunteers who climbed ladders, strung
lights, moved Nativity figures and everything else that
was done to create our beautiful Christmas
Join other men in our parish to grow in faith and
support each other in their Christian lives!
Meetings are the second Saturday of the month from
7:00 AM to 8:30 AM! Bring a friend!
Participation in Holy Mass
How can I get more out of Mass? What more should I
put into Mass? Why does Mass seem boring? If you
find yourself asking these and other similar questions,
come join us as we discuss ways to help you improve
your participation at Mass and help you to see the
wonderful gift that is the Mass.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM  Rooms A-B
Questions: contact Dennis London at:
[email protected]
Cleaning Scheduled
The Hall and Kitchen
floors will be cleaned on
Monday, December 28.
Encourage your children to become part of
SVDP-Children’s Choir! They will receive
elementary music education; proper voice training and
right technique for good breathing support, music
literacy and appreciation, learn Catholic sacred music
repertoire and more. Please pick up an application at
the Parish Office. To encourage growth to this vibrant
ministry, adjustments to rates have been made! Tuition
is only $10 per month! For more information contact:
Victoria Sevdayan, Director, at 310.212.3479 or
310.480.6786 or [email protected].
All boys and girls who have received their First
Holy Communion and are in at least the third
grade are invited to serve as Altar Servers.
Altar Servers generally serve about once a
month at the Mass they typically attend. There are no
fees required, just a willingness to serve God and the
Parish. Parents are encouraged to attend the training to
support their children’s ministry.
All new servers should attend any
4 of the 5 training sessions in the Church:
January 13 & 27
5 pm to 6:30 pm
January 9 & 23
10:30 am-12 pm
January 30
2 pm –3:30 pm
Wednesday, January 13 @12:00 PM
Topic: FR. DAMIEN of Molokai
Come learn of the life of Fr. Damien.
Join us for fellowship and a great talk.
Further information – Nancy Sink, 714-724-1732
"Gospel of John"
Bible Lecture Series
Presented Weekly Beginning in January.
Come listen to, and hear, God's amazing
call of Transforming Love as presented by
St. John, the Beloved Apostle.
Starting January 12 - Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM
in Meeting Rooms 1+2
For Information: 714-963-2745 or 714-842-3000
Starting January 14 - Every Thursday at 9:30 AM
in the Parish Hall
For Information: 714-596-6791 or 714-892-1312
NEW Life Story Writing Group Forming!
A new Life Story Writing group is forming to offer
ideas, activities and inspiration from the Guided
Autobiography program. Each of us has had
unique experiences so here is a chance to record them
for yourself and others. This ten-week program will
begin on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
from 10:00-12:00 in Room C.
For information contact Nancy Sink, 714-724-1732.
Page Four
Deciembre 27, 2015
Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos en Cristo:
Al cruzar el umbral del nuevo año 2016, lo
hacemos con plena conciencia de la labor de la
providencia de Dios en nuestras vidas y en
nuestro mundo. Tenemos la gracia de pertenecer
a una vibrante comunidad católica basada en el
discipulado, en lo cual deseamos crecer en
nuestra fe. Esta “discipulado” no es exclusiva
para la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José.
Es el estado al que toda familia debe aspirar.
El discipulado se descubre y se vive en la rutina
diaria. Para la Sagrada Familia, esto representó
épocas de gran paz y alegría, así como periodos
de retos y preocupación. Nosotros, en cada
situación, nos volvemos hacia Dios Padre que
siempre está con nosotros en cada situación; y
nosotros, volvernos fielmente hacia Él, en cada
circunstancia, ya sea de felicidad o de dolor.
¡Que nuestra meta sea crecer en la fe
permaneciendo atentos a Dios cada día del
nuevo año!
¡Reciban mis bendiciones para el Año Nuevo
Padre Jerome T. Karcher
Únase al Coro de Niños
de San Vicente De Paul
Si a su hijo(a) le gusta cantar…Animalo la que
empiece su educación musical, con entrenamiento de voz
y técnicas de respiración que ayudan al canto, aprendizaje
de notas musicales, música religiosa y mucho más!
Salamente $10 por mes! Obtenga una aplicación en la
Oficina Parroquial o por email. Para mayor información
llamar a Sra. Victoria Sevdayan, Directora 310-212-3479
o 310 480-6786 [email protected].
Oficina Parroquial Cerrada
en observación del Año Nuevo ~ ~ Viernes, 1 de enero.
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Una vez más, este año nuestra diócesis está
proporcionando oportunidades para compartir la alegría
de regalar a través de la campaña PSA Orgulloso De Ser
Católico, Conocer .Amar . Servir”. Esta campaña anual
apoya ministerios diocesanos de muchas maneras. Por
favor, busque una carta del padre Jerome a principios de
enero con información sobre la campaña PSA 2016.
Juntos estamos unidos en la fe católica sabiendo que a
través de su generosidad serán servidos muchas
personas. Gracias por su participación en la vida de la
parroquia y la diócesis.
Sesiones de entrenamiento
para ser Monaguillos
Todos los niños y niñas que han recibido su
Primera Comunión y están por lo menos en el
tercer grado, están invitados a servir como
monaguillos. Monaguillos sirven generalmente una
vez al mes en la misa que normalmente asisten. No
hay costo, sólo la voluntad de servir a Dios y a la
Parroquia. Animamos a los padres a asistir con sus
hijos al entrenamiento para apoyarlos.
Todos deben asistir a 4 de las 5 sesiones
de entrenamiento en la iglesia:
Enero 13 y 27
5 pm to 6:30 pm
Enero 9 y 23
10:30 am—12 pm
Enero 30
2 pm—3:30 pm
¡Gracias a todos los monaguillos,
los Ministros Extraordinarios de
la Sagrada Comunión, los
ministros de hospitalidad, Lectores, músicos, directores de
estacionamiento, y los técnicos de sonido que sirvieron en
las diversas misas de Navidad. Gracias por dar de su
tiempo y talento con generosidad. Y un agradecimiento
especial a todos los voluntarios que subieron las escaleras,
instalaron luces, movieron figuras del pesebre y todo lo
demás que se hizo para crear nuestro hermoso entorno de
la Navidad.
Fiesta en Honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Gracias a los donadores de los premios del sorteo:
A P Auto Repair
Don Jose Mexican Restaurant
Aztecas Restaurant
Surf City Meats
Mario’s 5 Points Restaurant
Carniceria Hola Primo
George’s Mexican Food Restaurant
La ayuda que nos brindaron fue muy valiosa para que la
fiesta haya sido todo un éxito.
Page Five
December 27, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Faith Formation Class Schedule
AƩenƟon Parents!
Classes resume the week of January 4th.
Have a blessed NewYear!
Childcare is available during the10:00 AM, 11:30
AM, and 5:00 PM Sunday Masses in Meeting
Room #4. Care and activities regarding the
Sunday readings are provided to children ages 2 to 6.
Please call the Faith Formation Office
714-842-3000 x24 to volunteer.
Baby Gifts for Baby Jesus
For the Year of Mercy help the SVDP Respect Life Ministry
Wish List and bring a Baby gift for Baby Jesus. The
following items are needed for Newborn & babies up to 18
months: diapers, wipes, newborn gowns, t-shirts, onesies,
newborn outfits, towel sets, very small toys, caps, socks,
booties. All clothes sizes 0-3 or 3-6 months, no larger,
please. Boys clothes are especially needed. Drop off your
donations to the Faith Formation Office. For more
information, please call the Faith Formation Office (714)
842-3000 ext. 24 or email [email protected].
12/27/15 – NO Life Night
There will be no Life Night this Sunday due
to Christmas break.
1/3/16 – Life Night
Sunday 6-8 PM in Rooms A-B
Our weekly Youth Ministry is open to all teens in
high school.
1/10/16 & 1/13/16 Disciple Groups
Sunday, 3:00-4:30 PM | Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
All Confirmation Teens meet with their disciple
groups on their respective day.
1/10/16 – Life Night
Sunday 6-8 PM in Rooms A-B
Our weekly Youth Ministry is open to all teens in
high school.
~ PSA Mailing ~
Volunteers are needed to prepare the annual PSA
mailing on Tuesday, January 5 in the Parish
Hall after the 8:30 AM Mass. Come join the fun!!
Young Adult Ministry
Sunday, December 27, 10:00 PM
Cost: $10 to play + Money for Dinner
Join us at 5:00 PM Mass. We will go out to dinner as a
group afterwards and then head to the Westminster Rink
to meet other YA Catholics at 9:30 PM.
Thursday, January 14, 7:00 PM
Discussion Topic: “Taking Prayer to the Next Level”
All young adults are invited to join us for an evening of
engaging discussion and coffee (hot tea and Coco
provided as well)!
In Observance of the New Year, Friday, January 1st
Friday, January 22, 7:00—9:00 PM
Cost: $20 for 2 hours
We will meet at “Get Air Surf City” in Huntington
Beach, afterwards we will head over to SVDP for the YA
Holy Hour. For more details, email [email protected].
Page Six
December 27, 2015
for the
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly
Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him.
Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving
gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved
by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking
happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after
his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.
Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words
that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew
the gift of God!”
You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the
God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness
and mercy: Let the Church be your visible face in the
world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your
ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that
they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and
error: Let everyone who approaches them feel sought
after, loved, and forgiven by God.
Send your spirit and consecrate every one of us with His
anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of
grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed
enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim
liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to
the blind.
We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession
of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with
the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
Retrieved from
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Page Seven
December 27, 2015
First Saturday Devotion
Saturday, January 2, 2016
We all know that the intercession of Mary, the
Mother of Jesus, is very powerful. For this
reason we turn to her on First Saturdays to
ask for her prayers for us "now and at the hour
of our death". Plan to join parishioners after
the 8:30 A.M. Mass Saturday, January 2
from 9-10 AM in the Church.
Readings For The Week
1 Jn 1:5-2;2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18
1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40
1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18
Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3,5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7;
Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22 —28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28
Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13;
Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Monday, December 28:
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Floors Cleaned-Hall & Kitchen NO COFFEE
Rosary for Peace-Church
Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church
Tuesday, December 29:
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
10 AM Choir –Church
Neocatecumenado Grupo 2-Salones 1-2
Wednesday, December 30:
7:30 AM
9:30 PM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall
Adult Catechism Group-Room 1
Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 4
Korean Bible Study-Room 8
Vigil Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Church
Prayer for Peace-Parish Hall
Thursday, December 31:
6:30 PM
Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4
Vigil Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Church
Friday, January 1:
8:30 AM
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Church
Saturday, January 2:
9:00 AM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Our Lady of Fatima Devotion-Church
Children’s Choir Rehearsal-Room 2
Matrimonios En Cristo-Salones 1-4
Sunday January 4:
Weekly Mass Intentions
December 28 through January 3
8:30 AM Novena Intentions & Kirk Dedeaux †
7:00 AM Jin Yang Chung
8:30 AM Joanna Choi †
7:00 AM Carlyn Damon
8:30 AM Jeanette Meilak †
7:00 AM Ramirez Family & Liza Perez 8:30 AM Jeanette Meilak †
8:30 AM Sophie Kramer & Family
8:30 AM Joseph Hung Nguyen †
5:00 PM Earl Thorpe †
7:00 AM Laurie Ann Stromgren
10:00 AM Jeanette Meilak †
1:00 PM Maria Gomez †
Weekend Mass Intentions
6:30 PM Apolinar Amigon †
8:30 AM Pro Propulo
11:30 AM Pablo & Melissa Quiniano †
5:00 PM All Souls
Pray for Those Who Are Ill
Fely Ocampo, Howard & Carol Royston, Albin Arevalo, Frank & Viola
Chouler, Olus Stone, Lorenzo & Jeannie Sanchez, Irene & Gloria Manaois,
Axel Montiel, Jack Silagy, Elise & Marcelle Aube, Jeseca Aznar, Greg Cortez,
Margaret Goebel, James Wallace, Amari Milagros Nava, Amy, Mireille
Dedeaux, Jim Balogh, Deborah Morus, Douglas Fry, Jonathan Mendez, Ken
Jackson, Helen Brastoff, John Curren, Mary Alice Campbell, Jonathan Flores,
Bianca Palmeri, Leonor V. Ramirez, Denise Filipek, Demetrio Martinez, Elena
Yantuche, John Yosick, Andrew Zueck, Ellen & Dan Morgan, Tandy Luris,
Richard Ursua, Maria Laura Polanco, Jean Gagnon, Lucy Guildjian, Agnes
Simcox, Rosita Chargualaf, Patricia Winters, Sharon Malone, Claudette
Zanotti, Gorg Christa, Margarita Esquivel, Doreen Bellencourt, Maria Catalina
Minhtam, Giuse Joe Dinhle, Heidi Terrazas, Tony Gonzalez, Esequiel
Fernandez, Maria Fernandez & Family, Ron James, Wyatt Dunbar, Mackenzie
James Wong, Roy Jefferson and Pat Migliaccio, Matt Pocta, Pamela Hall,
Maria Zamora, Frank De Carli, Jim Barklow, Cecilia White, Beckey Bolton,
Randy & Ricky Marinaro, Lori Ann Stromgern, Cliff Stone, Paul Bredgier &
Family, Polito Solorzano, Gary Conrad, Kerry Wilson, Gerard Baird, Doris
Defraine, Simone Kennedy, Juliana Mamana, Ned Ucker, Joyce Srajer, Tom
Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759
10:00 & 11:30 AM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Disciple Groups-Rooms A-B
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Life Night-Rooms A-B
The Epiphany of the Lord
January 3, 2016
Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem!
Your light has come,
The glory of the Lord shines
upon you.
— Isaiah 60:1
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