Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands aints Peter & Paul Cathedral Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands P.O. Box 301767 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00803-1767 Tel: (340) 774-0201 Fax: (340) 776-9586 GOTTLIEB’S QUICKWAY E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: Streaming of our Masses. Copy this address to your browser: OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK (340) 774-1092 Rev. Msgr. Jerome Feudjio, Rector FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 17, 2016 Bishop Herbert A. Bevard MASS SCHEDULE L&G AUTO PARTS WEEKENDS Monday – Fridays 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (340) 774 - 5175 Saturday: 6:00 PM (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM (Spanish) SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS! WEEKDAYS Monday - 7:00 AM Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 AM., 12:15 PM Tuesday: 7:00 PM (Spanish) Saturday: 7:30 AM Holidays: 7:00 AM TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS LEARN AND CELEBRATE YOUR CATHOLIC HERITAGE COMING SOON TO ST. THOMAS FOR INFORMATION CONTACT THE VIRGIN ISLANDS TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS ASSOCIATION @ (340) 332-0006 Religious Articles on Sale @ Gift Shop Open Sunday’s @ 8:30AM DEVOTIONS Open Daily from 7AM Serving Awesome breakfast selections 7am - 10:30am and Lunch10:30am - 4:30pm: Grilled Sandwiches, Fresh Salads, Wraps and Fresh Local Fish, Conch in Butter Sauce, Stewed Meats and Other Local Specialties. We Offer a Variety of Juices: Ginger Beer, Passion Fruit, Tamarind, Lemonade, etc, Mike’s Bloody Mary & Tropical Cocktails. Located on the waterfront above the ferry terminal. Visit us on Facebook, 340-776-2976. LOCATION 2322 Kronprindsens Gade Main Street, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands RECTOR Rev. Msgr. Jerome Feudjio PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Fr. John Fewel DEACONS Rev. Mr. Jose Vazquez Rev. Mr. Wilfredo Acosta Rev. Mr. Clement Danet ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Vacant Please patronize these sponsors. It is through their generous support that this church Bulletin is provided to the Parish. 8 BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Bernadine Barnes OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Saturday - 8:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. ST. ANNE’S CHAPEL Administrator Fr. Bruce Anderson Location Altona 42, Carenage/Frenchtown Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Virgin Islands Phone: (340) 714-5231 Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Wednesdays before all the Masses) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Friday:8:00 AM- 12:00 PM HOLY HOUR Tuesday: 5:30 PM First Friday: Before the 12:15 PM. Mass Confessions: Tuesday-Friday: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday: 5:00 PM. - 5:45 PM Religious Education: Sunday after the 8:30 AM. Mass school mass: Wednesday: 8:05 AM MISSION STATEMENT Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School (JK-12) Principal Fr. Eduardo Santiago-Ortiz Assistant Principal Fr. Bruce Anderson Phone (340) 774-2199 To continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by: Preaching the Good News to a Caribbean Community in keeping with the vision of the Roman Catholic Church. Furthering the faith of God’s people with sound teaching and meaningful liturgies in keeping with the apostolic tradition. Promoting and implementing inclusive strategies to meet the needs of the populations that worship at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral. Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral April 17, 2016 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading: (Acts 13:14, 43-52) Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch where they entered the synagogue to teach. Some Jews became their followers while others expelled them from the town. “So they shook the dust from their feet” and went on to Iconium. Responsorial Psalm: (Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5) “We are his people, the sheep of his flock.” Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral St. Thomas, Virgin Islands DISCOUNT TRAVEL AGENCY Your complete Travel Store 2369 Kronprindsens Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802 Tel: (340) 777-8273 Email: [email protected] Second Reading: (Revelations 7:9, 14b-17) The author of Revelation had a vision of a large crowd of people from every nation and race, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches, standing before the Lamb. Gospel: (John 10:27-30) “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life....No one can take them out of my hand. My greater than all.... The Father and I are one.” 340-774-0054 Credit Restoration Services DAILY READINGS SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016: 7:30 AM - Samone Jno Lewis Rb. Euline Pharoah 6:00 PM - †Louis Francis Rb. His daughter SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016: Fourth Sunday of Easter 6:30AM - For the People of the Parish 8:30AM - †Lois Kaalund Rb. Hilda Daniel & Sons 10:30 AM - †Elesa Watlingon Rb. Edwin & Aurea Olive 12:30 PM - †Edris Hodge Rb. Legion of Mary MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016: 7:00AM - Euline Pharoah Rb. Euline Pharoah TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2016: 7:00 AM - Sr. Elizabeth Rb. A Parishioner 12:15 PM - †Harold & Olivia Abrums Rb. Gwen & Family WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016: 7:00 AM - Cecil A. Grant Sr. Rb. Carmen L. Grant 12:15 PM - †Louis & Mariel Burke Rb. Leonille Hodge THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016: 7:00 AM - The De’ Gout Family Rb. Cynthia Smith 12:15 PM - Thanksgiving for Pete & Rebecca Ledee on their anniversary Rb. Edwin & Aurea Olive FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016: 7:00 AM - Humphrey, Hendricks & Larsen Families Rb. Pearla Larsen & Family 12:15 PM - Ariel Farrington Rb. Carmen L. Grant SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2016 7:30 AM 6:00 PM - †Randy Barnes Rb. His wife, Bernadine Barnes 2 SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016: Fifth Sunday of Easter 6:30 AM - †Clement Daniel Rb. Msgr. Jerome & Staff of SPP Cathedral 8:30 AM - †Clement Daniel Rb. Hilda Daniel & Sons 10:30 AM - †Elesa Watlington Rb. The Connell & Watlington Families 12:30 PM Sunday/Domingo, April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 13:14, 43-52 Second Reading: Revelations 7:9, 14b-17 Gospel: John 10:27-30 Have you ever been denied a loan due to bad credit or poor credit scores Credit Repair is now available in the Virgin Islands. For more information Call us @ 340-514-4027/340-777-4027 Email us @ [email protected] or visit us @ 115 Smith Bay Business Center HELP WHERE YOU LEAST EXPECT IT!! Le Bleu Ultra Pure Bottled Water Chi-Co’s Distributing, Inc. PO Box 302250 Lindberg Bay #18 St. Thomas, VI 00801 Tel: (340) 776-5894 Fax: (340) 776-5854 Monday/Lunes, April 18 First Reading: Acts 11:1-18 Gospel: John 10:1-10 Tuesday/Martes, April 19 First Reading: Acts 11:19-26 Gospel: John 10:22-30 Doctor’s Clinical Laboratory Wednesday/Miercoles, April 20 First Reading: Acts 12:24-13:5a Gospel: John 12:44-50 Cynthia de Gula Burt, BSMT/RMT Medical Technologist Thursday/Jueves, April 21 1010 Tenth St. Suite 1 Estate Thomas US Virgin Islands 00802 Phone 340-774-2760 First Reading: Acts 13:13-25 Gospel: John 13:16-20 Friday/Viernes, April 22 Laboratory Hours Monday thru Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 7:00 am-1:00pm First Reading: Acts 13:26-33 Gospel: John 14:1-6 Saturday/Sabado, April 23 First Reading: Acts 13:44-52 Gospel: John 14:7-14 Sunday/Domingo, April 24 Fifth Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 14:21-27 Second Reading: Revelations 21:1-5a Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Inter-Island Barging & Tractor Services “Bridging the Gap” BOYSON, INC. P.O. BOX 165 Cruz Bay, St. John,USVI 00830 Tel: (340) 776 6294 CAPT. NOEL BOYNES, Sr. - President Capt. Cheri Boynes-Jackson - Vice President Capt. James Boynes Capt. Michael Jackson, Sr. 7 Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral IV Domingo de Pascua Entrada Cada año la iglesia celebra la fiesta de “El Buen Pastor” en el cuarto domingo de Pascua. Jesús nos conoce a cada uno de nosotros íntimamente, como la palma de sus manos, y nos ama tan profundamente que de su propia voluntad entrega su vida por nosotros. Él es el único mediador de la salvación. Por el bautismo somos hijos de Dios que, a veces, tenemos que sufrir al igual que lo hizo nuestro líder, pero que, si permanecemos fieles a Él, seremos partícipes de su gloria celestial cuando lo veamos cara a cara. Agradecidos a Cristo, nuestro buen pastor, por el inmenso amor que nos tiene. Primera lectura: Hechos 13, 14. 43-52 El apostolado de San Pablo es ejemplo para todos los tiempos. Él proclamó la Buena Nueva, primero a los judíos. Ellos rechazaron bruscamente el anuncio de Cristo. Por lo tanto, Pablo se dirigió a los paganos, quienes se alegraron y aceptaron el Evangelio. Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 99, 2. 3. 5 Somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño. Segunda lectura: Apocalipsis 7, 9. 14-17 En la continuación de la visión de San Juan, se nos explica la multitud de personas de todas las partes del mundo que han llegado después de sufrir el martirio y allí son “colmados” de toda felicidad”. Somos ovejas del “Cordero de Dios” y después de aceptar las penas, dolores y amarguras de esta vida, iremos a disfrutar en el cielo. Evangelio: Jn 10, 27-30 Jesús es el Buen Pastor. Promete un auxilio muy especial a todo el que le reconoce como Salvador y Señor. Nos pide docilidad y seguimiento y así haremos la unidad. Pistas para la Oración Bendito seas, Padre, porque cuidas de tu pueblo con amor y por medio de Cristo lo proteges y le das vida en abundancia. Tú ha constituido a Jesús sacerdote y pastor de la Iglesia, y nadie podrá arrebatarle las ovejas que tú le has encomendado. Te damos gracias porque Cristo confió su misión pastoral a hombres sacados del pueblo para transmitir tu palabra, administrar los sacramentos y presidir la comunidad de fe, sirviendo a sus hermanos con amor y solicitud pastoral. Así perpetúa Jesús, el Buen Pastor, su pastoreo entre nosotros. Pero la mies es mucha y los trabajadores son pocos. Te pedimos, Señor, que envíes vocaciones a tu Iglesia. 6 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral ANNOUNCEMENTS Anuncios de la Semana SEGUNDA COLECTA La segunda colecta de hoy es para el fondo de la Restauración de la Catedral, por favor sean generosos. PREPARACION PARA BAUTISMO En preparación para el Bautismo de niños, tenga en cuenta: los padres deben registrarse en la oficina de la Iglesia. Deben presentar una copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del Niño, deben programar una cita con el párroco. El próximo bautismo se llevará a cabo el último domingo del mes. Los padrinos deberán obtener una carta de su párroco indicando que pueden ser padrinos. CLASES PARA ADULTOS Los adultos que deseen recibir los sacramentos deben hablar con el padre Eduardo Ortiz en cualquier momento para fijar una fecha de preparación. No deje pasar esta oportunidad. PROTECCION DE NINOS: Uno de los requisitos para las personas que están trabajando con niños en la comundad católica es que deben de tomar o refresar el curso VIRTUS. PRIMERA COMUNION: Padres que tengan niños que van a hacer la Primera Comunion en el mes de mayo deben estar en contacto activo con la Sra.Tati Vázquez BECAS PARA LA ESCUELA CATOLICA: Las solicitudes para obtener becas escolares en la escuela católica están disponibles con el padre Eduardo Ortiz. LA SUPLICA DEL OBISPO: A partir del Miércoles de Ceniza inicia la recolección que se llama “La Súplica del Obispo” y que consiste en recoger dinero que ayudará a las obras Sociales de la Iglesia Católica: Alimentos para los más necesitados, lugar para los desamparados, apoyo a las escuelas católicas y trabajo de evangelización a través de los medios de comunicación. Apoye con su donación a estos esfuerzos del Obispo, puede estar seguro que sus aportes se emplearán correctamente. Lo importante es su colaboración. INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS: Las personas que deseen separar misas para sus difuntos o cualquier otra intención deben hablar con la Sra Rivera, después de la misa del domingo o martes para llenar la información correspondiente y señalar una fecha o también pueden pasar por la oficina \para separar sus fechas. SECOND COLLECTIONS The second collection this weekend is for the Cathedral Restoration Fund. There will be a special diocesan collection next weekend for the Catholic Home Mission Appeal. Please see the envelope in your bulletin for more information. Thank you for your generous contribution. YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Group Meetings are held on Fridays at 4:00 pm in the Hospitality Lounge. Contact the Office at 774-0201 for additional information. PLEASE SUPPORT THE 2016 BISHOP’S APPEAL We are reminded of our call to be “good stewards” of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and give an acceptable portion of our TIME, TALENT and TREASURE for the Kingdom of God. The Bishop’s Appeal 2016 is a practical opportunity to participate in the mission of the Church and assist our Catholic schools, Bethlehem Houses, soup kitchens and evangelization efforts. For your convenience, you may choose to make a pledge now and spread your donation over several months. “As We Receive His Mercy, May We Let It Flow Through Us To Others” FOOD FOR THE POOR The next collection for Food for the Poor will be May 1-2, 2016. Donations of non-perishable goods and paper products are appreciated. FLOWERS The flowers last weekend were donated by Albertha Foy on the occasion of her birthday. PILGRIMAGES FOR THE YEAR OF MERCY Fr. Louis Olive is spearheading 3 pilgrimages for the Year of Mercy: 1. Pilgrimage from Italy to Rome for the Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta from Sept 1-11, 2016. 2. Pilgrimage from Extension to Calcutta and India from Sept 11- Oct 4 , 2016. 3. Pilgrimage from Extension to Sri Lanka on October 6, 2016. He will also lead the Catholic Cruise Conference from Oct 31 - Nov 15, 2016 along with 5 Filipino Bishops and Arch Bishops. Travelers will depart from Newark, NJ. to Rome, Naples, Sicily, Athens (Greece), Israel, Jerusalem, Haifa, Ephesus Turkey, Istanbul, Cappadocia, and back to USA. For further information please call Fr. Louis Olive, C.SS.R. at 1-410-990-4085. MOTHER’S DAY LUNCHEON Holy Family’s Children of Mary will be sponsoring a Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 8, 2016, at their Columban Hall at 1:00 p.m, honoring Mrs. Simonia Dagou, Mrs. Patricia Grell, Mrs. Rose LaBadie and Mrs. Maria Griffin. Donation: $45-Adult and $30 -Children under age l2. Tickets are available from members, honorees and the Church Office. April 17, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS VIRTUS TRAINING KEEPING THE PROMISE TO PROTECT It is important to... Know your Children’s School 1. When choosing a nursery, daycare center, or school, parents should inspect the building and grounds to make sure there are no areas where children play or work that ate “off-limits” to parents. Such facilities should have a policy that welcomes parents to visit the center or school without prior appointment. Create a Safe Environment 2. To create a safe environment for children is of paramont importance for the Church, and everyone in the Church is responsible for ensuring that this extsts. No one can say, “Its not my job”. ALTAR SERVER & PARENT MEETING There will be an Altar Server & Parent meeting on May 2, 2016 in the Hospitality Lounge. Altar Servers will meet at 3:00 pm followed by a parent meeting at 5:15 pm. EASTER MISSION There will be an Easter Mission at the Holy Family Church from Monday, May 2 to Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The Theme for the Mission is “Be Merciful just as your Father is merciful”, Luke 6:36. The speaker is Fr. Stash Birungi, from Uganda, East Africa. ALL ARE INVITED. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please complete the Ministry Declaration and Interest form at the back of the Church. Express your interest in serving the Cathedral Parish Community. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL The Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School - Home School Association will be holding its 19th Annual Mom’s Night Out Spaghetti Dinner & Bingo on Friday, May 6, 2016 in the School Cafeteria. Dinner will begin at 5:30pm and Bingo will be from 7:00-10:00pm. Dinner Ticket Prices are $10 for Adults and $6.00 per Child (10 yrs & under). Tickets can be purchased at the school or by calling 2445482. There will be Raffles and Lots of Door Prizes for Moms. Come join us for an evening of Fellowship, Fun and Lots of Bingo! PENTECOST RALLY There will be a Pentecost Rally at National Park, Ball Park, Cruz Bay, St. John on May 15, 2016 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm. The theme “God of Mercy & Compassion” The speaker is Rev. Fr. Trevor Nathasingh. 3 Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church April 17, 2016 please take note ONLINE GIVING IS COMING SOON Benefits for You: • No check writing or ATM stops before church • Safe, secure, and confidential • Use your checking, savings, or credit card • Schedule recurring or one-time donations • Change a gift or account any time you like • Choose offertory, special funds, pledges • Earn rewards through your credit card IN GRATITUDE Thanks and Continued Blessings to Rev. Msgr. William John-Lewis, Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Center at Morne Bruce and the Vicar for Communication and the Vicar for Clergy in the Diocese of Roseau, for leading Saints Peter & Paul parishioners and guests in pastoral training, Day of Reflection and masses. May the Spirit of the Lord which resonated during his visit, guide each of us in accepting the call for ministry and action within the Church. FUNERAL MASSES Funeral Masses at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral are held on the designated day at 9:30 AM. If you would like a different time, please contact the pastor. Viewings will not take place inside the Cathedral and funerals are not generally held on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). Thank you for your cooperation. PARISH REGISTRATION All Parishioners 18 years and older are urged to register at the Church Office. The Parish is often expected to provide proof of Baptism, Confirmation, and other miscellaneous letters for individuals. This service is more easily and speedily rendered if the person is a registered, active and contributing member of our parish. WEDDING MASSES Anyone wishing to have his or her wedding celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral must contact the Church Office six months prior to the celebration by calling (340) 774-0201 or go to our webpage at The Sacrament of Matrimony is generally celebrated on a Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. However, if you would like a different time for your wedding, please contact the pastor. Saturday mornings are reserved for cleaning and decorating the church. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are generally held on the last Sunday of the month. Requests for a different date and time will be honoured to the extent possible. Parents and sponsors who have not yet received the required baptismal instruction are expected to do so by attending our baptismal preparation program. Call the Parish Office well in advance so that class arrangements can be made. VISITORS’ CORNER We welcome all those visiting with us today. If you are interested in knowing more about our parish or wish to register for membership, please contact the Parish office by calling (340) 7740201. We sincerely thank you for worshipping with us. We pray for you now and always. If you are here during the week, please feel free to schedule a tour of the Cathedral. ROY SCHNEIDER HOSPITAL HOME OR NURSING HOME OFF-ISLAND ADORATION CHAPEL The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Tuesdays and Fridays in the Chapel adjacent to the Church office, downstairs. Spend some time with the Lord. Stephany Louzan Davis Celestine Fr. John Gauci Josephine Noch Fr. George Dorn Fr. John Solomon Delta George Venia Sakhrani Winifred Hodge Veronique Georges Merlyn Jacobs Janet Benson Bishop Elliott Thomas Marion Bertrand Sir Knolly Beazer Olive Sebastian Donald Francois Maria Simmonds Joseph Simmonds Carolyn Raymo Mildred Sille Milton Lynch Irma Hansen Grace Todman Gwynneth Moolenaar Rafaela Saenz Gloria Emmanuel Carter Aurio Correa Wellington Duncan Rita Duncan Hylliss Walters Lucinda Turbe Clinton Shillingford Richard Moron Florine Tucker Vitalyn Henry Monica Birkley Daril R. Evans Mildred Hodge Joan Francis John Henley Petrona Stanislaus Alice Joseph Althea Taylor MASS SCHEDULE DURING CARVIVAL OFFERTORY / OFERTORIO April 9-10, 2016 April 28 - NO MASSES /Carnival break office closed April 29 - NO MASSES /Carnival break office closed April 30 - NO 7:30 am MASS Our last week’s offertory amounted to: $8,601.11 Second Collection $411.47 Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad! 4 PARISH INFORMATION NEW THIS MONTH...SPPC POLO SHIRTS - variety of colors to choose from. Visit the Cathedral Gift Shop for yours today. Now accepting credit and debit cards. St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 17, 2016 INTERESTED IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? All persons wanting to learn more about the Catholic faith are invited to join the RCIA class. Practicing Catholics who want to become more knowledgeable in the faith are also invited. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. Call the Parish Office at 340-774-0201 for more information. RCIA CLASSES Catechetical sessions for RCIA candidates are held every Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm in the Church Office. Please call the Office for further information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the priest 9-12 months in advance. A Wedding Handbook is available from the Parish Office which provides the necessary information on arranging for a marriage. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING/MINISTRY TO THE SICK In an emergency, contact the parish at any time if you or a loved one are hospitalized, or are confined to home or a nursing facility, to receive the Eucharist and/or Anointing. Hospitals and healthcare facilities no longer routingly inform churches when a parishioner is admitted. DISCERNING A VOCATION? Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious Sister or Brother. Those considering entering the Priesthood or a religious vocation, please contact your Pastor. VIRTUS TRAINING On June 14, 2002, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands requires all employees and volunteers to undergo VIRTUS training. Members of all ministry groups are asked to kindly contact Callista Julien, at 340-778-0484 or 340-772-4214 to register for the next available class. BULLETIN DEADLINE Articles for the bulletin must be submitted in writing to the Parish Office or by email to [email protected] by noon on Tuesday. Please be guided accordingly. LIVE STREAMING For live streaming of our programming, please visit our website at and click on video streaming. 5 Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church April 17, 2016 PARISH INFORMATION please take note ONLINE GIVING IS COMING SOON Benefits for You: • No check writing or ATM stops before church • Safe, secure, and confidential • Use your checking, savings, or credit card • Schedule recurring or one-time donations • Change a gift or account any time you like • Choose offertory, special funds, pledges • Earn rewards through your credit card IN GRATITUDE Thanks and Continued Blessings to Rev. Msgr. William John-Lewis, Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Center at Morne Bruce and the Vicar for Communication and the Vicar for Clergy in the Diocese of Roseau, for leading Saints Peter & Paul parishioners and guests in pastoral training, Day of Reflection and masses. May the Spirit of the Lord which resonated during his visit, guide each of us in accepting the call for ministry and action within the Church. FUNERAL MASSES Funeral Masses at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral are held on the designated day at 9:30 AM. If you would like a different time, please contact the pastor. Viewings will not take place inside the Cathedral and funerals are not generally held on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). Thank you for your cooperation. PARISH REGISTRATION All Parishioners 18 years and older are urged to register at the Church Office. The Parish is often expected to provide proof of Baptism, Confirmation, and other miscellaneous letters for individuals. This service is more easily and speedily rendered if the person is a registered, active and contributing member of our parish. WEDDING MASSES Anyone wishing to have his or her wedding celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral must contact the Church Office six months prior to the celebration by calling (340) 774-0201 or go to our webpage at The Sacrament of Matrimony is generally celebrated on a Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. However, if you would like a different time for your wedding, please contact the pastor. Saturday mornings are reserved for cleaning and decorating the church. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are generally held on the last Sunday of the month. Requests for a different date and time will be honoured to the extent possible. Parents and sponsors who have not yet received the required baptismal instruction are expected to do so by attending our baptismal preparation program. Call the Parish Office well in advance so that class arrangements can be made. VISITORS’ CORNER We welcome all those visiting with us today. If you are interested in knowing more about our parish or wish to register for membership, please contact the Parish office by calling (340) 7740201. We sincerely thank you for worshipping with us. We pray for you now and always. If you are here during the week, please feel free to schedule a tour of the Cathedral. ROY SCHNEIDER HOSPITAL HOME OR NURSING HOME OFF-ISLAND ADORATION CHAPEL The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Tuesdays and Fridays in the Chapel adjacent to the Church office, downstairs. Spend some time with the Lord. Stephany Louzan Davis Celestine Fr. John Gauci Josephine Noch Fr. George Dorn Fr. John Solomon Delta George Venia Sakhrani Winifred Hodge Veronique Georges Merlyn Jacobs Janet Benson Bishop Elliott Thomas Marion Bertrand Sir Knolly Beazer Olive Sebastian Donald Francois Maria Simmonds Joseph Simmonds Carolyn Raymo Mildred Sille Milton Lynch Irma Hansen Grace Todman Gwynneth Moolenaar Rafaela Saenz Gloria Emmanuel Carter Aurio Correa Wellington Duncan Rita Duncan Hylliss Walters Lucinda Turbe Clinton Shillingford Richard Moron Florine Tucker Vitalyn Henry Monica Birkley Daril R. Evans Mildred Hodge Joan Francis John Henley Petrona Stanislaus Alice Joseph Althea Taylor MASS SCHEDULE DURING CARVIVAL OFFERTORY / OFERTORIO April 9-10, 2016 Our last week’s offertory amounted to: $8,601.11 April 28 - NO MASSES /Carnival break office closed April 29 - NO MASSES /Carnival break office closed April 30 - NO 7:30 am MASS Second Collection $411.47 Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad! 4 NEW THIS MONTH...SPPC POLO SHIRTS - variety of colors to choose from. Visit the Cathedral Gift Shop for yours today. Now accepting credit and debit cards. St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 17, 2016 INTERESTED IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? All persons wanting to learn more about the Catholic faith are invited to join the RCIA class. Practicing Catholics who want to become more knowledgeable in the faith are also invited. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. Call the Parish Office at 340-774-0201 for more information. RCIA CLASSES Catechetical sessions for RCIA candidates are held every Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm in the Church Office. Please call the Office for further information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the priest 9-12 months in advance. A Wedding Handbook is available from the Parish Office which provides the necessary information on arranging for a marriage. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING/MINISTRY TO THE SICK In an emergency, contact the parish at any time if you or a loved one are hospitalized, or are confined to home or a nursing facility, to receive the Eucharist and/or Anointing. Hospitals and healthcare facilities no longer routingly inform churches when a parishioner is admitted. DISCERNING A VOCATION? Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious Sister or Brother. Those considering entering the Priesthood or a religious vocation, please contact your Pastor. VIRTUS TRAINING On June 14, 2002, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands requires all employees and volunteers to undergo VIRTUS training. Members of all ministry groups are asked to kindly contact Callista Julien, at 340-778-0484 or 340-772-4214 to register for the next available class. BULLETIN DEADLINE Articles for the bulletin must be submitted in writing to the Parish Office or by email to [email protected] by noon on Tuesday. Please be guided accordingly. LIVE STREAMING For live streaming of our programming, please visit our website at and click on video streaming. 5 Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral IV Domingo de Pascua Entrada Cada año la iglesia celebra la fiesta de “El Buen Pastor” en el cuarto domingo de Pascua. Jesús nos conoce a cada uno de nosotros íntimamente, como la palma de sus manos, y nos ama tan profundamente que de su propia voluntad entrega su vida por nosotros. Él es el único mediador de la salvación. Por el bautismo somos hijos de Dios que, a veces, tenemos que sufrir al igual que lo hizo nuestro líder, pero que, si permanecemos fieles a Él, seremos partícipes de su gloria celestial cuando lo veamos cara a cara. Agradecidos a Cristo, nuestro buen pastor, por el inmenso amor que nos tiene. Primera lectura: Hechos 13, 14. 43-52 El apostolado de San Pablo es ejemplo para todos los tiempos. Él proclamó la Buena Nueva, primero a los judíos. Ellos rechazaron bruscamente el anuncio de Cristo. Por lo tanto, Pablo se dirigió a los paganos, quienes se alegraron y aceptaron el Evangelio. Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 99, 2. 3. 5 Somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño. Segunda lectura: Apocalipsis 7, 9. 14-17 En la continuación de la visión de San Juan, se nos explica la multitud de personas de todas las partes del mundo que han llegado después de sufrir el martirio y allí son “colmados” de toda felicidad”. Somos ovejas del “Cordero de Dios” y después de aceptar las penas, dolores y amarguras de esta vida, iremos a disfrutar en el cielo. Evangelio: Jn 10, 27-30 Jesús es el Buen Pastor. Promete un auxilio muy especial a todo el que le reconoce como Salvador y Señor. Nos pide docilidad y seguimiento y así haremos la unidad. Pistas para la Oración Bendito seas, Padre, porque cuidas de tu pueblo con amor y por medio de Cristo lo proteges y le das vida en abundancia. Tú ha constituido a Jesús sacerdote y pastor de la Iglesia, y nadie podrá arrebatarle las ovejas que tú le has encomendado. Te damos gracias porque Cristo confió su misión pastoral a hombres sacados del pueblo para transmitir tu palabra, administrar los sacramentos y presidir la comunidad de fe, sirviendo a sus hermanos con amor y solicitud pastoral. Así perpetúa Jesús, el Buen Pastor, su pastoreo entre nosotros. Pero la mies es mucha y los trabajadores son pocos. Te pedimos, Señor, que envíes vocaciones a tu Iglesia. 6 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral ANNOUNCEMENTS Anuncios de la Semana SEGUNDA COLECTA La segunda colecta de hoy es para el fondo de la Restauración de la Catedral, por favor sean generosos. PREPARACION PARA BAUTISMO En preparación para el Bautismo de niños, tenga en cuenta: los padres deben registrarse en la oficina de la Iglesia. Deben presentar una copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del Niño, deben programar una cita con el párroco. El próximo bautismo se llevará a cabo el último domingo del mes. Los padrinos deberán obtener una carta de su párroco indicando que pueden ser padrinos. CLASES PARA ADULTOS Los adultos que deseen recibir los sacramentos deben hablar con el padre Eduardo Ortiz en cualquier momento para fijar una fecha de preparación. No deje pasar esta oportunidad. PROTECCION DE NINOS: Uno de los requisitos para las personas que están trabajando con niños en la comundad católica es que deben de tomar o refresar el curso VIRTUS. PRIMERA COMUNION: Padres que tengan niños que van a hacer la Primera Comunion en el mes de mayo deben estar en contacto activo con la Sra.Tati Vázquez BECAS PARA LA ESCUELA CATOLICA: Las solicitudes para obtener becas escolares en la escuela católica están disponibles con el padre Eduardo Ortiz. LA SUPLICA DEL OBISPO: A partir del Miércoles de Ceniza inicia la recolección que se llama “La Súplica del Obispo” y que consiste en recoger dinero que ayudará a las obras Sociales de la Iglesia Católica: Alimentos para los más necesitados, lugar para los desamparados, apoyo a las escuelas católicas y trabajo de evangelización a través de los medios de comunicación. Apoye con su donación a estos esfuerzos del Obispo, puede estar seguro que sus aportes se emplearán correctamente. Lo importante es su colaboración. INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS: Las personas que deseen separar misas para sus difuntos o cualquier otra intención deben hablar con la Sra Rivera, después de la misa del domingo o martes para llenar la información correspondiente y señalar una fecha o también pueden pasar por la oficina \para separar sus fechas. SECOND COLLECTIONS The second collection this weekend is for the Cathedral Restoration Fund. There will be a special diocesan collection next weekend for the Catholic Home Mission Appeal. Please see the envelope in your bulletin for more information. Thank you for your generous contribution. YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Group Meetings are held on Fridays at 4:00 pm in the Hospitality Lounge. Contact the Office at 774-0201 for additional information. PLEASE SUPPORT THE 2016 BISHOP’S APPEAL We are reminded of our call to be “good stewards” of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and give an acceptable portion of our TIME, TALENT and TREASURE for the Kingdom of God. The Bishop’s Appeal 2016 is a practical opportunity to participate in the mission of the Church and assist our Catholic schools, Bethlehem Houses, soup kitchens and evangelization efforts. For your convenience, you may choose to make a pledge now and spread your donation over several months. “As We Receive His Mercy, May We Let It Flow Through Us To Others” FOOD FOR THE POOR The next collection for Food for the Poor will be May 1-2, 2016. Donations of non-perishable goods and paper products are appreciated. FLOWERS The flowers last weekend were donated by Albertha Foy on the occasion of her birthday. PILGRIMAGES FOR THE YEAR OF MERCY Fr. Louis Olive is spearheading 3 pilgrimages for the Year of Mercy: 1. Pilgrimage from Italy to Rome for the Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta from Sept 1-11, 2016. 2. Pilgrimage from Extension to Calcutta and India from Sept 11- Oct 4 , 2016. 3. Pilgrimage from Extension to Sri Lanka on October 6, 2016. He will also lead the Catholic Cruise Conference from Oct 31 - Nov 15, 2016 along with 5 Filipino Bishops and Arch Bishops. Travelers will depart from Newark, NJ. to Rome, Naples, Sicily, Athens (Greece), Israel, Jerusalem, Haifa, Ephesus Turkey, Istanbul, Cappadocia, and back to USA. For further information please call Fr. Louis Olive, C.SS.R. at 1-410-990-4085. MOTHER’S DAY LUNCHEON Holy Family’s Children of Mary will be sponsoring a Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 8, 2016, at their Columban Hall at 1:00 p.m, honoring Mrs. Simonia Dagou, Mrs. Patricia Grell, Mrs. Rose LaBadie and Mrs. Maria Griffin. Donation: $45-Adult and $30 -Children under age l2. Tickets are available from members, honorees and the Church Office. April 17, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS VIRTUS TRAINING KEEPING THE PROMISE TO PROTECT It is important to... Know your Children’s School 1. When choosing a nursery, daycare center, or school, parents should inspect the building and grounds to make sure there are no areas where children play or work that ate “off-limits” to parents. Such facilities should have a policy that welcomes parents to visit the center or school without prior appointment. Create a Safe Environment 2. To create a safe environment for children is of paramont importance for the Church, and everyone in the Church is responsible for ensuring that this extsts. No one can say, “Its not my job”. ALTAR SERVER & PARENT MEETING There will be an Altar Server & Parent meeting on May 2, 2016 in the Hospitality Lounge. Altar Servers will meet at 3:00 pm followed by a parent meeting at 5:15 pm. EASTER MISSION There will be an Easter Mission at the Holy Family Church from Monday, May 2 to Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The Theme for the Mission is “Be Merciful just as your Father is merciful”, Luke 6:36. The speaker is Fr. Stash Birungi, from Uganda, East Africa. ALL ARE INVITED. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please complete the Ministry Declaration and Interest form at the back of the Church. Express your interest in serving the Cathedral Parish Community. STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL The Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School - Home School Association will be holding its 19th Annual Mom’s Night Out Spaghetti Dinner & Bingo on Friday, May 6, 2016 in the School Cafeteria. Dinner will begin at 5:30pm and Bingo will be from 7:00-10:00pm. Dinner Ticket Prices are $10 for Adults and $6.00 per Child (10 yrs & under). Tickets can be purchased at the school or by calling 2445482. There will be Raffles and Lots of Door Prizes for Moms. Come join us for an evening of Fellowship, Fun and Lots of Bingo! PENTECOST RALLY There will be a Pentecost Rally at National Park, Ball Park, Cruz Bay, St. John on May 15, 2016 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm. The theme “God of Mercy & Compassion” The speaker is Rev. Fr. Trevor Nathasingh. 3 Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral April 17, 2016 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading: (Acts 13:14, 43-52) Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch where they entered the synagogue to teach. Some Jews became their followers while others expelled them from the town. “So they shook the dust from their feet” and went on to Iconium. Responsorial Psalm: (Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5) “We are his people, the sheep of his flock.” Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral St. Thomas, Virgin Islands DISCOUNT TRAVEL AGENCY Your complete Travel Store 2369 Kronprindsens Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802 Tel: (340) 777-8273 Email: [email protected] Second Reading: (Revelations 7:9, 14b-17) The author of Revelation had a vision of a large crowd of people from every nation and race, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches, standing before the Lamb. Gospel: (John 10:27-30) “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life....No one can take them out of my hand. My greater than all.... The Father and I are one.” 340-774-0054 Credit Restoration Services DAILY READINGS SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016: 7:30 AM - Samone Jno Lewis Rb. Euline Pharoah 6:00 PM - †Louis Francis Rb. His daughter SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016: Fourth Sunday of Easter 6:30AM - For the People of the Parish 8:30AM - †Lois Kaalund Rb. Hilda Daniel & Sons 10:30 AM - †Elesa Watlingon Rb. Edwin & Aurea Olive 12:30 PM - †Edris Hodge Rb. Legion of Mary MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016: 7:00AM - Euline Pharoah Rb. Euline Pharoah TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2016: 7:00 AM - Sr. Elizabeth Rb. A Parishioner 12:15 PM - †Harold & Olivia Abrums Rb. Gwen & Family WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016: 7:00 AM - Cecil A. Grant Sr. Rb. Carmen L. Grant 12:15 PM - †Louis & Mariel Burke Rb. Leonille Hodge THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016: 7:00 AM - The De’ Gout Family Rb. Cynthia Smith 12:15 PM - Thanksgiving for Pete & Rebecca Ledee on their anniversary Rb. Edwin & Aurea Olive FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016: 7:00 AM - Humphrey, Hendricks & Larsen Families Rb. Pearla Larsen & Family 12:15 PM - Ariel Farrington Rb. Carmen L. Grant SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2016 7:30 AM 6:00 PM - †Randy Barnes Rb. His wife, Bernadine Barnes SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016: Fifth Sunday of Easter 6:30 AM - †Clement Daniel Rb. Msgr. Jerome & Staff of SPP Cathedral 8:30 AM - †Clement Daniel Rb. Hilda Daniel & Sons 10:30 AM - †Elesa Watlington Rb. The Connell & Watlington Families 12:30 PM 2 Sunday/Domingo, April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 13:14, 43-52 Second Reading: Revelations 7:9, 14b-17 Gospel: John 10:27-30 Have you ever been denied a loan due to bad credit or poor credit scores Credit Repair is now available in the Virgin Islands. For more information Call us @ 340-514-4027/340-777-4027 Email us @ [email protected] or visit us @ 115 Smith Bay Business Center Le Bleu Ultra Pure Bottled Water Chi-Co’s Distributing, Inc. PO Box 302250 Lindberg Bay #18 St. Thomas, VI 00801 Tel: (340) 776-5894 Fax: (340) 776-5854 HELP WHERE YOU LEAST EXPECT IT!! Monday/Lunes, April 18 First Reading: Acts 11:1-18 Gospel: John 10:1-10 Tuesday/Martes, April 19 First Reading: Acts 11:19-26 Gospel: John 10:22-30 Doctor’s Clinical Laboratory Wednesday/Miercoles, April 20 First Reading: Acts 12:24-13:5a Gospel: John 12:44-50 Cynthia de Gula Burt, BSMT/RMT Medical Technologist Thursday/Jueves, April 21 1010 Tenth St. Suite 1 Estate Thomas US Virgin Islands 00802 Phone 340-774-2760 First Reading: Acts 13:13-25 Gospel: John 13:16-20 Friday/Viernes, April 22 Laboratory Hours Monday thru Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 7:00 am-1:00pm First Reading: Acts 13:26-33 Gospel: John 14:1-6 Saturday/Sabado, April 23 First Reading: Acts 13:44-52 Gospel: John 14:7-14 Sunday/Domingo, April 24 Fifth Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 14:21-27 Second Reading: Revelations 21:1-5a Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Inter-Island Barging & Tractor Services “Bridging the Gap” BOYSON, INC. P.O. BOX 165 Cruz Bay, St. John,USVI 00830 Tel: (340) 776 6294 CAPT. NOEL BOYNES, Sr. - President Capt. Cheri Boynes-Jackson - Vice President Capt. James Boynes Capt. Michael Jackson, Sr. 7 Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands aints Peter & Paul Cathedral Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands P.O. Box 301767 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00803-1767 Tel: (340) 774-0201 Fax: (340) 776-9586 GOTTLIEB’S QUICKWAY E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: Streaming of our Masses. Copy this address to your browser: OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK (340) 774-1092 Rev. Msgr. Jerome Feudjio, Rector FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 17, 2016 Bishop Herbert A. Bevard MASS SCHEDULE L&G AUTO PARTS WEEKENDS Saturday: 6:00 PM (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM (Spanish) Monday – Fridays 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (340) 774 - 5175 SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS! WEEKDAYS Monday - 7:00 AM Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 AM., 12:15 PM Tuesday: 7:00 PM (Spanish) Saturday: 7:30 AM Holidays: 7:00 AM TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS LEARN AND CELEBRATE YOUR CATHOLIC HERITAGE COMING SOON TO ST. THOMAS FOR INFORMATION CONTACT THE VIRGIN ISLANDS TRIDENTINE LATIN MASS ASSOCIATION @ (340) 332-0006 Religious Articles on Sale @ Gift Shop Open Sunday’s @ 8:30AM DEVOTIONS Open Daily from 7AM Serving Awesome breakfast selections 7am - 10:30am and Lunch10:30am - 4:30pm: Grilled Sandwiches, Fresh Salads, Wraps and Fresh Local Fish, Conch in Butter Sauce, Stewed Meats and Other Local Specialties. We Offer a Variety of Juices: Ginger Beer, Passion Fruit, Tamarind, Lemonade, etc, Mike’s Bloody Mary & Tropical Cocktails. Located on the waterfront above the ferry terminal. Visit us on Facebook, 340-776-2976. LOCATION 2322 Kronprindsens Gade Main Street, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands RECTOR Rev. Msgr. Jerome Feudjio PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Fr. John Fewel DEACONS Rev. Mr. Jose Vazquez Rev. Mr. Wilfredo Acosta Rev. Mr. Clement Danet ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Vacant Please patronize these sponsors. It is through their generous support that this church Bulletin is provided to the Parish. 8 BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Bernadine Barnes OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Saturday - 8:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. ST. ANNE’S CHAPEL Administrator Fr. Bruce Anderson Location Altona 42, Carenage/Frenchtown Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Virgin Islands Phone: (340) 714-5231 Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School (JK-12) Principal Fr. Eduardo Santiago-Ortiz Assistant Principal Fr. Bruce Anderson Phone (340) 774-2199 Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Wednesdays before all the Masses) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Friday:8:00 AM- 12:00 PM HOLY HOUR Tuesday: 5:30 PM First Friday: Before the 12:15 PM. Mass Confessions: Tuesday-Friday: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday: 5:00 PM. - 5:45 PM Religious Education: Sunday after the 8:30 AM. Mass school mass: Wednesday: 8:05 AM MISSION STATEMENT To continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by: Preaching the Good News to a Caribbean Community in keeping with the vision of the Roman Catholic Church. Furthering the faith of God’s people with sound teaching and meaningful liturgies in keeping with the apostolic tradition. Promoting and implementing inclusive strategies to meet the needs of the populations that worship at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral.
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