St. Ma hew Catholic Church “A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC TRADITION” 2140 W. Ontario Avenue Corona CA 92882-5651 Phone: (951) 737-1621 FAX: (951) 737-9715 Office Hours: M-F 9 am—5 pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am & 5:00pm 12:30 P.M. (Spanish) Weekday: Wed - Fri 8:30am CHAPEL HOURS: Mon- Fri 9am-5pm RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30pm-4:30pm COMMUNION CALLS, HOSPITAL VISITS, ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify Parish Office so a visit can be arranged. The Pastoral Staff depends on you to notify us as to the need. SACRAMENTAL OPPORTUNITIES: Baptism, First EucharistReconciliation, Confirmation, Call Parish Office for details. MARRIAGE: Appointment with Pastor at least NINE months in advance. CLERGY Rev. Hieu Trong Nguyen, S.V.D Pastor 951-272-3523 October 2, 2016 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflecting on God’s Word We celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on the anniversary of his death, which occurred on October 4, 1226. Perhaps the most beloved of all saints, Francis is quoted as saying, “Preach the gospel at all mes. When necessary, use words.” Signs of faith were evident throughout his life. Faith empowered him to give away his possessions, to embrace lepers, and to endure deep suffering. Faith gave him a joyful spirit and a love for all of crea on. His faith drew others to Christ in the Franciscan order. And Francis received the ul mate sign of faith—the s gmata. In today’s scriptures we see many signs of faith that preach louder than words. Habakkuk shows his faith by his urgent plea to God. God tells him that “the just one, because of his faith, shall live” (Habakkuk 2:4). In the second reading we hear that faith shows forth in love, self-control, and the strength to bear hardship. In the Gospel Jesus tells the disciples that faith can work miracles, but the most reliable sign of faith is a life lived in steadfast service to the Lord. —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God’s Word You may never be canonized. However, people should be able to look at your life and discover signs of faith. Do they see you reaching out to those in need, working for jusce, caring for family, engaging in prayer, seeking reconcilia on, growing spiritually? If so, they see a just one who, through the gi of faith, shall live. [email protected] ST. MATTHEW COOPERATES WITH OUR LOCAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Rev. Hien Pham, S.V.D. Parochial Vicar 951-737-1858 [email protected] St. Edward School 500 Merrill St. Corona CA 92882 (951) 737-2530 Notre Dame High School 7085 Brockton Ave. Riverside CA 92506 (951) 275-5896 REMEMBERANCE SATURDAY, October 1 5:00 p.m. Diosdado T. Ahasco - † SUNDAY, October 2 8:00 a.m. Enrico Famia - † 8:00 a.m. Rogelio Famia - † 9:30 a.m. Stephanie Nguyen Health 9:30 a.m. Reggie Adan Birthday 9:30 a.m. Oscar Tapia - † 11:00 a.m. Gary Katsuki - † 12:30 p.m. Manuela Zalazar - † 12:30 p.m. Esteban Ceballos - † 5:00 p.m. Parishioners WEDNESDAY, October 5 8:30 a.m. Vicente Samy Militante-† THURSDAY, October 6 8:30 a.m. Open FRIDAY, October 7 8:30 a.m. Open PARISH STAFF Evelyn Sobrino Office/General Needs 951-737-1621 [email protected] Jonathan Machado Office/ Baptism 951-272-3524 [email protected] Please pray for those names in this list, and remember to call the office when the inten on can be removed. A Shannon Adams, Aida Angulo, Elizabeth Adby, Edward Armijo, B Mila V. Bangco, , Tony Bite , Ernie Brass, Margarite Buchanan, C Bonnie Cangelosi, Elmer Contreras, Violeta Corcuera, D Eddie Dee, Patricia Dee Mil more, F Jim Flynn, Marty Fox, G Chris ne Garcia, Jessie Garcia, Delmi Garcia, Eric Garcia & Baby Garcia, Pili Goddard, Aurelia Gomez, Shannon Gomez, Luis Alberto Gonzales-Orbegozo, Manuel Gonzalez, H Mildred Higgins, K Monica Kent L Jen Legaspi, A. Lopez, M Lore a Markell, Valeria Mar nez, Chris ne Mendoza, Dan Meyers, Mondriann, Priscilla Monte, N Stephanie Nguyen O Bob Olsen Elba Or z, P Dr. Omar Perez, Beatrice Podsiedlik, Greg Pope R Javier Ramirez, Rick, S Susi Schultz, Jon Shepardson, Gabriel Sila, Steve Sisco, Faith Sobrino, Michelle Smith, Victoria Smitherman, T John Teff, Paula Teff, U Anne e Upp, V Arturo Vazquez Velasco, W Cindy Welch, Y Nancy Young, Z Belinda Zambrano. Prayer Journal If you have a prayer request for the Sunday Liturgy, include your request in the Prayer Journal which is available as you enter the church. Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul and the inten ons of Mary Koach, sister of Carolyn Morgan of our parish. CALLED TO DISCIPLESHIP AND STEWARDSHIP We are in special need for bap sm coordinators who can help preparing bap sm classes for the parents of children who will be bap zed in the coming year. Please call the Parish Office for addi onal informa on pretending this important ministry. Women in God’s Spirit (WINGS) Night- me WinGS (Women in God’s Spirit) invites all women of the parish to join us on Thursday evenings. We will begin with a tea in the parish center on October 6th at 7:00pm. You are so welcome. Isaura Cera Director of Religious Education 951-272-3521 We need volunteers for Minister to the Homebound, please call the [email protected] Office for more information 951-737-1621 Moira Fisher Asst. Director of Religious Education 951-272-3521 [email protected] Mary Anne Multer Director of Confirmation Program Rosie Gomez Youth Ministry 951-272-3520 [email protected] Susie Chocek Financial Records 951-737-1004 [email protected] St. Ma ’s MOMS Ministry Join us in Rm #1, Thursday, October 6th from 9:30-11am for faith and fellowship. We will begin to touch on the 7 pillars of Catholicism, and how we can support each other, as we raise and strengthen our domes c church at home. Please contact Sarah Ibbetson at [email protected] or call 951-858-1935 for more details. We look forward to mee ng both new and seasoned moms of our parish community. The St. Ma hew Women's Club will be mee ng on Friday, October 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Come join us for a night of fun and fellowship. There is no registra on or fee to join and new members are always welcome! All women of the parish are invited and can bring along a friend. Our ac vi es will include making/decora ng Christmas cards for the Care Centers in Corona. We hope to see you there! PASTOR’S COLUMN Life is beautiful I s ll remember quite vividly, watching on live television, that day in March 2005 when the late Pope John Paul II appeared at his residence window, looking so frail, unable to speak at all, and yet so full of love and compassion for the flocks who were yearning for a glimpse of him at St. Peter Square. He was already so sick and unable to do anything anymore. And yet, his sincere inten on of expressing his love and reaching out to the people was as beau ful, meaningful and powerful as ever. We are now living in a world in which life is measured only by the produc vity that we contribute to the society. If one’s life does not generate any produc vity, benefits or convenience for the society, it almost automa cally becomes dispensable or even disposable. We are certainly called to be Co-creator with God the Father to con nue to use our crea ve talents, skills and gi s to develop and make this world and universe be er each day. However, the true purpose of our human life is not about seeking external sa sfac on in the comfort, convenience and produc vity of the material world. The true purpose of our life is rather to create the Kingdom of God in which life is wholly treasured - not measured, celebrated - not calibrated, by anything and everything we can do to manifest our care and love for one another. With all the choices that He could make and if it were for the desire of convenience, God’s Son would not be conceived “scandalously out of wedlock” and born as a “homeless in the manger” among the animals. With all the talents and skills that He had and if it were for value of produc vity, God’s Son would not decline the people’s request for him to their King a er He mul plied enough bread to feed five thousands families. With all the powers that He could call forth and if it were for quest of conquering the world, He would not be helplessly hung on the Cross. And yet, every moment of his life, whether it was in poverty, non-produc vity and without due dignity, was beau fully honored even by the angels from on High, completely treasured by the all humanity and celebrated perpetually un l the end of mes. The month of October is designated by Our Catholic Church in the United States as the “Respect Life Month,” let us pray with thanksgiving for the life that we have been given and the lives that we are called to care for from the moment of concep on l the moment of salva on. No ma er what gi s and challenges that we are born and called forth, our lives are never measured and determined by how produc ve we can be. No ma er what kind of circumstances we may be in, our lives, created with love, redeemed by mercy and entrusted through hope, are always to be the reasons of gladness and the seasons of joyfulness. “A populaƟon that does not take care of the elderly and of the children and the young has no future because it abuses both its memory and its promise” Pope Francis Fr. Hieu Nguyen, SVD Pastor Youth Ministry Retreat for High School Students The Amazing Encounter Retreat for Confirmation (High school) Students YR 1, YR 2 and YR3 will be November 18-20, 2016. If you would like your youth to attend this retreat, please attend a PARENT ONLY information meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 7:00pm. Or Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 7:00pm. (parents need to attend only one of the meetings). Registrations forms and a $50 fee will be collected at the meeting. If you have any questions please call the Youth Ministry office at 272-3520 or email [email protected] YPC 2016/2017 YPC (Young People Catechumens) is for those teens grade 7-12 who are interested in becoming Catholic and will prepare to be baptized, confirmed and receive First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Those who have not completed the sacraments of initiation – those needing Eucharist and or Confirmation may included in the sessions as well. There is a fee which covers resources and supplies. No one is turned away if unable to pay. Registration forms can be found at the office. Parents need to attend sessions with the teens. Need more information?? Please call the Youth Ministry office at 272-3520 or email [email protected] PARISH NEWS AND ACTIVITIES Join the Choir! We are very much in need of singers at the 5:00pm Sunday Mass. If you are interested, and high school age or older, please call Ann Miranda at 951-255-1214 OKTOBERFEST IS COMING! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th FOOD! FAMILY! FUN! SILENT AUCTION!!! Auction Hours 3-7:30pm Some items available for bid donated by parishioners and local merchants are: Certificates for local restaurants Event Tickets Hand Crafted items Christmas Gifts and more! We are still in need of donations of new items, certificates, gift cards, and baskets. Please join us every Sunday at 7:30 am to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy OKTOBER FEST VOLUNTEER SIGN UP!!! This weekend a er all masses or call the office. BIBLE STUDY NEWS: NEXT WEEK’S SCRIPTURE READINGS To help you prepare for the next week’s Masses, we encourage you to read the Scriptures ahead of time. 2Kings 5:14-17, 2Timothy 2:8-13, Luke 17:11-19 RCIA 2016/2017 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic and will prepare to be baptized, confirmed and receive First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Those who have not completed the sacraments of initiation – those needing Eucharist and or Confirmation are included in the sessions as well. Also, any Catholic wishing to update his or her faith is welcome to participate. There is a fee which covers resources and supplies. No one is turned away if unable to pay. Registration forms can be found at our website: Need more information?? Call the parish office at 737-1621 or email [email protected] Marriage Encounter “We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.” Have we really done all that we could do to realize the promise of our marriages? Explore more by participating in one of the next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend on November 11 - 13. To register or for more info, please contact Robert & Denise Borruel at 951-520-7478 or visit, This Fall we will be studying “Panorama of the Bible—Old Testament.” Explore the sweeping saga of God's people and their journey with God. This study invites readers to survey the variety of books found in the Old Testament. The themes that are woven together will become clearer, the familiar characters will be placed in context, and God's overall plan of salva on will come into focus. A perfect way to begin a great adventure or step back and see where you have been in your study of the Bible…great for beginners as well as those with some scripture study experience. We will meet for 5 Thursdays beginning October 20 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. The cost will be $20 per person. Registra on informa on will be coming soon. For more informa on call Pam Fischer at 205-3353. Are you new to the parish? If you would like to be a registered member of our Parish Community ask one of the ushers for a registration form, or visit our website to down load one. You can then fill it out and put in collection basket, or mail it to us. You will be registered only after a completed form is returned to the parish office. When you are registered it is easier for us to take care of your pastoral needs such as: marriage, baptism, funeral arrangements, visitation of the sick, etc. This will also enable us to keep records of your contribution for tax purposes. If you are thinking of getting involved in the parish please call the office 951-737-1621 Welcome to St. Matthew! COMUNIDAD HISPANA LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Gal 1:6-12; Sal 111 (110):1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lc 10:25-37 Martes: Gal 1:13-24; Sal 139 (138):1b-3, 1315; Lc 10:38-42 Miércoles: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Lc 11:1-4 Jueves: Gal 3:1-5; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 11:5-13 Viernes: Gal 3:7-14; Sal 111 (110):1b-6; Lc 11:15-26 Sábado: Gal 3:22-29; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 11:27-28 Domingo: 2 Re 5:14-17; Sal 98 (97):1-4; 2 Tim 2:8-13; Lc 17:11-19 El grupo Hispano te invita a fomar parte de nuestro coro que amenizará eventos de la Comunidad. Se require de voces instrumentos musicales, y principalmente de quién lo dirija. En este coro cantaremos música popular y también en algunas oraciones, alabanzas. Unete a nosotros ofreciendo al Señor tus talentos y dones. Anotate después de misa de 12:30pm o para más información llama a la Sra. Verónica al 951-310-1956 o a la Sra Amada 951-256-6365. Ya se Acerca Nuestro Fes val de Otoño “OKTOBERFEST” Sábado 15 de Octubre Comida, juegos, rifas, diversion y mucho más... No falten, los esperamos Los ckets para la rifa estan disponibles en las bancas de la iglesia. Aun necesitamos donaciones de ar culos nuevos, o cer ficados para establecimientos para nuestra subasta silenciosa. Necesitamos su apoyo para que este evento sea un éxito. Recuerde que todos los fondos recaudados en este evento son para nuestra iglesia. Grupo de Oración Carismá co “JESUS PAN DE VIDA” Nos Reunimos: Todos los Viernes de 7:00 a 9:00pm Trae a tus jóvenes se darán temas para ellos por separado. También contaremos con cuidado de niños. El Ministerio de Oración de la Divina Misericordia Quiere invitarlos a que nos acompañen a la Devoción al San simo en la capilla cada 1er viernes del mes de 10 am-7pm. Ven tú que enes problemas con tus hijos, con tu pareja, etc. Para mayor información comunicate con: Lupita Palacios (951)496-7473 ¡Te esperamos! Para mayor información llamar a Eloisa Juarez 951-329-0198. Todos los domingos después de la Misa de 12:30pm Misa Para Quinceañeras Clases de Ciudadania El la Iglesia San Mateo Estamos iniciando una nueva session de las clases de ciudadanía (en inglés) si usted está interesado por favor llame a la oficina parroquial Requisitos: ♦ La Quinceañera debe estar completamente iniciada en sus sacramentos de Bau zo, Primera Reconciliación (Confesión), Primera Comunión y prac car su fé. ♦ Debe estar registrada en el Ministerio de Jóvenes, ó asis r por unos meses al grupo de jóvenes de San Mateo. 951-737-1621 ESL Clases de Inglés Para que las clases de inglés continuen en San Mateo, necesitamos un mínimo de 10 estudiantes. Si usted está interesado en aprender inglés y desea beneficiarse con estas clases gratuitas por favor llame a la oficina 951-737-1621 Esta es una Misa Idividual, para mayor información hable a la oficina (951)737-1621 Feast of St. Francis BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS St. Matthew Church—Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016 11:00 a.m. on the Parish Center Lawn “Let all critters on earth… Praise the Lord” Psalm 148:7 Come join us in a special celebration. Bring your animal friends on leashes or in cages.
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