Saint Raphael Catholic Church 5444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara, CA, 93111 Phone (805) 967-5641 Fax (805) 964-2988 Website: Second Sunday of Advent — December 6, 2015 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday, December 8 is a Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule: 8:00 am Noon 6:00 pm Pastor Msgr. Jon Majarucon Associate Pastor Rev. Lucio Juarez Retired Priest Rev. Frank Colborn Deacons Dcn. Wayne Rascati Dcn. Stephen Montross Pastoral Associate M. Noël Fuentes Confession Saturdays: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Masses Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 12:05 pm Saturday: 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday: (English) 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm Life Teen Mass (Español) 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of every month for 24 hours, concluding with Benediction St. Raphael School 160 St. Joseph St. Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2367 Michelle Limb, Principal (805) 967-2115 Page Two Saint Raphael Church December 6, 2015 Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner Greetings! It is already the Second week of Advent. We remember that the fullness of God’s love, grace and presence is manifested in Jesus Christ. We imitate this great love in a spirit of unselfishness, generosity and good will to all people we meet this season. Two great celebrations in which we honor Our Lady are also just around the corner: Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), and Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas (December 12). Our Lady, (Theotokus: the God-bearer), was a woman of great courage and generosity. Knowing the hardship she would have to endure, she chose to cooperate with God’s will so that we might encounter Love Personified in her only Son. Like Jesus, Mary, from the time of her Conception, was NEVER separated from God. She was always in a state of Grace. Her manifestation(s) through Our Lady of Guadalupe demonstrates her love for all peoples of different cultures, and languages. We are encouraged to be like her son Jesus: always connected to our Loving God. May Our Lady, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Son of God be with you and guide you this week! Reconnect with God and Jesus through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist. Msgr. Jon Liturgical Ministries Environment: Maria Cabrera 964-9485, Mary & James Lac 964-3592, Sharon Marshall 968-3420 Eucharistic Ministers : Mass: Marcia Greiten, 705-8924 To the Sick/Homebound: Call the Parish Office, 967-5641 Lectors: Charles Kriech, 967-8886 Music: Dorothy Turner 968-0683, Bob & Patty Burnham 569-5858, John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Sacristans: Marie Lundfelt 687-4313 Ushers: Parish Office Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick — If someone is at Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital, a nursing home, or homebound, and needs Eucharist brought to them, please call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641. Anointing of the Sick — Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that is offered to those who may be seriously ill or dying. Call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641 and one of the priests on duty will arrange a time to visit you in your home, nursing home, or hospital. Funeral Ministry — St. Raphael Parish Staff is here to serve you, your family, and friends during this time of planning. Contact the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641. December 5-11, 2015 Dec 5 Sat Vigil Dec 6 Sun 5:30 pm Rebecca Alvarado (D) 7:30 am Fredelito Igarta (D) 9:30 am Eucario & Maria Vazquez (D) 11:00 am Lauretta May (L) 12:30 pm Manuel, David y Celia Delgado (D) 5:30 pm Our Parish Community Dec 7 Mon 8:00 am Lucy McClintock (D) Dec 8 Tues 8:00 am Terrie Kimbell (D) 12:05 pm Kovach Family (L) 6:00 pm Katherine Blahut (D) Dec 9 Wed 8:00 am Antonia & Joe Castillo (D) 12:05 pm No Mass Dec 10 Thurs 8:00 am Yesenia Mendez (L) Dec 11 Fri 8:00 am Mary & Milton Prekker (D) 12:05 pm Juana Hernandez (L) Financial Information Parish Giving — Sign up for electronic giving! Safe and secure! Visit our website: or call Jacqui Leicht in the Parish Office, 967-5641 x101. Property Improvements — If you would like to make an extra donation to help us pay for parish projects, please make the check payable to St. Raphael Church and on the memo line put “Property Improvements” or “Prop Imp”. Thank you for helping us keep our property in good working order. 120th Anniversary Pictorial Directory — We want you to be a part of this special directory. Sign up now for your FREE 8x10 portrait. An easy way to sign up for your photo session is through the link on our Parish website ( Click on: “Schedule Photo Session for Pictorial Directory” at the top of the homepage. That will take you directly to the sign-up link. Seniors and first responders receive a 20% discount. Anyone who participates receives $10 off. Donate canned food/funds and receive an additional $5 off. Sign up online at For assistance, call Debby Gerken: (805) 964-3824 or email: [email protected]. Photos will be taken in Rm. B. On The Cover — The Immaculate Conception with Saints. Piero di Cosimo, circa 1505. The work of art depicted is in the public domain. Second Sunday of Advent Help Needed Attention: All Parishioners — The Lector Ministry needs new members, especially for the Saturday Vigil, and the 7:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Masses. Training will be provided. Call Charles at 967-8886. Thank you. Ministry to the Sick Coordinator Needed — We need someone to coordinate the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound. It would involve tracking the ministers who take Holy Communion and to whom they take it, one meeting a year with Msgr. Jon, and any notice for the bulletin when more ministers are needed. Call Noël Fuentes at (805) 683-9090 x7. Parish Community News St. Raphael Parish Annual Christmas Boutique and Marketplace — Today (Sunday, December 6), from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Children’s Shopping Corner, Feed My Sheep, Santa Claus, Gift Baskets, Bake Sale, Plant Sale, Raffle, Silent Auction and a Vendors’ Marketplace! Advent Evening with our new Bishop, Robert Barron! An evening of reflection and prayer on Monday, December 7, at 7:00 pm at San Roque Parish, 325 Argonne Circle, Santa Barbara. To be followed by hospitality and a chance to meet our Santa Barbara Regional Bishop. RSVP to [email protected] or call (805) 569-1135. Suggested donation is $10 per person. FYI — San Roque Parish offers a 5:30 pm Liturgy for the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception. Parish Breakfast — Next Sunday, December 13, the Knights of Columbus will be serving their “gourmet” breakfast in the Parish Hall, 8:30 am until 11:00 am. When accompanied by a parent purchasing and eating breakfast in the Parish Hall, children ages 12 and under will receive a free breakfast. Stop by for a free cup of coffee. Whether you attend the Sunday morning Masses or not, come enjoy scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, fruit cocktail, applesauce, fruit juice, coffee, tea or hot chocolate — all for only $5. Take-out meals are available. Proceeds are used to fund the charitable works of the Knights of Columbus, Council 5300. “The Gathering” — Widows, widowers, and other singles are invited to play cards, board games, and other fun activities on Sunday, December 13, from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm in the Parish Center, Room A/B. Adult Bible Study —Wednesdays, 10:00 am, Room A/B, Parish Center. Info: call Melissa (afternoons), 964-4570. Page Three Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation (Holy Communion, Confirmation): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Bible Study: Melissa Colborn, 964-4570 Confirmation, Youth: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Early Childhood Education: Cecilia Marks, 968-6008 Preschool: Jo Bittner, 967-4435 Religious Education (CCD): English Coordinator: Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bilingual Coordinator: Ana Cervantes, 967-1641 x4 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 School: Principal, Michelle Limb, 967-2115 website: Youth Ministry/LifeTeen: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1, [email protected] Vocations, Parish Rep: John Switzer 967-8049 Altar Servers: Bruce Schumikowski, 964-4456 & Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bereavement: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Nancy Panizzon, 964-5462 End of Life: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Thank You! — St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks everyone who donated food and turkeys/hams for Thanksgiving. They were able to serve 144 families this year due to your generosity! Win a Beautiful Crèche! — The Youth Ministry is having a fundraiser raffle to help teens cover expenses for various activities. Tickets (only $5 each!) will be on sale today at the Christmas Boutique. Food and Toy Drive — St. Vincent de Paul will be accepting donations of food and toys for the needy on December 19-22: after Saturday evening Mass, December 19 and all Masses Sunday, December 20 in the vestibule of the church and Conference Room; Monday, December 21, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, and Tuesday, December 22, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm in the Conference Room. There will be distribution of food and toys on December 21 and 22. This is not open to the public and is for pre-screened parishioners who are in need. “Fifth Sunday” Collection (new date) — St. Vincent de Paul will be having a “Fifth Sunday” Collection after all Masses on Sunday, December 20. New Year’s Eve Exposition and Benediction — December 31, 9:00 pm to midnight. At midnight there will be Benediction followed by a Rosary for Peace. Come for the three hours or drop by to thank our Lord for his blessings. A St. Raphael's tradition since 2000. Page Four Saint Raphael Church Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Judith Aguirre Deb Altomare Nick Altomare Steve Armitage Stan Barran Theresa Baran Arturo Barrios Donald Benn Betty Blinde Kevin Boever Al Borgaro Bert Bradley Fritz Cahill Carolyn Calandro Bella Caracheo Irma Carrasco David Carrell Fr. Frank Colborn Michael Contreras Juanita Corona Milagros Crisostomo Mauricio Cuevas Marge Dana Gary Davila Rocio de la Pena Kelly Diebold Irene Dorado Pat Dzierski Dennis Dziubek Joan Easterbrook Connie Every Mary Faila Juan M. Figueroa Gracie Fisher Roy Fong Christian Franzen Jessie Gonzales Magdalena Graciano Maria Elena Gutierrez Bill Hensel John Hensel Roberto Hernandez Joe Herring Rocky Honer George Hopping Mary Hopping Phyllis Hudson Mell Hueston Yolanda Jimenez George Karg Austin Joseph Keefe John Kelley June Kelley Mrs. Charles Lundfelt Ann Magenheimer Kristin Mahon Maria Martinez Laurie May Michael Mina Adam Montross Byron Montross Sylvia Montross Catherine Morris Camille Moynihan Roxanne Nomura Jose Nungaray Teo Nungaray Mike Orozco Lorena OrtizSchneider Guadalupe Paz Patricia Perez Fr. Roy Persich George Pinedo Lucy Placencia Patricia Polzin Tom Puerling, Sr. Terry Pugh Lydia Ramirez Jean Rich Socorro Rivera Delia Rodriguez Gerardo Rodriguez, Jr. Salvador Roman Maria Rosas Donna Saar Barbara Santos Suzanne Saunders David Schrader Roy Schrader Bill Shinn John Sternot Mildred Sternot Connie Tafelski Irene Tiegen Dennis Tokumaru Esther Tolis Juan Valle Ma. Del Carmen Velasco R. Bruce Wilroy Kay Yuncker Jose Ayala Zavala If you need to add or remove immediate family from this list, please contact the Parish Office: 967-5641. Boy Scout Troop 105 & Cub Pack 105 Christmas Trees November 28 — December 18 Monday thru Friday: Noon to 9:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm St. Raphael Church Parking Lot 5444 Hollister Avenue → Certified Fire-proofing Available → Local Delivery Available Present this coupon for 10% off your entire purchase! December 6, 2015 Sociable Seniors — Senior Luncheon will be held December 16, at 12:30 pm with Christmas entertainment. Info: Eleanor Keller, 967-8296. The Senior Travelers —PCPA: Musical “Cinderella”. December 9. $55 pp includes dinner. We need to be on the bus at 10:30 am at St Raphael Church. Call Max at 967-8296. American Queen Steamboat — Three-night BIG BAND Cruise on the Lower Mississippi, plus one night (precruise) at The Riverside Hilton and two nights (postcruise) at the Park Hyatt Regency. Feb. 18-24. Includes cabin, all meals, entertainment, some shore excursions and more. Starts at $1,199 (interior cabin), pp double for cruise AND hotel stay. Limited availability. Call Trip Planner/Tour Escort Joan Magenheimer at 967-5444. Leave name AND phone number. Itinerary, cabin prices, and amenities list are available when you call. Call Joan Magenheimer, 967-5444, for “Extended Trip” info. Spirituality & Fellowship Divine Mercy: Martha Avila 964-4945. Meets monthly (usually 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 7:00 pm, in the church. Eucharistic Adoration/Exposition: Margaret Priest 967-7391 Healing of Families: Dcn. Stephen Montross 964-9152 Intercessory Prayer: Cecilia Marks 968-6008 (English), meets Tuesday, 7:00 pm, in the church “crying room”. Marina Rodriguez 722-8933 (Spanish), meets Monday, 6:45 pm, in the church “crying room”. Operation Outreach: Beth Fairfield 964-7919 Praise and Worship: Barbara Flynn. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, in the Conference Rm. Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group: Meets Thursdays, 8:30 am, in the church “crying room”. Rosary Makers: Janet Fanucci 886-9723 St. Joseph Men’s Prayer Group: Bob Marks 968-6008. Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, in the church. St. Raphael Bowling League: Joanne Anderson, 967-8645 or Eleanor Paulazzo, 968-5240 Sociable Seniors: Eleanor Palazzo 968-5240, Paul Robillard 967-8860 The Gathering: Marie Mlodzik 967-4330 Service & Outreach St. Vincent de Paul: 683-8535 Martha’s Ministry: Mary Penza 967-9609 Mary’s Meals: Parish Festival: Ed Leicht 681-0969, Glenn Schiferl 964-6013 Respect for Life: Rita Duley, 964-0121 Safeguard the Children: Msgr. Jon Majarucon 967-5641 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Second Sunday of Advent St. Raphael School Page Five Saint Raphael Youth Ministry From the Principal’s Desk Leading Teens Closer to Christ Dear St. Raphael School Families and Friends, Welcome to the beautiful season of Advent and the beginning of the Church's liturgical year. The word Advent means "coming." During Advent we recall the history of God's people and reflect on how the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled. This is the time, just like during Lent, when we prepare for Jesus' coming. It is my hope and prayer that this will be a time of reflective preparation for us all. The Scholastic Book Fair begins this week. All week long, students, parents and friends can enjoy our Book Fair. The biggest day of the week is on Thursday, December 10, in the morning - "Dads and Donuts Day!" There are books for people of all ages, and many books make wonderful Christmas presents. Teachers will also have their "wish lists" at the Book Fair. Our annual school Christmas program is on Thursday, December 17 at 6:00 pm in the church. You will want to mark your calendars for this beautiful celebration. The title of the show is "Shepherds, Sheep and a Savior." Important Dates: December 7-11: Scholastic Book Fair on Campus December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception. School Mass at 10:00 December 9: Staff Luncheon December 10: School Celebrates Las Posadas at 1:00 December 14: Jeans for Jesus December 17: Christmas Program at 6:00 pm December 18: Noon Dismissal for Christmas Vacation In Mary’s Love, Ms. Michelle Limb, Principal Protecting Our Children Shop safely this Christmas. If you let your kids go to the mall by themselves to buy Christmas presents, you should talk to them about potential dangers they need to guard against. Christmas is the busiest time of year for commercial retail, which means that malls and shopping centers will be more crowded, and younger kids and teens who are alone may be a target for kidnappers and other dangers. Talk to your children about being aware of their surroundings, and where to go for help. Be in contact with them while they’re shopping, and have a check-in place and time set if you’re splitting up. For more information please visit: High School Life Night: 5:30 pm Teen Mass and then Life Night. For information on any of the teen programs, contact: John 964-3466 x1 or Shanelle 964-3466 x2. For teens interested in getting Baptized and/or making First Communion: We have a special sacrament class just for teens. This is for all teens in 7th grade and older. Call John at 964-3466 x1 for more information or with questions. ♦ College-age Ministry (ages 18-24). All college-age are welcome. Call 964-3466 x2 and ask for Christie. Angie Toyama/Terry Strickler Fund — The "Angie Toyama/Terry Strickler Fund" supports the LIFETEEN® program at St. Raphael. It helps provide financial assistance to teens for costs of the different camps and conferences. Donations can be made to St. Raphael Youth Ministry with “Angie Toyama” or “Terry Strickler” on the memo line. Drop off donations at the Parish Office, or mail to St. Raphael Church. Thank you! Our Catholic Faith Did You Know … That the Catholic Church is the largest re-settler of refugees in the country? That U.S.based Catholic Relief Services serves nearly 100 million people in need in 93 countries? That the Society of St. Vincent de Paul serves over 14 million people in need in the United States each year? Live your faith. Share your faith. Participate. Excerpted from an article by Dennis H. Holtschneider, published in the November 2, 2015 issue of America. Virgin of Guadalupe... Teach us to cherish and to care for family and friends until God calls them home. Help us never to see others as burdens. Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life, to speak for those who have no voice. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself. Amen. Page Six Saint Raphael Church December 6, 2015 Parish Office and Catholic Community News Parish Staff and Temporary Office Hours: Sat. & Sun.: CLOSED. Also CLOSED during lunch hour on Tues. and Fri., 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Mon., Wed., Thurs.: 8:30 am to 7:30 pm Tues.: 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm Fri.: 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm After hours emergency pager: 897-6371. Bulletin Submissions — Please submit items no later than Friday, at Noon, nine days prior to the intended Sunday bulletin. Parish organizations have priority. Items must be emailed or typed clearly on paper. No phonein announcements please. Announcements may be edited for space. Email: [email protected]. Parish Information Bulletin: Deborah Correio, [email protected] Business Manager: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Finance/Accounting: Jacqui Leicht 967-5641 x101 Finance Council: Ed Leicht—Chairman 681-0969, Robert Zaida, Joe Salcedo, Andrew Ochsner, John Hoenigman Online Giving: Jacqui Leicht 967-5641 x101; internet: https:// Parish Council: Pat Pigatti—Chairman 685-8794, Lee Alfano, Susana Almazon, Kelly Almeroth, Jeff Barkhorn, Stephanie Carlyle, Mario Coronado, Maureen Dougherty, Cindy Hagon, Jesus Lopez, Christie Rojo, Bruce Schumikowski, Linda Varesio, Craig Wines Reception: Maria Romero 967-5641 x100 Website: Deborah Correio, [email protected] ~ Calendar Highlights This Week ~ Christmas Tree Sales: Mon-Fri: Noon to 9:00 pm and Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Sunday, December 6 Christmas Boutique, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, Parish Hall Monday, December 7 Guadalupanos, 7:00 pm, St. Joseph's Room Tuesday, December 8 Holy Day of Obligation (see bulletin cover for details) Escuela de Evangelizacion, 7:00 pm, PC, MP Room Wednesday, December 9 Adult Bible Study, 10:00 am, PC, Rm. A/B Friday, December 11 Grupo de Oracíon, 7:00 pm, Conference Rm. Saturday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe: 5:30 am Mañanitas; 6:00 am Mass followed reception in the Parish Hall Sunday, December 13 Parish Breakfast, 8:30 am to 11:00 am, Parish Hall “The Gathering”, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm, PC, Rm. A/B In Our Community 24-Hour Help Line/Crisis Intervention: 692-4011 or (800) 400-1572 Always Our Children: Support group for parents of LGBTQ children, Joe & Kathie Schneider 687-4338 Catholic Charities Santa Barbara: 965-7045 Community Counseling Center: 962-3363 Engaged Encounter: Hospice of Santa Barbara: 563-8820 Jail Ministry (Restorative Justice): Michael Ledisa (213) 705-5510 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: John Kirk 967-5996 4th Degree: Ed Barrier 886-0190 Marriage Encounter: Jeanine and Russ Walker 648-4244 Medical Network: Supporting unplanned preganancies, 967-9096 Rachael’s Vineyard: Post-abortion support for women and men (866) 272-2435 Rescue Mission: 966-1316 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 683-8535 Santa Barbara Pastoral Region Office: Bishop Robert Barron, 682-0442 Scouting: Boy Scouts: Glenn Schiferl, 964-6013, Cub Scouts: Ryan Eardley, 651-9629 Girl Scouts: Stephanie Carlyle 968-6505, Jame Flint 962-6395 Venture Crew: Joe Bauer, 967-2211 Visiting Nurse and Hospice: 965-5555 Wider Catholic Community 26th Annual National Night of “Prayer for Life” — Tuesday, December 8 at 8:00 pm (immediately after 7:00 pm Mass) to midnight at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 1740 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara. Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Prayers of Reparation. Worldwide Marriage Encounter — The next WWME weekend is February 26-28 at the Best Western Canoga Park., or contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at (805) 648-4244. Bishop Diego High School — Schedule a “Shadow Day” for your student or learn more about Bishop Diego at a Parent Information Night. Details can be found at the website For additional info., please contact Lori Willis, Director of Admission, at (805) 967-1266, ext. 118 or [email protected]. In Need of Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul 683-8535. Segundo Domingo de Adviento La Iglesia de San Rafael Pagina Siete Noticias de la Parroquia Vístete de Gozo Hoy Baruc nos habla del esplendor que se acerca para la ciudad de Jerusalén y para todos nosotros, sea donde fuere nuestro hogar. Despójate de conflictos, nos dice, y vístete de gozo. Como una vieja cobija favorita, el gozo nos queda a la medida, y qué bien nos mantiene calientes, por muy frío que sople el viento. Pablo sabe de ese gozo cuando escribe su carta a los filipenses, orando para que crezcan en su habilidad de discernir lo que es bueno y justo. Y Lucas nos habla de Juan, el que fue anunciado por Isaías y que canta una canción parecida: “Preparen el camino del Señor” pues la salvación está al llegar. Hombre adelantado a su época, Baruc se pasó la vida alegremente esperando una gloria lejana. En este segundo Domingo de Adviento, Pablo y Juan saben que esta gloria se acerca. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lecturas De Hoy Primera lectura — Sube a la altura, Jerusalén; contempla a tus hijos gozosos porque Dios se acordó de ellos. Un Dios misericordioso y justo guía a Israel con alegría (Baruc 5:1-9). Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor (Salmo 126 [125]). Segunda Lectura — Que su amor siga creciendo más y más y se traduzca en un mayor conocimiento y discernimiento de lo que vale la pena para que lleguen irreprochables al día de Cristo (Filipenses 1:4-6, 8-11). Evangelio — Juan proclama un bautismo de arrepentimiento para el perdón de los pecados. Todos podrán ver la salvación de Dios (Lucas 3:1-6). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe — sábado, 12 diciembre. 5:30 am: Mañanitas; 6:00 am: Misa. Directorio Pictórico de la Parroquia — “Lifetouch” tomara las fotografías en nuestra localidad. En su sesión de una hora, usted podrá: registrarse; ser fotografiado profesionalmente; ver sus retratos fotográficos inmediatamente; contar con la oportunidad para comprar fotografías adicionales. Cada familia recibirá por su participación un retrato en tamaño 8x10 y un directorio de cortesía. Para mas información: llame la oficina de Parroquia, 967-5641. Información Parroquial Escuela de Evangelización (EDE): Sergio Lopez, 569-8726, Andres Flores, 683-0389 Guadalupanos: Carlos Valenzuela, 680-5990 Comite de Liderazgo Hispano: Jesus Lopez, 895-4099 Ministros de la Eucaristía: Misa: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838, y Estela Santos, 683-6542 Para Los Enfermos: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838 y Anna Lopez, 689-5087 Liturgia Dominical Para Niños: Ester Lopez, 895-4099 Ujieres/Hospitalidad: Bernardo Lule, 964-9194 Evangelización: Grupo de Oración: Jesús Lopez, 895-4099 Horas de Oficina (horario temporal) — lunes, miércoles y jueves: 8:30 am a 7:30 pm martes: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 7:30 pm viernes: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 5:00 pm sábado y domingo: CERRADO Formación en la Fe — La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles a través del Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización (IPE), un programa de formación en la fe de tres años, ofrece clases mensuales de un fin de semana al mes en el área de espiritualidad, teología, pastoral y formación humana. La sede de reuniones es en la Parroquia de San Rafael. Para más información: Sergio López (805) 689-5087 ([email protected]) y Ana López (805) 895-2027 ([email protected]). Protegiendo a Los Niños Consejos de seguridad para ir de compras esta Navidad. Si deja que sus hijos vayan al centro comercial (mall) ellos solos para comprar regalos navideños, usted debe hablar con ellos sobre los peligros potenciales de los que ellos deben resguardarse. La navidad es la temporada más ocupada del año para las tiendas, lo que significa que los centros comerciales estarán más llenos y los niños más pequeños y los adolescentes que estén solos podrían ser un objetivo para secuestros u otro tipo de peligros. Platique con sus hijos sobre estar alertas de sus alrededores, y donde ir para recibir ayuda. Permanezca en contacto con ellos mientras estén de compras y tenga un lugar y una hora fija donde deben ir a reportarse si usted se separa de ellos. Para más información, por favor visite http:// ¿Necesita Ayuda? Recuerde llamar al 683-8535, San Vicente de Paul.
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