Woodley Baptist Church www.woodleybc.org United in knowing Jesus and making Him known and in 2015 seeing the Church grow through people coming to faith in Jesus Christ Sunday 1st February, 2015 WELCOME Welcome to the service today. We hope that you will feel at home with us and experience the presence of God as we worship together. If this is your first visit, please sign the visitor’s book. We do not take up an offering during our services, but if you would like to contribute financially, you are invited to use the bags at the back of the church. There is an opportunity to receive personal prayer at the close of the service, whatever the request or need and one of our Prayer Team will be pleased to meet you. An induction loop is fitted in the main worship area for the benefit of hearing aid users. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITES This week the children will stay in the Service. RECORDINGS OF SERVICES Sunday Service readings, sermons, testimonies and audio presentations are available to download as MP3 recordings. Please e-mail the Church Office to request the link. OUR SERVICE TODAY ‘A new start – food and friends’ Luke 5:27-31 11.30am All-Age Joint Service Pastries & doughnuts and fellowship in the Hall Church Members’ Meeting 7.00pm Prayer Hour 10.00am 11.00am Crèche: Caz Standfield WEEK AHEAD Café Piazza Monday to Friday 10.00am – 1.45pm Thursday 5th February 2.30pm Afternoon Break with Linda Morrow, Leprosy Mission 8.00pm WOT (World Out There) Prayer Meeting Woodley Baptist Church 1 Office – 0118 969 9956 Minister: Andy Baker – 0118 969 9259 – [email protected] WEEKLY TERM TIME ACTIVITIES PRAYER TIME (open to all): Sunday 7.00pm – 8.00pm (most weeks) Tuesday 9.15am – 9.25am TODDLER GROUPS: Monday 1.15pm – 2.30pm and Tuesday 9.30am – 11.00am PRE-SCHOOL: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm SOLO (FOR SINGLE PARENTS & THEIR CHILDREN): Tuesday 4.15pm – 6.00pm CAMEO (FOR SENIORS): Tuesday 9.45am – 1.30pm GENTLE EXERCISE (FOR OVER 60s): Tuesday 2.30pm – 4.00pm DANCEROBICS (open to all, £4.00 per session): Monday 7.00pm – 8.00pm SHOUT (FOR YEARS 3-6): Friday 6.30pm – 7.30pm YOUTH WORK: A range of regular events are run for young people in Years 7 to 13, both on Sundays and during the week. These include Bible studies and social events aimed at church and non-church young people. For details please pick up a programme from the Youth Leader or see the Youth notice board in the Foyer. SMALL GROUPS: A number of adult small groups meet during the week for Bible study and fellowship. Please liaise with the leader of the group of your choice for dates, times and venues. To enquire about joining a group please contact Lesley Brown in the Office – 0118 9699956. More information about many of these activities can be found on the website at www.woodleybc.org, along with contact details for the organisers. NEXT WEEK – SUNDAY 8th FEBRUARY, 2015 ‘A New Start’ – Luke 10:25-37 9.15am 10.30am 11.00am Reflective Service with Vijoleta Ciccazzo leading and Andy Baker preaching Refreshments and fellowship time in the Hall Celebratory Service with John Lawrence leading and Andy Baker preaching 7.00pm Prayer hour Church Prep: Group 2 Serving Coffee: Group2 Crèche: Martina Upton, Julie Baker Clear & Lock Up: Group 2 GENERAL NOTICES LENT COURSE For six weeks during Lent 2015, WBC is offering a study on the theme of forgiveness (this is a course being held by WBC and not in conjunction with other Woodley Churches as has happened in previous years). Brand new Small Groups will meet weekly to discuss this crucial issue. Whether you are currently part of a small group or not; whether you are a regular attender at WBC or not; whether you are a Christian or not, we would like to invite you to be part of this short course. Please complete a response form located in the Foyer, or for further information please speak to Lesley in the Church Office. Deadline for response – today, Sunday 1st February, 2015. Be ‘AbstiLent’ for Yeldall Manor If you missed ‘Dry January’ how about being ‘AbstiLent’ for Yeldall Manor and giving up alcohol (or maybe caffeine or chocolate) from 18th February (Ash Wednesday) until Easter Sunday? Whether you want to do it for your own health or just to prove you can, you would also be standing alongside our residents in an act of solidarity with them. By raising sponsorship from friends and colleagues, this not only raises awareness of Yeldall’s work but also helps to keep you accountable! (Or, if you prefer, donate the equivalent of what you would have spent.) COMMUNION SERVICES We have become aware that several people in the Fellowship have a bread allergy which prevents them taking bread at Communion Services. If this affects you, please feel free to contact me to discuss the possibility of making an alternative available. Thank you. Jean Tidmarsh The latest edition of the Word for Today is now available. Please pick up a copy from the Foyer. CAFÉ PIAZZA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are looking for more volunteers who may be able to offer as little as a couple of hours a fortnight or willing to step in at short notice to help out - Maria & Sue. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK We have been asked if we would like to take part in door-to-door collections for Christian Aid. To my recollection, WBC has not taken part in this before although some of us have done the sponsored walk each year. The areas that need to be covered are the Airfield estate and the two new housing estates near our church. It will involve an initial posting of envelopes through letter boxes and a return visit, at a later date, to call and collect them. If you would like to take part in this worthwhile cause, please add your names to the sign-up list in the Foyer. Obviously, the more people that sign up, the fewer the number of houses each person will need to visit. Ann Royston FOOD BANK NEEDS At the moment we are in need of: Tinned Puddings Oil Soup The Food Bank is a real blessing to those who benefit from it. Thank you! I have been handed a gold gift bag with a present inside that was left in the ‘F’ pigeon hole before Christmas. Unfortunately it does not have a label detailing who it was destined for. If you have left the gift for someone, can you please collect it from the Church Office. Thanks, Lesley Brown The February Prayer Letter from Yeldall Manor and the ‘Sawers Saga’ letter are now available from the rack in the Foyer. (If you have asked for a copy of the Sawers Saga it will be in your pigeon hole). FAMILY MATTERS CONGRATURLATIONS TO ROSARIO & MONIA NOBILE following the birth of Ester Marta on the 17th January, 2015 weighing 7lb 9oz. A baby sister for Noemi. ADVANCE NOTICES ALL OR NOTHING TOUR WITH PETE JAMES AND GAVIN CALVER IN ASSOCIATION WITH WORLD VISION AND SPRING HARVEST The above event will be happening on 19th February, 2015 at 7.30pm at St. Laurence, The Forbury, Reading, RG1 1DA. Tickets are £5.00 in advance. To book tickets or for more information please visit www.springharvest.org/allornothing. MOTHER’S DAY Abbey Baptist Church (Abbey Square, Reading) is 375 years old this year and has planted many other churches who have in turn planted other churches. They are holding a celebratory tea and service of thanksgiving on Sunday 15th March at 5.00pm to which all are welcome. For a friend of Linda & Gwyn Davies, Suzanne, who is very ill in hospital in Fuerterventura with kidney failure and septicaemia, pray for healing and peace for her family. For Pam Mullin who is now in Victoria Ward at RBH – visiting hours 2.00pm-8.00pm, she would welcome visitors. For Lorraine Hotson’s daughter Kristie now home after a short stay in RBH. Also for Shirley Pearce’s husband John, Gloria Taylor’s son Mark, Anne Hill, Mandy & Allan Dodd and Paul & Angela Roberts.
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