St. Sylvester Catholic Church Father John F. Kelly, Pastor Father Alvaro Pio González, Parochial Vicar Charles Sukup, Deacon Mass Schedule: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30am Tue., & Thu. 6:00pm Sat. 4:00pm Sun. 9:00am, 11:00am & Spanish 5:00pm YEAR B Sacraments and Services Welcome. . . . . New Parishioners: Please register at the Welcome Table in the vestibule after Mass or stop by the office. Active Membership is determined by: • • • Registration in the parish Faithful attendance at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days Support of the parish through time, talent and treasure Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office Baptism • Must have Baptism Preparation Class • English classes on Second Sunday of each mo. English Baptisms are on 3rd Sun. of each mo. Text or call Erica Meyer, 850-978-2624 Email – [email protected] • Spanish classes 1st and 2nd Thu. of each mo. Call Mayra Lucero, 850-797-0256 Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction First Fridays - 7:00pm Marriage Arrangements Six months in advance; please call the office Reconciliation • English - Saturday 3:00 - 3:30pm • Spanish & English - Sunday 4:30 - 5:00pm • By appointment Nursery Available during 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses Religious Education Classes ROCK (1st-5th) Wednesday 6pm - 7:15pm EDGE (6th-8th) Sunday 6pm - 8pm LIFETEEN (9th-12th) Sunday 6pm - 8pm Note: (Confirmation Class incorporated into Lifeteen Classes) ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) Various dates and times check bulletin RCIA (Children Grades 4 - 8) Wednesday 6pm - 7:15pm RCIA (Teen Grades 9 - 12) Wednesday 6pm - 7:15pm RCIA (Adult) Wednesday 6pm - 7:30pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word (4-6 yrs. only) Sundays during the 9:00 or 11:00am Mass. No registration is required. The teacher will call the children to the front of the sanctuary before Mass begins, and they will return during the offertory. St. Sylvester Parish Office Phone: 850-939-3020 FAX: 850-936-5366 Website: Email: [email protected] Bulletin Items: [email protected] Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm WEEK AT A GLANCE Sun. 8am-12pm Caring & Sharing Clothing Drive Nov 15 9&11am Sunday Masses 4:30pm 5pm Reconciliation (Spanish & English) Spanish Mass Mon. 8:30am Nov 16 7:30pm Daily Mass Grupo Oracion Tue. 3pm Nov 17 4pm Grupo de 3rd Edad Pro-Life Group Leaders Meeting Pro-Life Group Grupo de 3rd Edad Thanksgiving Daily Mass Knights Council 1st Degree Edge Core Meeting Men’s Rosary Fellowship Wed. 8:30am Nov 18 7pm Daily Mas Choir Practice Thu. 9:30am Nov 19 6pm Lil’ Saints Play Group Daily Mass Women of Grace Choir Rehearsal 8:30am Fri. Nov 20 Daily Mass 9am Sat. Nov 21 10am Columbiette 1st Degree & Set-up St. Vincent de Paul Columbiette 1st Degree Reconciliation (English) Vigil Mass Sun. 9am Nov 22 KofC Assembly Corporal Communion Sunday Masses Patriotic Rosary Reconciliation (Spanish & English) Spanish Mass 5pm 5pm 6pm 6pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7pm 12pm 3pm 4pm 9&11am 10:15am 4:30pm 5pm This Week the Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns in Loving Memory of: Keith Elwood Mass Intentions For World Peace, For Christians in the Middle East and the Sick: Diana Adams, Fred & Kathy Albertson, 9:00am † Michael Burke by Robert Kruk Zoe Allen, Roberta Anderson, Mary Ann Ballangee, 11:00am † Fred Garcia by Ellen Stanley Selena Barthe´, Kathy Benson, Pat Birke, Beverly Blackwell, Dennis Boyce, Frank Brehm, 5:00pm † For the Parish Lanie Brewster, Randall & Margie Butler, Monday, November 16 8:30am † Arlene Sauer by Robert Sauer Stanley & Pam Butler, Mrs. Bill Carle, Bill Combs, Mike Cox, George & Lorraine Crepeau, Tuesday, November 17 Donald Crowley, Nancy Daniel, Bob Dasho, 6:00pm † Joseph J. Schitting by the Pigoski Family Louis Diaz, Robert Dubin, Barbara Donahue, Wednesday, November 18 Ellie, Ron Fontaine, Elsa Garcia, 8:30am † Maria Eling Garcia by Zeny Guthrie Luciano Giangiulio, Paul Hanson, Holly Hoskamer, Thursday, November 19 Becky Howell, Jerry Hutchinson, Fay Johnson, 6:00pm † Briell Harrah by the Harrah Family Tom Kurtz, Gloria Larreamendy, Sandy Laverty, Friday, November 20 Al Martin, Debbie Martin, Jackie Neville, 8:30am † Kenyon Nessel by Frank & Emily Brehm Fr. Phi Nguyen, Susan Odom, Sharon O’Neil, Dan Ramsey, Ben Salls, Ramona L Simon, Saturday, November 21 4:00pm † Donald Crowley by Mom & Dad Shannon Smith, Cathy Spoffard, Jackie Stillman, Diane Watkins and Eric Watts Sunday, November 22 Sunday, November 15 9:00am † Raymond Moses by the Neville Family 11:00am † Frances Hicks & Garryn Wildman by Stephanie Mussi 5:00pm † For the Parish REFLECTION…………... Year B 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Ready for the Lord Readings: Daniel 12:1-3 (Daniel’s conclusion to the apocalypse) Hebrews 10:11-14 (Christ’s eternal sacrifice) Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (the second coming Key Passage: Jesus said, “Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” (Mark 13:33) QUESTIONS? Adult - What would you be doing differently in your life if you truly believed you would meet Christ soon? Child - What would you do for others today if you thought you would not have another chance to do it? Loving God , raise him to eternal life and hold him in the palm of your hand. Ramon Rangel brother of Maggie Gatzman Please notify the Parish Office if someone is in need of prayer. Names will remain on the list for four weeks unless the office is notified. Attention Prayer Warriors!! In addition to our “Prayers for the Sick” listed above, the Columbiette’s have an email Prayer Chain. We all know the Power of Prayer! If you are interested in joining this prayer chain please email Ellen Stanley at [email protected]. You will be added to the email chain and will receive prayer requests to pray for family & friends during times of great challenges. Readings for the week Mon. Nov 16 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 5457, 62-63 Tue. Nov 17 2 Mc 6:18-31 Wed. Nov 18 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31 Thu. Nov 19 1 Mc 2:15-29 Fri. Nov 20 1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59 Sat Nov 21 1 Mc 6:1-13 Lk 18:35-43 Lk 19:1-10 Lk 19:11-28 Lk 19:41-44 Lk 19:45-48 Lk 20:27-40 Sunday, November 22 Dn 12:1-3 Heb 10:11-14, 18 Mk 13:24-32 Save the Dates Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in Mobile, AL - December 4-6, 2015 The pain of abortion is real & not easily healed. Rachel’s Vineyard offers hope, mercy, and compassion by combining Scripture reflection, Sacraments, and psychological principles to heal wounded hearts of mothers and fathers who have lost a child through abortion. If you or someone close to you is suffering, please prayerfully consider making this retreat. What better way to open yourself to the grace of the Holy Father’s Year of Mercy? For more information, call or text Fr. Dan Good at (251) 610-1847 or Bridget Hannahan at (251) 421-4313 or email [email protected]. We protect & maintain confidentiality. Advent Pilgrimage Come join us for an Advent Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and EWTN Studio from November 30th - December 3rd. If interested or for more information, contact Julie Perez at St. Ann Catholic Church at 850-934-3221. Comfort Kits for the Homeless Please help support our Lifeteen ”Comfort Kits for the Homeless” service project. During the month of November, we will be collecting travel-size toiletries, batteries (all types), adult-sized socks, hats, mittens, and gloves. You may drop off items in the designated containers in the vestibule of the Parish Center or the Youth Office. Thank You for Supporting our Youth Programs!! Women of Grace—THIS WEEK “Women of Grace” meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in Room 205 in the Activity Center. Each week a different topic is discussed, which allows you to join in for one or all of the classes. The next study group will take place on: Thursday, November 19th and the topic of discussion will be about: “The Fruit of the Spiritual Life”. Come join the “Women of Grace” to Learn, Share and Pray! Free Childcare is also provided! To join a mailing list to get information about the meetings contact Ashley Whelan at: [email protected] CLOTHING DRIVE - THIS WEEKEND! A Clothing Drive will be held this weekend, which is a combined effort of Interfaith Ministries and Caring & Sharing to benefit the needy in South Santa Rosa County. And Remember: 1 Bag of Clothing would be NICE 2 Bags would be even BETTER And 3 Bags would be JUST SUPER!!! (No under garments or swimwear, please ) Save the Dates From the Desk of the Music Director: Attention All Children 2nd Grade through Middle School!! The Children’s Choir Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass will begin on Monday November 23rd from 6:00-7:00pm. All rehearsals will take place in the church. The rehearsal Schedule is as follows: Monday November 23rd Monday November 30th Sunday December 6th Monday December 14th Monday December 21st 6-7pm 6-7pm 3-4pm 6-7pm 6-7pm The children will sing at the Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve December 24th at 4:00pm We understand that there may be circumstances that arise that prevent children from attending all rehearsals, but it is encouraged that they attend as many as possible. If you have any questions you can contact our Music Director, Connie Smith at [email protected] Family Advent Day A Time for Watching & Waiting As the holiday season approaches, many of us find ourselves caught up in pre-Christmas activities that may leave us exhausted rather than hopeful. Join other members of the parish as we reclaim the wonder and purpose of Advent and look at ways to keep the season filled with joyful expectation. Family Advent Day will be in the afternoon of Saturday, December 5th 1:30pm - 3pm See details and registration form on the back page of this weeks bulletin. Detach and return to the church office or place in offertory basket. Christmas Giving Trees “Giving Trees” will be in the Parish Center the weekend of November 28th and 29th. Angels and Stars will be on the trees and the gifts will be due back preferably on December 5th & 6th but no later than the weekend of December 12th & 13th. 1) Make sure you sign the Signup Sheet Fill out the family number and the child’s name/gender found on your Angel or Star tag. Include your phone number. 2) If your child is 13 or older and still in school, he/she will receive a $35 gift certificate purchased by Caring & Sharing instead of gifts. Write a check payable to Caring & Sharing. If available, amounts in access of $35 will be used for the general fund that provides socks, shoes and underwear certificates to the families. (We cannot accept gift certificates from other sources) 3) DO NOT WRAP YOUR GIFTS! Please provide gift wrap with your gifts so that the parents of the children can participate in wrapping the gifts for their children. Don’t feel obligated to spend more than $35 per gift; however, any additional generosity is appreciated by all. 4) Place your gift in a bag and firmly tape your Giving Tree tag on the outside of the bag. Return Gifts and/or checks to the church on the weekend of December 5th & 6th. A child will be happier this Christmas because of your generosity!!! Breakfast with Santa Save the Date for Breakfast with Santa on Saturday December 5th from 9:00am-11:00am. Breakfast will be served at 9:00am followed by time for the children to meet with Santa. Watch for More Details!! Volunteers Needed for Son Treasure! Do you have a calling to assist or mentor a special child? It will be a rewarding experience in your life and in the lives of our children who need a helping hand learning about our faith. We are seeking volunteers to assist with our ministry on Sundays during the 9am Mass. For details or more information, contact Holly Hoskamer at 936-5722 or 313-1996. Congratulations!!! Students from our parish have achieved academic honors in the first quarter grading period at Catholic High School. The criteria for First Honors, which is the highest honor, requires a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.70. Those who have attained Second Honors have attained an unweighted GPA between 3.49 and 3.69 First Honors Jacob Paul Cutts - Grade 10 Kathryn Rose Harman - Grade 9 Nelson Phillip Libbert - Grade 9 John Dennis McDonald - Grace 10 Second Honors Annie Elizabeth Brown - Grade 12 Angie Estefanny Gonzalez - Grade 10 Harry Mac Metz - Grade 12 Matthew Tristan Reynolds - Grade 11 Michael Brian Trabold - Grade 11 Congratulation to these students and their families for the strong support they have given these talented young people!! 2015 Catholic Sharing Appeal Report Total Pledged $146,291 Total Number of Pledges 395 Total Pledges Paid $126,564 Capital Campaign Total Pledged: $1,352,323 Total Number of Pledges: 434 Total Pledges Paid: $483,825 REMINDER!!! Pregnancy Resource Center Baby Bottle Fundraiser!! Please return your filled Baby bottles from the October Fund Raiser for the Pregnancy Resource Center. There will be a collection point in the Breezeway after each Mass next weekend. Thank you for your generosity & participation in this fund raiser!! The Navarre Pregnancy Help Center is now named: PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER. This resource center operates as a stand-alone pregnancy center in Navarre. The address is the same: Harvest Village 7552 Navarre Parkway Suite 6 Navarre, Florida 32566 850-776-7565 New email address: [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul UPDATE We have changed the time of our Tuesday meetings to 6:30 pm (1st Tuesday each month) and continue to meet on the 3rd Saturdays at 10am. We are working on two community outreach activities serving those in need – watch the bulletin for more details as they come about. We also wish to thank two anonymous donors for their support. The Conference has begun serving individual families in the community. During the month of October, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring God’s love and mercy to 2 families, providing help with utility payments, home repair and an appliance. If you or someone you know is in need, please call 850-516-8927. Attention Young Adults From the Desk of Sister Margaret Kuntz: Faith Sharing on the Sunday Gospels & Pot Luck - Tuesday November 24th 6:00pm at Chris Fernandez House. Email [email protected] for the address. This will take place every other Tuesday Faith Sharing - Tuesday, November 24th at 6:30pm at St. Paul Parish Offices. This group meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Theology on Tap - Thursday, November 19th at 7:00pm at Goat Lips Deli with Father Chris LeBlanc as speaker. Finding Your Mission, an afternoon for Girls 13-18 on Sunday, November 22nd from 2-3:30pm at the Pastoral Center. Searching for our own road to God requires prayer and discernment. Come, take time to look at your life and where God might be calling you. For more information contact: Sister Margaret Kuntz @ 850-435-3523 or [email protected]. Attention All Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes DATE CHANGE!! Corporal Communion & the Patriotic Rosary have been moved to November 22nd. Corporal Communion at the 9am Mass with the Rosary immediately following. Knights of Columbus 2015 Calendar Drawings Congratulations!!! #368 - David Weniger November 8th - 2nd Sunday of Month Drawing - $50 Interfaith Ministries November Needs! Interfaith Ministries are very thankful for your constant support. They want you to know that you are making a tremendous difference in providing food for those in need in our community. Below is a list of the Pantry needs for the month of November. Cereal Pancake Mix & Syrup Diaper 2 & 5 Chili Mix Packets Beef Stew Packets Boxed Potato Dressing or Stuffing Mix Gravy Mix Packets Gravy Jar Canned Gravy Canned Fruit Canned Yams Dried Milk Interfaith is also in need of volunteers at their Thrift Shop. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: Cashiers Clothing Department Hosewares Department Floor Monitors If interested in volunteering, stop by the Thrift shop at 4339 Gulf Breeze Parkway, to see where you might fit into this awesome organization. Each week we highlight one of our bulletin sponsors. Because of these ads we are able to get our bulletins FREE. Please support these businesses. Our “sponsor of the week” is: Support our sponsors! ATTENTION CHOIR MEMBERS!! Please make a note that due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, there will be no choir rehearsal on Wednesday November 25th. Please email ALL bulletin ads, announcements, requests, names for prayer list, notes, etc. to the bulletin editor at [email protected] NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES Un Regalo para ti Sacramentos y Servicios Unción de los enfermos: Llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia 850-939-3020. Clases para la Preparación del Bautismo: 1o y 2o jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Registrarse primero con Mayra Lucero 850-797-0256 de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. Matrimonio: Con seis meses de anticipación. Favor llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia para una cita Reconciliación o Confesión: Domingos de 4:30 pm a 5:00pm Para cualquier información puede comunicarse con Consuelo Floyd 850-499-9811 Clases Educación Religiosa (en inglés) ROCK (1-5 grado) Miércoles 6 pm-7:15 pm EDGE (6-8 grado) Domingo 6 pm-8 pm LIFETEEN (9-12 grado) Domingo 6 pm-8 pm RCIA (Grades 4-8) Miércoles 6 pm-7:15 pm (Grades 9-12) Miércoles 6pm - 7:15pm Formación 2o Martes de cada mes Salón de conferencias # 2 a las 7:30 pm Ministerios Grupo de Tercera Edad : 3er martes de c/mes 3:00 pm Activity Center Salón 204 Pastoral de parejas: último viernes de cada mes 7:30 pm Activity Center Salón Conferencias # 2 Grupo de Oración: Lunes 7:30 pm Activity Center Salón 204 Reunión de Consejo Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano: Padre Alvaro invita a todos los líderes el 19 de diciembre St Joseph the Worker Parish 1664 Main Street, Chipley, FL Favor confirmar asistencia con Consuelo Floyd Les recordamos devolver los biberones o botellas con sus donaciones que se distribuyeron para recolectar fondos para el Centro de Recursos para el Embarazo. ¡Gracias por su generosidad y participacion! El Jubileo de la Misericordia dará inicio el próximo 8 de diciembre, Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción, hasta el 20 de noviembre de 2016, Solemnidad de Cristo Rey del Universo FORMED es una plataforma digital Católica con una gran variedad de programas para la formación de fe Católica que incluye videos, audio y libros digitales del Instituto Agustino, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press, St. Paul Center, and Word on Fire. Abra su propia cuenta y utilice, Parishioners, y utilice el código : FM6ZJV Arbolitos de Navidad: Como todos los años tendremos los Angeles y las Estrellas en el arbolito para hacer feliz a una niña/o esta Navidad el fin de semana de 28 y 29 de noviembre y deben devolverlos el 5 y el 6 de diciembre. Favor tomar en cuenta lo siguiente: 1. Firmar la hoja de inscripción con su nombre, su teléfono y el nombre del menor que está en el Angel o la Estrella. 2. Si el niño/ña es mayor de 13 años, recibirá una tarjeta regalo que la organización Sharing & Caring ha comprado con anticipación. Puede girar su cheque a nombre de Caring & Sharing por $35 el cual se utilizará para el fondo que compra medias, zapatos o ropa interior (no aceptamos tarjetas regalo. 3. Favor no empacar los regalos. Debe traer el papel de regalo para que los padres de las niñas/os disfruten empacándolos. 4. Favor colocar su regalo en una bolsa y pégue completamente la etiqueta del árbol con cinta pegante en la parte de afuera de la bolsa. Favor devolver el regalo y/o los cheques la semana del 5 y 6. Tiempo de reflexión en familia (en inglés) Un tiempo para observar y esperar Para reunirnos con la comunidad y volvemos a maravillar del propósito de Adviento y buscar formas de llenarnos de gozo para la Navidad Día de Adviento con la Familia el Sábado, Diciembre 5 de 1:30pm - 3pm Ver detalles en la hoja de inscripción al reverse del boletín y devolverlo en la oficina o en el canasta de la colecta. Advent A time of watching and waiting Who: All people of the parish What: A fun dynamic workshop designed to teach and explore practical ways to help individuals of all ages, families, and the St. Sylvester Community. We will come together to share faith and learn how to make the most of Advent through prayer, reflection and acts of caring for others Where: At the Parish Center When: Saturday, December 5th 1:30 - 3:30pm Please RSVP by Monday, Nov30th to ensure we have sufficient supplies for the activities . Please detach and return to the office or place in the offertory basket FAMILY NAME: ______________________ in r e h Gat Name my Please Provide Names & Ages of all family members. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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