Church of Our Lady of Angels Rev. Kenneth J. Calder, Retired; in Residence Rev. Jason N. Espinal, Parochial Vicar Rev. Richard M. Lewkiewicz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, VF, Pastor Deacon Edward S. Gaine Deacon Charles R. Hurley Ann O’Brien, Director of Religious Education Tele: 718-748-6553 Margaret Jones, Pastoral Care Minister Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 112 Soraida Puente, Spanish Ministry Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 102 Holy Angels Catholic Academy 337 - 74th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Mrs. Rosemarie McGoldrick, School Principal Tele: 718-238-5045 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 TRUE BLINDNESS Bartimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of the road being a “good blind beggar.” But one day Jesus passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David. The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes: “Bartimaeus, you’re not fit for Jesus.” But it was okay for them and other “sighted” people to follow Jesus. In today’s readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Rectory: 7320 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11209 Telephone: (718) 836-7200 / Fax: 718-238-2466 / Website: WEEKDAY MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm & Spanish Mass: 6:30pm Sunday: 7:15, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon & 5:00 pm SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25TH THIERTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday-Friday: 6:45, 8:30, 11:45am / Saturday: 8:30 am SACRAMENTS: Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 11:00 AM - Noon — 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Thursdays before First Friday & Eves of Holy Days: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated at 12:30pm – on the Second Saturday of the month. And at 1:30pm - on the Fourth Sunday of the month. Baptismal Preparation Please contact one of the priests or the deacon to schedule an appointment. (Please bring child’s birth certificate to interview.) Anointing of the Sick Following the 8:30 AM Mass on First Saturday of each month. DEVOTIONS Recitation of the Holy Rosary Weekdays after the 8:30 AM and 11:45 AM Masses Miraculous Medal Novena Wednesday after 8:30 AM and 11:45 AM Masses Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Thursday following the 11:45 AM Mass Benediction at 4:00 PM in Christ the King Chapel Eucharistic Devotion - First Fridays Following 11:45 AM Mass — Benediction at 1:10 PM PARISH SERVICES Al-A-Non - Meets in the Pine Room on Thursday nights at 8:00 PM. Please join us. Our Lady of Angels Human Resources Center & Food Pantry Located at 336 - 73rd Street. Telephone number is 718-680-6344. Hours of operation are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. (Closed for lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM). O.L.A’s Caregiver Support Group Provides support and resources and meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM in the St. Joseph Center. Entrance at 336 - 73rd Street Lower Level. For more information call 718-680-6344. Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners meet every Wednesday from 6:45 to 7:45 PM in the Pine Room. Regular meeting follows at 8 PM. Our Lady of Angels Leisure Club The Club meets Thursdays at 12:00 PM in the gym and is open to all Men & Women 55 and over. All are Welcome. SATURDAY, October 24th 5:00 Kathleen & Thomas Sullivan (Fr. Lewk) 6:30 Mary Arana - Por el Eterno Descanso (Msgr. Noone) SUNDAY, October 25th 7:15 OLA Parishioners (Fr. Lewk) 9:00 Jim Perrone (Fr. Samy) 10:30 Patrick T. Coleman (Msgr. Noone) 12:00 Joseph A. Moran (Fr. Espinal) 5:00 John F. Urrico - 60th Birthday (Fr. Samy) MONDAY, October 26th 6:45 Purgatorial Society 8:30 Phillip Pucciarelli 11:45 Norma Espina - Anniversary Remembrance TUESDAY, October 27th 6:45 In Loving Memory of Christina Quarto 8:30 James M. Fitzpatrick 11:45 Ramon Matiz - Birthday/Jerry Conway WEDNESDAY, October 28th 6:45 In Loving Memory of Raimonda Murro 8:30 Rev. John Cremins - 1st Anniversary 11:45 Mary & Patrick McLoughlin THURSDAY, October 29th 6:45 In Loving Memory of Mary Papandrea 8:30 Timothy J. Maguire 11:45 Jane & Harry Genzale - Living FRIDAY, October 30th 6:45 Julia Goebel 8:30 William Dryer 11:45 Nori Likodini - Recovery SATURDAY, October 31st 5:00 Mary & John Freisen & Sullivan Family 6:30 Quince años Ariana Bonilla Yahuitl SUNDAY, November 1st (ALL SAINTS DAY) 7:15 Mary Gale & the O’Halloran Family 9:00 Lilyan Fuse 10:30 Kerrigan & Mcguire Families 12:00 Ann Sancineto 5:00 Susan Miszkowicz - Birthday Remembrance Dear Parishioners, I am very grateful to all who filled out the cards for “Generations of Faith” last weekend. We are still collating the cards into the three categories of: 1. Yea! I/we agree to pledge today. 2. Amen! I/we have already made a pledge. 3. Praying! I/we are thinking about our decision. While the diocesan initiative has been a challenge in terms of time spent, it has certainly been a source of edification. Many people have been generous according to their means and have made real sacrifices. We are up to 188 participants not counting the pledges we received on Sunday. As I said on Sunday, the more involvement on the part of all of us, the more funds will be returned to us for our maintenance projects. The members of the Generations of Faith Committee, chaired by Arnie Fusco, have my sincere thanks, but their job is not finished. They will be helping me follow up with the people who were kind enough to state that they are praying over how and when they will respond. A very positive effect of last Sunday’s message is that people who are not on our envelope list have filled out cards. This will help us update our files. While the campaign is not over yet, we are headed in the right direction and I will be sharing the current status soon. Again, thank you to all who have made a pledge or one time gift and thank you all for your prayers for the success of the campaign. The senior priests, the youth and our own parish will benefit from our sacrifice. Let’s pray for each other Msgr. Kevin B. Noone **************************************************** October 18, 2015 - $10,518 October 19, 2014 - $ 9,871 1,216 attended the 6 Masses this past Saturday and Sunday BIBLE DISCUSSION MEETINGS FOR ADULTS There will be NO BIBILE DISCUSSION MEETINGS this Monday, October 26th. Meetings will resume on Monday, November 2nd at 1:00pm and 7:30pm. The RCIA Meeting - Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Meeting Room. Topic: Prayer. All are welcome. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Night Sessions meets Friday nights from 7:00pm to 8:00pm on the following dates: October 23rd - November 20th Day Sessions meets Saturday mornings from 9:30am to 10:30am on the following dates: November 7th - December 5th ************************************** The O.L.A. Woman’s Book Club Next meeting will be Monday, November 23rd, at 7:30pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room. The book title is: “EVERYTHING I NEVER TOLD YOU” By Celeste Ng ************************************** Men’s Book Club Next meeting will be Monday, October 26th, at 7:30pm in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room. The book title is: PREDATOR: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution By: Richard Whittle ************************************** St. Joseph by-the-Sea High School OPEN HOUSE Date: Time: Date: Time: Address: Sunday, October 18th for Girls 12:00am to 4:00pm Sunday, October 25th for Boys 12:00pm to 3:00pm 5150 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY (718) 984-6500 ************************************** . PURGATORIAL SOCIETY Recently Enrolled: Connie Petrolese May the Souls of the Faithful Departed, through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen. ************************************* CALLING ALL DOO-WOP FANS!! St. Anselm’s Parish is pleased to announce “An Evening of Classical Songs, Doo-Wop & Dancing” Date: Saturday, October 24th Time: 7:30pm to 10:30pm Place: St. Anselm’s Parich (Meletia Hall) For more information contact: the Rectory (718) 238-2900 ************************************* CATHOLIC ADULTS OF BROOKLYN “Horror Movie Dance” Date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 Time: 8:30pm to 12:30am Place: Our Lady of Grace Caféteria East 2nd and Avenue W Brooklyn, NY For more information contact: Lou (718) 376-2441 ************************************* The parish of Our Lady of Angels complies with all Safe Environment mandates set forth by the Diocese of Brooklyn and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. All employees and volunteers who have contact with children must attend a Virtus Session, sign a Code of Conduct and submit to a background search. If you need to register for the Virtus Session please do so at The Diocese of Brooklyn wishes to do everything possible to see that all people, particularly children, are safe in all pastoral settings. Excuses and rationalizations for such criminal actions will not be accepted. To report sexual abuse involving diocesan personnel - priests, deacons, teachers, employees or volunteers at schools or parishes, please call The Dioceses of Brooklyn toll-free, confidential reporting number 1-888-634-4499. ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN NOVEMBER DISCERNMENT EVENTS FOR MEN Discernment Morning of Prayer: Saturday, November 7th 10:00am to 12:30pm This month’s topic: “Hearing the Voice of God” These monthly gatherings are held on the first Saturday of the month, include discussions about discernment and seminary life, holy hour, and lunch. Location: St. John Paul II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Blvd; Brooklyn, NY 11207. Project Andrew: Sunday, November 22nd - Queens - St. Nicholas of Tolentine @ 6:00pm (Jamaica), 4:30pm to 6:30pm - Brooklyn - SS. Peter and Paul @ 4:30pm (Williamsburg), 6:00pm to 8:00pm Evening of Fraternity: Monday, November 23rd 5:00pm to 7:00pm **************************************************** WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Married Couple? Would you attend a seminar to enhance your job or to increase your salary? Why not give your marriage the same attention? Enhance your good marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Weekends are scheduled throughout the Metro New York area. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for November 6-8 at the Montfort Spiritual Center, 26 Saxon Avenue, Bay Shore, NY. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our website at **************************************************** ATENCION COMUNIDAD HISPANA SANTA MISA EN ESPAÑOL EN NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ANGELES:ElSá bado31 de Octubreytodos losSá badosalas6:30P.MtenemoslaSanta Misa en ESPAÑOL.Paramayorinformació nhablecon Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. Espinal oconlaSeñ oraSoraida Puente. Tel:718 8367200.Ext.102. ¡ TODOS CORDIALMENTE INVITADOS! BAUTISMOS EN ESPAÑOL:CharlaBautismal:Dia: 07 de Noviembre 2015. Hora: 1:00 P.M. Dı́adebautizos:14 de Noviembre, 2015. Hora: 1:45 P.My21 de Noviembre, 2015. Hora: 6:30 P.M. Para mayor información hable con Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. Espinal o la señora Soraida Puente. Tel: 718 836 7200 Ext. 102. Requisito: Certi icado de nacimiento del niño ” RECUERDE QUE ES OBLIGACION DE LOS PADRES BAUTIZAR A SUS HIJOS LO ANTES POSIBLE.” SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS:SiUstedNOharecibidosussacramentos,Bautismo,Comunió nyConirmació noestacontemplandohacerceCató licoodeseaContraerMatrimonioenlaIglesiaCató lica,nosotrospodemosayudarle,tenemos“CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS (RICA)”.Paramayorinformació n hablecon:Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, Padre Jason N. EspinalolaSeñ oraSoraida Puente. Tel:7188367200Ext.102. “Los Sacramentos son la Gracia de Dios, no temas acercarte a esa Gracia” CONOZCAMOS A CRISTO:EstudiodeBibliayOració n,continú aratodoslosJuevesalas7:00P.Menel CavanaghRoom. Jesús dijo: “Donde hay dos o tres reunidos en mi nombre ahí estoy yo en medio de ellos” NOVENA A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE. Inicio de la Novena de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: 17 de Octubre hasta el 11 de Diciembre 2015. Rezo del Santo Rosario a las 6:10PM y novena despues de la Santa Comunión. ¡TE ESPERAMOS! La familia que desee llevar el cuadro de la Imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe pueden comunicarse con la señoraSONIA SOLIS Tel: 718 491 1761 y las familias que deseen donar lores pueden comunicarse con la señora ANTONIA VALERIO. TEL: 347 569 3736. Noche de Deporte Familiar. Lugar: Gimnasio de la escuela Hora: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Ultimo día: 06 de Nov. de 2015. Para mayor información hablar con el señor Erlis Lazo o puedes acercarte a la Rectoria. MISA POR LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS: Lunes, 02 de Noviembre 2015. Hora: 7:00 PM. “Traer un clavel blanco o rojo en memoria de tu ser querido” “Pero ustedes son una familia escogida, un sacerdocio al servicio del rey, una nación santa, un pueblo adquirido por Dios el cual los llamó a salir de la oscuridad para entrar en su luz maravillosa” 1P. 2. 9 2015 Halo of Fame Induction Honorees Michael Connors`64, The Golden Family, Vinny Iannelli `64, The Lawler Family, Tom MacLellan `71 & Cathy Maley-Harkin `73 Mrs. Jane Kelly the Angels Distinguished Educator Award Saturday, November 14th, 2015 5 pm Mass Reception following in the OLA Gym Contact Ann Marie McConeghy 347-628-2804 and Denise Benardello-Frederick 718-619-6816 or [email protected] with any questions. Link to pay online for Journal Ads by October 31st, 2015 and Event Make checks payable to OLA Alumni and mail to 337 74th St, Brooklyn, NY 11209 JOURNAL PRICES SPACE DINNER SPONSOR (1 TABLE of 10 and a GOLD FULL PAGE) JOURNAL PRINTING SPONSOR (1 TABLE of 8 and a GOLD FULL PAGE ) INVITATION SPONSOR FRONT COVER (Inside) BACK COVER (Inside or Outside) GOLD FULL PAGE SILVER FULL PAGE WHITE FULLPAGE WHITE HALF PAGE WHITE QUARTER PAGE TOTAL COST $2,500 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $500 $300 $200 $150 $100 $50 QUANTITY
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