QUEEN OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY SCHEDULE OF MASSES WEEKENDS: Saturday Vigil: 5:30PM Sunday: 9:00AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM (Spanish) WEEKDAYS: Monday – Friday: 8:00AM Saturday: 9:00AM Holy Days: Eve: 7:30PM Holy Day: 7:30PM CONFESSION: Saturday: 4:45PM (or by appointment) OFFICE HOURS 1 9 6 W E S T C E N T E N N I A L A V E N U E R O O S E V E LT, N Y 1 1 5 7 5 Tel: (516) 378-1315 . Fax (516) 378-5754 . Website: www.qtmhr.com . Email: [email protected] Mon – Fri: 9:00AM-2:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM-3:00PM Sunday: Appointments only PARISH TRUSTEES Richard Ruddy and Betty Ann Bell ________________ NEW TO THE PARISH ? WELCOME !!!!!! HERE AT THE QUEEN WE BELIEVE; WE BELONG; WE ARE FAMILY PLEASE STOP BY THE RECTORY TO REGISTER PARISH STAFF REV. JOSEPH BAIDOO: PASTOR REV. MIGUEL RIVERA MOST REV. ANDRZEJ ZGLEJSZEWSKI (IN RESIDENCE) DEACON THOMAS JACKSON SELINA MURRAY: SECRETARY LUCY GERIN: SOCIAL MINISTRY CHERYL WHITE: REL. ED; RCIA ELENA POWERS: MUSIC DIRECTOR 4TH SUN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 29, 2017 Today's Gospel comprises the opening of Jesus' "Great Sermon." As God gave Moses the law on Sinai, so now Jesus gathers his disciples on a hillside to teach them the new law. Each of these Beatitudes contrasts the humiliation of the present with the glory of the future: poverty vs. the riches of God's kingdom, hunger for holiness vs. fulfillment in the Spirit, persecution vs. the reign of God. Jesus is here speaking to God's chosen "remnant." Page 2 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time DAILY MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, January 29th 9:00am † Vicente Garcia 11:00am † Edwina Welch 12:30pm † José Salcedo MONDAY, January 30th 8:00am † Jeanette Ocepa TUESDAY, January 31st 8:00am † Mireille Moise WEDNESDAY, February 1st 8:00am Jim Boyle - Birthday THURSDAY, February 2nd 8:00am † Michael Marco FRIDAY, February 3rd 8:00am † Carlos Tandoc SATURDAY, February 4th 9:00am Polk & Harrell Families 5:30pm † Daphne King SUNDAY, Feb 5th - 5TH SUN ORDINARY TIME 9:00am † Joey Lucatorto 11:00am † Mireille Moise 12:30pm † Maria Guerrero READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5: 1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7,11-15; Ps 103:1-2,13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 Sunday, January 29, 2017 Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church 196 W Centennial Ave, Roosevelt, NY 11575 Phone: 516-378-1315 Fax: 516-378-5754 PARISH MINISTRIES ADORATION OF THE EUCHARIST First Friday of the month in the church after the 8:00AM Mass. All are welcome. BAPTISM MINISTRY Barbara & Joseph Carroll - 379-8448 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Cynthia Lambert - 546-6394 Meets: 3rd Sun. @ 12:00PM - Parish Meeting Room CHOIR REHEARSAL Elena Powers - 781-8143 Youth (2nd Grade-High School) Tues. @ 6:00PM - PMR Adult (High School & up) Wed. @ 7:00PM - Choir Loft ENGLISH PRAYER GROUP Meets: 2nd & 4th Wed. @ 1:00PM - Parish Mtg. Rm. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Cheryl White - 623-1391 KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Larry Cummings - 761-5847 Meets: 1st & 3rd Thurs. @ 8:00PM - Rec. Basement LADIES AUXILIARY of the KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Barbara Sparrow - 505-0913 Meets: 4th Sun. @ 12:00PM - Parish Meeting Room LECTORS Cheryl White - 623-1391 LEGION OF MARY Monday after the Rosary - Parish Meeting Room MINISTRY to CATHOLICS of AFRICAN ANCESTRY Marian Johnson - 868-6838 Meets: 2nd Sun. @ 12:00PM - Parish Meeting Room MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Monday after the 8:00AM Mass ROSARY & DIVINE MERCY Monday - Saturday after the morning Mass SENIOR ADULT CLUB [50+] Jeanne Marie Scott - 223-3537 Meets: 1st & 3rd Mon. @ 1:00PM - Parish Meeting Rm. SOCIETY of ST. VINCENT DePAUL Susan West (call Jeanne Marie Scott - 223-3537) Meets: 3rd Thurs. @ 8:00PM - Parish Meeting Room USHERS Otto Geiger - 223-7189 Please Pray for the Sick: Ann Hector; America Seymour; Gertrude Leach; Sandra McIntosh; Daphne Campbell; Karen Woelki; Lauren Ginsberg; Colette Scott; Kathryn Diaz; Irish Moyer; Bernice Martin; Fritz Etheart; Eva Pearson; Frances Mejias; Archie Brakers; Joe Schwartz; Peter Marino; Christine Adams; Darrel Horton Sr.; Roderick Thomas Page 3 January 29, 2017 Page 4 Sunday, January 29, 2017 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 5:3 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Matthew 5: 1-12a Faith Formation “Prayer: The Faith Prayed” As we continue in the Ordinary Time of the church year, it is appropriate to ask for volunteers for the ministries of Altar Server and Youth Lector. The children in these ministries must be enrolled in religious education classes and will only serve for “the Queen”. Altar Servers must have received First Holy Communion and have permission by a parent, in order to become aware of the requirements and commitments of this ministry. A parent must attend the first meeting. Youth Lectors must have received First Holy Communion, be in Level 5 or greater, and have permission by a parent, in order to become aware of the requirements and commitments of this ministry. A parent must attend the first meeting. If a child currently participates in the Youth Choir, we will work around Mrs. Powers’ schedule. MINISTER’S SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 4 & 5 LECTORS EMS SERVERS 5:30 PM R. Arnold Y. Haynes S. Schmitt A. Schmitt K. Bradley D. Cummings 9:00 AM F. Rivera DEACON A. Arreaga C. Reilly J. Arreaga M. Altidor A. Arreaga 11:00 AM S. Murray L. Gerin* A. Pierre-Louis C. Lambert L. Pierre-Louis S. Miller * = Changes from original schedule Email: [email protected] ********************************************** Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ 9AM Mass Jan 29th in the back chapel. Feb 5th & 26th in the back chapel. Feb 12th - Grade Level 5 Mass @ 9:00AM. Feb 19th - No Children’s Liturgy; Winter Please complete a form and return it to the Religious Education office. Mrs. White will schedule a meeting for each ministry based on the interest level. IMPORTANT RELIGIOUS ED INFORMATION. Best regards, Mrs. Cheryl White Tuesday, January 31 - Baptism Simulation conducted by Deacon Tom, 7:30-8:30PM in the church. Tuesday, February 7 - Meeting for May 2017 Holy Communion, 7:30-8:30PM in the school gym. Tuesday, February 14 - Sponsor Night #2 in the Parish Meeting Room. Sunday, February 19 & Tuesday, February 21—No religion classes; Winter Recess Tuesday, February 28 - Parish Mardi Gras, no religion classes. Recess. ********************************************** Certified Director of Religious Education 516 623 1391 www.facebook.com/pages/Queen-of-the-MostHoly-Rosary-Relgious-Education-Roosevelt-NY Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – 29 de enero de 2017 Page 5 Horario de Servicio en la Rectoría: De lunes a viernes 9:00am - 2:00pm Los sábados de 10:00am - 3:00pm Teléfono 516-378-1315 Bodas: Cita con el sacerdote 6 meses antes de la fecha. Padre Miguel: 516-939-7165. Quinceañeras: Llamar a la rectoría. Para las charlas preparatorias Bautismos: consulte con Yolanda García 516-546-8569 o con Carlos Martínez 516-395-8388. Grupo de Oración: El grupo de oración de adultos se reúne los viernes a las 7:30pm en la sala de reuniones de la parroquia. Grupo Juvenil Cristo Jóven: Se reúne los sábados a las 7:30pm en la iglesia. Comparta la alegría de alabar a Dios con música, oraciones y cantos. Primer Viernes de cada mes: Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento de 7:30 a 8:30pm. SERVIDORES - 5 DE FEBRERO DE 2017 Lectores Ingrid Martínez, Rhina Portillo Ministros de la Eucaristía Carlos Espinal, Judith McAlister, Mildred Martínez "Bienaventurados los pobres en espíritu." Mateo 5: 1-12a Formación en la Fe "Oración: La Oración con Fe" A medida que continuamos en el Tiempo Ordinario del año de la iglesia, es apropiado solicitar voluntarios para los ministerios de Servidor del Altar y Lector Juvenil. Los niños en estos ministerios deben estar inscritos en clases de educación religiosa y sólo servirán para "la Reina". Los Servidores del Altar deben haber recibido la Primera Comunión y tener el permiso de un padre, para tomar conciencia de los requisitos y compromisos de este ministerio. Un padre debe asistir a la primera reunión. Los Lectores Juveniles deben haber recibido la Primera Comunión, estar en el Nivel 5 o mayor, y tener el permiso de un padre, para tomar conciencia de los requisitos y compromisos de este ministerio. Un padre debe asistir a la primera reunión. Si un niño participa actualmente en el Coro de la Juventud, trabajaremos alrededor del horario de la Sra. Powers. Por favor complete un formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina de Educación Religiosa. La Sra. White programará una reunión para cada ministerio basada en el nivel de interés. Saludos cordiales, Comentarista Sra. Cheryl White Joaquín Martínez Directora de Educación Religiosa 516-623-1391 Acomodadores www.facebook.com/pages/Queen-of-the-MostHoly-Rosary-Relgious-Education-Roosevelt-NY Luís Cornejo, Mirna Fernández, Irma Gamboa, Consuelo Vanegas NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA El martes, 31 de enero - Simulación de Bautismo conducido por el Diácono Tomas, 7:30-8:30PM en la iglesia. El martes, 7 de febrero - Reunión para la Sagrada Comunión de mayo de 2017, 7:30-8:30PM en el gimnasio de la escuela. El martes, 14 de febrero - 2do Noche de Padrinos en la sala de reuniones de la parroquia. El domingo, 19 de febrero y el martes, 21 de febrero - No clases de religión; Receso de Invierno. El martes, 28 de febrero - Parroquia Mardi Gras, no habrá clases de religión. Sunday, January 29, 2017 Page 6 SUPPORT OUR TROOPS WITH PRAYERS Jess W. Arrington Terence Bellew Stephen Bishop Andrea Field Brian Field Ladeon Francis Charles Guarneiri Christopher Lambert Maria Lambert Terrence O’Connor Lance Paige Charles Parsons Myles Pinder-Speight Navy Army Army Army Army Army Army Air Force Air Force Army Army Navy Army PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Food Distribution—Hours of Operation Tuesdays 10:00am - 11:30am Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:30pm 516-867-4490 Dear Parishioners, Please remember us when you shop for your groceries. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Lucy and Volunteers COLLECTION INFORMATION: Past Contribution - Jan 2016 $0 (Snow Storm) Envelopes mailed - 892 families (for Jan 2017) Envelopes returned - (1/21 - 1/22) 227 Total contributions - (1/21 - 1/22) $7,517.00 MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PARISHIONER NUMBER APPEARS ON YOUR CHECK AND/OR ENVELOPE. BULLETIN REFLECTION Blessed are they who are what they are and do what they do for the sake of the kingdom! The Gospel today assures good stewards that their suffering and their service on behalf of the Kingdom will be rewarded. LIVING STEWARDSHIP We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who help spread the faith by living the faith. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In the Gospel today Jesus gives us the Beatitudes, which embody a radically alternative vision of life and we find that God indeed calls us to blessedness. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to proclaim the good news of the kingdom to the poor, by assisting many families with food, gifts, and providing referrals for payment of utility and rent bills. Page 7 Sunday, January 29, 2017 “AROUND THE PARISH . . .” St. Christopher School Open House 15 Pershing Blvd, Baldwin Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:30AM to 2 PM Meet present students and teachers Ask all your questions Receive Registration Information 516-223-4404 www.stchris-school.org St. Agnes Cathedral School Catholic Schools Week 2017 Jan 29th - Feb 4th St. Agnes Cathedral School will celebrate Catholic Schools Week. The weeklong celebration will begin with Mass on Sunday, Jan 29th at 9:30AM followed by refreshments in the Parish Center from 10:30-11:00AM. An Open House will be held immediately after from 11:00AM - 12:30PM. All are invited to come and share in our celebration. Catholic Charities in Freeport is seeking Volunteers to assist in clerical and reception desk phone responsibilities. Weekday hours needed are flexible between 9AM and 5PM. If you are interested and available for this opportunity, please contact: Mary Ellen Kwiecinski, Vol. Coordinator @ 516-733-7044. Your time and talent will be greatly appreciated! The Office of Multicultural Diversity (Catholics of African Ancestry – Haitian American Apostolate Ministry), DRVC & the Bklyn Vicariate for Black Catholic Concerns invites you to: THE ANNUAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH MASS OF THANKSGIVING Homilist and Concelebrant: Bishop Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Sun, Feb 19, 2017, 4:30PM Cultural, 5PM Mass Immaculate Conception Center 7200 Douglaston Pkwy, Douglaston, NY 11362 Saturday February 11, 2017 BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND ST. VALENTINE’S DAY CELEBRATION Featured singer TANISHA MITCHELL Music by THE AARON BERNARD BRIM TRIO 12 Noon - 4:00PM in the school gym Tickets - Adults $25 Children $15 (ages 6-12) DELICIOUS FOOD & INSPIRING ENTERTAINMENT RAFFLES, DOOR PRIZES, MORE... TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE - PICK UP A FLYER Sponsored by the Ministry to Catholics of African Ancestry
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