
Perpetual Adoration
Sacrament of Penance
Vocation Holy Hour
Baptism and Marriage
7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00am
Daily, after morning Mass
Tuesday, after morning Mass
24 hours
Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday, 8:00am Mass
Please call Parish Office
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman
Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner
School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118
Saint John School : 760 944-8227
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Saint John the Evangelist
“Better to do something imperfectly than to do
nothing flawlessly!”
... This Monday (2), the 40th day after Christmas,
is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the
Temple, or ‘Candlemas Day’. Candles, for household use, will be blessed at our 8:00am Mass! In
the Eastern Churches it marks the end of the Christmas season!
... Blaisé, the bishop of Sebaste, in Armenia, was
martyred in the 4th century. Blaisé is said to have
also been a physician and is credited with saving
the life of a boy who was choking on a fish bone.
In his honor, throats are blessed on his feast day,
which is Tuesday (3), during 8:00am Mass.
... Our Saint John School is a Christ-centered environment, empowering our children to gain a thorough understanding of the Catholic faith, to
achieve their highest academic potential, and to
share Christ’s love through Christian action! So
much to be proud of!
... And our School children warmly welcomed and
joyfully celebrated with their Grandparents this
past Friday (30). Moving!
… Join our School children in praying the Rosary
this Friday (6), at 2:00pm, in the church!
... Be part of the ‘Hour of Prayer for Vocations’
this Friday (6), with Mass at 8:00am followed by
Adoration and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Pray for vocations!
... Contributions last weekend (25) amounted to
$14,645.50, with 418 families using envelopes. A
further $5,334.75 was contributed online, by 118
families! Thank You!
... Have you considered ‘Online Giving’? Just go
to the website, click on ‘Online Giving’ ... and away
you go! It’s safe, secure and easy!
... Do you know that we are streaming live to the
Internet the Sunday 9:00am Mass each week? You
can connect to it from our parish website, or go directly to www.saintjohnlive.com Our intent is to assist our homebound to be even more part of our Eucharistic community.
... Our Religious Education children in 4th, 5th and
6th Grades are invited to a “Frosty Fun Night”
this Saturday (7) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, in the
Hall. Exciting games, prizes, crafts, music, tasty
snacks, a photo-stop and prayer time. And it’s free,
but please register by Wednesday (4). Call Ann
McGinnis at 760 436-0664.
February 1, 2015
... Congratulations to Brigid Connell on been chosen Altar Society ‘Woman of the Year’ for 2014.
She was born and raised in County Longford, Ireland, came to San Bernardino in 1967, and has been
a parishioner of Saint John since 1978. Brigid is active in our Altar Society, was a founding member of
our Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, is very involved with Fiesta, worked with our Food Pantry,
and serves on the Spiritual Care Team at Scripps
Hospital, Encinitas. Together with Monsignor’s
sister, Sister Winnie, she diligently and faithfully
watches out for Monsignor Harnett’s every need!
... Julie Marner, our Music Director, hosts five
Choir Rehearsals each week. For more information, contact Julie at [email protected].
... Your Life Began at Conception Inc’ (YLBAC) is
sponsoring a Classical, Spanish and Contemporary
Acoustic Guitar Concert this coming Sunday (8), at
2:00pm, in the church. Master guitarists, Peter
Pupping and William Wilson will lead us! Do not
miss it! For more info on YLBAC give Greg Butler
a call at 760 421-1230.
... The Holy Name Society meets this Monday (2),
the Saint Vincent de Paul on Tuesday (3), both at
7:00pm, the Men’s Fellowship on Wednesday (4) at
7:00am and the Knights at 7:00pm, and on Thursday (5), the Altar Society meets at 6:30pm!
... The Scouting movement in America was
founded on February 8, 1910. To mark the 105th
Anniversary of this great movement our scouts join
us this coming Sunday (8) at the 10:30am Mass.
All Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers are invited to come, join us. Welcome!
... The 2015 Diocesan Revival, sponsored by the
Diocesan Commission for African American Catholics, will be held this Monday (2), Tuesday (3) and
Wednesday (4) at Saint Rita Catholic Church, 5124
Churchward Street, San Diego, CA 92114, at
7:00pm each evening. All are welcome.
... Take time to check-out our parish website at
www.saintjohnencinitas.org and the School website
at www.saintjohnschool.com
... Visiting with Father Brian is his sister, Ann, and
her husband, Paddy, from Dublin, Ireland. Together they celebrated their mother Nina’s 31st Anniversary of Death, on Thursday (23), and her
100th birthday, this Tuesday (3). Family!
... “If we don’t start, it is certain we cannot arrive!” Let’s go!
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Saint John the Evangelist
Saint John School
Pre-School - Grade 8
Principal : Dan Schuh
760 944-8227
Saint John School Rosary
Friday (6) at 2:00pm
Middle School Dance
Friday (6) at 6:00pm
Saint John Preschool
Kindergarten Readiness Program:
“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten”
For more info, or to schedule a tour,
Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or
[email protected]
Register today!
Human Trafficking
Come learn about the issues
on Tuesday, February (3) at 6:30pm
Saint James-Saint Leo, Parish Hall
Adults wishing to learn more about the
Catholic faith!
►Have you joined us from another religion
and would now like to find out more about
the Catholic Church?
►Have you been worshiping with us, but
have never taken the step to become
►Were you baptized a Catholic but never
completed Confirmation or Eucharist?
If any of these situations apply to you,
we would love to assist you on your journey!
Join us on Tuesday (3) at 7:00pm.
Guitar Concert
Classical, Spanish and Contemporary Acoustic
Peter Pupping and William Wilson
Free, Hosted by
Your Life Began At Conception Inc.
Sunday, February 8 at 2:00pm
Saint John the Evangelist Church
Refreshments provided
All Welcome!
Questions please contact Greg Butler at 760 421-1230
January 31
February 1
February 2
February 3
February 4
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 1, 2015
5:00pm Norma Connors †
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28
7:30am David Larion †
9:00am Mary Ferko †
10:30am Norma Connors †
Diana Chiu †
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Mary Ritenour †
The Presentation of the Lord
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40
8:00am Norma Connors †
Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43
8:00am Dale McKinley †
George McGill †
Heb 12:4-7, 11-18a; Mk 6:1-6
8:00am John Byard †
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13
8:00am Alan Mati †
Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29
8:00am Julie Cuchessi †
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34
8:00am Claire Theeren †
5:00pm Eloise Diaz †
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19-23; Mk 1:29-39
7:30am Adessa and Montgomery Families †
9:00am Vida Bajic †
10:30am Rita Ross †
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Mary Ritenour †
Fresh Coffee and Delicious Donuts
Holy Name Society
hosts coffee and donuts
every Sunday after morning Masses.
Perpetual Adoration
Volunteers are needed for:
Sunday, 2:00am
Tuesday, 1:00am and 2:00am
Thursday, 10:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am
We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to
take charge of arranging substitutes for regular
adorers on the Captain’s assigned day.
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573
Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784
Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the
Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night,
seven days a week. All are welcome!
Page 4
Saint John the Evangelist
Religious Education Grades 4 to 6
‘Frost Fun Night’
Saturday (7) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, in the hall.
Exciting games, prizes, crafts, tasty snacks,
a photo-stop and prayer time.
Please register by Wednesday (4)
Religious Ed Office at 760 436-0664 or
[email protected]
Register as a parishioner ‘online’!
Go to www.saintjohnencinitas.org and click
on “Registration” For more info, please
call the Parish Office at 760 753-6254
Live on the Internet
Sunday 9:00 am Mass
February 1, 2015
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Nydia Abney, Alex Amador, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Anthony
Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Aiden Blenderman, Maura
Brown, Janice Behler, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Jack Davare, Edward
Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Kathy Fix, Hiram Lee-Gonzalez, Manny Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, Joe Graciano, Monsignor Harnett, Maria
Jaque, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Paul Kenny, Eva King,
Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Andy Maduza, Pat McKinley, Martin
McNeela, Lucy Mee, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen A. O’ Connor,
Grace Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez, Elizabeth PrimroseSmith, David Quessenberry, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Elizabeth
Roney, Gina Stack, Andrew Todd, Eric Vukicevich, Grant Waller and
Griffin Waller.
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
January Baptisms
Marco Fanelli, Stefani Mendoza,
Danilo Mergulhao, Dany Pablo,
Edyln Zamudio, Jonah Koza
Welcome to our family of faith!
Diocesan Revival
Support for Separated and Divorced
Sundays, 10:15am, Saint James, Solana Beach
Frank Grant 760 533-1520 or [email protected]
Monday(2), Tuesday (3), Wednesday (4) at 7:00pm
Saint Rita Catholic Church
5124 Churchward Street
Join Father Bozeman, sponsored by the Diocesan
Commission for African American Catholics
All Welcome!
Holy Name
Monday (2) at 7:00pm
Saint Vincent De Paul
Tuesday (3) at 7:00pm
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Wednesday (4) at 7:00am
Knights of Columbus
Wednesday (4) at 7:00pm
Altar Society
Thursday (5) at 6:30pm
All meeting in the Hall
Remember to patronize our advertisers for
making the bulletin possible. Thank you!
Altar Society ‘Woman of the Year’, Brigid Connell
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Saint John the Evangelist
Hoy en Deuteronomio oímos que las palabras de Dios
llenarán la boca de un profeta verdadero, pero un profeta
falso pondrá, por así
decirlo, palabras
meramente humanas
en boca de Dios. En
el Evangelio según
san Marcos, vemos a
Jesús enseñando y
curando como un
profeta verdadero con
la autoridad de la voz de Dios, el Santo de Dios. Sin
duda, hoy existen profetas falsos y verdaderos a nuestro
alrededor. La historia de nuestra Iglesia está llena de
ambos tipos de profetas. Algunos profetas falsos fueron
extremadamente populares y eran muy versados en la
Sagrada Escritura, incluso ocupaban puestos de autoridad
eclesial. Pero en el Evangelio de hoy descubrimos que la
fama de Jesús se extendió porque enseñaba con
autoridad; no era una autoridad porque fuera popular o
famoso. En otra parte, descubrimos con él, cuando es
tentado y enfrenta a Satanás en el desierto, que cualquiera
puede citar la Sagrada Escritura para sus propósitos,
incluso si estos van en contra de los de Dios.
Hoy oímos que su autoridad no era como la de los
escribas, que eran la autoridad oficial religiosa en su
época. Nuestra tarea es hacer todo lo posible por saber
identificar a los verdaderos profetas que están entre
nosotros y también a ser verdaderos profetas. El salmista
nos dice cómo hacerlo: no debemos endurecer nuestros
corazones cuando escuchamos a Dios. Si realmente
escuchamos a Dios, Dios pondrá sus palabras en nuestra
A todos los niños y jóvenes que pertenecen al coro y a sus padres que los
han traído. Ya han
pasado cuatro años
desde que se inicio
el coro. ¿Lo pueden
creer? El tiempo
pasa muy rápido! Seguimos invitando a
niños y jóvenes a participar anímense
y vengan. Los ensayos son los miércoles a las 6:00 pm. en la iglesia. Si
hay preguntas llamen al 760-436-4366
Febrero 1, 2015
Concierto de
Clásica, Español y
Peter Pupping y William Wilson
Completamente Gratis
El anfitrión es
Your Life Began At Conception Inc.
Los esperamos el
Sábado, Febrero 8, a las 2:00pm
En el Salón Parroquial de
La Iglesia de San Juan Evangelista
Habrá Refrescos
¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Si tienen preguntas llamen a:
Greg Butler at 760 421-1230
O a Mary Moran al 760-436-4366
Hasta el Concilio Vaticano II se celebraba
como fiesta principalmente mariana, pero
desde entonces ha
pasado a ser en
primer lugar
Cristológica, ya que
el principal misterio
que se conmemora
es la Presentación
de Jesús en el
Templo y su manifestación o encuentro con
Simeón. El centro, pues, de esta fiesta no
sería María, sino Jesús. María entra a formar
parte de la fiesta en cuanto lleva en sus
brazos a Jesús y está asociada a esta
manifestación de Jesús a Simeón y a la
anciana Ana.
Page 6
Saint John the Evangelist
February 1, 2015
Religious Education
Saint John School
Religious Education
‘Faithways’ Junior-High
Youth Ministry
Hispanic Ministry
Music Ministry
Dan Schuh
Ann McGinnis
Nicole Steele
Isaac Deken
Mary Moran
Julie Marner
760 944-8227
760 436-0664
760 753-4279
760 753-3679
760 436-4366
760 753-6254
Adult Faith
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration (Spanish)
Centering Prayer
Liz Beiner
Ken Poggenburg
Lupe Cardona
Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254
760 635-2573
760 753-7784
760 525-6721
Altar Society
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Culture of Life
Holy Name
Knights of Columbus
Saint Vincent de Paul
Religious Education
Classes for Grades K-6
resume Monday (2) at 4:15pm and 6:30pm
For more info, Ann at 760 436-0664
[email protected]
Junior High Faithways
For Grades 7 and 8
Classes Monday (2) at 6:00pm
Nicole at 760 753-4279
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
continues Sunday (8)
For more info, contact Isaac at
760 753-3679 or [email protected]
Music Ministry
Share your talents!
Please contact our Music Director Julie Marner
at 760 753-6254 or [email protected]
Food Pantry
Thank you parishioners for donations
and financial support
The Pantry is in need of: cereal, tuna fish, canned
fruit, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese,
and plastic grocery bags
Jan Bokoch
Blane Adessa
Richard Weston
David Pavnic / Chris Cammack
Jennifer Grethel
Olivia Reynaga
Rick Decker
John Brannon
Sandra Watson
Nettie March
760 944-9655
760 944-0626
760 230-6183
760 753-6254
760 753-6254
760 753-5230
760 753-6254
760 522-9969
760 753-3056
760 753-6254
Relationship Skills Workshop
For all single and couples (18-39 years old)
Wednesday (4)
San Rafael Church
17252 Bernardo Center Drive
For more information please
contact Peggy Skiano at
[email protected] or
858 490-8295
Sunday Morning Preschool
For children ages 3 - 5, on Sundays, at the School.
Drop-off starts at 8:50am. Mom and Dad can pick-up
after the 9:00am Mass.
Thursday (5) at 6:30pm
Membership Meeting
Induction of New Members
If you are interested in joining please call
Jan Bokoch at 760 944-9655
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Dismissal for Children’s Liturgy of the Word
takes place during the Sunday 9:00am Mass.
Children in Grades K-5 are encouraged to
participate in this special celebration of the Word.