H PE-FILLED HAPPENINGS WELCOME TO CROSS OF HOPE Brothers and sisters, welcome to worship in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5:30 p.m. Worship with Communion | Songs: Shall We Gather at the River; Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior Please fill out the communication card (this is how we track attendance, take requests for visits and prayers, etc.) – list your names and check the service attending. If you are visiting for the first time please take a moment and include your address. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 8:30 a.m. Liturgical Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School - age 5-11 and Adult 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Communion Our services are projected. Readings: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, p. 131; Mark 1:21-28, p. 27. 8:30 Songs: O Day of Rest and Gladness – LBW 251 (to tune LBW 369); Shall We Gather; Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior; Dear Lord and Father of Mankind – LBW 506; O Living Bread from Heaven. 10:45 Service: Meet With Me; Alive Again; Search My Heart; Pass Me Not; Hope Now; Doxology Pastor Russell Lee’s Message: The Touch of the Master’s Hand Holy Communion at Cross of Hope…we share by intinction. You will receive the host from Pastor (gluten free wafers available upon request). One chalice is wine; the other white grape juice. Communion is open to all baptized who believe Jesus is truly present in the meal (regardless of denomination affiliation). This weekend will be Pastor Lee’s final one with us in our interim time (we will see him on Ash Wednesday). We would love to let he and Helen know how much we appreciate their continued love and commitment to Cross of Hope by having a reception between services (9:45 to 10:30) on Sunday morning the February 1st. We will have a basket out for any cards of thanks. Please come worship this Sunday and celebrate this wonderful gift God has blessed us with the past few months. If you are not able to make it at 9:45, please share thoughts and wishes after the second service. Preparation for Worship “I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of…the congregation” (Psalm 111:1, ESV). It lifts my soul to sing your praises, God! 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Assisting Minister Vernon Osborne Carolyn Bye Lector Vernon & Evelyn Osborne Larry Erickson Acolyte Mitchell Frazer Destiny Alderette Hosts Forrest & Elaine Uppendahl Chris and Leann Frazer Ushers Ron Cordova Nancy Umbreit; John Stewart Altar Guild Sheri Phillips Shirley McCan 5:30 p.m. Todd and Kathy Bramley Bread Sheri Phillips Wine & Juice: Sylvia & Chuck Oelsner Temple Guard – February 2 – 8 – Ervin Baumgart PERSONAL EAR MONITORS Are available. Stop at the Sound Booth to collect one. Next Week’s Readings Isaiah 40:21-31 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Childcare is available in the nursery on Sunday for children birth thru age 4. Parents with babies needing a “quiet space” are invited to use the “Baby Room” in the nursery. The Family Place Space is available during service for children three and under with their parents just outside the sanctuary doors, to still hear the service. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 12:00 p.m. Banner Babes 6:30 p.m. Koinonia Hope 7:00 p.m. Preschool Board TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 7:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study 9:15 a.m. MOPS Meeting (WMCC) 3:30 p.m. Girl Scout 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout T126 (at TRCC) 7:00 p.m. COH Exec Committee WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9:30 a.m. WOW (Women on Wednesday) 11:00 a.m. Preschool Music/Chapel 2:40 p.m. Elem School Chapel 5:45 p.m. W3 – Walking in the Way, Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Financial Peace University Begins THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 11:00 a.m. | 1:00 p.m. Preschool Music/Chapel 11:30 a.m. Core Staff Meeting 6:30 p.m. Voices of Hope | Pipes and Drums FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 9:15 a.m. MOPS Steering SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9:30 a.m. Praise Team Rehearsal 1:00-4:00 pm. Event (Birthday) 5:30 p.m. Worship with Communion SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 8:30 a.m. Liturgical Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School - age 5-11 and Adult 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Communion 5:00 p.m. Koinonia Esperanza 6:00 p.m. Koinonia Familia Walking in the Way, Wednesdays Do Something: Our Faith Without Works is Dead! WOW!!!! You all totally rocked the Piggy Bank giving for World Hunger! Over $325 dollars was gathered in the banks alone. We are looking to see how to designate that and to which animals and where and we will keep you updated. For this exciting fun week at W3 we recognize that Flashdance will hit the Broadway stage and we are going to have some fun by having a 80’s throwback Flashdance style dinnertime this coming Wednesday. We encourage you and your family to bust out all of your 80’s attire, practice some 80’s dance moves and be ready to have a great time with some great food, knick knacks and décor that made the 80’s so totally rad! The service project we will be heading into is in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association and will focus on two things bringing a smile to the faces of residents at a local Alzheimer’s care center and helping out the organization Music and Memory in their collection of iPods. So while we are rockin’ our 80’s tunes be thinking of the old iPods that you may have that you can donate to help those with memory loss. (see attached link and information on next page). http://musicandmemory.org/donate-my-ipod/ The past two weeks have been so wonderful in the food sign up on Perfect Potluck and we are so appreciative of those folks who have offered to help with the menu each week. If for any reason you are unable to provide the food after you have signed up please let me or Erin know ASAP so that proper adjustments can be made. I can usually be reached on my cell at 505-4001109. If you have a few minutes after the dinner time and can sign up to help with kitchen clean up that would also be helpful. The Perfect Potluck link is attached below. http://www.PerfectPotluck.com Coordinator Last Name: Hielkema Password: 020415 We are now looking for some adult help with the choir and classrooms, so if you have some available time please visit the sign up genius link below. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e094aa5a82da46-w3help July 1, 2014 began the new budget year for Cross of Hope Anticipated Pledges for 2014/2015: $427,630 Pledged Giving Last Week Sunday $6,255.00 December Fiscal Year to Date Revenues $ 49,539.41 $248,666.89 Expenses net of Depr $ 31,903.00 $214,785.93 Debt Reduction $ 6,684.22 $ 35,187.34 Cash Flow $10,952.19 $ (1,306.38) Mortgage Balance $805,905.44 Attendance Last Week: 215 Saturday – 26 Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 103 10:45 a.m. – 86 Koinonia Esperanza will be sponsoring its annual service project, SOUPER BOWL 12. They will be collecting nonperishable food items to be donated to Joy Junction of Albuquerque. There is a box in the Great Hall for the food collection. The collection will run through Sunday, February 15. ADULT CLASS DURING W3 Our life of faith is a journey that has may hills, valleys and crossroads. Sometimes doubts overtake us and when they do we all need to have someone to share these doubts with. That is what this class is about. Sharing. And with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will help each other on this wonderful journey and strengthen our faith and our love for Christ along the way. Please join us at 7:00 pm each Wednesday night. Financial Peace University classes have started during W. Class begins at 7PM. FPU is a nine week, Biblically based personal finance program. Classes are offered to new members and former members who want a refresher. Please inquire of Hans Zimmer, [email protected]. Do you believe in Magic? Do you have an old iPod just sitting around collecting dust? Now you can perform magic with it! Just bring your gently used iPod or other Apple products, and/or new iTunes cards and it will be donated to the Music and Memory program. This program transforms lives of those suffering with Alzheimer's, by providing personalized music for each individual in a facility- which then literally awakens them. The studies have shown they show more joy, are more interactive and their quality of life has been increased! For more info, contact Kim O'Roark at 505-417-4206 or email: [email protected] Cross of Hope Preschool Registration Programs for 3 and 4 year old children February 9-18: Cross of Hope Church Members Registration, current and new. (please call to arrange an appointment). February 19: Current preschool children registration for four year old programs. 9-11 a.m. February 20: Sibling Registration 9-11 a.m. Saturday, February 21: Public Registration for all children. 8-11 a.m. in the Preschool Building Contact: Mary Sue Hale, Preschool Director, 8990928. Information on our website crossofhope.org under the schools tab Cross of Hope Elementary School Registration Kindergarten – 5th Grade January 29: Open House 4-6 p.m. Meet the faculty and tour the facility. February 6: Registration begins for current students Saturday, February 21: Registration for the public in the Great Hall. 8-10 a.m. Contact: the school office, 897-1832 Harriet Crawford, Principal Kay Hendrickson, Office Manager Information on our website crossofhope.org under the schools tab GRACE ABOUNDS! … and you are invited! Watch for the Lenten Devotionals the weekend before Ash Wednesday! Thank you members and friends for volunteering to write this year, it means so much to the entire congregation General Questions? Lois Caipen 306-7694 or [email protected] (put Lent in the subject line so I see it!) Editing Questions ? Mary Bresnahan 922-1973, [email protected] The 2015 Flower Chart is in the Great Hall. Sign up for the flowers that are in the Sanctuary each week. Cost per arrangement is $24. Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM Annual Bishop's Legislative Luncheon - February 10 The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Bishop's Legislative Luncheon will be Tuesday, February 10. Make plans to attend and be sure to make your reservation (or a reservation for a group from your congregation!) to attend this annual gathering which will begin at 12:30pm at La Fonda in Santa Fe. Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop Jim Gonia will speak at the luncheon and will also share a message with us during the Issues Briefing in the morning prior to the luncheon. The day will begin at 9:00 am at Christ Lutheran Church (1701 Arroyo Chamiso) with registration, fellowship and an opportunity to learn more about the issues for which Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM will be advocating in 2015. The cost of the luncheon is $30 person ($25 per person when 4 or more people from a congregation or organization make reservations together). If you are only attending the morning issues briefing, the cost is $5. Please contact Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM (phone 984-8005 or email [email protected]) to make reservations or for more details. The deadline for reservations is February 5. Humbled before God In A Quiet Place in a Crazy World (Multnomah), Joni Eareckson Tada writes about approaching God with humility, out of “a place of dust and ashes.” God rewards an attitude of deep humility by lifting us up (see James 4:10 and 1 Peter 5:6). Abraham, for example, boldly approached God in prayer, “though I am nothing but dust and ashes” (Genesis 18:27, NIV). “The lower Abraham humbled himself, the ‘higher’ he must have felt,” Tada writes. “I can imagine that when Abraham spoke to God, he felt as though he were carried up on eagle’s wings to the heights of heaven. It must have awed him to be allowed, of all things, access to God Almighty.” Such an attitude of humility helps us appreciate God’s real presence with us in prayer, Tada says, because “we will know the assurance of talking to Someone who is really there.” North New Mexico Cluster Annual Gathering WOMEN’S JUSTICE CALLED TO ADVOCATE - MOVING BEYOND CHARITY By Ruth Hoffman SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 9:00 am -1:30 pm Saint Timothy’s Lutheran Church 211 Jefferson St NE, Albuquerque NM Contact WELCA or St. Timothy’s church office for registration form. The Women of the North New Mexico Cluster Committee and St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in Albuquerque have planned NEW PILLOWS – In Kind Offering a gathering for all. Enjoy worship, a discussion about women’s justice, and fellowship. Your registration fee of $20.00 by January 23, 2015 or late registration fee of $25 January 30, 2015 covers lunch by Christy Mae’s, materials and childcare. About the presenter, Ruth Hoffman: Ruth Hoffman has served as Director of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico since 1999. More information about the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry can be found at: lutheranadvocacynm.org. Ruth works tirelessly on the following issues with our New Mexico Legislators: Family-Sustaining Income (Minimum Wage & Wage Theft) Hunger Healthcare Affordable Housing & Homelessness Immigration Tax Policy Ministry Opportunity Volunteer Opportunity: Rays of Hope (Church Journal) Editor Rays of Hope (Church Journal) – Layout Artist (skills requirement) – familiar with editing articles and photos, cross checking dates, correct spelling of names, looks at the overall consistency of publication layout and article flow. Attends monthly ROH planning meetings (meets around 9:30 a.m. and last about one hour), direct communication with the Church Administrator with edits, works with the ROH Team, willing to come and edit a draft when called within a delegated time frame). Estimated 3-5 hours per month for this volunteer position. Contact: Linda Willoughby, Church Administrator [email protected] Prayer Partners Needs for January 31 – February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Health and Wellness Sharon Halstead; Lorissa Marshall; Neil Collelo; Judy Pekarek; John Stewart; Jan Paris; Kay Hendrickson; Nancy Harris; Ruth; Kev; Jackie Bader; Keith Webb; Zack Dow; Andy; Glenda; Chad Blair; Scott, Farzana, and Florence Harrison; Mary Ann McLaughlin; Ken Harrington; David Pressel; Ryan Vaughn; Norm Sabrowsky; John Stewart; Katie Hallstrom; Marie Cannoles; Scott Sylvester; Marcella Johnson; Arline Skindelien; Sarrah McWilliam; Gem Harris; Alan and Karen Schwartz Ongoing Needs – Kari Newton and family; Wendy Harrison; Clay Coleman; Debby Paisley, Ryan, Kayla, Ron Lewis and family; Diana; Knox family; Toni, Ali, Jacob, Nathan and Hannah; Jeremey Gomez and family; Deb Donaldson; Sue Strahn; Julie Thompson; Rick, Teresa, Jaxon, Blayne and Maria Rose; Jennifer and Tony Crumpton; Emma, Kaden and Riley Spoon; Pat and Chip Davis and family; Drake, Lucaya and Scott; Joanne and Savannah Stevens; Emma Kennedy, Denise, Jacob and Jared Felix; Connor Woldt; Todd Hveem; Mike Snyder; Peter McWilliam and family; Todd McWilliam and family; Matt Streff and family; John Streff and family; Faith Dean; Ruth Franz; Olga and family; Terri Cross; Robby Anderson; Geoff Bokan and family; Pastor Adam and wife Laura and Addy; Tye Fischler and family; Our Savior Lutheran Church, Chicago, Ill Those serving our country in the Armed Forces Jeremey Gomez; Ken Bisconer; Zak Ryan; Bill Foster; Joshua Hicks; Clark Boothe; Kurt Doyle; Ryan Walker; Matt Saiz; Bryce Mitchell; Cydney Mitchell; James Burton; Collin Seanor; Rhett Turnbull; Jazmyn Medina; Jason Toledo; Josh Orbinati; Matthew Knox; J.D. Garner; James Breck; Stephanie Hightower; Peter McWilliam; Sam Fischer; Andrew Mattern; Derek Evers; Monique and Clayton Kohn; Tony Savee; Christopher Toledo; Brian Stroud; Gabe Martinez; Jeremy Gomez and Matthew Padilla; Garrett Dow; Isaiah Bryce; Beau Delgado We pray for those families who are part of Cross of Hope’s “52 Weeks of Prayer Initiative: Amy Ellis; Larry, Karen and Kelly Erickson; Matthew, Denise, Tyler, Zachary and Riley Erickson We pray for the work of the whole church and the Rocky Mountain Synod through the ministries of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greeley, CO; and Joy Lutheran, Parker, CO We pray for our congregation as we prepare to welcome Pastor Adam as a minister among minsters in this place. Please be with Pastor Adam, his family and his current congregation during this time of transition. YOUR RELATIONSHIP DESERVES A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND! The next Weekend is scheduled March 20 - 22, 2015 at the Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Apply now at GodLovesMarriage.org. Or contact Bud & Cindy Amack at [email protected] or 303-796-9119 for more information. Weekends fill fast and preregistration is required – don’t miss out! When you do your shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price directly to Cross Of Hope Lutheran Church. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/850294144 and support us every time you shop. Log in to smile.amazon.com and use the same login as your Amazon account. The Parents of Hope are excited to have the Cross of Hope Congregation participating in the Scrips gift card program! You can go online and shop or come buy your gift cards directly from the Parents of Hope. Visit www.shopwithscrip.com to sign up (Enrollment Code DDAB5L3439L48) or visit with Erin Weisguth, PoH Fundraising officer [email protected]. We also take orders in person on Monday mornings at the picnic table next to the school playground if you’d like to stop by. (Please keep in mind that orders placed on Monday will be available for pickup on Friday) Thank you all for supporting our amazing school! MINISTERS: Every Member of Cross of Hope ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton ROCKY MOUNTAIN SYNOD BISHOP The Rev. James Gonia LEAD PASTOR: Pastor R. Adam Berndt (begins March 1, 2015) ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Pastor Matt Powell DIRECTOR OF MUSIC | YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRIES: Richard Hielkema, [email protected] CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR: Linda Willoughby, [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Nancy Morrison, [email protected] WORSHIP DIRECTOR: Connie Orbinati, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPERATIONS: Karen Schwartz [email protected] ACCOMPANIST: Amy Ellis HeBREWS MANAGER: Kel Orbinati COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Bill Wooten, Council email: [email protected] THRIVENT CONGREGATIONAL ADVOCATE: Forrest Uppendahl HEAD USHER: Ron Cordova HOST COORDINATORS: Ruth Hinkel and Barbara Ostby PROPERTY DIRECTOR: contact Church Office Cross of Hope 6104 Taylor Ranch Rd. Albuquerque NM 87120 897-0047 Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fax: 899-9455 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.crossofhope.org Council e-mail: [email protected] Cross of Hope Preschool: 899-0928 Preschool Director: Mary Sue Hale Preschool Board President – Jill Foster Cross of Hope Elementary School: 897-1832 School Principal: Harriet Crawford School Board President – Leeon Carrico Which Service Is For You? A User’s Guide If you prefer: ✔Saturday evening worship ✔casual intimate atmosphere ✔communion every week ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Saturday, 5:30 p.m. service is for you. If you prefer: ✔traditional liturgy and music ✔Holy Communion each week ✔family-oriented, with children present ✔warm, friendly atmosphere ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Sunday, 8:30 a.m. service is for you. If you prefer: ✔contemporary music with a band ✔relaxed atmosphere…great for people seeking a new relationship with Christ ✔family-oriented, with children present ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Sunday, 10:45 a.m. service is for you. Cross of Hope is a community living under God’s love and renewal. We respond to this graciousness by following Christ and taking up our cross. If you want to explore membership in our joyous and committed community, contact the church office, 8970047, for information. MINISTRIES AT CROSS OF HOPE Reaching Out to Grow Hope-Filled Followers of Jesus GOD CALLS US Alpha Course An introduction to the Christian faith in a comfortable environment. Next class begins September 10, during W3 (Walking in the Way, Wednesday, 5:30 pm) Contact: Jan Anderson, 362-3663. The Connection Center Information on activities at Cross of Hope. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047. Albuquerque Rescue Mission Provides meals and worship every other month for homeless men in the recovery program. Contact: Central New Mexico Correctional Facility, Los Lunas COH members minister to inmates monthly, 6:45-8:15 p.m. Contact: Elisa McLellan, 554-1311. Navajo Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, Arizona serves Navajo people in the heart of the Navajo reservation. Contact: Mary Hughes, 899-5447. Habitat for Humanity An international organization using volunteers and donations to build homes. GOD GATHERS US Voices of Hope Choir during 8:30 a.m. worship and special services. Rehearsal Thursdays. Sept to May. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Praise Team Lead worship in 10:45 service. Rehearsals: first Saturday of the month, 9:30 a.m. To audition for the praise team contact Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Drama Group Provides dramas during worship services. Contact: Diane Pressel, 833-3118. Technology Ministry Computer support at Cross of Hope. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047; website: Brian Hipple, 350-9227. GOD ENLIGHTENS US Sunday School Ages 5-11, Sunday 9:45 a.m. Contact Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Bomb-Diggity Bible Bunch Youth/Child Worship Ages 4-5th Grade. Sundays, in the 10:45 a.m. service. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Adult Education Variety of class topics. Sundays, 9:45 a.m. Contact: church office. Summer VBS Programs Rainbow Trail Day Camp Week in June. Contact: Richard Hielkema. Special Needs VBS. Contact Patty Westerfield. Cross of Hope Preschool State-certified, developmentally appropriate preschool for ages 3-4. Christian faith integral to curriculum. Mary Sue Hale, Director, [email protected]; 899-0928. Cross of Hope Elementary School Kindergarten - 5th Grade. Harriet Crawford, Principal, [email protected]. 8971832. Adult Bible Study A look at God’s Word. Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. Contact: Charlie & Gini Murphy, 990-2031. Financial Peace University Classes held throughout the year. Contact: Hans Zimmer, 899-9722; [email protected]. Boy Scout Troop 126 Sponsored by Cross of Hope. Tues., 7:00 p.m., Don Newton/Taylor Ranch Community Center. Contact: Bob Ashe, 890-4369. Web: www.troop126nm.com GOD SANCTIFIES US W3 (Walking in the Way, Wednesdays) The time when our entire congregation (all ages) can come together to live our vision as we fellowship, eat, play, worship and grow in spirit and mind as a family. Wednesdays, 5:45-8:00 p.m., September 3, 2014 –April 29, 2015. Senior High Youth (SHY) Grades 9-12. Bible Study, service projects, special activities, fun. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Mid High Youth (MHY) Grades 6-8. Contact Church Office, 897-0047. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Time for mothers of infants-Kindergartners to meet, share, learn, and grow. Meets 1 st and 3rd Tuesdays (Aug-May), 9:15 a.m. West Mesa Christian Church, 8821 Golf Course Rd, Albuquerque. Bible Study year round at Cross of Hope. Rebecca Bodily; [email protected]; 303-810-0830; Registration Carrianne Doughty 417-8652 or [email protected]. Website: crossofhopemops.wordpress.com. Cross of Hope Endowment Fund Information on making charitable contributions to our Endowment Fund. Contact: Michael Hughes, 831-4041. GOD KEEPS US Caring Ministry Includes Shut-In Visitations and other needs. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047. Koinonia Faith and Fellowship Groups Pray, study, grow, serve together. Meet in members’ homes to grow in faith. Contact: Martha Montano, 453-8321. BeFriender Ministry A lay pastoral care ministry offering a listening presence to others. Lay people have been trained to provide this essential care to people in our community who are sick, homebound, or struggling in some way. Contact: Pastor Matt Powell, [email protected], 8970047. Hope Gardeners Experience God’s love as we nurture His creation! Fridays, April – Oct., 9:00 a.m. for devotions, fellowship, snacks, weeding and caring for the garden. Contact: Barb Ostby, 890-4534. Prayer Chain Coordinator Contact: Kay Hendrickson, 850-8795. Crisis-Care Coordinator Contact: Linda Molde, 294-8166. Lunch Bunch Cross of Hope’s senior members/friends meet at restaurants for good food and company. Meets 4 th Wednesday at 1 p.m. Contact: Stan Socha, 839-7416. Women on Wednesdays (WOW) for all women. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. September 3, 2014-May 20, 2015. Watch bulletins/newsletters for special activities and programs. Contact: Sheri Phillips, 839-4290. Banner Babes Ministry makes and presents quilts for our graduating high school seniors and to those children being baptized. Mondays, 12:00 p.m. Contact Diane Carrico, 554-1128 Prayer Buddies Be a secret Prayer Buddy and pray daily for a confirmation student. Contact: Deney Perkins, 321-5549.
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