West L. A. Connections Where Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church West Los Angeles United Methodist Church Office Hours Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM While the attacks perpetrated by the terrorists are reprehensible and indefensible, we must guard against unreason by laying the blame for the recent events at the feet of Islam or religion. Pastors' Office Hours Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims around the world. Islam is the world’s second largest religion after Christianity. The percentage of persons claiming to be Muslim who are involved in terrorist acts is miniscule by comparison. Sunday Worship Services 9:30 AM English Language Worship Child Care and Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship Time for both congregations 11:00 AM Japanese Language Worship Islam is a religion of reason and peace. Islam literally means “peace.” Its scriptures are replete with admonitions for peaceful and just interactions with nations, neighbors, and the needy. Nature is seen as an integral part of a holistic outlook on God, humanity, and the world. Moderate Muslims have condemned terrorist acts done in the name of Islam. Following the Paris shootings, the Arab League and Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam’s premier center of learning, condemned the attacks saying, “Islam denounces any violence.” In Berlin, thousands of Muslims gathered at the Brandenburg Gate under a banner that read, “Terror: not in our name!” The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the U.S., wrote, “We strongly condemn this brutal and cowardly attack and reiterate our repudiation of any such assault on freedom of speech, even speech that mocks faiths and religious figures.” Staff Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor Email: [email protected] Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor Email: [email protected] Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor Japanese Language Ministry Email: [email protected] Let us not allow the acts of terrorists to discredit or undermine the benefits that religion has bequeathed to the world. Instead, let the words of the English actor David Suchet guide us: "I'm a Christian by faith. I like to think it sees me through a great deal of my life. I very much believe in the principles of Christianity and the principles of most religions, actually — that one has to abandon oneself to a higher good.”¹ Lina Yamaguchi, Secretary and Newsletter Coordinator Email: [email protected] Our Mission Statement West L.A. Connections February 2015 The recent events in Paris have added fuel to the fire of criticism against Muslims in particular and religion in general. The author Sam Harris has called Islam the “mother lode of bad ideas.” Comedian Bill Maher said, “When there’s this many bad apples, there’s something wrong with the orchard.” Author Salman Rushdie has described religion as a “medieval form of unreason” and, like all other ideas, is deserving of “criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.” 1913 Purdue Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-479-1379 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlaumc.com Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth - Building a community of faith and making disciples of Christ by reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. At West LA UMC, building a community of faith is what we are about. Happens! Peace be with you, Rev. Gary Oba 1 Suchet religious conversion. Strandmag.com. Page 1 February 2015 Prayers Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer As a community of faith, we support one another through prayer. To add or remove a prayer request, please contact one of the pastors or the church office. Narrative Lectionary Readings for February If you would like to receive a complete list of Prayer Requests – Joys and Concerns – please contact the Church Office. These readings serve as the foundation for the Wednesday morning Bible Study and Sunday morning Worship Services. By reading these scripture lessons during the week, you can prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship. February 1 Matthew 6:7-21 Psalm 20:7 February 8 Matthew 14:13-33 Psalm 95:1-5 February 15 Matthew 16:24 – 17:8 Psalm 41:7-10 February 18 Matthew 18:1-9 Psalm 146:7c10 or 51:1-3 February 22 Matthew 18:15-35 Psalm 32:1-2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ West LA UMC Prayer Ministry Join us on Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary to pray for persons on the church’s prayer list. The Prayer Ministry provides a calm and peaceful time to sit, pray, and listen for God’s guidance in life. To receive an updated copy of the Prayer List, contact Lina Yamaguchi at the church office at 310-479-1379. West L.A. Connections Page 2 February 2015 Worship & Studies Growing in Faith through Worship and Study Sunday School and Bible Studies February 9:30 AM Worship Services Children’s Sunday School February 1 – 4th Sunday after the Epiphany and Holy Communion Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Matthew 6:7-21. Theme: Practice righteousness where only God can see. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children’s message. Sunday School helps children learn about God, the life of Jesus, and important lessons from the Bible. Children and youth are encouraged to attend worship and Sunday School each week! Infants & Toddlers Nursery (next to the sanctuary) Age 3 to Pre-K Cool Kids Room 1 K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3 Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2 Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (located upstairs) February 8 – 5th Sunday after the Epiphany and Boy Scout Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Matthew 14:13-33. Theme: God's kingdom upends the world's expectations. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children's message. Women’s Bible Study Group 2nd and 4th Mondays, 1:00-2:30 PM The two lessons for February are "Glory to God in the Highest" using story of the nativity from Luke 2:120 and "In Awe of Christ's Power" using Matthew 14:22-36. The women take turns facilitating the class discussion using the Adult Bible Study series. New members are welcome. February 15 – Last Sunday after the Epiphany Transfiguration of the Lord Pastor Jack Ong preaching. Guest speaker for the children's message. February 18 – Ash Wednesday Evening Service 7:30 PM, Sanctuary The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday. Join us for the worship service that will include scripture, hymns, and the imposition of ashes. Men’s Bible Study Group February 22 – 1st Sunday in Lent Worship with Praise Band Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Matthew 18:15-35. Theme: We forgive others because we have been forgiven. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children's message. “Alive Now” Study Group Periodic Tuesdays, 7:15-8:15 PM in Room 2. The Men’s Study Group meets on periodic Tuesday evenings. Contact Fred Hifumi for dates and times. Wednesdays, 9:15-10:15 AM in Room 2. This study focuses on scripture lessons that will be the basis for Sunday morning’s sermon. (See page 2 of for scripture lessons.) Rev. Gary leads the discussion. Thursday Bible Study Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 PM in the Learning Center. The group will complete its discussion of the book, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan on February 5. There will be no study on February 12. The group will begin a new study of the book, Christ Actually: The Son of God for the Secular Age by James Carroll on February 19. To order Christ Actually, please call the church office. New members are welcome to join this study group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New! Lenten Study Tuesdays 9:30 AM or Wednesdays 7:30 PM, Room 2. On February 24, a six-week Lenten Study will begin on the book Parables and Passion: Jesus’ Stories for the Days of Lent by John Indermark. This book offers daily reflections on Jesus’ parables in light of his passion. The study will be led by Rev. Janet Cromwell and is open to everyone who wishes to participate. To order a copy of the book for $11.00, please call the church office by February 10. Valentine Making & Souper Bowl Sunday On Sunday, February 1, children, youth and adults are invited to enjoy a warm bowl of soup and then move to the Valentine Making tables. We will create Valentines for persons on our church’s Prayer List. Supplies will be provided, so please plan to join us and share your creative talents on this important outreach project. West L.A. Connections Page 3 February 2015 Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Supporting Families in Spiritual Growth and Discipleship Confirmation Class for 7-12th Graders February 28, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM, Learning Center The church is hosting a Confirmation Class for students in Grades 7-12. Confirmation provides the opportunity for young people to learn about the history of The United Methodist Church and the meaning of church membership. More importantly, it is a time for students to discover and articulate what they believe about God, Jesus, and their role as followers of Christ. The Confirmation Class will begin with a Retreat on Saturday, February 28, in the Learning Center. Students will gather for breakfast at 8:30, participate in four active learning sessions, enjoy lunch, and start developing their personal Statement of Faith. Students will continue to deepen their faith through worship and Sunday School throughout the Spring. The Confirmation Retreat will be led by Sharon Kinoshita Gill, Lenny Gill, Stan Shimotsu, and Rev. Janet Cromwell. There is no cost, but registration is required by February 18 so that food and supplies may be purchased. The Confirmation Class will meet again on Friday evening, April 24, at 6:00 PM for dinner, discussion and finalizing the students’ Statements of Faith. Confirmation will take place during worship on Pentacost Sunday, May 24, for those students who choose to be confirmed and join the church. A parent guide book will be provided for each family. Parents and students are welcome to contact Sharon Kinoshita Gill or Rev. Janet Cromwell for more information. We look forward to this exciting faith development opportunity for our 7-12th Graders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The youth visit Fumi Tsuruda at her home. th 4-8 Grade Overnight Retreat On January 18-19, our 4-8th Graders gathered for a fun and inspiring Overnight Retreat. The afternoon began with bowling in Santa Monica followed by cooking a delicious dinner at the Parsonage. Upon returning to the church, the students created an “instant party” to celebrate Jared Matsubayashi’s birthday! Each student had a task to do to make his day extra special, including hanging decorations, icing a cake, and creating a handmade birthday card. This year’s movie was “The Prince of Egypt” that described the life of Moses and his calling to lead God’s people from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. Following the movie, the students reflected on how they see themselves vs how God sees them. During the late-night worship, students considered what God might be calling them to do. On Monday morning, the students created colorful bouquets of tissue paper flowers and handmade cards to deliver to two senior members of our church, Fumi Tsuruda and Nancy Shimotsu. During short visits to each of the women’s homes, they introduced themselves and presented their gifts. West LA UMC is blessed to have such talented, fun, and thoughtful youth. Many thanks to the Retreat Leaders Sharon Kinoshita Gill, Lenny Gill, Mike Dote, and Rev. Janet Cromwell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohana 2.0: Families with Young Children Saturday, March 7, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM The Ohana 2.0 gathering on February 14 has been canceled so please mark your calendars for the next gathering on March 7 at 10:00 AM. We will discuss discipline for all ages (setting boundaries and limits) based on the Bill Hybel’s book "Parenting: How to Raise Spiritually Health Kids.” Looking forward to seeing you then! Vacation Bible School July 13-17, 2015 Yes, it is only February, and we are already planning for this year’s Vacation Bible School! VBS Director Jeri Okamoto Floyd has set the dates of July 13-17 for this year’s program. More information will be available in future Newsletters but, in the meantime, please mark your calendar and plan to be a part of this fun and inspiring summer event! Please RSVP to Jane Shimotsu so that preparations can be made for childcare during the discussion time for adults and the potluck lunch. West L.A. Connections Page 4 February 2015 Outreach & Social Service Serving Our Community and World GRACIAS! Dear West Los Angeles United Methodist Church, The Kroger Family of Stores is committed to bringing hope and help to local communities. We do this through a variety of activities, including charitable giving, sponsorships and the unique Community Contributions Program of Ralphs. As your neighborhood food retailer, we deeply value our ability to support local organizations like yours. Your supporters (31 households) who shopped at Ralphs between 09/01/2014 and 11/30/2014 have contributed to your $200.61 total donation. The more your supporters shop with us, the more money your organization will earn! Thank you, Ralphs Community Program Staff Please Note: Church members can still register their Ralphs cards on the Internet at www.Ralphs.com or by taking the following "bar code" to your Ralph's cashier and having them scan it. Thank you for supporting this fundraising effort! During the first week of January, three members of La Plaza United Methodist Church drove to San Ysidro area were they met with Rev Saul Montiel (a United Methodist clergy person in San Diego area) and teachers from two schools in Mexico. During their time together, the teachers received the toys that West LA UMC donated (around 150), plus school supplies, socks, beanie hats, t-shirts, and scarves that other congregations helped us to put together. For that we are deeply grateful! Once again, THANK YOU to you and your congregation for being a blessing for these lives. Paz, Pastor VJ Cruz Baez La Plaza United Methodist Church ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Opening Conversation for Everyone on “Reconciling Congregation” An opening conversation regarding our congregation possibly becoming a Reconciling Congregation will be held during the Social Hour on Sunday, February 22 at 11:00 AM. A “Reconciling Congregation” is a UMC congregation that expresses its openness to all worshipers regardless of sexual orientation. Jeri Okamoto Floyd will moderate a panel consisting of Rev. Gary Oba, Stan Shimotsu, and special guest Jason Takagi, the Reconciling Ministry Network Convener for the Cal-Pac Annual Conference. At this first conversation, each of the participants will explain their perspective on becoming a Reconciling Congregation. Following their brief presentations, members of the congregation will be invited to ask questions. Due to the nature of the subject, it is unlikely that all questions will be fully answered in this initial session. However, these questions will help to shape future conversations, study sessions, and programs that will be held throughout this coming year. Our church Administrative Council voted to support having conversations and other means of exchange this year to see if we would like to vote to become a Reconciling Congregation. All are wholeheartedly invited to participate in this opening conversation on February 22 immediately after the English worship service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thankfulness. Being thankful is a choice… Jean and I are frequently out of town usually over the weekends where we share time with and care for my folks who make their home out of state. Sadly, during those times, we miss attending Sunday morning worship services where we take delight in listening to Rev. Janet’s scripture messages and stories to the children at church. I also appreciate and take pleasure in hearing and learning from Rev. Gary’s sermons. Which is why I take this opportunity to share with church members and friends about the church website www.wlaumc.com. Please know, if you didn’t, that we have access over the internet to listen to prerecorded audio tracks of WLAUMC ministry sermons and scripture readings, special events, messages, and guest speakers from past Sunday morning services. I see the application of this website as a valuable resources of new electronic age, if you will, church information technology. This blessing is available for everyone to share and use and I am hopeful that it catches on. Thank you WLAUMC for making this thoughtful, efficient and utilitarian media information service available to all of us. Yours truly and in thankfulness. Gregory Shikata West L.A. Connections Page 5 February 2015 Tanoshimi-kai Outing Thank You for Prayers Tanoshimi-kai will begin its 2015 outings on Tuesday, February 17 as we explore more of Downtown Los Angeles. A docent led visit of the historic, but presently very viable Union Station, will be our first stop. Union Station opened in May of 1939 and celebrated its 75th anniversary this past year. This Mission-style building with its large patio areas and towering ceiling waiting room with circular chandeliers was the last grand railroad station built in the United States. You will have the opportunity to select what you would like to eat for lunch as we browse the Grand Central Market that is a part of the Los Angeles Historic Core District. Grand Central, which dates back to 1917, is located on the ground floor of the historic Homer Laughlin Building and has many different food vendors and restaurants. You may also want to walk across the street to step inside the lobby of the famed Bradbury Building. Our last stop will be a tour of the Wells Fargo Bank Museum that highlights their history in Southern California. Among their exhibits are the Concord Stagecoach and a 27-ounce gold nugget. On February 17, we plan to depart church at 8:45 and return around 4:30. The cost of $45.00 per person includes transportation, driver's gratuity, tours, and donation. Lunch will be on your own. Contact Eleanor Nakano for more information and to sign up. Dear Rev. Gary, Rev. Janet and WLAUMC, What a surprise to receive a box on Christmas Eve filled with cards from my church family. Beautiful cards and meaningful messages. Rick and I feel uplifted by your prayerful support. I have another week of radiation treatment and infusion until September. My oncologist is considering other therapies as well. We continue to pray for your ministry sharing God’s Love. Blessings, Gail & Rick Messner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note from Kale Langley & Brooke Smars Former West LA UMC worshippers Kale Langley and Brooke Smars sent Christmas greetings to the church. They may be reached at 5045 Morgan Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55419. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japanese University Students to Visit On Sunday, February 22, fourteen university students along with two professors from Kyushu Sangyo University (KSU) will visit our church. At their request, after attending the English worship service, the students would like to speak informally with church members in the Social Hall. They also will be bringing cake for everyone to enjoy. The group plans to remain in the Orange County area for three weeks as they attend an English Study program. Mariye Takahashi from our congregation is coordinating the visit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japanese Film Night Friday, February 27, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary Japanese Film Night on Friday, February 27 will feature “The King of Masks” / “Bian Lian.” This 91 minute long 1996 color film was directed by Ma Da-Yuan. Set against a back story of Chinese street pageantry, fireworks, magic, acrobatics and a special pet monkey named General, the film tells the story of an aging street performer who is a master of the traditional and secret art of Face Changing. Gregory Shikata, Japanese Film Night Coordinator, will provide an introduction to the film, including information on the director and actors. Looking ahead, the March 27 film will be “Sayonara.” That evening, actress Miiko Taka will speak about her staring role in the film and answer questions. Don’t miss this very special event at 7:00! These films are free and open to the public. Bring your friends and join us. West L.A. Connections Gluten-free Bread for Communion In The United Methodist Church, the Lord’s Table is open to all persons who wish to participate. Church membership or belief in a particular creed or doctrine are not required. However, some persons may feel excluded from participating in communion because of dietary restrictions. If this is true for you or a loved one, please notify Rev. Janet Cromwell so that gluten-free bread may be provided for you during communion. At West LA UMC, we want all of God’s children to be able to feast at the Lord’s Table. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bell Choir Rehearsals February 8, 11:00 AM The Bell Choir will begin rehearsals in preparation for Easter Sunday. New members are welcome to join the Bell Choir at the first rehearsal on Sunday, February 8 at 11:00 AM. Please see Music Director Ashley Ramsey for more information. Page 6 February 2015 United Methodist Women Women Learning, Growing, and Serving Others UMW Membership UMW Steering Committee Good news! Treasurer, Lois Tateishi, reports that UMW membership now stands at 56 with many more pledges received from Velcey Abracosa, Sonia Dixon, Fusako Hamamoto, Valerie Harada, Aiko Inouye, Eiko Iwata, Keiko Kikuta, Nanayo Kuno, Yae Miyahata, Takako Nomi, Kathy Orebaugh, Marge Sakamoto, Marlene Sakamoto, Kim Sase, Nancy Shimotsu, Michi Shono, Jane Shimotsu, Hisako Terasaki, June Ushiyama, Grace Yamada and Diane Yamagata. Thanks for your commitment! In order for us to continue as a vibrant and viable organization, we depend on all our members to fulfill our mission as United Methodist Women. We know when asked to help, you will respond, "YES, GLADLY!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to new Steering Committee member, Stacey Hirose, another valued addition! She, along with Sharon Kinoshita-Gill, will bring a "younger" perspective to planning future programs for UMW. As mentioned in the previous month's newsletter, the Steering Committee is comprised of nine UMW members who will aid Chairperson, Rose Honda, in fostering relationships among the membership, scheduling events and making important decisions. The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be on Sunday, February 8 at 11:00 AM in Room 2. Please let Rose know if you will be able to attend. New Year Off To A Good Start! Saturday-Sunday, March 14-15 Are you looking for time away from the busyness of life—time to “stop and smell the roses,” as you relax with friends, share laughter and stories, and spend time with God? Join us at our Garden Getaway retreat to experience all this and more! Garden Getaway is a relaxing garden-themed retreat for the women of our church. It includes worship, singing, Bible study, and time for laughter as well as time for quiet reflection. This is a time to walk with God, the Master Gardener. We will begin on Saturday at 10:00 AM and will finish by noon on Sunday. The retreat will be held at Aldersgate Retreat Center and the cost is only $99 per person before February 8! This covers three delicious meals, fun and refreshing activities, all materials, and comfortable lodging. Carpooling is available. For more information, please see Cindy Morimoto, or Rev. Janet Cromwell, or stop by the Retreat table at the church on Sunday to learn more and register. You can also find information on www.wlaumc.com. Take time to relax, make new friends, worship, and draw closer to God. We hope you will join us at this Garden Getaway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Garden Getaway Women's Retreat On Saturday, January 24, over forty members of the UMW gathered for a special New Year lunch at Sushi Ichiriki in Torrance. Chef/Owner, Peter Tachikawa, prepared special omakase fare for the appreciative attendees. It was a wonder opportunity not only to enjoy delicious food, but to spend time with fellow members in a convivial atmosphere. Our thanks to Kathi Yamazaki for making all the arrangements. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission Meeting February 21 On Saturday, February 21, UMW members will meet from 10:00 AM to pack layettes for newborn babies in Alaska, toiletries and food for UCLA Wesley Foundation, and articles on a wish list for Step Up On Second. Grace Seto coordinates the Layettes Project and Eleanor Nakano has been the liaison for the Wesley Foundation. We are accepting donations of toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. and toiletry kits as well as individual food packets such as mac 'n cheese, ramen, tuna, snacks, etc. for homeless UCLA students. If you wish to donate fresh fruits, apples, oranges and green bananas will be accepted on February 21. Step Up on Second, a home for individuals with mental health issues, has requested cold, wet weather gear including coats, rain ponchos, umbrellas, socks, hats, gloves, back packs, blankets, sleeping bags, towels, small note pads and pens, travel thermos, etc. If you wish to donate any of these articles, please let us know or bring them to church before February 21. Thank you. Lunch will be prepared for the workers by Toshie Setoguchi, Lois Tateishi and Sadie Hifumi. PLEASE RSVP TO TOSHIE BY FEBRUARY 15 if you plan to attend and wish to eat lunch. West L.A. Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Café Aloha On Saturday, February 7, our senior members are invited to Café Aloha. Rev. Becky leads a brief program and a Japanese lunch is served. Join us for fellowship at 11:00 AM in the Social Hall. Page 7 February 2015 Special Offerings Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings for your generous gifts! Memorial Offerings Special Offerings If you would like a list of the Memorial Offerings, please contact the Church Office. If you would like a list of the Special Offerings, please contact the Church Office. Remember the Church in Your Will or Trust Many of the good things the church has been able to do has been the result of bequests, for which the church is very grateful. When including the church in your will or trust, please list the legal name and address, West Los Angeles United Methodist Church, 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. You may call the office for further information. West L.A. Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Altar Flowers dedicated in January If you would like a list of the Altar Flower donations, please contact the Church Office. Page 8 February 2015 Giving Beyond the Local Church 2014 Christmas 2014 Offerings The following donations were given by members of the congregation for mission work beyond the doors of our church. Through your generosity, West LA UMC is touching lives around the world! If you would like a list of the Christmas Offerings, please contact the Church Office. Designated Giving Missionary Support & Travel expenses, $3,520 Peace With Justice Offering, $200 Human Relations Offering, $315 Native American Ministries Offering, $200 One Great Hour Offering, $446 World Communion Offering, $774 UM Student Day Offering, $350 Imagine No Malaria, $3,000 Wesley Foundation UCLA, $5,000 Loaves & Fishes Food Collaborative (UMM West District), $2,200 National JA UM Caucus, $250 Stop Hunger Now!, $4,426 Habitat for Humanity Missions Project, $2,500 Asian Americans Advancing Justice, $250 Donations by Tanoshimi Kai group, $1,575 PATH Project (meals): Unknown Thanksgiving Baskets, $268 Thanksgiving Baskets-groceries/turkeys: Unknown 48 Habitat family Welcome cleaning caddies – Vacation Bible School: Unknown Food Pantries - canned goods: Unknown Social Action Toy Drive: Unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Wear Your Name Tag What a blessing it is to greet one another by name! Please wear your name tag during worship and fellowship time so that we may learn each other’s names. This simple gesture opens communication and makes everyone feel more welcome at church. Apportionments and Conference Benevolences Retired Pastors Pensions & Health Care, $13,931 World Service & Conference Benevolence, $45,702 Bishops and District Superintendents, $21,865 Annual Conference Administration, $13,188 Ministerial Education Fund / World Service General Church Mission, $2,915 Black College Fund & Africa University Fund, $1,216 Ethnic Minority Local Churches / Christian Education Sunday, $153 Cal-Pac Hunger Appeal & AIDS Ministry, $158 Youth Service Fund / Youth Ministry Sunday / Campus Ministry, $816 Congregation Total $105,218 Donations by United Methodist Women UMW Missions, $570 Alaska Layettes Project, $354 Toiletry bags for UCLA Food Pantry: Unknown Mephibosheth Training Centre, Ghana, $1,000 PATH Project (meals), $202 UMW Total $1,924 GRAND TOTAL, $107,142 West L.A. Connections Page 9 February 2015 Japanese Ministry Praising and Serving God Together 「塩らしいクリスチャン」 “Dame-yo, dame, dame”(no, no, no) 2014 年の流行語大賞に輝いたのが「ダメよ ~、ダメダメ」である。お笑いコンビ「日本 エレキテル連合」のコントである。 「ダメ!」ときつく言わない、優しい「ダメ よ~」が日本文化を象徴していると言われて いる。 やはり、優しい言葉は、人の心を打つのであ る。 In 2014, this phrase received the most popular phrase award in Japan. Even the little children learn to say “dame-yo” instead of “dame!” last year. “Dame!” is a strong “no.” But, “dame-yo” is a kind and gentle “no.” Many critics said that this phrase represented the gentle Japanese culture and was well received by young and old. 今年の年間聖句は「地の塩」(マタイ 5:13) である。信仰者は、地の塩だとイエス様は教 えている。塩は大事である。役にたつ。塩の ない世界はありえない。料理の時に塩がない とは、考えられない。 クリスチャンのいない世界もありえない。イ エス様を信じる人は、塩らしいクリスチャン で、世のために役にたつからである。職場で も、学校でも、家でも、教会でも、私たちは 塩らしいクリスチャンであろうか。 塩はこの世で、腐ることを防ぐ。そして、美 味しい味を提供する。そして、溶けて和合し 暮らすのである。 和の暮らしを考えるとは、素敵である。調和 された塩らしいクリスチャンは、目では見え ないかもしれないが、いて欲しい存在である。 2015 年は、和を考え、悪を抑え、美味しい 味を引き出す、塩らしいクリスチャンになる 目標をもって歩みたいと思う。 平田 Jesus said “we are the salt of the earth.”(Matthew 5:13) Christians are “shio-rashii” (salt-like) people. (“shiorashii” translation is modest & meek) “Shio-rashii” people are needed at work, school, home, & church. “Shio” not only stops the food from spoiling, but gives a good taste in cooking. Any oishii food, “shio” is used and harmonizes well to bring a good taste. This year, we want to be like the salt, to think about harmony, to stop the wrongdoings, and to add goodness. May Jesus, our Lord, is glorified through us. Pastor Becky Hirata 平田 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Nichigo’s February Calendar Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 West L.A. Connections Page 10 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 8:45 AM 7:30 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:30 PM Nichiigo Worship Service Nichigo Bible Study Café Aloha Senior Lunch Nichigo Worship Service Lunch Fellowship Nichigo Worship Service Bible Study Tanoshimi-Kai Outing Ash Wednesday Service Nichigo Worship Service Prayer Group Japanese Film Night February 2015 February 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Valentine’s Day Card Making / Souper Bowl Sunday 2 Tuesday 3 9:30am English Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:30am Valentine’s Day Card Making 11:00am Japanese Worship 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 8 9 10 9:30am English Worship 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Japanese Worship 11:00am Library Opens 11:00am UMW Steering Com. Mtg 11:00am Bell Choir Rehearsal 12:00pm Nichigo Potluck Luncheon 15 9:30am 9:45am 11:00am 11:00am 11:15am English Worship Sunday School Japanese Worship Bell Choir Rehearsal Social Action Mtg. 22 Visitors from Japan 9:30am English Worship 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Japanese Worship 11:00am Social Action Presentation/ Reconciliation Ministry Panel Discussion 1:00am Women’s Bible Study 6:00pm PATH Meal Service 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 16 Church Office Closed 17 8:45 – 4:30 Tanoshimi Kai Outing 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:00pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 23 24 1:00am Women’s Bible Study 9:30am Lenten Study morning session begins 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal West L.A. Connections Wednesday 4 9:15am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class Thursday 5 9:30am Prayer Meeting 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 11:00am Staff Meeting Friday 6 Saturday 7 8:00am West District Training Conference at Holman UMC 11:00am Café Aloha Senior Luncheon 7:30pm Bible Study 11 12 13 14 Valentine’s Day 18 19 20 21 9:15am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 8:30am Fat Tuesday Men’s Breakfast at church 9:15am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 7:30pm Ash Wednesday Service 25 9:15am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 7:30pm Lenten Study evening session begins Page 11 9:30am Prayer Meeting 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 9:30am Prayer Meeting 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 10:00am UMW Workshop 4:00pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7:30pm Bible Study 26 9:30am Prayer Meeting 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 7:30pm Bible Study 27 28 8:30-2:00pm Youth Confirmation Class 7:30pm Japanese Film Night- February 2015 The Season of Lent The Lenten Season is a time for prayer, self-reflection, and re-dedication to following Christ in this world. To prepare one’s heart and mind during Lent, a number of special worship services and study groups are provided at the church. Please plan to participate in a meaningful Lenten Season. Ash Wednesday Worship Service Wednesday, February 18, 7:30 PM We begin the season in self-reflection. Lenten Devotional Study Groups Tuesdays, beginning February 24, 9:30 AM Wednesdays, beginning February 25, 7:30 PM Reading Parables and Passion: Jesus’ Stories for the Days of Lent by John Indermark. Thursday Night Bible Study Thursdays, beginning February 19, 7:30 PM Reading Christ Actually: The Son of God for the Secular Age by James Carroll. Youth Confirmation Retreat Saturday, February 28, 8:30 AM-2:30 PM Palm Sunday Worship Sunday, March 29, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM We recall Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem Good Friday Worship Services Friday, April 3, 12:00 Noon and 7:30 PM We remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Easter Sunday Worship Sunday, April 5, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Christ is risen! We rejoice and praise God! West LA United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 wlaumc.com 310-479-1379
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