A THOUGHT FROM POPE FRANCIS FEBRUARY 1, 2015 4th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 31 St John Bosco, founder 8:00am – BABY WARING by family 3:30pm – ALL BENEFACTORS 5:00pm – ORLANDINA MARTINS Sunday, February 1 Fr Silvio Fr Peter th 4 SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 8:00am – Healing of JOYCE PARADIS by family Fr Peter 9:00am – ALL PARISHIONERS Fr Silvio 11:00am – THOMAS OYLER JR. by family Fr Silvio 7:00pm – THE SOULS OF THE LOST MALAYSIAN FLIGHTS by a concerned faithful Fr Peter Monday, February 2 Presentation of the Lord 7:00 am – SOULS IN PURGATORY Tuesday, February 3 St Blaise, bishop 7:00am – JOSEPH MURPHY Wednesday, February 4 Thursday, February 5 St Agatha, martyr 7:00am – FRED SOLOMON/MARY PONTES by family Friday, February 6 St Paul Miki, martyr 7:00am – MARIANNA FARPELHA by family 9:00am – LUCIENNE DESROSIERS by S. Heart School staff St Richard, Saxon king 8:00am – JAIME NASCIMENTO JR. by sister 3:30pm – ALL BENEFACTORS 5:00pm – MANUEL & ALICE MEDEIROS by Maria Jorge Sunday, February 8 FrPeter FrSilvio th 5 SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 8:00am – MANUEL BORGES by family 9:00am – ALL PARISHIONERS 11:00am – JEAN BOISSE by husband 7:00pm – SOULS IN PURGATORY FrSilvio FrSilvio FrPeter FrPeter PLEASE, PRAY FOR THE SICK: Fernando Carvalho, Zulmira & Eugene Cunha, Rose Crowshaw, Hardwell August, Hope Laiter, Matthew Boudreau, Concetta Hopkins, Larry Bass, Frank and Madelene Frausto, Danile Lewis, Allison Roberto, Alex Wilson, Charles Pringle, Zachary Leiszler, Amy Federivicz, Carol Ladeira, Monica Rainville Baton, Joseph Cabral, Gregory LaRocco, Fred Rioles, Robert Di Pippo, Virginia Nunez and all the suffering parishioners. # 215 # 267 #8 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The members of the Pastoral Council are invited to attend the rescheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 3, at 6:30 pm, at the Rectory. SAVE THE DATE The Spring Parish Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall. More details in the future Bulletins. St Joao de Britto, priest 7:00am – GLORIA SALGADO & HUSBAND by Ermelinda Saturday, February 7 Are we Christians who know the faith, the catechism, who go to Mass every Sunday content with ourselves? Because we have organized everything it seems that we don’t need new visits from the Lord at all. Yet, He continues to knock on the door of each one of us and of His Church, on the door of our hearts, of the heart of the Church, of her pastors. If we will not open our heart, the Lord weeps. Let us examine our conscience and reflect if we are right before God. SACRED HEART 365 CLUB BRIDIE Mc CAFFERTY $ 25.00 LOUIE PEREIRA $ 25.00 CHERYL KOSOWSKI $ 25.00 WE ARE A TITHING PARISH GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING A WEEK AGO $ 2,721.00 A YEAR AGO $ 2,476.00 CHILDREN $ 6.25 CHILDREN $ 19.65 “The true purpose of tithing is to secure not the tithe, but the tither; not the gift, but the giver; not your money, but you...for God. SACRED HEART SCHOOL FUND In Memory of Hopkins-Buccoliero Families In Memory of Joan Peck In Memory of Anthony J. Amerantes In Memory of John & Priscilla O’Connor In Memory of Francis Steadman Anonymous Previous Anonymous Anonymous/Weekend 1-25-2015 3,000.00 920.00 150.00 4,000.00 100.00 2,000.00 175.00 5.00 ____________________________________________ TOTAL to DATE 10,350.00 SACRED HEART SENIOR DAY SERVICES Sacred Heart Church of East Providence is running a Senior Services and is located in the Church Hall on 118 Taunton Ave. Volunteers are welcome. For more information please contact Sr. Margaret Mary at (401) 714-0145 (center) or (401) 2633707 (cell). FRIENDS OF FATHER GUANELLA Next meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at the Rectory, at 6:30 pm. All are invited. Dear Padre From the Pastor’s Desk WHAT WE BELIEVE Question: The Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation or Confession. Answer: Essential elements of every confession are: Examination of Conscience. It is already present in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (11:28), where he urged that there be an examination of conscience before receiving Holy Communion. Before confession we have to examine our relationship with God (the first 3 commandments), our relationship with others (the following 7 commandments). We should know and list the Ten Commandments by heart. Absolution. The forgiveness of any sin, especially the remission of sin happens at the time of absolution. It is the forgiveness imparted to the penitent by the priest who hears your confession in Christ’s name by saying, “And I absolve you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Penance. It is making restitution or satisfaction for the sin committed and it must be expressed by prayers, by fasting, and by acts of charity toward the needy. Penance frees and encourages us to make a new start. We should remember that by not making the penance given by the priest we invalidate the confession we have done. So, we better be careful. Contrition. It is sorrow of heart and detestation for sins committed with the resolution not to sin again. It must be a voluntary and explicit rejection of the previous life. A perfect contrition is hating sin because God is good and sin offends Him. An imperfect contrition is hating sin out of fear of God’s wrath. The latter is better than nothing. Amendment. It is the commitment made to God and ourselves to correct the errors and faults that we have done. It is a promise to make better and improve our life. Confession. It is going to a priest and confess to him our sins in order to receive God’s forgiveness and to grow in holiness and virtuous life. Confession is mandatory once a year before or after Easter Sunday. It is better however to go more often. We don’t take a shower once a year to wash our body. Our soul needs frequently a spiritual shower too. We have to confess both the venial and mortal sins; the latter by species and number. The mere asking for God’s forgiveness before sleeping or at Mass does not forgive mortal sins. We have to go to a priest for absolution. “To confess our sins before the minister of the Lord gladdens heaven and earth.” Saint Louis Guanella A GRAIN OF WISDOM There are people who wish to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity. CATHOLIC TRIVIA * Answer to the last week’s quiz: C. There are 16 Popes who took the name Gregory. The last one was born in 1767 in Father Silvio’s parish in Belluno, deep Northern Italy. * This week’s quiz: The Sacrament of Holy Orders comprises how many Orders? A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0 Sanctuary Lamp Lit this week... For the Healing of Virginia Nunez If you would like to have the sanctuary Lamp lit for the week in memory of loved ones, please, put your intention in the collection basket along with a freewill donation. BIBLE STUDY CLASS at Sacred Heart Church Hall, 118 Taunton Avenue in East Providence, on every Monday of the Week, at 7:00 pm. For any questions feel free to call Mr. David O’Connell at 632-2516. Next Bible Study Class will be held on Monday FEBRUARY 1, 2015 ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES Any adult parishioner, who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to be prepared for it, should contact the Rectory at 4340326 to register. The classes will take place during the Thursdays of Lent on February 19 and 26; on March 5-12-19-26 from 7:00-8:00 pm at the Sacred Heart Rectory. The Rite of Confirmation will be held at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, 30 Fenner Street, Providence, RI 02903 on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 3:00 PM. RHODE ISALND CATHOLIC The annual subscription campaign of the Diocese of Providence Newspaper is underway. If you are interested in receiving it in your mailbox each week, please drop the specially marked envelope into the collection basket at Mass or call 272-1010 for more info on how to subscribe. 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL The start of the 2015 Catholic Charity Appeal is approaching. Many of you will be receiving a letter from Bishop Tobin asking for your support. Please, don’t use the pledge card that is inside. Use rather the envelopes you will find on the pews of the church. Thank you. February 2, 2015 HELP OUR PARISH: Please have EMD (401434-6623) prepare your taxes. They'll donate $50 to our Parish for each new Client that mentions this ad, which can add up quick. Fees start at only $200. See their ad in back of our bulletin and show them your support. God Bless! PARISH BULLETIN ADS If you are interested or you know of anyone who would like to place a Business Ad in the Sacred Heart Church Bulletin, please contact the rectory immediately at 434-0326. This is done once for the entire year. Thank you. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Financial statements for tax deduction purposes are available upon request from Father Peter. Please call the rectory at 434-0326 and indicate your budget number. What is in the bags? A fellow tries to cross the Mexican border on a bicycle with two big bags balanced on his shoulders. The guard asks, "What's in the bags?" The fellow says, "Sand!" The guard wants to examine them. The fellow gets off the bike, places the bags on the ground, opens them up, and the guard inspects... only to find sand. The fellow packs the sand, places the bags on his shoulders, and pedals the bike across the border. Two weeks later, the same situation is repeated... "What have you there?" "Sand." "We want to examine." Same results... nothing but sand and the fellow is on his way again. Every two weeks for six months the inspections continue. Finally, one week the fellow didn't show up. However, the guard sees him downtown and says to the fellow, "Buddy, you had us crazy. We sort of knew you were smuggling something. I won't say anything what were you smuggling?" The fellow says, "Bicycles."
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