Warm Welcome to all --- Diary Children’s Holiday Club 16-19 Feb, 10.00-12.00, Ages - Reception to year 6 Information Contacts Sermons (mp3) and pews news (pdf) available on website St Mark’s is a registered charity. Charity No: 1131555 Office is open week days from 9.00 12.00 Rotas available in Foyer. 206 North Road, Gabalfa Cardiff CF14 3BL Phone: 029 20619211 E-mail: [email protected] www. stmarks-cardiff.co.uk Parish Administrator: Jen Tarr Staff Team Vicar Hon. Ass. Minister N.S. Minister Bob Capper Rosemary Aldis Gill Dallow-Waters Family Worker Ministry Apprence Administrator Bronwen Russell - Jones Charis Moon Jen Tarr (see details above) 08.02.2015 Baptism of Christ St Mark’s church Parish of Gabalfa - Hall 18.15 Impact - Children 7-11 - Hall 19.45 Home Groups Thursday 14.00 Extend - movement to music for over 50’s 19.00 Vibrant for girls - B R-J’s office 19.45 Home Groups Friday 18.30 Tamil Fellowship - Chapel/Hall 19.00 Community Choir - Hall/Church She (Hagar) gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: (El Roi) ’You are the God who sees me.’ Genesis 16:13 Monday 11.50 Lunchme Communion- Chapel 12.20 Luncheon club - Hall 19.40 18-30’s - 11 Church Road 20.00 Beta Home Group Tuesday 08.40 Parish prayers at Bishop of Llandaff high School 09.30 Staff prayers - LSR 10.00 Tuesday Group with Crèche Hall 15.15 St Philip’s Messy church 19.00 Holiday Club Leaders and Helpers Meeng - Chapel Wednesday 09.00 St Philip’s Li/le Friends 10.00 Holy communion - Chapel 13.30 ABC’s Adult and Toddler group especially to those here for the first time! Refreshments are served in the Hall/LSR a@er all services. Please join us. Leaflets are available in the foyer with more informaon about the church. I did it my way! T$%&'’) S*+,-.*) MORNING THEME: Abraham and Sarah series: 3) ‘I did it my way.’ Genesis 15:1-6 & 16 (p.15); Psalm 104:24-35 (p.580); John 1:1-4 (p.1004) 09.00 09.30 09.30 10.45 St Mark’s Morning Prayer - Michael Glenn St Philip’s Holy Communion - Elaine & John Hopkins St Mark’s@Heath Park Holy Communion - Rod Hillier St Mark’s Holy Communion Sunday Club today in hall, School Years 7-9 - Lounge; School Years 10-13 - Back Lounge Babies and toddlers may be taken to the crèche, available in the Chapel. You might like to collect your child for communion. The Chapel will be open tonight for prayer from 18.00 - 18.20 18.30 St Mark’s Youth Led Service with youth band - Becky May EVENING THEME: ‘Who we are in Christ’ All youth are invited to this evening’s service - there will be no EPIC today. OUR VISION IS TO GROW DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHURCH NOTICES Morning Series - Abraham & Sarah Today: (3) “I did it my way”- Gen 15 & 16 (God’s covenant, Hagar & Ishmael) (4) “Solemn commission” – Gen 17 (God’s Covenant with Abraham) (5) “God talk” – Genesis 18 (A son for Sarah & Abraham’s prayer for Lot) (6) “Laughter & tears” – Gen 21:1-21 (The birth of Isaac & exile of Hagar & Ishmael) (7) “One son was spared…” – Genesis 22 (The testing of Abraham) Next Sunday Evening - Gwyn Ratcliffe will speak on her experiences in Bangladesh. LENT begins on Wednesday 18th Feb.. On Ash Wednesday there will be one service at 7.30p.m but no 10.00am service because of Holiday Club. Please say if you need a lift. We will have combined Wednesday evening mid-week meetings in March. Exciting “Polar Explorers” coming soon - Children’s Holiday Club, Monday 16th - Thursday 19th February - mornings, half term. As usual we will be needing a team of helpers and junior helpers. Please speak to Bronwen! NEEDED: Polystyrene balls, sheets, packaging; kitchen roll tubes; clean cardboard Urgent need - people to help with Sunday evening coffee. See Heather Douglas if you can help. Christians Against Torture meeting is this Thursday 12th Feb at 7.30 in the Chapel A new Electoral register starts this year - new forms need to be filled in. Please collect one from the foyer. Instructions and information are found on the back of the form. Please collect a separate leaflet and questionnaire on ‘Same-sex Marriage’ in the Church in Wales. Parish AVM will be on Sunday 26th April, 10.00am Combined Service followed by AVM and Bring and Share Lunch. Needed: Help to tidy garage and garden. £7.85 per hour for adults. Slightly less for under 18s. Please contact: Sue Davies-Jenkins on 07870 169366. UHW endeavours to deliver excellent care but is working with staff shortages and significant negative criticism. So many staff are stressed and demoralised. We are so fortunate to have a national health service. Please uphold our local service in prayer. Congratulations to Philippa Ford (an active member of St Philip’s Community Church as a Brownie leader) has been awarded an MBE for services to physiotherapy. CACO invite you to ‘Partner Together’ on Saturday 21st Feb, 7.30-9.00 - Highfields Church, Monthermer Road. NewLink Wales (training for drug rehabilitation) invites you to come and meet us and other neighbours for afternoon tea on Wednesday 18 March 2015. Drop in between 12.00-3.00pm. At 1pm – Rachel tells her story. Donations welcome. Further info/RSVP Sue O’Brien email: [email protected] or 02920 529002 NewLink Wales, Meridian Court, North Road ‘The Glory of Easter’ (Cambrensis & others perform) at St David’s Hall, Saturday 28th March, 7.30. Youth and Children Children’s Holiday Club 2015 February 16th-19th - Half Term During 10.45 Service T$%&' Sunday Club and Pathfinders. Be ready for some excitement! for School Years 3-6 Wednesdays 6.15 for girls 11-14 from 7.00-8.30 this Thursday Youth Weekend Away 13-15 March 2015 at Woodcroft - sign up on sheet on youth notice board. Next Sunday’s Services 09.00 St Mark’s Holy Communion - Bob Capper 09.30 St Philip’s Holy Communion - Gill Dallow 09.30 St Mark’s @ Heath Park Morning Prayer - Michael Glenn 10.45 St Mark’s Praise God Together - Bronwen Russell-Jones/Charis Moon 18.00-18.20 Chapel open for prayer 18.30 St Mark’s Holy Communion - Gwyn & Phil Ratcliffe Prayers Please pray for…... ….... those who are sick or bereaved ….. our mission partners ….. the congregation and leaders at St Philip’s. ….. the Holiday Club in a week’s time team and children. ….. UHW staff who are stressed and demoralised.
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