York Minster invites everyone to discover God’s love through our welcome, worship, learning and work. Sunday 1 February 2015 The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Septuagesima IN RESIDENCE THIS WEEK: The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Precentor To contact the Canon in Residence please call Church House: 01904 557200 Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available. Please ask a steward or a verger if you would like one. An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users. 8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer) President The Venerable David Butterfield Canon Residentiary The Order of Service may be found on page 294 of the Book of Common Prayer. The Collect and readings are those given for Septuagesima on page 120. Collect O Lord, we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy people; that we, who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. O MINSTER SUNDAY SCHOOL Welcome to the Minster Sunday School and Crèche who meet during the 10.00 service. Children and helpers, and any parents, who wish to do so, may follow the cross during the Gradual hymn, and return just before Communion. The Sunday School and Crèche are available to visitors as well as to regular members of the congregation. If, however, you prefer to keep your children with you throughout the service, that is fine. 10.00 am SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship, Order One) President The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor Preacher The Venerable David Butterfield, Canon Residentiary Introit Hymn 340 (T 206) Beyond all mortal praise Setting Collegium Regale Howells New Testament Reading Revelation 12.1-5a Gradual Hymn 391 King of glory, king of peace Gospel Reading Mark 1.21-28 Offertory Hymn SP 150 (NEH 271) All creating heavenly Giver 1 All-creating heavenly Giver, bringing light and life to birth; all-sustaining heavenly Father of the families of earth: we, your children, lift our voices singing gladly of your love: never-ending are the praises rising to your throne above. 3 Life-conceiving wind of heaven, breathing gifts upon us all; life-enhancing Spirit, given to enrich us, great and small: we, whose talents widely differ, now restore to you your own, and in true thanksgiving offer all we are before the throne. 2 Ever-living Lord and Saviour, breaking chains of sin and shame; ever-loving Intercessor, prayers are answered in your name: we, your servants, liberated at a fearsome ransom-price, in your kingdom are united by that mighty sacrifice. 4 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, blessing all within your hand: full the cup that we inherit, firm the ground on which we stand: we, your people, undeserving of the grace you freely give, now and ever, in thanksgiving to your praise and glory live. Michael Saward b.1932 Copyright © Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns Motet 'When he is King we will give Him the Kings' gifts, Myrrh for its sweetness, and gold for a crown, Beautiful robes', said the young girl to Joseph, Fair with her first-born on Bethlehem Down. When he is King they will clothe Him in gravesheets, Myrrh for embalming, and wood for a crown. He that lies now in the white arms of Mary, Sleeping so lightly on Bethlehem Down. Bethlehem Down is full of the starlight Winds for the spices, and stars for the gold, Mary for sleep, and for lullaby music Songs of a shepherd by Bethlehem fold. Here He has peace and a short while for dreaming. Close-huddled oxen to keep Him from cold, Mary for love, and for lullaby music, Songs of a shepherd by Bethlehem fold. Words: Bruce Blunt 1899-1957 Music: Peter Warlock 1894-1930 Final Hymn CP 581 (T ii) 1 Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 4 Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as thou shalt choose 2 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of thy love; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for thee. 5 Take my will, and make it thine; It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart-it is thine own; It shall be thy royal throne. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King; Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from thee. 6 Take my love; my Lord, I pour At thy feet its treasure-store; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for thee. Frances R Havergal 1836-1879 Collect God our creator, who in the beginning commanded the light to shine out of darkness: we pray that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ may dispel the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, shine into the hearts of all your people, and reveal the knowledge of your glory in the face of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Post Communion Generous Lord, in word and Eucharist we have proclaimed the mystery of your love: help us so to live out our days that we may be signs of your wonders in the world; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Receiving Holy Communion. If you normally receive communion in your own church you are welcome to receive communion here. If you don’t want to take communion but would like a blessing, please bring your service booklet with you to let the minister know. The normal practice in York Minster is to receive the wafer into the hand. If you prefer not to drink from the common cup, please take the wafer only. Gluten-free communion wafers are available at the communion station nearest the pulpit at the front left of the Nave. If you require a gluten-free communion wafer, please inform a Steward and make your way to the front of the Nave. When the time comes to receive communion, please ask the priest for a gluten-free wafer. If you need to receive communion in your seat please tell a Steward and this will be arranged. The congregation is warmly invited to gather for a cup of coffee or tea in the Chapter House following the 10.00 am service. 11.30 MATINS The service begins on page 40 of the Book of Common Prayer Responses Martin Psalm 71.1-6, 15-17 Canticles Britten in E and C Readings Jeremiah 1.4-10 Mark 1.40-end Anthem Quem vidistis, pastores? Dicite et annuntiate nobis; in terris quis apparuit? Natum vidimus, et choros angelorum collaudantes Dominum. Alleluia. What did you see, O shepherds? Tell us now and declare to us, who has appeared upon the earth? We have seen the child, and the whole choir of angels singing praises to the Lord. Alleluia. Words: Antiphon at Lauds; Feast of the Nativity Music: Francis Poulenc 1899-1963 Sermon Hymn The Venerable David Butterfield, Canon Residentiary 452 Stand up, and bless the Lord The collection is taken during this hymn UK tax payers are encouraged to use the Gift Aid envelopes. 4.00 Introit Responses Psalm Canticles Readings Anthem SOLEMN EVENSONG OF THE EVE OF CANDLEMAS Senex puerum portabat (à 5) Byrd Martin 118 The St Paul’s Service Howells 1 Samuel 1.19b-end Hebrews 4.11-end Videte miraculum matris Domini: concepit virgo virilis ignara consortii, stans onerata nobili onere Maria; et matrem se laetam cognosci, quae se nescit uxorem. Haec speciosum forma prae filiis hominum castis concepit visceribus, et benedicta in aeternum Deum nobis protulit et hominem. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. Behold the miracle of the mother of the Lord: a virgin has conceived though she knows not a man, Mary, who stands laden with her noble burden; knowing not that she is a wife, she rejoices to be a mother. She has conceived in her chaste womb one who is beautiful beyond the sons of men, and blessed for ever, she has brought forth God and man for us. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. Words: Respond at 1st Vespers, Purification of the BVM Music: Thomas Tallis 1505-85 Sermon Hymns Voluntary The Reverend Canon Robert Rogers, Succentor Canonicorum 156 (T 404) Sing how the age-long promise of a Saviour The collection is taken during this hymn UK tax payers are encouraged to use the Gift Aid envelopes. Toccata and Fugue ‘The Dorian’, BWV 538 J S Bach FORTHCOMING SERVICES Sunday 8 February 2015 – The Second Sunday before Lent - Sexagesima (BCP) 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) President: The Reverend Canon Robert Rogers, Succentor Canonicorum 10.00 Sung Eucharist President: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor Preacher: The Reverend Daniel Jones, Chaplain, St Peter’s School and Minor Canon Readings: Colossians 1.15-20 John 1.1-14 11.30 Matins Preacher: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor Readings: Deuteronomy 8.1-10 Matthew 6.25-end 16.00 Evensong Preacher: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor Readings: Genesis 2.4b-end Luke 8.22-35 For details of services during the week, please refer to the Scheme of Services available on the York Minster Website at http://www.yorkminster.org/worship-and-choir/worship.html NOTICES Tickets for all Minster Community events are available either from the Minster Community Table in the Chapter House Vestibule following the 10 am Sunday Eucharist, or from the Box Office at Church House: 01904 557208 or [email protected] Security Arrangements – Entrance to the Minster In the light of recent events the Minster team have reviewed security arrangements. Over time the police cabin entrance in the Chapter House yard has become established as a semi-public entrance. This leaves our private, back of house space vulnerable and also compromises the safety and security of our colleagues in the Police team and our control function. Therefore, we intend to revert to using this door as a controlled entrance again. The door is accessed via a fob system. While we appreciate this may cause a change in your usual route or practice, we hope you will understand the reasons for implementing this change and support us in enabling our Police team to do their jobs at this time of heightened threat. Considering Confirmation? I am running a group for adults who would like to explore the basics of our faith beginning this Monday 2nd February. We will be meeting at my house, 4, Minster Yard. We will meet at 7.30pm and we will be finished by 9pm. This group is for anyone who would like to consider the possibility of being confirmed (we will have Confirmations at the Minster on Easter Eve, Saturday 4 April) and for anyone who would simply like to revisit some of the basics of our faith. The course will run until Easter. I know a few people who are coming and if you would like to join in please drop me an email ([email protected]) or just turn up. Community Event: Being a Hospital Chaplain – Joys and Challenges A talk by Revd Martin Doe, at 7.30 pm in Church House on Wednesday 25th February. Tickets £2.50 from the Community Table (after 10.00 Eucharist on Sundays) or Church House. Minster Community Walk on Saturday 7 February. Meet at 10.30am Welburn Church (Grid Ref SE721678, Post Code YO60 7EG) Welburn - Castle Howard 6 miles easy. Please remember to bring a picnic. For further information please ring 01904 625918. CELEBRATING GOD’S GENEROSITY Our focus on Celebrating God’s Generosity concludes today when we are all invited to return the Response Cards that were enclosed with the letter from the Dean and place them in the offering. If you have not returned your Response Card we would appreciate it if you would do in the next few days as we intend to announce the outcome next Sunday. Spare copies of the Dean’s letter and the other literature are available in the unaddressed envelopes which can be found on a table. These can be picked up after the service. The location of the table will be announced in the notices. This focus on Responsible Stewardship is one of the five main areas of work that are identified in the York Minster Strategic Plan. A positive response to our focus on Celebrating God’s Generosity will enable us develop our ministry to the thousands of people who visit York Minster. If you would like further information about this or to talk to someone about it, Gareth Foster (the Community Committee Treasurer) would be very happy to discuss it with you. Children’s Spirituality Conference – Saturday 13 June 2015 9.45 – 4.30 Chapel Allerton Methodist Church Leeds LS7 4NB. This day conference will offer fresh insights into children’s spirituality through talks and inter active workshops on Godly Play, prayer spaces and Open the Book. The day will be led by Rebecca Nye who is a researcher, consultant and trainer in the field of children's spirituality. The cost is £7 per person, including refreshments - Please bring a packed lunch. Bookings and information: Angela Britton, Circuit Administrator, Circuit Office, Lidgett Park Methodist Church, Lidgett Place, Leeds LS8 1HG 0113 266 3309, [email protected] Cheques payable to ‘Leeds North and East Methodist Circuit’. Bookings close Monday 8th June Middlesbrough Food Bank This year as part of our Lenten observance there will be another appeal for food to be donated to the Middlesbrough Food Bank. Food will be collected in the Minster on the first four Sundays in Lent, Sunday 22nd February and on Sundays 1st 8th and 15th March and taken to Middlesbrough on the following Tuesday morning in each case. We will be grateful for help both with the packing on the Sunday morning and with taking the donations to Middlesbrough the following Tuesday morning. If you can help in these ways please will contact Mary Smith. 01904 481225. [email protected] News of what is happening at the Food Bank will follow shortly. York Chamber Music Festival 13 - 15 February 2015 Former chorister Tim Lowe (now leader of the English Chamber Orchestra and teaching professor at GSMD) is organizing the second annual festival which brings to the city some of the country's outstanding chamber musicians (Jack Liebeck, Carole Presland, Sarah-Jane Bradley). Tim will also play a recital. Other events centre on lunchtime recitals followed by masterclasses between the performers and young musicians from York schools and a competition. The patron of the festival is the internationally renowned cellist Steven Isserlis. Tim says he will donate half his playing fee to the Minster Fund. See the website www.yorkchambermusicfestival.co.uk for programme and ticketing." Home-Start Fund Raising Concert in York Minster On Wednesday 11th February 2015 at 7.00 p.m., Ian Macmillan will be featuring in a concert of more than 500 voices from York and area school choirs. Junior choirs are performing ‘Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo’; senior choirs: Vivaldi’s Gloria and the massed choirs: Richard Shephard’s The Spacious Firmament. There are three ticket prices: £16.50 (front nave) £12.50 (back nave) £6.00 (side aisles). Tickets can be bought online at https://www.yorkminster.org/whats-on or they can be booked by telephone from the box office (Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm) - 01904 557208 or 0844 939 0015, they can also be purchased at the tills in the Minster. York Pilgrimage Group - 15-20 June 2015. The Cathedral of the Isles, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland “Ikons of Light” Led by Canon Edward Newlyn and Canon Michael Smith. A flyer giving all the details of the above event and all other 2015 events are available on the Community Table after the 10.00 service this morning. Time Out for Parents: Whether you are having a smooth or a bumpy ride being a parent, Time Out for Parents will give you an opportunity to take time to think about your relationship with your child(ren) and how to bring out the best in them. The Minster is delighted to be able to offer this 5 session course in conjunction with Family Matters, York on Tuesday evenings 24 th February – 17th March and Monday 23rd March in the Old Palace, Dean’s Park. Topics covered will include: meeting emotional needs, raising your child’s self-esteem, managing difficult behaviour, keeping children safe, your own issues. The material for this course is produced by ‘Care for the Family’ which has a Christian foundation but there is no religious aspect to this course and it is suitable for people of all faiths and none. This course is particularly for parents of children in the primary school age group i.e. 4 – 11 years; the cost is £50 per person. Places are limited so do book early to avoid disappointment. For further information or to book a place, please contact Helen Atkinson on 789214 or [email protected]. Julie McLeish William Temple Association The next meeting of the William Temple Association is on Sunday Feb 8th at 7.30 pm. This term we have as our theme Novel Issues: Exploring theological questions raised in three modern novels. Our speaker will be the Revd Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (York Minster) and his second lecture will consider the novel by Chaim Potok entitled My Name is Asher Lev. Lecture 3 will be on Sunday 22nd February. The annual William Temple Lecture will this year be on Sunday March 1st and our speaker will be Dr Paula Gooder. Meetings take place at York S. John University in room SK O37; we finish with Compline at around 9 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME YORK MINSTER DIARY FEBRUARY Monday 2 07.30 07.50 11.00 16.00 17.15 Matins (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) Consecration of the Revd Philip North (Bishop of Burnley) Evening Prayer (Quire) Solemn Eucharist and Candlemas Procession (North Transept and Quire) Tuesday 3 07.30 07.50 12.30 17.15 Matins (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel) Evensong (Quire) Wednesday 4 07.30 07.50 12.30 16.00 Matins (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (BCP) (St John’s Chapel) Evening Prayer (Quire) Thursday 5 07.30 Matins (Zouche Chapel) 07.50 Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) 12.30 Holy Communion (with prayers for healing and peace) (St John’s Chapel) 16.00 Evening Prayer (Quire) Friday 6 07.30 07.45 12.30 17.15 Matins (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (St John’s Chapel) Evensong (Quire) Saturday 7 07.30 07.50 12.00 17.15 Matins (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel) Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel) Evensong (Quire)
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