OTTERTON PARISH NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 A member of the Raleigh Mission Community RECTOR: ASSISTANT CURATE: CHURCH, SCHOOLS & FAMILIES CO-ORDINATOR CHURCHWARDENS: RMC PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Reverend Anne Charlton (444276) [email protected] Reverend Annita Denny (512735) Mr James McAdam (265836) Ms Anne Radcliffe (568059) Mr John Archibald (567332) Mrs Fran Mills (443397) office open Mon 1-3pm; Fri 10am-2pm SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY SUNDAY 1st FEBRUARY 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP East Budleigh 10.00 am Holy Communion CW Otterton 10.00 am All Age Worship SUNDAY 8th FEBRUARY 10.00 am Holy Communion East Budleigh CW SUNDAY 15th FEBRUARY 10.00 am Morning Worship 10.00 am Holy Communion East Budleigh East Budleigh CW Otterton TUESDAY 17th FEBRUARY 2.30 pm Holy Communion (Vicarage) East Budleigh WEDNESDAY 18th FEBRUARY (Ash Wednesday) 7.00 pm Holy Communion with Ashing East Budleigh SUNDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 10.00 am Morning Prayer 10.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Otterton CW Taizé style service East Budleigh East Budleigh SUNDAY 1st MARCH 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP East Budleigh 10.00 am Holy Communion CW Otterton 10.00 am All Age Service East Budleigh Morning Prayer will be said Tuesday, 9.30am East Budleigh, and Thursday, 9.30am, Otterton, STOP PRESS Revised date of SPACE Concert Saturday 25th April with dress rehearsal on Wednesday 22nd April A preliminary meeting with refreshments to be held at 6 Lea Road on Wednesday 11th February at Please contact Brian Le Masurier on 568619 if you are interested. LADRAM MUSIC NIGHT IN AID OF OTTERTON CHURCH Saturday 28th February Please see inside under SPACE for full details. View from The Vicarage It seems Christmas is scarcely behind us and Lent is already approaching, and it is perhaps wise that after the excesses of the Christmas period we approach a period set aside for fasting and reflection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 18th February with our services for that day reminding us that ‘We are but dust, and to dust we shall return’. The services take place at 9.30am at St Peter’s and 7pm at All Saints East Budleigh. Lent is a time for some self-reflection, and just checking that we have a good sense of balance in our daily lives. It is traditionally a time for giving something up, whether it be chocolate or alcohol, but I do encourage you to take something up as well as giving something up. Whether you take up something practical, like volunteering for one of the local charities, or making a positive effort to keep up with friends and neighbours, or something more spiritual such as a daily bible reading, or a quiet time with God each day, or indeed joining one of our weekly Lent courses where we will be studying extracts from the film Les Miserables, I do hope you will use Lent as a time to pause and reflect on your life journey. It is important to us all to ensure that we are travelling in the right direction, and that we have the right companions alongside us. Our bodies will all be returning to dust one day, but our souls will be soaring to meet with our loving God. Let us just make sure that we are prepared to meet with him. Every blessing Anne Charlton Reverend William (Bill) Turnbull – RIP 25th December 2014 Some of you will remember Bill Turnbull who was our Vicar here in Otterton from 1981 – 1991. Bill died on Christmas Day, aged 89 years, after a long battle with cancer. Since leaving Otterton, Bill and his wife Joan had lived a comfortable and contented life at The College of St Barnabas, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6NJ, a community for retired clergy, where Joan will continue to live with the support of the community. SPACE (St Michael’s Parish and Community Endeavour) Please come along to the next SPACE Coffee Morning on Wednesday 25th February at Butterfly Cottage (pedestrian access from either Bell Street or Behind Hayes) from 10am to 12 noon. £2 for tea/coffee and cake. Raffle. All welcome. Ladram Music Night in aid of Otterton Church One of the UK’s top tribute bands will perform in Ladram Bay’s entertainment venue on Saturday 28th February in a fantastic evening generously hosted by the holiday park to raise money for SPACE, to safeguard our church. We have secured top band FX Tributes, who perform music for all ages in a spectacular show. Bay FM’s DJ Dale and talented local singer Kelly Griffiths will also feature. Seating around tables for those who want to sit back with a glass of wine, and a great dance floor for those who want to dance the night away! Tickets £12 (to include a welcome drink) available from Otterton Shop. * * * * * * * * COUNTY COUNCIL Contact: Christine Channon, 12 Cricket Field Court, Budleigh Salterton EX9 6JB, tel 442927, [email protected] DISTRICT COUNCIL Contact: Ray Bloxham, Raleigh Ward member, 14 Best Park, Cranbrook, Exeter EX5 7AG, tel 01404 515246 – [email protected] OTTERTON PARISH COUNCIL • • • • Ladram Bay Holiday Park have offered to help with the ground work to enable new safety surfaces to be laid underneath the three main play areas in the Playground. The Parish Council is most grateful. The Council would like to remind parishioners that the Stantyway Recreation Ground was given to the Parish for all to use in pursuit of their sport or recreation. Dog owners are asked to act responsibly on behalf of their dogs and to remove dog litter to the bins provided and not to throw it into the most convenient hedge. The bench near Otter Bridge will be replaced in the near future. D G Ottley, Clerk to the Parish Council – Tel 567701, email [email protected] The Barn, Ottery Street, Otterton EX9 7HW THE RALEIGH FEDERATION – from Carron Saunders, Headteacher In school, we are well into our Spring Term topic “Heritage, Who Am I?”. This is the underlying theme of much of the learning for all the children and, at an appropriate level for their age, they are looking into their own history and that of the local area. The oldest children are busy interviewing residents from the community and looking at local tithe maps as part of their historical and geographical research. Additionally, they are going to be working with some of the members of the Otter Valley Association to study some of the local heritage assets. Of course, there are also many other exciting activities going on, including: • Football, athletics, hockey and tag rugby tournaments • Science and Maths workshops for our Y6 children at Exmouth Community College • Preparations to take part in events and celebrations with other schools, eg Fair Trade Conference and Church Schools Cathedral Service • The range of after-school clubs includes football, choir, origami, Performing Arts, French, cross country and tag rugby. Members of the Performing Arts Club are preparing a Variety Concert to be held just before Easter. DRAKE’S SCHOOL PTFA For you to have a post Christmas declutter, Drake’s School PTFA are holding a Table Top Sale on Saturday 7th February from 9.30am – 12.30pm in Budleigh Public Hall. If you would like a table, please email [email protected] or call Leanne on 07734 545154. Cost is £5 per table. OTTERTON COMMUNITY SHOP UPDATE After a very successful Christmas period, Otterton Community Shop is now back to its regular opening hours of Monday to Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 8am-3pm and Sunday 8.30am-12noon. Our volunteers are enjoying their involvement with the shop. If YOU haven’t signed up, drop into the shop and see what is required. We now have a credit/debit card machine for all purchases over £5. We have been delighted to be awarded a 5 star Hygiene rating by EDDC. We sell great value local eggs, and bread (orders accepted), fruit and vegetables and lots of other local products at reasonable prices. Daily newspapers are now available. We also have a good range of groceries and wines. The range of stock is growing weekly – if you haven’t visited us yet, do pop in and look around. OTTERTON VILLAGE HALL The Village Hall is to repeat its successful Quiz and Supper Evening on Saturday 21st March at 7.30pm. Enjoy a ploughman’s style supper and a quiz by Otterton’s popular quizmaster Peter Whatley who will test teams on a variety of topics. Teams of four are invited to sign up for the quiz which will raise money for the Hall’s new roof fund. Tickets a bargain at £5 to include your supper! Bring your own drink. To book tickets call 567574 or email [email protected] OTTERTON GARDEN CLUB Our next meeting is on 17th February. The talk is by Nina & Stephen Locke entitled “Spring Flowers of the Swiss Alps and the French Pyrenees” – a journey through the Alps and the Pyrenees with fascinating stories, facts and photographs from their travels. This will be held at Otterton Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome. Admission to talks is free to members and £3 for non-members. For more information on the Club, go to or contact Ro Smith on 568871 or email [email protected] FROM PCSO SARAH TRAYHURN 30110 There are no crimes to report this month. A few handy tips to get you through the wintery months: Make sure your car is properly defrosted before you begin your journey. Ensure you can see out of the whole of the screen and windows. Carry some de-icer or a scraper in your car. Do not leave your car unattended whilst the engine is running and it is de-icing. It is an offence but more importantly your insurance company will not pay out if your car is stolen – it does happen! Wear appropriate warm clothing and shoes or keep some in your vehicle. Keep a warm blanket and a shovel in your car and perhaps a snack. Keep your mobile phone charged and switched on. Keep an eye on the weather reports and look out for weather warnings. Is your journey really necessary? Keep a check on elderly or vulnerable neighbours and make sure they have appropriate heating and food to get them through the cold period. On 3rd March I will be at the Community Shop between 11.00am and 11.45am. This is a chance for residents to come along and have a chat and raise any police issues or concerns with me. No appointment necessary, just come and say hello! Emergency 999; General Enquiries number 101; [email protected] Little Otters Pre-School is open between 9.15 and 3.15 on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at East Budleigh Village Hall. There is also a morning session with lunch club on a Thursday preceding our mother and toddler group. If you have a pre-schooler and think you have missed the start of term or haven’t made any decisions about pre-school provision yet, don't worry we still have availability on some of our sessions if you would like to give it a try. Children over 3 years old receive up to 15 hours funding to put towards the cost of our sessions. We are currently also considering extending our provision to include two year olds and would like to gauge the local interest. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of your two or three year old attending pre-school we would love to hear from you. Feel free to give us a call on 01395 445825 or pop in and speak to us. If you have younger children please come along to our parent toddler session on Thursdays from 1pm . East Budleigh Chess Club: The Club meets on the second Thursday of every month. The next Club night is Thursday 12th February at 7pm at All Saints Church Hall. The Club Ladder competition is now under way and various book prizes are on offer. A special prize is available for the 1st Lady to enter. The winner of the Christmas Handicap Tournament was Michael Lester who was making a welcome comeback after illness. Second place was a three-way tie between Max and Mike Lee and Tom Miner. We would welcome anyone of whatever age or ability with any interest in chess. There is an opportunity for stronger players to play in a team in the Exeter and District Chess League. The annual membership fee is £30 for adults and £15 for juniors. For more information, contact Brian Gosling on 442060 or email [email protected] OTTERTON MILL Please visit our website for all our food celebrations, milling days and music events. Office – 568521; Restaurant – 567041; Food Shop – 568031; Gallery – 568008; THE LOOKOUT FROM LADRAM – from Carla Bragg, Entertainments & Activities Manager With the countdown on until the first guests of 2015 arrive, it’s an exciting time to be working at Ladram Bay! This year we will be recruiting for a number of positions within several departments. We will be holding our annual recruitment day on Friday 30th January from 10am – 3.30pm and we would love to meet you then. Don’t forget your CV. For more information visit 2015 will present the superb new and improved Pool development which will provide guests with a place to have fun, relax and unwind with family and friends. The interactive play zone is set to be a big hit with the little ones, and be sure to enjoy the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room throughout the season. Pebbles Restaurant will be opening in March with a completely new look; the focus is on creating a more intimate and relaxing place to dine whilst making the most of the stunning scenery. The Entertainment team for 2015 will shortly be starting the rehearsal period and with five brand new sensational shows created by our musical director, Roger Parkes, we’re sure to be spoilt with a range of fabulous genres and musical styles. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy our exciting Charity evenings pre-season. Tickets are available from the charities below and we look forward to making these occasions nights of celebration in order to aid and support both the SPACE Otterton Project and the Budleigh Salterton Carnival Club: Saturday 28th February – SPACE Otterton Project – featuring live music from FX Tributes Saturday 7th March – Budleigh Salterton Carnival Club – featuring live music from Joey the Lips HISTORY OF OTTERTON………..Did you know? The beginning of the Great War saw over 30 local men volunteering and many more were conscripted later in the War. 16 Otterton men did not return. In 1919 Revd Ernest Grimaldi was appointed Vicar and served the Parish for the next 28 years. He twice had the task of bringing the villagers back together for a normal way of life. He had the same task again after World War 2, retiring in 1947. He was successful in creating a strong social atmosphere in the village and will still be remembered by the older generation. Gerald Millington PLEASE NOTE that entries for Otterton Parish News should be sent to Jill Beacham, Barton House, Church Hill, Otterton EX9 7HU - tel: 568130, email: [email protected] Deadline for March edition is Wednesday 18th February LATEST please.
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