Peace Lutheran Church Words of Peace Christmas in the Ethiopian Tradition January 4 10:30 am Youth Group Taco Dinner Sunday, January 18 Faithful Families Sunday, January 25 5:00 pm Sunday, February 1 Scherschligt Pastor [email protected] Cathy Kroohs Council President [email protected] The Words Inside: A Word from Pr. Sarah 2 A Word from the Council 3 Message from Bishop Graham 4 Letter from the Bailey Family 5 Energy Saving Tips 6 Peace Shawl Milestone 7 Fellowship Family Meeting The Rev. Sarah January 2015 Youth and Education 10-11 Photos of Haiti Trip 13 Thrivent Financial 16 Schedules/Calendars 17 Paul Sticha Director, Messengers and Bell Choirs [email protected] Dr. Adela Peeva Music Director [email protected] Miranda Teel The Rev. Nana Opoku House of Faith International [email protected] Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected] 8-9 Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Christ with each other, our community and the world. Be at Peace. Words of Peace Hold onto Christmas January Page 2 Somehow, I have acquired seven nativity scenes. Just a few years ago my parents gave me my first one. Now, they have multiplied. I got two new ones last year alone: in Haiti and in Bethlehem. It’s been a real joy to set them up and prepare for Christmas. From Pastor Sarah Inevitably, sometime in the beginning of January, I will pack the Marys and shepherds and donkeys back in their boxes to wait in the basement another 50 weeks until they take their places center stage again. This year, I’m toying with leaving out one Jesus when I put all the rest away. When I see him, it would serve as a reminder that God’s promises came true. God is with us. It would also remind me to live a Christmas life all year around. What is a Christmas life? It’s a life that trusts God can come into the bleakest of situations and transform them. It’s a life that gives generously toward others in love. It’s a life that notices the variety of people who bowed down to worship Jesus and tries to build a community to do the same. It’s a life that recognizes the miracle of God-with-us every day of the year. The theologian Howard Thurman wrote this beautiful poem called The Work of Christmas: When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart. I’m looking forward to doing “The Work of Christmas” in the year ahead at Peace. We’ll have an allchurch focus on Forgiveness in February and March (Lent). As you hear about forgiveness small groups forming, please consider joining or hosting one. We’re also looking forward to some innovations in worship, increased family and children’s ministries, the youth gathering in Detroit, and more community outreach and advocacy for the hungry and homeless. All of this is “the Work of Christmas.” Whenever we do something to remind others (or ourselves) that God’s love is real and life-changing - even if it’s in July - it’s as if we sing a Christmas carol. “Joy to the world, the lord is come!” Blessings on the rest of your Christmas season and your New Year. Be at Peace, Pastor Sarah Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus January Words of Peace A WORD FROM OUR COUNCIL PRESIDENT Cathy Kroohs Page 3 Wow, what a wonderful Christmas season this has been. I was at the 10:30 service on the 21st, and after watching the Christmas pageant thought "Gee, I didn't know most of the children by name, and there were adults helping out that I don't recognize. This is terrific!" because this means we have new people, new ideas, and new energy for showing and telling the gospel to our children and to the world. We will meet the first Sunday in February after the 10:30 service (and we promise to finish in plenty of time for any Super Bowl festivities). Among other things, the council, ministries, and committees will present an annual report of what Peace did in 2014, and what we plan and hope to do in 2015 and beyond. There are so many areas to think about: within Peace, in the places where we live and work, and around the world. Our ministries and committees work in different areas, and all are eager to meet more "workers for the kingdom of God". I rather mish-mashed that quotation, but it is from the liturgy for baptisms, where the congregation welcomes the newly baptized member - I like the image of us welcoming each other, with our talents and interests, to work for the kingdom. So come learn more about us, and choose a place to help us, or to show us something new. So - Happy new year! Please remember to wear your name tags (and remind me about mine). If you'd like to know more about our committees and ministries before February, you can contact the ministry leaders listed in the weekly bulletin or newsletter, or e-mail me ([email protected]) and I will get you started. Our special offering for our Christmas Eve Services was the Village of Hope, Haiti. The Village of Hope Haiti is in need of a new generator to power the team compound when the public utility loses service. The current generator was purchased over seven years ago and is now functioning poorly partly due to the low end model that was purchased. Without a functioning generator the teams will be without power for basic needs. Their dedicated mechanics have kept it running but parts are in short supply. The VOH board has requested financial support for a new generator and is looking to purchase the same model that has been working exceptionally well the last 3 years at the medical clinic. The cost to purchase and ship the unit from the USA is estimated at $15000. The Peace Church council has decided to dedicate all the Christmas Eve services offering toward the purchase of the generator and asks for your generous support toward this goal. We have collected $4,876 for the new generator for the Village of Hope (VOH) so far and are expecting more! The majority of this was given on Christmas Eve. Find out more about the Village of Hope at See page 13 for more pictures from the trip to Haiti! Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Page 4 From Bishop Graham Dear friends, It's hard to say good-bye to someone you've worked with and liked and admired. Amy Tattersall is leaving the synod office at the end of January. She got married this fall, and she's moving to England to live. We're happy for her, but we're feeling pretty sad for ourselves. Amy brought to her job in our office a rare combination of gifts. She knew church life. She knew how to get things done in this holy, catholic, and odd institution filled with quirky people and great opportunities. But Amy had worked out in the world, too. She knew how to plan big events, make travel arrangements, manage projects. Most of all, Amy brought to her work a very kind heart. She was ready to laugh with anybody and cry with anybody. She had time for you. She could answer your question and make you feel glad you asked it. I believe there were lots of people who called the synod office occasionally just to talk to her, and I don't believe they were ever disappointed by the conversation. Amy's Christian witness was a combination of competence and compassion that's rare in this big, hyper-competitive community where we live. She never gave you the impression she was in it for herself - she was in it for us. We know God will bless her wherever she goes (and her new English husband will like it better when they can live together). We count on being able to stay in touch. We owe her a lot for her work, and maybe even more for her example. I know I speak for the whole synod when I say that we're grateful God brought us together. In Jesus, Bishop Richard Graham Amy's letter upon leaving December 2014 To my brothers and sisters in Christ, May God's grace and love be with you always! I am writing to you with both a heavy heart and with great excitement! As some of you know, this past summer I married a man whom I'm very proud to be able to call my husband. This very wonderful man, however, lives in a land far, far away - England as a matter of fact. It is our intention that I join him there and, therefore, I have resigned from my position in the synod office as the Administrative Assistant to the Bishop. My last day in the office is Friday 30 January 2015. I cannot find the words to express how much I am going to miss all of you! It has been my utter joy and privilege to work for this Synod and to share in Christ's ministry with you. I will miss seeing you at Synod Assemblies and Council meetings, at churchwide and in the synod office, and in the congregations in which you serve and worship. Each one of you is a gift from God, and I am humbled to have gotten to know and work with some of the most amazing people in the ELCA. Thank you for your friendship, your kindness, the many laughs, and fantastic memories! I wish you all the very best! And I hope you find peace and bliss as we await the birth of Our Lord and Savior this Advent season. Blessings to you, Amy (Acland) Tattersall PS - If you ever find yourself on the other side of the pond, come and visit! We would truly love to have you stay with us (here's our email - [email protected]). Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Dear Family at Peace: Page 5 cxtvx `t|Ä Advent greetings to our family at Peace from the frozen Land of 10,000 Lakes! As some of you may have heard, our family moved to Minneapolis, MN, in August. The reason for the move is because Lamar, a Master of Divinity student at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, was matched with an internship site here in Minneapolis – Redeemer Lutheran Church (for those of you not familiar with the ELCA seminary process, Master of Divinity students are required to fulfill a full time, year-long internship in a congregation during their third of four years of education). We are nearly half way through Lamar’s internship experience, and it has been a great experience for all of us so far. First, Minneapolis is a fantastic, family-friendly city, and we have enjoyed exploring all it has to offer and getting to know the people of our community. And most importantly, Lamar is thrilled to be interning at Redeemer – “a beacon of hope in the Harrison neighborhood” of North Minneapolis – and grateful for the opportunity to learn from his supervisor, Pr. Kelly Chatman. This is a year of learning and growth for all of us, and we are very grateful to have the warm arms of Redeemer to embrace us and help us grow. Cora and Celeste continue to do well and have adjusted very nicely to Minneapolis (including to the cold!). Cora will turn six years old this December and started kindergarten this fall. She loves everything about school. Celeste, who turned four in August, is enrolled in a pre-kindergarten program and is also doing very well. We are discerning our next steps as we prepare for Lamar to graduate with his Master of Divinity in December 2015. Each step is one small part of our journey, and we are excited to see where we are led. In this season of thanks, we continue to be most grateful for a loving, supportive church family who holds each of us in their prayers as we continue our journey answering God’s call. We send you our warmest wishes for a peaceful Advent and merry Christmas. Pax, Lamar, Elise, Cora and Celeste Bailey Mark your Calendars—Women’s Retreat Day Women’s Yoga Retreat Day Sponsored by Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington VA Saturday, February 21, 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. Led by Rachel Bass-Guennewig, certified yoga instructor and ordained Lutheran pastor Rachel will share her understanding of yoga as a spiritual practice that enriches our Christian faith and life, and together we’ll enjoy good food, company, and movement. Come prepared to stretch, rest, learn and laugh. Everyone from beginners to yogis are welcome. Visit for more information. Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus January Words of Peace Page 6 It’s that time of year when people make resolutions for the New Year. How about trying to spend less on your heating bills this winter? To help save you some money, here are a few quick, easy, and low cost ways to help lower your heating bills as the winter goes along. Reverse ceiling fans. Running the fans counterclockwise makes it cooler during the summer months. Reverse them to run clockwise, and they will circulate the warm air back into the room. There is a switch on the side of the ceiling fan that will change the direction of the fan. This also helps circulate the air in each room and from room to room. Install inserts behind electrical outlet cover plates. Foam cutouts can be inserted behind the cover plates of electrical outlets to reduce the amount of cold air entering a room. These inserts will make the biggest difference on the exterior walls of each room. Outlets on walls that have a room on the other side of the wall do not need an insert. If you take a cover plate off, you will probably feel the cold air coming through the outlet into the room. A pack of 14 electrical outlet covers costs less than $3.00 at Home Depot and the only tool you will need a flat head screwdriver to take the cover plate off. Put down area rugs on tile and wood floors. It creates a layer of DIY insulation, plus makes it more comfortable to walk on in bare feet. Install draft stops at doors. While most exterior doors have weatherstripping installed to keep the outside air from getting into a building, interior doors do not. The ideal place to install a draft stop inside your house is for doors going to basements. Your basement is usually much cooler than the rest of the house in the winter and the gap between the door and the floor will allow the cool air to get into other rooms. A draft stop would also be useful for a walk-in attic. Draft stop kits can be bought at major retailers and home improvement stores and cost as little as $10. Installation is simple and should not take long to do. Many Happy Returns for Project Boomerang The Scrappy Ladies shipped 6,978 cards in 2014, bringing Project Boomerang’s total since 2006 to over 46,000 cards. None of this would have been possible without the ongoing support and donations we have received, and for this we thank you. Last year we welcomed guest card makers from as far away as Iraq, so don’t let the commute get in your way. Our door is always open if your need to quench a creative urge. The Scrappy Ladies meet every Wednesday at 1 pm at Peace. Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Page 7 Peace Prayer Shawling Ministry THEY DID IT! As of November, 2014 the Peace Prayer Shawlers had provided over 1000 shawls to help bring the Holy Spirit’s comfort to over 1000 people. To celebrate this amazing milestone, the Prayer Shawl ministry will be celebrating with a lunch and knit party in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, January 17th at noon. You do not have to be a big knitter or crocheter to come. All peripherally involved with the group at any point are most welcome. Since organizing in February 2007, the Prayer Shawl Ministry has created prayer shawls for those sick, grieving, or otherwise in need of comfort. Celebration shawls for newborns, friendship, weddings or milestone birthdays are given as well. The following blessing is attached to shawls: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10. May this shawl, created with love and filled with prayers, comfort and enfold you. May it be a sacred haven of hope and peace and quiet.” Supplies and instruction are provided if you would like to join this informal group. Contact Nadine Krutzky-Mitchell at [email protected] if you would like more information. Peace Prayer Shawlers meet every Friday at 1 pm at the Starbucks at Barcroft Plaza Shopping Center (near Harris Teeter) Join them! Thank you to everyone who participated in the gift wrapping fundraiser! The money raised will help send our youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit and the Mission Trip to Hurley, VA. A special thank you!!!! The Children, Youth and Family Ministry would like to send a heart felt thanks to all of the Sunday school teachers and individuals that have made Sunday school so very successful this year. Thank you for your creativity, flexibility, time and dedication to Peace and our children!!!! “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;” Romans 12:6-7 Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace Fellowship News January Page 8 The Lunch Bunch will meet on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. at the Olive Garden Restaurant located at 3548 S. Jefferson St., Baileys Crossroads, in Falls Church, VA. Lunch Bunch is a group of individuals who meet monthly for fellowship and food. A sign up sheet is located in Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please call Elaine Peoples at 703-751-8937. See you there! UPCOMING FELLOWSHIP EVENTS: January 11 after 10:30 service Fellowship Committee Meeting February 1 Afternoon of Bowling Eunice Wright’s 100th Birthday Celebration Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Advent Carol Festival Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Page 9 Words of Peace January Christmas Pageant 2014 December 21, 2014 The Children, Youth and Family Ministry would like to thank everyone that was involved this year’s pageant! We hope you enjoyed it! Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Page 10 Words of Peace January Page 11 Adult Education The next Adult Education program begins Sunday, January 18th and runs through February 8th. We will read and discuss the book by Rob Bell titled Love Wins: A book about heaven, hell, and the fate of every person who ever lived. To give you a glimpse of what we will be discussing this is the opening paragraph of the book, “First, I believe that Jesus’s story is first and foremost about the love of God for every single one of us. It is a stunning, beautiful, expansive love, and it is for everybody, everywhere.” (p.vii) The Adult Education sessions will begin shortly after 9 a.m. and run until 10:15 a.m. and we meet in the Adult Education classroom by the side door and nursery. Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the chapters in the book and its various topics with the help of outside print and multimedia resources. Bring family members or neighbors because all are welcome at Peace. Books are available from the Fairfax Public Library which, as of December 17th, has 19 copies available throughout the library system for free. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book it varies in price from $5.94 for a used copy up to $11.69 for a new copy through Barnes and Noble or Amazon; the price of an ebook ranges from $3.99 to $9.99. Please contact Marcia Dursi for more information at [email protected]. Acolyte Training The next intergenerational Sunday School will be on Sunday, January 18th. We will be preparing bags for Belvedere Elementary School. Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Page 12 First Communion We will have First Communion Instruction from 2-3 pm on Sunday, January 18, 25, and February 2nd. Any child from 2nd grade and up is welcome to join. I encourage at least one parent to attend. Please RSVP to [email protected]. We'll celebrate this milestone in church on the 2nd. We will also find an extra time to bake the communion bread for that day. You may be curious about our church's general stance on the appropriate age for first communion. Our denomination, the ELCA, is fairly broad in its guidelines and leaves it up to congregations and pastors. Here's my approach: Once children are baptized, two other things need to happen for them to be eligible for communion: 1) The child indicates he/she wants to receive (usually by reaching out a hand during communion). 2) The parents think that their child is ready. Some parents want children to receive quite young, others want their children to wait until they are a bit older. My preference is to give communion at as young an age as possible, but I respect parents who prefer their child to wait. Even if they've participated in communion already, when children are in 2nd grade, they will receive communion instruction. This is so that they learn more about the background and meaning of the sacrament. It also serves as a milestone for their maturing participation in the church. We also are still doing some catch up with older children who have not yet received instruction so we may have a broad range of ages this year. Adults are also welcome. Prayer List Re-Boot! After the February 2nd Family Meeting, the Peace Prayer List will be starting over. If you would like to place your friends, family or other loved ones on the Peace Prayer List, please contact Beth in the office at [email protected]. Website Changes are Coming! Please pardon any interruptions while our website is changed over to a new server on January 6th. The website will be down and Peace staff members will not have access to e-mail that day. Do you like computers? Volunteer Technology Coordinator needed. For years, Peace has relied on a volunteer "Technology Coordinator" to keep our computers computing, our network networked, and our backups backing up. We currently have a vacancy in that position and it would be great to have someone step in ASAP. The position usually takes 3-5 hours a month. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] WRAP on January 8 Is your spirit in need of renewal? The WRAP (Women Renewing At Peace) group just might meet that need for you. Join us for fellowship and Bible study. We laugh together, learn together and do acts of service together. No need to come to every meeting, just come when you can: 7-9 pm on the 2nd Thursday. Upcoming dates are Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9. Mark your calendars. Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus January Words of Peace Christmas in Village of Hope, Haiti Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Page 13 Words of Peace January Page 14 Take a Lutheran Home with you! The congregation has a bulk subscription to the Lutheran. It contains interesting articles, thoughtful Theology, news of the church throughout the country. You can pick one up in the narthex or fellowship hall. Take a Lutheran home with you today or check it out online. The January Special Offering is for our Peace Seminarians: Godfred, Lamar, & Katrina. If your New Year Resolution has anything to do with ‘de-cluttering’ you’re in luck! Bring your knick-knacks, costume jewelry, purses or puzzles to Peace. Helga Recevuto will give them new lives as Bingo prizes at the Lincolnia Senior Center. Drop them by the office during the week or on Sunday, leave them in the ‘Quilting Closet’ with a BINGO PRIZE label. COOKIES FOR WOUNDED WARRIORS Remember the wounded warriors at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital as you make your new year resolutions. Cookies baked by Peace members are delivered to the hospital Chaplain's Office. Cookies are available to hospitalized soldiers and to those soldiers and their families visiting the chaplains office. The staff in the chaplains office thanks the members of Peace for sharing their love and caring with those who have served us so well. Altar Flowers Please check the Fellowship Hall for the 2015 Flowers Chart. To sponsor the Altar Flowers for Sunday morning worship please choose an available date and then fill in your information. You may dedicate the Altar flowers in honor or memory of loved ones or to the Glory of God. Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Page 15 COUNCIL MEMBER CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Sarah Scherschligt Vijay Alan [email protected] [email protected] 781-626-4016 Office: Cell: 703-354-5233 202-870-8363 Cathy [email protected] Kroohs 301-864-0272 Steven Bernauer [email protected] 703-663-8117 Marcia Dursi [email protected] 703-941-2880 Natalie Cain Karen Grubbs 703-941-6367 [email protected] Jason Nice Alan Byroade [email protected] 703-931-4064 336-706-0521 [email protected] Youth Representative 703-426-5865 From ACCA Thank you for a most successful winter clothing drive. Over 100 big bags of warm outer wear garments were gathered from eight churches and given to assist the day laborers, homeless shelter residents and children of the ACCA Child Development Center. The Deputy Director of the Baileys Crossroads Community Shelter had this to say, “I was overwhelmed by the number of coats, sweaters and scarves. Your donation blessed many of our shelter and drop in clients.” And the Youth Group Coordinator at Holy Spirit Church said, “Thanks for giving these teens a chance to serve the local community. It was the perfect thing to do to help our kids get ready for Christmas.” So thank you for your valued contribution toward providing warm outerwear clothing for people in great need. You made the Spirit of Christmas very real and significant for those in need in our community. You made it a Merry Christmas for the poor. Thank You! Respectfully submitted, Don DiSpirito, ACCA Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus January Words of Peace Page 16 Ring in the New Year with financial resolutions Ring in the New Year with financial resolutions With the New Year comes the opportunity to improve your financial well-being. Here are five financial resolutions to get you started: Establish your 2015 financial goals, including your retirement and overall savings goals. Post them where you’ll see them often. Establish a budget based on what you spent last year, taking into account the variable prices of gas, heating and food. Cut back on debt by paying off a credit card balance, foregoing unnecessary purchases or paying an additional amount each month to your mortgage payment. Prioritize major purchases you want to make and figure out how to pay for them out of your current income. Meet with a legal professional to review your will or estate plan to ensure it reflects your current life situation. For help achieving your 2015 financial strategy, contact Sheri Swackhamer, Financial Associate, FIC, CLTC at 571-970-0454 or today or visit Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Words of Peace January Page 17 For January 4-Jan 11-Jan 18-Jan 25-Jan Assisting Minister Kathleen Wage Alison Samuels Judy Gallagher Laura Maul Lector Aina Ramampandrison and Brook Selassie Meheret Asfaw Marc Ramampandrison Alison Samuels Communion Assistants Mary Marquardt David Marquardt Carol Randall Ray Marquardt Bill Duerre, Mary Malmberg, Sarah Gutema Bill Duerre, Mary Malmberg, Sarah Gutema Ushers Altar Care Serving on Sundays Teller Bill Duerre, Mary Bill Duerre, Mary Malmberg, Sarah Malmberg, Sarah Gutema Gutema Mary Downs Cathy Kroohs Nadine KrutzkyMitchell Tammy Heppner Tracy Schall Meheret Asfaw Arle Samuels Elaine and Bob Peoples Ed Axthelm* Tammy Heppner Bill Duerre Kathy Nice Ron Porten* Linda Porten AdHoc Teller Ray Marquardt * Ray Marquardt* Debbie Marquardt Karen Grubbs Donna Thiessen Diane Woodworth Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus WordsJANUARY of Peace January Sunday Page 18 Monday Tuesday 29 30 31 4 5 10:00 AM Beading 12:00 PM First Monday Lunch at Greensprings 8:15 PM Bells of Peace 6 9:45 AM INOVA Yoga 10:00 AM Bible Study 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den Meeting 7:00 PM Bells con Brio 7:00 PM Spirit and Scripture 7:30 PM AA Meeting 8:15 PM Messengers 11 8:00 AM Informal Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 11:45 AM Liturgy Planning 11:45 AM Fellowship Planning 12:15 PM House of Faith International 7:00 PM Brass of Peace Rehearsal 12 10:00 AM Beading 7:00 PM Voices of Peace 8:15 PM Bells of Peace 13 9:45 AM INOVA Yoga 10:00 AM Tuesday Morning Bible Study 7:00 PM Bells con Brio 7:00 PM Spirit and Scripture 7:30 PM AA Meeting 8:15 PM Messengers 18 8:00 AM Informal Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 12:15 PM House of Faith International 2:00 PM First Communion Class 4:00 PM Youth Group Meeting Taco Dinner 7:00 PM Brass of Peace Rehearsal 19 Martin L. King, Jr. Day Office Closed 7:00 PM Voices of Peace 8:15 PM Bells of Peace 25 8:00 AM Informal Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 12:15 PM House of Faith International 2:00 PM First Communion Class 5:00 PM Faithful Families 7:00 PM Brass of Peace Rehearsal 26 10:00 AM Beading 7:00 PM Voices of Peace 8:15 PM Bells of Peace 20 9:45 AM INOVA Yoga 10:00 AM Bible Study 11:30 AM Lunch Bunch at the Olive Garden 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Bells con Brio 7:00 PM Spirit and Scripture 7:30 PM AA Meeting 8:15 PM Messengers 27 9:45 AM INOVA Yoga 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Bells con Brio 7:00 PM Spirit and Scripture 7:30 PM AA Meeting 8:15 PM Messengers 8:00 AM Informal Worship with Holy Communion 9:00 AM Adult Education - New Testament 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Ethiopian Christmas 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 12:15 PM House of Faith International 4:00 PM Youth Group Meetinig 7:00 PM Brass of Peace Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus JANUARY Words of Peace January Wednesday Thursday Page 19 Friday 31 New Year's Eve Office Closed 1 New Year’s Day Office Closed 8:00 PM AA Meeting 2 1:00 PM Prayer Shawlers 10:00 PM Late Night Prayer Service 7 1:00 PM Project Boomerang 7:00 PM Bethany House Financial Literacy Class 8 9 9:30 AM Quilting 1:00 PM Prayer Shawlers 7:00 PM WRAP Women's 10:00 PM Late Night Prayer Service Renewal at Peace 8:00 PM AA Meeting Saturday 3 10 14 15 1:00 PM Project Boomerang 9:30 AM Quilting 7:00 PM Bethany House 8:00 PM AA Meeting Financial Literacy Class 16 17 12:00PM Prayer Shawler 1:00 PM Prayer Shawlers SEPTEMBER 2013 Luncheon 10:00 PM Late Night Prayer Service 21 22 1:00 PM Project Boomerang 9:30 AM Quilting 7:00 PM Bethany House 8:00 PM AA Meeting Financial Literacy Class 23 1:00 PM Prayer Shawlers 10:00 PM Late Night Prayer Service 24 28 29 1:00 PM Project Boomerang 9:30 AM Quilting 7:00 PM Bethany House 8:00 PM AA Meeting Financial Literacy Class 30 1:00 PM Prayer Shawlers 10:00 PM Late Night Prayer Service 31 Claimed by God’s grace and led by the Holy Spirit, we share the love and peace of Jesus Place Stamp Here Peace Lutheran Church 6362 Lincolnia Road Alexandria, VA 22312 Address Correction Requested THE NEXT DEADLINE FOR “THE WORDS OF PEACE” ~ JANUARY 20, 2015 (Inputs should be emailed to: [email protected] or placed in the secretary’s mailbox.) Peace Events Contact Info [email protected] Phone: 703-354-5233 Fax: 703-750-6773 December 31 January 1 January 4 January 5 January 8 Office Closed Happy New Year - Office Closed Ethiopian Christmas First Monday Lunch at Greensprings Sunday Services Weekly Winter Quilting begins 8:00 a.m. Informal Worship and Holy Communion WRAP 9:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School January 17 Prayer Shawler Celebration Lunch 9:00 a.m. Adult Forum January 18 Youth Group Taco Dinner 9:15 a.m. Confirmation January 19 MLK Jr. Birthday - Office Closed 10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:15 p.m. House of Faith International Service January 20 Lunch Bunch at Olive Garden Nursery & Preschool Care Provided from 10 -12 January 25 Faithful Families February 1 Super Bowl Sub Sale Weekly Services Family Meeting Friday Prayer Service (HOFI) 10:00 p.m. February 14 Forgiveness Workshop
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