First Baptist Church Bulletin THE LORD’S DAY, February 8, 2015 THE MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 8:30 and 11:00 O’clock Prelude “Day By Day” ............................................................................................arr. Anna Laura Page Call to Worship “I Have a Hope” .................................................................................................... Walker Opening Prayer Hymn No. 449 “Because He Lives” ................................................................................... Gaither/Gaither Welcome and The Lord’s Work GIDEON TESTIMONY Song of Praise “Revelation Song” ................................................................................................. Riddle Worship Anthem “My Great God Cares for Me” .................................................................. arr. Cliff Duren Scripture Reading - Psalm 32:1-5 NIV Pastoral Prayer Offertory Hymn No. 535 “I Am Thine, O Lord” .................................................................... Crosby/Doane Offertory SERMON “An Interesting Question” Matthew 20:29-34 .................................................................. Pastor Hymn of Decision No. 544 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” ................................................ Pollard/Stebbins Closing Prayer Closing Song I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. Postlude “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” ........................................................... arr. Albin Whitworth THE EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE 6:00 PM Prelude “Intercession” ................................................................................................. arr. Gayden Sikes Hymn No. 330 “Spirit of the Living God” ........................................................................................ Iverson Song of Worship “Just As I Am” ................................................................................... arr. Travis Cottrell Opening Prayer Welcome and the Lord’s Work Song of Praise “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” .......................................................... Watts/Croft/Walker Scripture Reading and Prayer Message in Song .................................................................................................................. Youth Choir Offertory Hymn No. 153 “The Lily of the Valley” ....................................................................... Fry/Hayes Offertory Solo ....................................................................................................................................... Amy White SERMON “How the Spirit Helps Us” Romans 8:26-27 ................................................................... Pastor Hymn of Decision No. 332 “Breathe on Me” .................................................................... Hatch/McKinney ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM Closing Prayer Postlude “How Majestic Is Your Name” ......................................................................... Michael W. Smith Mrs. Lynn Warren, Organist Mrs. Nancy Wells, Pianist FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - P. O. BOX 545 - EUFAULA, ALABAMA 36072 DR. KENNETH W. BUSH, Pastor REV. RUSS ROBBINS, Education Minister REV. CHRIS WILKINSON, Student Minister REV. ADAM R. TRAYLOR, Music & Worship Minister SOUTH RANDOLPH & BARBOUR STREETS (USPS-847-340) EUFAULA, ALABAMA 36027 334-687-2045 or 2015 February 5 No. 6 from the pastor... Appreciation For Gideons Sanctuary Flowers The Gideons do excellent work in sharing Bibles with folks around the world. It is a privilege for us to support this work. We will hear a testimony this morning about this ministry. The flowers on the communion table are given in loving memory of Don Cumbie to celebrate a life well loved, by the Cumbie and Ellison families. Wild Game Supper Monday Our Sympathy To... We will have the wild game supper Monday night at 6:00 in the fellowship hall. Please meet in Adult 1 before the supper and enjoy visiting. After a fun time around the tables, we will go to the sanctuary to hear the Men’s Ensemble and Gabe Gross, a former athlete at Auburn. Deacon Officers Elected Mr. and Mrs. Eddie (Tammy) Thomas, Ms. Faye Bumgardner, and Ms. Jan Meadows and family in the death of their brother-in–law, Mr. Randall Lawhorn of Spanishburg, West Virginia. Our Known Hospitalized UAB Hospital The deacons have elected these men to serve as officers: Bill Haney, chairman; David Williams, vice-chairman; and Steve Panjic as scribe. Please pray for these men. Medical Center Barbour Pray For DNOW Tallahassee Memorial Hospital The DNOW weekend February 13-15 will involve many young people. Please start praying for Chris and all those involved for this great event. Mr. Jonathan Dowling Mrs. Gail Helms Mr. Jim Royal Southeast AL Medical Center Mr. Jack Powell Published weekly by the First Baptist Church, 125 S. Randolph Ave. Eufaula, AL 36027. Second-Class Postage Paid at the Post Office of Eufaula, AL under the act of March 3, 1879 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 545, Eufaula, AL 36072-0545 This Week's Calendar 8:30 9:45 11:00 4:30 6:00 6:45 7:30 8:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 7:30 8:00 5:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 7:30 8:00 10:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 Sunday, February 8, 2015 AM Early Morning Worship AM Sunday School AM Worship Service PM Youth Choir PM Worship Service ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM Monday, February 9, 2015 AM Youth Prayer Breakfast AM Day Care AM Preschool PM Ladies’ Handbell Choir PM Wild Game Supper Tuesday, February 10, 2015 AM Day Care AM Preschool AM Women's Prayer Ministry AM Crafts Ministry Wednesday, February 11, 2015 AM Day Care AM Preschool PM Graded Choirs Fellowship Supper PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Mission Programs Journey-Youth Bible Study “SIS” Bible Study PM Prayer Service/Church Conference Thursday, February 12, 2015 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast AM Day Care AM Preschool AM Senior Adult Choir Friday, February 13, 2015 AM Day Care AM Preschool AM Precept Deacon of the Week Steve Panjic will serve as Deacon of the Week. If you need his services in any way, please call 334-740-0383. Minister of Education's Corner... “All In Day” in Sunday School This week we will be setting our goals for “All In Day” in Sunday School on March 1st. Each class should turn in their goal with their records. Our strategy is simple. Each member and prospect will receive 2 contacts before March 1st. We are encouraging no excuses. Something special will be done in each class or department to reach people. We are going to put everything we have into this high attendance effort. Make your plans now to be “All In” with us! -Russ 11:00 AM Arnold Smith Chance Stephenson Ken Stephenson Billy Stokes Bob Pomeroy Carson Pomeroy Al Rhodes Ken White Audio Schedule 8:30 & 11:00 AM John Green 6:00 PM Scott Hester Power Point Presenter Ronda Ware Last Sunday's Report Offering: Week NEEDED $23,390.17 RECEIVED $37,192.75 Sunday School Attendance Visitors Phase II Youth Building Fast Food Fellowship Sunday, February 8 After the p.m. worship service @ Zaxby’s DNOW Kick-Off Meeting Wednesday, February 11 6:15 p.m. @ the Youth Ministry Building DNOW 2015 Ushers 8:30 AM Just for Youth Yr. to Date $116,950.85 $121,209.73 457 30 $337,325.00 SURRENDER February 13-15 FBC PRESCHOOL NEWS Preschool registration for the 2015-2016 school year for three and four-year olds will begin Monday, February 9, 2015 for present parents and church members! (Opens to the public on February 23, 2015). For more information, call the church office (687-2045) or Rena’ Maldonado (695-0334). Fellowship Supper Menu BBQ Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese Turnips, Cornbread, Dessert Or Nachos Supreme, Cookies Adult Trip to Tennessee November 16-19, 2015 Come by the church office to get an itinerary and reserve your place now or call Carolyn Jones at 616-8003. Music Notes... Senior Adult Choir “Crowne Healthcare” Thursday, February 12, 2015 Meet at “Crowne Healthcare” at 10:00 AM Thank You Notes Dear Dr. Bush and Church Family, I want to thank all of you for your love, kindness, prayers, cards, and visits to Shellie while she was a resident of River Oaks. I also want to thank all of you for reaching out to me and my family with love, food and tender care during Shellie’s illness and death. She loved this church very much as I do. Jimmie Escher Dear Church Family, I have been so over-whelmed with your thoughtfulness during my hip surgery. Thank you so much for your prayers, calls, cards, meals, and words of encouragement. My hip replacement was a huge success! God is so good! Please continue the prayers as my hip continues to heal and get stronger. What a privilege and blessing it is to belong to such a loving church family. Jeanie Robbins Dear First Baptist Church Family, Thank you for all the prayers and cards during my time of loss. I have much comfort that my mom is now with the Lord in Heaven. Judy Howell
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