confessions - St. Henry Catholic Church

24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326
November 15, 2015
Fr. William J. Kosco
Saturday Vigil . . . . . . 5:00p.m.
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00a.m.
Domingo (Español) 12:00p.m.
Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00p.m.
3:00 - 4:30p.m.
1:00 - 5:00p.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Flor de liz López, ext. 101
Nancy Vela, ext. 102 /
Parish Office: (623)-386-0175
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Manager
Dcn. Mark Gribowski, ext. 103
Pastoral Assistant
Dcn. Victor León, ext. 104
Infant Baptism Information: 1st Sunday of the month after 10:00a.m. Mass
Información Bautismos de Infantes: 1er Domingo del mes después de Misa de 12:00p.m.
November 15, 2015
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Level I Children’s Sacramental Class Enrollment
November 14
November 15
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
8:30 am
+Rachelle Longoria
+Kenneth Olsson
+Anna Gudagnoli
+Tomas Galvan
November 16
November 17
Wednesday November 18
11:15 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Divine Mercy/Rosary
We are now accepting applications for Level I Sacrament classes
(1st & 2nd graders) November 16 & 17 from 5:00pm—8:00pm in
the hall. Level I begins January 2016 and these students will
receive their First Confession in December 2016. They will receive Confirmation & First Communion as Level II
students in December 2017. To enroll your child,
you must be registered with the parish. You will
need a copy of the child's baptism certificate at
the time of application & a $20 fee for text books!
Class sizes are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Holiday Festival Best Ever!
We really out did ourselves this year! What a great festival we
had...really was nice to see so many participating and enjoying
the great food, many vendors, and sitting in the courtyard spending time together listening to good music. We made $15,101.00
for the St. Henry Building Fund.
WOW! That's $3,701.00 more than we made last year.
Thank you to each and every one of you who worked so hard
making this festival the best ever! You're AMAZING!
Remember Our Goal - Our New Church - In our Lifetime!
8:30 am
+Virgil Sloggett
November 19
November 20
+David Sherman
November 21
November 22
St. Henry Youth Ensemble
Our chapel Sanctuary
Lamp is burning during
the Thirty-third Week of
memory of:
The St. Henry Sunday 8am Youth Ensemble is looking to build
up its membership. We would like to add a few singers to the
group as we prepare for the Advent and Christmas seasons. The
ensemble provides the music for the 8am Sunday Mass, some
Holy Day Masses and other special occasions.
Membership is open to all high school teens. To schedule an
audition/interview contact Magdalena Strahota at 623-444-0103.
8:30 am
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
+Soila Conde
+ Marilyn Smith +
St. Henry Community
Sunday Collection
November 8, 2015
Building Fund
Thank you for your continued
generosity to St. Henry parish
Pregnant? Need Help?
Call 1-800-413-6486
A representative from SolarCity will be at all the Masses the
weekend of November 28-29, 2015. SolarCity can help lower
your utility bills and your carbon footprint.
St Henry Parish will receive $250 for every supporter who switches to SolarCity. SolarCity is a proud sponsor of our bulletin.
$ Money Matters $
Our regular collection provides the funds for the daily operation of
our parish. Our building fund collection is for all matter pertaining to
the construction of a completed parish campus. We are in the process of paying down our $2.3 million debt from our first & second
stages of campus construction. We need to meet our monthly mortgage of $20,000 and also begin saving additional funds for further
construction projects.
There are already two projects that we may need to begin planning
for 2016 construction: an expanded west parking lot & the parish
rectory. Members of the parish council will be speaking at all Masses next weekend to update us on our financial position.
Noviembre 15, 2015
Clases Sacramentales Para Niños en 1er Nivel
Ya estamos aceptando inscripciones para las clases Sacramentales Nivel I (1ro & 2do grado escolar) este 16 & 17 de noviembre
de 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm en el salón. 1er Nivel comienza en enero
2016 y estos estudiantes harán su 1ra Confesión en diciembre 2016. Ellos recibirán Confirmación & Primera Comunión como estudiantes de 2do Nivel en diciembre 2017.
La familia debe estar registrada en la parroquia antes de inscribir a su hijo/a. Necesita
una copia del certificado de bautizo para inscribirlo/a y $20 para el costo de los libros.
Las clases serán limitadas y se aceptaran
según la orden de inscripciones.
¡El Mejor Festival!
¡Este año hicimos de lo mejor! Tuvimos un gran festival. . . realmente fue un placer ver a muchos participando y disfrutando la
deliciosa comida, muchos vendedores, y sentarse en la plaza
socializándose y escuchando buena música.
Recaudamos $15,101.00 para la Edificación de Fondos para la
Iglesia San Enrique.
¡WOW! Esto es $3,701.00 mas que lo que se recaudo el año
pasado. ¡Gracias a cada uno de ustedes quienes trabajaron
duro para hacer de este festival el mejor!
¡Ustedes son FANTASTICOS! Recuerden Nuestra Meta - Nuestra Nueva Parroquia - En Nuestra Vida!
Memorial And Candle Light Vigil
A Memorial and Candle Light Vigil will be held on
Thanksgiving Eve, November 25, at 7:30pm by
Andre's House and the Holy Cross priests for the
souls of those who died in 2015 without prayers or
loved ones present. Join us in the prayers of commendation and reading of their names aloud at
White Tanks Cemetery on Camelback and 159 th
Avenue. Bring a jacket and flashlight. Contact Legion of Mary
members if you need a ride.
2015 Parish Financial Statement
St. Henry fiscal year 2015 year-end financial statement is now
available to parishioners. All parishes in the United States are
required to provide parishioners a summarized statement of income & expenses in an effort to provide our parishioners with an
open book of our financial position.
Copies of our parish statement will be made available in the hall
entrance and at the parish office.
33° Domingo Ordinario
“Las confesiones
de este miércoles
son solo para los
niños de la clase
de Primera Confesión! Si el tiempo
lo permite estaremos el tiempo
restante para otros. Gracias.”
"Confessions this Wednesday
are for the First Confession
class only!
If time permits, we will open the
remaining time for others.
Thank you."
Temporary Parking
Several parishioners have asked
why we blocked off the dirt area
in front of our property. This dirt
area ringed by boulders is not St.
Henry property, but belongs to
the City of Buckeye.
We are thankful to Scott Lowe
with the city public works department and Adam Copeland with
the city development department
for allowing us temporary access
for parking to a portion of this
property. Thanks also to Dcn.
Mark Gribowski, Ted & Rita
Francis, and Vince Karstetter
with Flatt’s Construction for preparing the land.
Because it appears that we need
more parking, especially for the
Sunday Spanish Mass, we are
going to start the process of engineering the west parking lot for
permanent parking. The new
church would warrant this construction anyway, so we might as
well move ahead with it now. The
expense will need to be paid for
in cash so we will begin looking
into the manner in which we as a
parish can afford this now.
More information to follow as we
prepare the engineering plans.