APRIL 12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Reflection Corner Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. It is the day declared by Pope St John Paul II to commemorate the promises made by our Lord Jesus Christ to the Saint of the Divine Mercy, Sister Faustina in the 1930’s. The Lord promised the Saint that he would bestow his Divine Mercy to any sinner who totally repents from his or her sins; no matter how grave the sin and our Lord would not refuse any soul that seeks his mercy. The Lord told Sister Faustina that the one vessel through which this Divine Mercy is drawn is trust. “The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is – trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the treasures of My graces into them. I rejoice that they ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very much. On the other hand, I am sad when souls ask for little, when they narrow their hearts” (Diary 1578). The promise which our Lord made to St Faustina confirms the statement which the Lord made to Thomas in the gospel of John, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” The challenge of our Lord to Thomas and the promise of Divine Mercy drawn by the vessel of trust which the Lord made to St Faustina is our own challenge today. On the evening of the first day of the week, the disciples, for fear of the Jews, had gathered together in a locked room, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Thomas called Didymus (the twin) was not there, and because he was not there, he could not believe what the other disciples told him about Jesus. He doubted because of his lack of trust (skepticism) on the power of the resurrection. But his presence a week later when Jesus came again among them changed his doubting spirit and lack of trust into a great faith that led to his martyrdom during the later years. There are so many Catholics who are so uncommitted to their faith by refusing to be attending regular, Sunday Masses. Without prejudice to the reasons of ill health, bereavement, or service call to save the dying, the reason why many of these our brothers and sisters refuse to attend Masses on Sundays can be due to doubt or crisis of faith which is rooted in lack of trust in God’s providence. They are in search for the meaning of life, but they doubt whether the answer to these existential questions can be found within the four walls of the Church. For this reason they are more disposed to spend time in social action, in work, and in intellectual pursuit rather than in Church worship. Thomas in the gospel of today found himself in such situation because when Christ died, his disciples including Thomas thought that Christ who was their hope had gone, therefore all hope for them was lost. Some of them decided to go back to their former business. But Christ’s appearances to them after the resurrection strengthened their faith, trust and hope in God. Every Christian nay Catholic carries within himself or herself, the death of the Lord. The outward manifestations of these wounds in the bodies of some of the saints like, Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio who carried the stigmata shows how the wounds of Christ still make a claim on us today. Our daily lives should be the clearest manifestation of the cross and resurrection of Christ. For many of us, it is precisely when we are wounded most deeply by life that our doubts in the presence of God can be greatest. Thomas recognized the Lord by his wounds, every true follower of Christ should be recognized by the wounds of Christ in his or her life which may be spiritual hurts, unreturned love, and bitter disappointment. Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am Tuesday & Thursday 12:10 pm Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) 12 Noon Monday - Thursday Parish Center Office Hours Monday - Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30 am - 6:30 pm By appointment only Confessions Latin Mass Second & Fifth Sunday of the month 9:00 am - 6:30 pm 1:30pm Saturday 8:30 am & 3:30 pm or by appointment Page Two St. Anthony April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 WEEKLY CALENDAR Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? - 1 John 5:5 Sunday, April 12th - Divine Mercy Sunday Religious Education Classes Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2:45pm Divine Mercy Procession 3:00 pm Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Holy Hour - Adoration 4:00 pm Benediction News from the Knights of Columbus Fundraising for Rancho San Antonio Monday, April 13th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 7:00 pm Bible Study Your Knights of Columbus Council #4567 will be selling raffle tickets after all the Masses next weekend of April 18th and 19th as the annual fundraiser for the Rancho San Antonio Boy’s Home in Chatsworth, CA. Tickets are only $2 each and you do not need to be present at the drawing to win. Rancho San Antonio is run by the Brothers of the Holy Cross and has an excellent track record of service to the youth in the Archdiocese. Tuesday, April 14th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 7:00 pm Adult Confirmation - Parish Center 7:00 pm Lectio Divina - Parish Center 7:15 pm Legion of Mary - School Confirmation Sunday, April 26th at the 5:00 pm Mass, our Regional Bishop, Oscar Solis will be here to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. We welcome him and pray for our candidates who will be confirmed. We will have 18 young people and 6 adults receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on this day. Most of the front half of the church will be reserved for our Confirmandi and their sponsors, so if you are planning to attend this mass please arrive early for parking and seating. Thank you for your cooperation. Wednesday, April 15th Parish Office & Adoration Chapel Open 6:00 pm Zumba -Hall Thursday, April 16th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priests - Church 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal - Parish Center Friday, April 17th Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed Saturday, April 18th Confessions after the morning Mass and at 3:30 pm 10:30 am Lectio Divina - Parish Center First Holy Communion Picture Day First Holy Communion Retreat Saturday April 25th - 9:30 am - 3:30 pm St. Anthony Church 215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 322-4392 Fax: (310) 322-0797 www.stanthonyes.com Visit us on Facebook Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755 Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria Assisting Priest: Rev. Felix C. Unichi (ext. 441) School: Georgiana Curcio, Principal (310) 322-4218 (ext. 111) (ext 211) Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director (ext. 329) Business Manager : Abner Espanola (ext. 442) Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson (ext. 440) Office Assistant: Mary Baum (ext. 440) Maintenance: George Cadena (ext. 440) Director of Religious Education: Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P. (ext. 444) Youth Minister: Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline (310) 416-1477 School Council Chairperson: Felipe Gutierrez (310) 322-4218 Divine Mercy Sunday Page Three St. Anthony Church Mission Statement: We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and actions. On Going CASE Collection CASE (Community Alliance to Support and Empower) serves the need of those in need within our community. The CASE’s food pantry is in need: canned meat foods, canned chili, tuna, spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, cooking oil, pasta, canned fruits, snacks, peanut butter, jam, juices, pop tarts, cheerios, cornflakes, jello, paper goods, toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, toothpaste, soap, tissues/Kleenex, and cleaning supplies, liquid dishwashing, laundry detergent, shampoo & conditioner, etc. Thank you again on behalf of all the families who benefit from this collection. ST. ANTHONY MEN’S CORNERSTONE RETREAT Therefore thus says the Lord, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation… a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: “Whoever believes will not be in haste.” Isaiah 28:16 Men’s cornerstone weekend is a simple gathering of Ordinary Men sharing their faith and life experience. The 3rd annual St. Anthony Men’s Cornerstone Retreat is Friday, May 15th 6pm to Saturday evening May 16th here at our Parish. The program is presented BY the men of our parish who have experienced the retreat, FOR the men of our parish. If you ask a Cornerstone Brother, he will tell you the experience has enhanced his life in many ways. He is a better husband and father to his family, he is a better friend, he is more grounded in his work, and most importantly, he has discovered new dimensions in his relationship with God. To register, pick up a brochure in the vestibule or Parish Center, or register on our Parish website at www.stanthonyes.com/cornerstone. Space is limited so please register soon if you are inspired to join us. You may also call Noel Vinzon at 949-375-9340 or email [email protected] if you have any questions. SATURDAY April 11 8::00 am Kay Cunningham (PI) 7:00 pm For all Parishioners SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm April 12 Respect for all Life & Reparation for Abortion In Thanksgiving to God Ana Rossini & Mayra Valdivia (PI) Martha Espinoza (PI) MONDAY 8:00 am April 13 In Thanksgiving to God TUESDAY 12:10 pm April 14 Benjamin Perez (PI) WEDNESDAY April 15 8:00 am All Souls in Purgatory THURSDAY April 16 12:10 pm Jocelyn Perez (PI) FRIDAY 8:00 am April 17 Edward & Elizabeth Leiva (PI) SATURDAY April 18 8:00 am Gabriela B. Garber (D) 5:00 pm Margaret Kidwell (PI) Please Pray Sr. Aurora, Marggie Ayala, Soledad Barba, Sue Barrett, Rosalinda Banzon, Tom Blum, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell, Teresa Calderon, Teresita Clemente, David Dec, Dylan and Dorothy Doukakis, Juan Antonio & Alejandro Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Rose Garcia, Gerry Geppert, Joe & Don Guzman, Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, George Kezele, Michalina Kubek, Patricia Lamay, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski, Ken Lockwood, Majella McIntyre, Cecil McAllister, Kay McGuire, Pauline McKinley, Michelle McManus, Grace Mercado, Shirley Merrill, Colleen O’Ryan, Pamela Polizzotto, Josefina Rigalva, Ryan Ramirez, Baby Rose, Juan Sanchez, John Snyder, Anne Schuman, Maralyn Swenson, Mary Stanford, Keith Storm, Janina Tyborowska, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria, Rony Vitus, Elizabeth Webster, Christopher Wheeler, Pennye Wilder, Nik Woods. Page Four St. Anthony Capital Campaign - “Renovation Fund” Our beloved Church is in need of renovations (improved the bathrooms, vestibule area, baptismal fountain, etc). An account has been established to raise funds toward renovating our church. Your financial support is greatly needed it to assure the success of this campaign. We do ask you to reflect on how much God has given you and prayerfully respond with great love and generosity. If you write a check, please include in the memo “Renovation Fund”. May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly. Monthly Financial Report St. Anthony Church is committed to financial transparency as part of our effort to be careful stewards of the resources provided by our generous parishioners. Below is our February 2015 Financial Report. February 2015 Income: Collections Sun/Sat Collections $ 29,653 Online Giving $ 2,632 Sacraments Fundraising Property Rental Restricted (Rel Ed /Confrm/Scrip) Total Income February 2015 Expenses: Operating Archdiocese Assessment Insurance Utilities Rectory Expense Church Supplies/Etc Salaries/Benefits Salaries Health Insurance Other Expenses Total Expenses Net Income/(Loss) Parish Enhancements Collections Expenses Net Income (Loss) Total Net Income (Loss) $ 32,285 $ 1,475 $ $ 800 $ 350 $ 34,910 $22,120 $ 4,156 $ 2,964 $ 2,550 $ 1,689 $ 10,761 $ 23,727 $ 16,017 $ 7,710 $ 446 $46,293 ($11,383) $3,790 $ —$3,790 ($7,593) ======= “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new Proverbs 3:9-10 wine your vat will overflow” Our sincerest gratitude for your generosity and continued support to St. Anthony Church. God bless you, Abner B. Espanola Business Manager April 12, 2015 News from the Office of Respect Life Pregnancy Help Center “In time when I was scared and confused, you made me feel cared about. I don’t know what I would have done without you. This child is such a blessing.” Pregnancy Help Center (310) 787-4357 - 24-hour help line End of Life in California – What You Need to Know Sunday, April 19, 6:30 – 8:00pm American Martyrs - St. Kateri Room Pope Francis denounced the right-to-die movement saying it is a “false sense of compassion” to consider euthanasia as an act of dignity when, in fact, it’s a sin against God and creation. American Martyrs Catholic Community, with the support of the L.A. Archdiocese, is taking the lead on this important issue by hosting an educational event, presented by the Scholl Institute of Bioethics. Topics include: • Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill, SB 128 • Euthanasia • The withholding or withdrawing of food and water from non-dying patients • The Affordable Care Act and End of Life • Advanced Health Care Directives Refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Steve Perry, 818-800-5653 Religious Education Office The Religious Education Program of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church is to ultimately help our children of the parish experience the presence of God in their lives and to learn who Jesus Christ is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It aims to follow the ways of Jesus Christ through Catholic teachings of the Faith, creatively engage them in the learning process, and to give them hope in their Salvation. We offer classes for PreK/K through 8th Grade and Sacrament Preparation for Baptism, First Reconciliation and/ or First Holy Communion. Please join us at our open house by visiting the classrooms on Sunday, May 3rd from 8:45am - 9:45am. Early Registration opens June 1st. For more information call the Parish Center Teen Confirmation The Confirmation Program is a two year program that assists in the development of teenagers into mature, responsible, Catholic adults, ready to live their faith in the world. Registration opens June 1st. Please visit our webpage at: stanthonyesconfirmation.shutterfly.com or call the Parish Center for more information. Divine Mercy Sunday Mensaje para Reflexionar El amor a Dios y el amor a los hermanos son efectivamente inseparables, como nos lo ha recordado la primera carta del apóstol san Juan: "En esto conocemos que amamos a los hijos de Dios: si amamos a Dios y cumplimos sus mandamientos". El Apóstol nos recuerda aquí la verdad del amor, indicándonos que su medida y su criterio radican en la observancia de los mandamientos. En efecto, no es fácil amar con un amor profundo, constituido por una entrega auténtica de sí. Este amor se aprende sólo en la escuela de Dios, al calor de su caridad. Fijando nuestra mirada en él, sintonizándonos con su corazón de Padre, llegamos a ser capaces de mirar a nuestros hermanos con ojos nuevos, con una actitud de gratuidad y comunión, de generosidad y perdón. ¡Todo esto es misericordia!. En la medida en que la humanidad aprenda el secreto de esta mirada misericordiosa, será posible realizar el cuadro ideal propuesto por la primera lectura: "En el grupo de los creyentes, todos pensaban y sentían lo mismo: lo poseían todo en común y nadie llamaba suyo propio nada de lo que tenía". Aquí la misericordia del corazón se convirtió también en estilo de relaciones, en proyecto de comunidad y en comunión de bienes. Aquí florecieron las "obras de misericordia", espirituales y corporales. Aquí la misericordia se transformó en hacerse concretamente "prójimo" de los hermanos más indigentes. Sor Faustina Kowalska dejó escrito en su Diario: "Experimento un dolor tremendo cuando observo los sufrimientos del prójimo. Todos los dolores del prójimo repercuten en mi corazón. Desearía que todos los dolores recayeran sobre mí, para aliviar al prójimo". ¡Hasta ese punto de comunión lleva el amor cuando se mide según el amor a Dios!. En este amor debe inspirarse la humanidad hoy para afrontar la crisis, los desafíos de las necesidades más diversas y, sobre todo, la exigencia de salvaguardar la dignidad de toda persona humana. Así, el mensaje de la misericordia divina es, implícitamente, también un mensaje sobre el valor de todo hombre. Toda persona es valiosa a los ojos de Dios, Cristo dio su vida por cada uno de nosotros, y a todos el Padre concede su Espíritu y ofrece el acceso a su intimidad. Jesús, en ti confío! Page Five La Parroquia de San Antonio Nuestra Misión: Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración, servicio y acciones. Noticias de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa El programa de educación Religiosa de la Iglesia de San Antonio tiene como finalidad ayudar a nuestros niños a reconocer la presencia de Dios en su vidas y aprender quien es Jesucristo a través de la guía del Espíritu Santo. Estas clases les ayudara a seguir los caminos de Jesucristo a través de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Ofrecemos clases de Catecismo para los niños desde kindergarten hasta 8° Grado. La preparación de sacramento del bautismo, Primera Comunión y reconciliación. Las Matriculas se llevan a cabo en el mes de Junio. Se les pide a los padres de familia asistir a nuestro “Open House” el Domingo, 3 de Mayo desde las 8:45am hasta las 9:45 am. Confirmación Nuestro Programa de confirmación para jóvenes es un programa de dos años que los ayuda a desarrollarse como Católicos responsables y maduros, listos para vivir su fe en este mundo. Matriculas comienzan el 1 de junio. Protegiendo a los Niños Sabia usted? Víctimas de abuso pueden buscar ayuda marcando número gratuito La Oficina del Ministerio de Asistencia a Víctimas de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles fue creada en abril del 2002 para trabajar en casos pasados o actuales de abuso sexual por parte de clérigos, religiosos o cualquier persona laica empleada o haciendo trabajo voluntario para la arquidiócesis. Llame al número de teléfono gratuito (800) 355-2545, para reportar problemas de conducta de un sacerdote, diácono u otra persona trabajando asalariadamente o voluntariamente para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles; para obtener información sobre los compromisos, recursos de programas que se enfocan en alcance a las víctimas/sobrevivientes de abuso sexual; y para reportar abuso sufrido en otra diócesis y recibir asistencia para conectarse con las personas apropiadas en esa diócesis. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650. ST. ANTHONY GIFT SHOP Looking for the perfect First Communion gift? St. Anthony Gift shop has a large selection of gifts for this occasion: Rosaries Crucifixes Frames Bibles Medals Veils Prayer Books Statues Ties Candles Photo Albums And more... We are located at 720 Grand Ave, El Segundo CA 90245 In the lower level of the church (310) 322– 4392 Ext. 202 We are open Tuesday & Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00pm Sunday from 9 :00 am to 1:00pm
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