blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Pastor: Rev. Jesús Cuadros Deacon John Flannery Director of Religious Education: Sister Doryne Bermoy, FLP St. Thomas Aquinas Church 249 9th Street Brooklyn, New York 11215 Rectory: 718-768-9471 Fax: 718-788-3390 Holy Family Church 205 14th Street Brooklyn, New York 11215 Rectory: 718-768-9471 Fax: 718-788-3390 In Residence: Rev. Francis Fayez, Pastor Resurrection Coptic Catholic Church 328 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER 25, 2015 HOLY FAMILY - ST. THOMAS AQUINAS PARISH True THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TRIGÉSIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO TRUE BLINDNESS Bartimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of the road being a “good blind beggar.” But one day Jesus passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David. VERDADERA CEGUERA Bartimeo causó tremenda conmoción. Por lo regular él estaba sentado al borde del camino siendo un “buen mendigo ciego”. Pero un buen día pasó Jesús cerca de ahí. Bartimeo se puso de pie en un salto y le gritó a Jesús. Nos podemos imaginar como se daba vuelta en dirección al ruido y la conmoción. Probablemente tenía los brazos extendidos al gritarle al hijo de David. October 25, 2015 The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes: “Bartimaeus, you’re not fit for Jesus.” But it was okay for them and other “sighted” people to follow Jesus. In today’s readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 25 de Octubre 2015 Los que lo conocían se sentían azorados de sus gritos. Trataron de hacerle callar y que se volviera a sentar al borde del camino. Sus acciones decían mucho: “Bartimeo, tú no eres digno de Jesús”. Pero sí estaba bien que ellos y otras personas “con vista” siguieran a Jesús. En las lecturas de hoy, aprendemos que la verdadera ceguera no es una condición de los ojos sino del corazón. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wed: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a We were born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more. —Joseph Cafasso SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood Sunday; World Youth Day Wednesday: Ss. Simon and Jude Saturday: Halloween; Blessed Virgin Mary TRUE VOCATION The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people. —Leo Tolstoy Monday: BORN TO LOVE 7 FAMILY As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. - St. John Paul II El Grupo de Oración Carismático Catolico de Adultos Ministerio “Vida y Salvación,” invita a toda la comunidad a las reunions de todos los Lunes de 7:00p.m. a 9:00p.m. en el auditorio de la iglesia. The 2016 Mass Intention Book is open. Please call or come to the rectory to schedule announced masses for next year. The stipend for an announced mass is $15. Weekly memorials are also $15. Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays, except holydays and legal holidays, in Holy Name of Jesus Church, 245 Prospect Park West, beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the 11:45a.m. Mass, ending with Benediction at 5:30p.m. El Ministerio de Jovenes “Cristo esta vivo” invita a toda la comunidad a las reuniones los Jueves de 7:00p.m. a 9:00p.m. en el auditorio de la iglesia. Check Us Out On The Web! Welcome Bishop Alfonso Cabezas! Angel Amaro Samantha Ayala Edgar Castro-Castro Jacqueline Cordova Emma Carina Di Leo Felicia Diaz Kaithline Dimenx Ariatna Garcia-Nicolas Leslie Garcia-Lozada Larry Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez Jessica Hernandez Tyler Kenscoff Danitza Lopez-Marquez Brandon Mbayanga Oscar Mendoza Jacqueline Murray Jazmin Perez Omayra Rivera Alexander Rocco Jose Luis Sosa Steven Sosa Chelsea Torres Andrew Ubanwa Alberto Valle Ariel Vidal Ronaldo Vidals The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. -Psalm 126:3 Sunday’s 9:00a.m. Mass will be celebrated in St. Thomas Aquinas Church throughout the fall and winter months. Please help us spread the word! Respect Life from Birth to Natural Death Family Halloween Party All Saints Day WYD Food Sale / Marathon Sunday All Souls Day Joseph G. Duffy /MJ Smith All Souls Memorial Mass 10:30a.m. / Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi, Celebrant A light breakfast will be served in the parish hall after the Mass. Nov 7 Parish Council Training Seminar for All Councilors! 9:30a.m. to Noon / Holy Name of Jesus Church / Shepherd’s Hall Nov 11 Veterans Day Nov 21 Diocesan Mass in honor of Our Lady of Divine Provi dence at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral Nov 25 Thanksgiving Eve Liturgy with pilgrims and Indians Nov 26 Thanksgiving Day Oct 30 Nov 1 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 7 C A L E N D A R THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. — Psalm 126:3 MASS INTENTIONS OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 1 Sat., 10/24 5:30 Sun., 10/25 9:00 Let us remember to pray for the sick, the homebound, the elderly and all those who are alone……. Rita Milillo, Victoria Polito, Theresa Aiello, Lisa Dueno Tetah, Sue Fleming, Bryan Slate, Josephine Dijczuk, Michele Battaglia, Richard Babstock, Carmen Melendez, Amelia Arias, Paul Isaacs, George Zook, Bertha Chamorro, Christopher Gratton, Luisa Clagnaz, Deacon John Flannery, Angelina Gugliara, Ellen Fagan, Grecia Caban, Ramon Caban, Rosa Cordero, Skylar Graham, Salvatore Scalise, Lidia Labiosa, Nelly Espinoza, Daniel Santana, Dean Hylton, S. Andrea Marie, Antonio Fuentes, Cecilia Alvarado, Jose Alvarado, Baby Carolina Barros, Baby Isabela Barros, Isabella Aciello, Paul Sanner, Allison Mihailovich, Bernadette Basta, Ana Espinal, Victoria Godkin, Mr. and Mrs. Contreras, Denise Pianucci, Evelyn Mulia, Jim Brennan, Maria Estelle Collazo, Anne Cartrette, Memonde Romero, Martin Perrone, Jr., Rita Montes, Alberto Pastorino, Kathleen Neville, Cookie Hinton, Sister Margarita Mercurio, Merle Ferdinand, Victor Arias, Ann Grieco, Ann McCabe, Marcy Vargas, Susy Palermo, Ofelia Palermo, Dan Spitzley, Karen Petonello, Carmella Sheehan, Prospero Pinzon, Isabel Pinzon-Quintana, Kenneth Quintana, Laura Creiger, Lissette Valentin, Hector Casillas, Margaret O’Connor, Robert O’Connor, Hector Casillas, Jim Brennan, Ricardo Figueroa, and Jeremiah Figueroa For the health and welfare of Mary Michalski Wong and family 10:30 Antero Diaz 14th Anniversary Francisco Lopez 12:30 Finamore family Mon., 10/26 7:00 For the health and welfare of Victoria and Amoryth Hylton 12:15 Giovanna Taranto Anniversary Tues., 10/27 7:00 Purgatorial Mass Society 12:15 Frank Prybor Wed., 10/28 7:00 For the health and welfare of Dolores Marcario and family 12:15 Teofilo and Turney Torio Elena T. Aguila Thurs., 10/29 7:00 For the health and welfare of Victoria and Amoryth Hylton 12:15 Rosita and Caridad Torio Rudy Espinosa Fri., 10/30 For the health and welfare of Dolores Marcario and family 12:15 Clara Tiscione Sat., 10/31 7:00 For the health and welfare of Dolores Marcario and family 12:15 For the health and welfare of Sonia Acevedo For the health and welfare of Christopher Elias 5:30 Angela Santamaria Birthday Sun., 11/1 9:00 MEMORIAL DONATIONS The Bread and Wine will be offered this week In Loving Memory of James Hall. Birthday The Sanctuary Lamp will be offered this week In Loving Memory of Marion Data and family. Sacrament of Confirmation Victoria Pascone Louis Pascone 7:00 For the health and welfare of Christine DiCostanzo 10:30 Alberto Arroyo Andres Arroyo 12:30 Rachel and Michael Scotto FAMILY HALLOWEEN PARTY Friday, October 30th 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. Tickets cost $5 per person / Money refunded at the party Tickets will be sold after Religious Education classes on Wednesdays and Fridays, at the Girl Scout meeting on Fridays, and at the rectory. No tickets will be sold at the door. Children must be accompanied by an adult. DJ! RAFFLES! GAMES! FUN! Joseph G. Duffy MJ Smith Funeral Home PARISH COUNCIL SEMINAR Parish Councilors: Please set aside Saturday, November 7th 9:30 a.m. noon to attend a special two-hour parish council training seminar in Holy Name Church. All Souls’ Memorial Mass Saturday, November 7th 10:30a.m. Msgr. Joseph R. Grimaldi Celebrant and Homilist A light breakfast will be served immediately after Mass. All are invited. If we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him. — Romans 6:8
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