ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: © Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482 PARISH STAFF William Oliver Pastor Gary Hilbig Deacon Rodolfo Cerda Deacon Juan F. Pareja Deacon Joseph Blanco Pastoral Assistant Business/Facilities Mgr David V. Dwigans Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary Dalia Mendoza Receptionist Maria Crouch Housekeeper Baldemar Gonzales Custodian Mary Gahr Director of Music Gonzalo Ramos Spanish Choir Jeanenne Hagerman Bookkeeper Dan Schwieterman DRE Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant Adriana Guzman Youth Minister John Guzman Hispanic Ministries MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) 12:30 PM (Spanish) Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Friday of the month after Morning Mass. BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year. MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation. Call church office for appointment. INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Communion & Confirmation - Call the church office. Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David. ” — Jeremiah 23:5a Decimosexto Domingo en Tiempo rdinario 19 de Julio de 2015 “He aquí, vienen días,dice el Señor, en que levantaré un lanzamiento justo a David. ” — Jeremías 23:5a WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS! ¡BIENVENIDOS A TODOS LOS SANTOS! We’re glad you’re here! The following have recently joined us as parishioners. Janet Quinonez Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Erin Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Marco & Erica Villegas Welcome Father Bill Oliver! Sunday, July 19 8:30 AM Mass (English) 9:45 AM Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM Mass (English) 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Monday, July 20 8:00 AM Communion Service Tuesday, July 21 8:00 AM Mass (English) 7:00 PM Engaged Couples MTG Wednesday, July 22 Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30 AM until 12:00 PM (Summer Schedule) 8:00 AM Mass (English) 7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice (SVDP Rm #1) Thursday, July 23 8:00 AM Mass (English) Friday, July 24 8:00 AM Mass (English) Saturday, July 25 3:00 PM Wedding, Diehl/Williams 5:30 PM Mass (English) Sunday, July 26 8:30 AM Mass (English) 9:45 AM Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM Mass (English) 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Pastor’s Chronicle The readings for this Sunday use the figure of a shepherd to tell us the tender care and the wise constant guidance the Lord provides for those who trust in him. When the early Christians looked for an image to reflect their relationship with Jesus and God the Father they turned to their Jewish book, the Book of Psalms. In Psalm 23 they found what they believed to be a summary of how God had worked through Jesus to make them his people. The work of a shepherd was a difficult job that had more to do with chasing after straying sheep, tending them through long, cold, rainy days and nights, protecting them from wolves. The early Christians rejoiced that there was one divinely appointed Shepherd, Jesus Christ, leading them (the church) into the lush green pastures of Heaven. In the course of centuries, this psalm has won for itself a supreme place in religious literature of the world. All who read it, whatever age, race, or circumstances, find in the quiet beauty of its thoughts a range and depth of spiritual insight that both satisfies and soothes the soul. The psalm’s refrain “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want,” is our fitting response to the Good Shepherd who has gathered us close to himself this day. Through our participation in the Eucharist, we realize we are not alone but belong to a vast, worldwide flock. In thousands of churches throughout the world, we gather to pray for one another and for orphaned children, refugees driven from their homes by war, the homeless, the sick and dying, and all marginalized persons who need advocates and a strong shepherd to defend them. In short, we move along together on our way to the lush green pastures and restful waters to a home with the Lord. Fr. Bill Youth Group Movie Night! The All Saints Youth Group enjoyed a summer’s night at the Studio Movie Grill to see the Minions Movie. If you are interested in attending any youth events or plan on joining the Youth Group, please contact Adriana Guzman or Joseph Blanco at the Parish Office. El grupo de jóvenes de todos los Santos disfrutaron de una noche de verano en el Studio Movie Grill a ver la película de Minions. Si estás interesado en asistir a eventos de juventud ni plan para unir el grupo de jóvenes, por favor contacto Adriana Guzman o Joseph Blanco en la oficina parroquial. Anuncios para la Comunidad Hispana Josué 24: 15 Por mi parte, ¡mi familia y yo serviremos al SENOR! SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS: ¿Necesita preparación espiritual? Le podemos ayudar si usted desea. Solo pase por la Oficina de la Parroquia y hable con Lupe, Dan o John para iniciar su preparación—matrimonio, convalidación, sacramento o ¡Se necesitan voluntarios para formar y preparar el Equipo de Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos! Se desea preparación para poder empezar este septiembre 2015. Recuerden, sin su apoyo, no se puede actualizar el trabajo del SEÑOR. Hable con John al 713-235-0804 para coordinar este Ministerio ¡No olviden orar por las vocaciones! Pídanle al SEÑOR para que nos envié servidores. Don’t forget! You can start registering your child for Confirmation Prep or First Communion Today! You can either come to the front office and sign up during the week or you can sign up online at under children and youth. “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and a rest a while.” No te olvides! Puede empezar a inscribir a los niños para la preparación de la confirmación o primera comunión hoy! Usted puede o bien subir a la oficina y signo durante la semana, o puede inscribirse en línea en en los niños y jóvenes. Mass Intenions/ Intenciones de las Misas Monday: July 20 8:00 AM: Communion Service Tuesday: July 21 8:00 AM: Monsignor Paul Procella † Wednesday: July 22 8:00 AM: Joseph Nelson † Thursday: July 23 8:00 AM: All Souls in Purgatory † Friday: July 24 8:00 AM: Jonathan Cerda Saturday: July 25 5:30 PM: Adele R. Wrightson † Sunday: July 26 8:30 AM: Rosa Padilla † 10:30 AM: Fr. Anton Zivic OFM † 12:30 PM: William & Evelyn Samohyl † Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Apollinaris Tuesday: St. Lawrence of Brindisi Wednesday: St. Mary Magdalene Thursday: St. Bridget Friday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Saturday: St. James PRAY FOR THOSE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in the military. Join us in supporting their families as we pray for their safe return: Cecilio D. Flores, Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy Boyorquez, Harry & Rocio Slone, Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G. Martinez, Mark Lubinski, Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark Hamm, Jillian Dougherty, Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, Michael Jones, Michael Katkoski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Leo (Leo Getz) Richardson, Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Alban, Anthony Brian Garcia, Lt Colonel Christopher Goodyear, Anthony B. Garcia, Andrew Jackson Ortiz Readings for the Week/ Lecturas de la Semana Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 PRAYER LIST Please keep the following persons in your prayers. The Lozano Family, Dorothy Scalco, Rosi Hernandez-Curtis, Sue Ann Schwantes, Ralph Lasher, Juan Ygnacio, Miguel Perugache, Camile Nick & Gloria Herminia, Alexie Alcoser, Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C. Garcia, Sylvia G. Reyes, Blanche Perez, Refaela DeLeon, Jaclyn Aguirre, Mike Komkov, Janie Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Terry Lee Smith, Laura LuLu Reyes, Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard, Yvonne Davila, Leo Munguia, Louis Freeh, Corina Pizzini, Ellie Perez, Sandra Martinez, Lorenzo Diaz, Virginia Zamarripa, Roberto Varela, Angela Perkins, Barbara Alban, Bettye Martinez, Joe B. Cortez, Mary Louise Flores, Griselda Ramirez, Lydia G. Moreno, Rosie Peradre, Martin Engquist, Josie Cobb, Albert Lee Cobb Sr., Katrina Cobb, Anthony Amy, Cecilia Garcia, Albert Reyes, Diana Underwood, Fabiola Cagibal, Sandra Gilliam, Hayzel Leonard., Armando Hinojosa, Mary Molina., Julio Anguiano, Connie Villarreal, June Carroll, Frank Girton, Nicholas Rowell, Jesus Villarreal, Arthur Lejia, Sister Mary Paulette, Dee Hymel , Bernardo Perugache, J. D. Raburm, Marcia Reed, Mike Lester, Lorine Doby, Deacon Eddie, Dalia Leal Garza, Rebecca El-Saleh If you have a family member, friend or neighbor who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion and in need of prayer, let the church know by either calling the parish office or emailing [email protected]. Please DO NOT light the Seven Day Glass Candles! Please light the tea candles only! Please do not bring extra candles from your home or the stores. We provide the candles. Also please remember when lighting the candle to put the lit match in the sandbox below. Thank You! OFFERTORY COLLECTION REPORT For the Week Ended Sunday, 07/12/2015 Week Actual Budget Variance 10,779.59 10,449.57 330.02 Weekly Offering 0.00 0.00 0.00 Electronic Offering 375.00 0.00 375.00 Building Imp Fund 11,154.59 10,449.57 705.02 TOTAL For the Two Week Ended Sunday, 07/12/2015 Year- to-Date Actual Budget Variance Weekly Offering Electronic Offering Building Imp Fund 19,571.24 2,815.00 857.00 18,084.14 2,815.00 1,100.00 1,487.10 0.00 (243.00) TOTAL 23,243.24 21,999.14 1,244.10 St Vincent de Paul Black Bag 2,099.20 All Saints Diocesan Services Fund Activity Through July 13, 2015 Parish Goal: $62,000.00 Total Amount Paid: $63,017.70 Total Amount Pledged: $72,972.70 Total Number of Participant: 198 Average Participant Pledge: $368.55 Paid Over (Under) Goal: 1,017.70 Pledged Over (Under) Goal: $10,972.70 Percent Paid: 101.64% Por favor no encender las velas de cristal de siete días! Por favor, encender las velas de té sólo! No traer velas extras desde su casa o en las tiendas. Proporcionamos las velas. También recuerde al encender la vela para poner al cerillo en el sandbox más abajo. ¡Gracias! ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING If you are interested in ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING (Automatic Bank Withdrawal), please complete the “Agreement for Preauthorized Payments”. Forms are located in the rear of the church or on our website All you need to do is fill out the form in full and attach a “Voided” check. You can mail the form to the church, attention of the Bookkeeper, or bring it by the Administration Building. Use the mail slot if after hours. Please DO NOT drop the form in the weekly collection basket as it contains your CONFIDENTIAL bank information. Check Out Our Website! PASTORAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers Altar Society Art & Environment Eucharistic Ministers Homebound Ministry Knights of Columbus Lectors RCIA Sacristans St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry Third Age Learning Center Ushers leigharon Rodgers / Marisela Villarreal Liz Lester Barry Connor / Anita Longoria / Chuck Shoults Isaac Tapia / Richard Malinowski / Elisa Jimenez Jo Kelley Parish / Joseph Blanco Joel Syzdek Jimmy Phillips / Juanita Sanchez Kelly Hawkins Maggie Tyerina / Wendy Nugent Jeanenne Hagerman Jo Kelley Parrish Richard Kercho / John Ortiz PASTORAL COUNCIL Go To and get information about Our Mass Times, Ministries, and so much more! God dwells in a secret and hidden way in all souls, in their very substance, for if God did not, they could not exist at all. —St. John of the Cross Charles Adams Chairperson Duane Bradley Esteban Caro Christopher Cola Charla Macicek Trevor Pinkerton Stephanie Sullivan Paul Taverna Mike Towns [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] STAFF E-MAILS Bill Oliver, Pastor [email protected] Gary Hilbig, Deacon [email protected] Joseph Blanco, Pastoral Assistant [email protected] David V. Dwigans, Business/Facilities Mgr [email protected] Lupe Padilla, Parish Secretary [email protected] Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist [email protected] Mary Gahr, Music Director and English Mass Choir Director [email protected] Gonzalo Ramos, Spanish Choir [email protected] Jeanenne Hagerman, Bookkeeper [email protected] Dan Schwieterman, DRE [email protected] Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry [email protected] Irene Chavez, RE Admininstrative Assistant [email protected] John Guzman, Hispanic Ministry [email protected] BULLETIN INQUIRIES: [email protected]
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